Immortal Moon

Chapter 25

The goons that were previously taken down by Yui were scattered all over the floor as if they were just mere dolls being thrown around by a mere child without having a care in the word...

Meanwhile the woman who Yui thought was the leader- The silver-haired woman who was the ring leader of this place had just been standing in front of her despite seeing what had just happened to her goons as if she wasn't scared of the outcome.

"Heh. Expected as much, Those guys are as useless as usual... They can't even capture these E.I.M.D agents."

The un-named woman didn't bother introducing herself but instead started running toward the back of the establishment where a fire exit was located, her fast movement startled the girls... Execpt for one of them, Yui who had already told one of her servants to be near that said fire exit in case the target were to try and escape through there.

With the sight of the silver-haired "target" the vampire servant immediatley called in some back up using a flare to signal the other vampires that were in stand by somewhere near the building.

"Let go of me! Aren't you a vampire, too?"

"Yeah, I am and what my master tells me is absolute and it can't be disobeyed."

The "target" demanded and argued as the vampire servant that Yui ordered to be on the look out by the door looked at her with dead-looking eyes not showing any signs of wanting to do what the said woman demanded.

"And that's another one finished... Hideo has really been giving us to much work lately..."

Yui slowly made her way to the back since she already knew that their "target" had already been captured and there was no need to hurry.

They've started to get more work to do despite the protest from Kuro about wanting to start the search for the twins once again.

This ofcourse got Kuro even more annoyed to the point that she started to look for the two herself whenever she had some free time to do so...

As her search continued she slowly found out that they've both been taken outside the area of Tokyo, somewhere she didn't expect...


"Now... Where was the E.I.M.D's building again...?"

Ten slowly walked around the area that was a few blocks near the E.I.M.D building which was her target of interest.

With a map drawn my one of the twins Rika in hand she slowly made her way to the E.I.M.D's HQ where Yui and the others not including Kuro since she was still in the middle of her search are currently resting while they could- while Hideo hasn't given them any further orders other than to remain on stand-by for the time being.

Yui also tried to help with the search but Kuro merely brushed off her help saying that it was her own responsibility to look for the two of them since they were her and her sister's apprentices.

"Hey... Do you know where Kuro went? She always just disappears the moment I stop paying attention to her..."

Shumizu worriedly asked Akagi who was in her room just reading some literature that she brought along with her from her home.

"Hmm? Didn't she go out to search again?"

"What? Again?"

Why... Why does she always disobey when Hideo tells us all to be on stand-by to get some rest?

She sat on the sofa in the living room as she thought some things over since trying to her sister wouldn't really do anything since she isn't gonna listen.

"Are you all right, Shumizu?"

"Yeah, I'm fine... Just a bit annoyed of my sister..."

Was she always stubborn...?

Miku had begun to be curious about how the two sisters were before she met them when she joined the Tokyo branch of Earth's Immortal Management Division, as a new recruit she still has some things that she doesn't know about when it came to the people that were members of the E.I.M.D of the city Tokyo.

The two sisters haven't been getting along that well ever since they got back from the raid because of how Kuro has started to be stubborn and not following orders that Hideo had given their team, little do they know that Kuro was now on her way back from her search with the information about the twins' location with a new found hope and determination.

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With a smile of accomplishment, Kuro quickly teleported to the dorms to save some time since she was a few miles away from the E.I.M.D.

"I'm back--"

"Where have you been?!"

Shumizu who headed to the entrance of dorms when she noticed her own sister's pressence shouted mad about Kuro's stubborn attitude as of late, with her loud voice matching the expression; Kuro couldn't do nor say anything to her because of how suddenly Shumizu had raised her voice which she barely does under any circumstance.

Everyone inside the dorms including Yui heard her voice because of how thin the walls between the rooms were, all of them just ignored it since this was a argument between the two.

But one did head to the entrance where the source of the voice was...

And it was Akagi who was just napping in her own room.

"What happened? Why the sudden shouting?"

"Akagi, I finally know where the twins are!"

Surprised by the news, Shumizu couldn't help but to calm down and forgot about what she was mad about and spoke: "W-Why didn't you say so... You got me all mad without even telling me that first..."

"You didn't let me explain first!"

"So? Where are they?"

The two couldn't believe that she was able to find their location in just a short span of a few days, although she also had to disobey Hideo's orders by a little bit.

[To be continued...]

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