Immortal Moon

Chapter 24

"Where am I anyways...?"

Aoi sweated nervously while peaking a little bit out of the alley way trying to find anything that could tell her currently location.

It's really annoying how I can't use my mana to cast a teleportation spell while I'm hijacking someone else's body...

And I don't sense any mana inside of this woman's body either that I could possibly use...

Now out of options when it came to trying to use any form of magic she ended up just walking around the area that she was in which looked like it was outside of Tokyo, trying to find out where she was despite the obvious clues that she was in fact outside of the city.

After recognising the architecture of the houses around the area that she was in she was able to figure out where she was and with a awkward face palm she said out loud: "I'm in Kyoto... hahaha... Am I stupid or something...? Who did I not notice sooner... Wow, This is awkward..."

Now that she knows where she currently is her next problem was now how she'll get back to Tokyo where the headquarters of E.I.M.D was, she couldn't just use the money in the wallet of the elven woman since that wouldn't be good...

And since going by foot wasn't gonna be good either since the body hijacking would've ended before she even arrived, she had no choice but to withdraw for now putting her conciousness back into her body and think for a way to get back to Tokyo.

"Aaaaah... Why is Tokyo so far away?! This pisses me off! How am I supposed to call for help?!"

Aoi ranted with her conciousness now back inside her own body.


While the twins' attempt to escape had just failed, Yui was currently on a mission along with Miku...

Their mission this time was to raid a hideout where a group of vampires had been taking human women and sucking all of their blood out of their bodies against their will.

"Looks like they has happened yet..."

Yui looked intently at the door in a dark alley way where the said hideout was reported to be located.

Miku who was wearing a hoodie and jeans to make herself look like a random bystander was told to just stand somewhere near the door in case of something happens...

There were also some trip wires that were placed a few feet from the door which would trigger a talisman that's attached to it to rip in half and produce a sound that only Miku and Yui could hear signaling that someone had either entered or exited the place.

A woman wearing casual-looking clothes with pale skin that looks like snow was spotted a few moments ago by Miku but didn't get close enough to the said trip wire to signal the both of them that she was one of those vampires.
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The door finally opened, a male wearing a black hoodie with the hood up walked through the door with blood still on his chin looking like he had just finished a "meal" inside of the building.

These vampires just never learn...

Yui merely smirked at a man that had just walked out and unknowingly triggering the trip wire that was invisible to the naked eye signaling the duo that the report that they were given was now valid and not a fake...

After Miku surveyed the perimeter, she signaled Yui to finally come down of the roof and begin their raid.

"Looks like the report wasn't a fake after all..."

"Shh, They might her us coming from inside."

Yui promptly stopped Miku from talking as to not alert anyone that they were there.

With a talisman in her hand, Miku threw it high up into the air and it looked like it was a flare gun's round that had been fired when it activated acting as a signal for the other members of the E.I.M.D who were also nearby on stand by to finally move out as well.

The vampires had no idea as to what was about to happen when they suddenly stormed in with spells ready to go off...

There were humans tied up via their necks with chains and some of them had already died from exessive blood loss while others were shouting for help when they noticed that Yui's group had entered the place.

"How disgusting... To imagine that vampires could do something like this..."

Miku just stared in discust at the human blood all over the floor that had already turned black from it just being left there to dry up.

A lot of the vampires just tried to flee, while others tried pouncing on Yui and the others but failed when Akagi erected a barrier that stopped all of them from getting close enough to them to cause any harm.

The fleeing ones were instantly captured by Shumizu who had been ordered to stand by the door in case any of them tried to run off.

"Oh my... What do we have here...?"

A woman stepped out from the shadows wearing a fancy and expensive red dress; the kind that would be a designer's work.

Is she the one in charge?

Yui already prepared to fight, caused a flame to appear in between her and the woman.

The woman didn't as much as flinch when she saw a flame just appearing in thin air continued: "I don't remember inviting you lot here..." A grin that would get anyone mad emerges from her youthful un-aging face.

A group of male vampires suddenly corners the group in a tiny space inside the faintly lit room, they appeared so quick that none of them could even react.


How could I let my guard down, in the middle of a mission a that!

Miku who was already about to hit the woman with a spell that can't hit her now because of how the female vampire's goons are blocking her view.

As she asked, Yui had already knocked out some of the goons around her without much effort at all...

"Did you say something?"

Miku wasn't surprised by what just happened since she had seen Yui do this kind of thing a few times now that she's gotten used to it, but instead feels embarrassed at how she couldn't fire the spell before the said goons got near her.

[To Be Continued...]

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