Immortal Mortal

Vol 13 Chapter 823: 0 Fushan and Tianzhu mud

"What is it?" Almost in the silent voice, several people asked at the same time.

Those who can come here, except the Tao Emperor, are the late Emperor, or the Emperor of the Great. Although their level of martial arts is not as strong as it is, no one does not understand the martial arts.

These void lines are obviously a pattern, but they are not in contact. A few people even wondered if Mo Wuji did not mean to say this, and then looked for opportunities to sneak up and kick them out.

Mo Wuyi hesitated and said, "I am not very sure, although I have not seen such things, I feel this seems to be an ancient curse."

The unscrupulous avenue received enlightenment from the memory star, and then began to expand and extend because of his immortal mortal genius, until his martial arts in the tower of the gods came out, his melody changed qualitatively. Later, in the Jianhe River of the Jail Prison, he even realized the void pattern. With his current platoon, as long as he is deducting for a while, he will be able to enter the ninth-level sect.

Because of this, Mo Wuji only confirmed that these void lines are not patterns. Although he did not use the eye, he could vaguely feel the power of a curse in these lines.

"The Taoist is very likely to be true. The Protoss is a very mysterious race. I have heard that the Protoss has a very powerful curse." I just don't know if this magical power is expressed in the void. "The Taoist Emperor of the Haizu nodded and nodded."

He is really feeling that there is no reason to say that the Protoss had had a relationship with the Haizu, and he knew more clearly.

"Jiao brother, are you talking about the big curse?" Nie also thought about it and said immediately.

"Yes, it's a big curse. But the void pattern in this place is a curse, not a curse. It should be a small curse." Jiao said nod.

"Do you have a means of dismissal?" The demon king, Zehong, looked forward to seeing Mo Wuji.

His cultivation has already reached a hundred feet, and it is difficult to further. If you want to go further, you must leave this world.

It is a pity that in the past few years, Cehong has only found that the rules of the heavens and the earth in the outer space of the heavens are slightly higher.

Now the Protoss has a place that may lead to a higher level, and Cehong is the one that does not want to give up.

Don't say that Mo Wuji is not sure to open it here, that is, he is sure to open it, and now he will not open. Here, the Protoss placed a void pattern here through the curse. Who knows what happens after opening? He just wants to see, at least he has to wait until he is satisfied that the Emperor is perfect and can no longer progress.

If it is not a curse, it is just some patterns, no choice or try it.

"My cultivation is limited. If it is a battle, I may try it. I have not touched this kind of curse, and I can't open it here." Mo Wuji said without hesitation.

In the heart of the policy, he raised a kind of loss. He hesitated for a moment. Some people were not willing to say, "If we also pass the blood sacrifice..."

Mo Wuji swiftly glanced at the policy, he knew that he used more than 100,000 people to sacrifice his blood, which is the most inhumane thing in the world. But for these strong people, the lives of others are ants. Don't say more than 100,000 people, that is, people who use a planet to sacrifice, these people may not blink their eyes.

It seems that I feel the unhappiness and unhappiness, and I am amazed by the policy. "I am discussing this with you. When we solve this problem by means of proposal."

Mo Wuji said faintly, "Since I am the lord of heaven, then I will decide this matter. Here I will seal it for a while, and then we will find the means to open it again. As the saying goes, there is no rule, no squareness, three After a month, we gathered in the main government of the Cosmic Corner to discuss the specific regulations on the outer universe."

"I think that Mo Dao is right. I don't know how strong the curse is, but this is something of the ancient Protoss, or it is cautious," Nie said.

"Okay. If this is the case, I will begin to arrange the seal." Mo Wuji did not consult the rest of the people at all, and directly sacrificed the flag to seal the place.

He doesn't know how strong the curse is. He vaguely feels that this place is not a good place. Once it is opened, it is probably not only the extraterrestrial universe.


"No jealousy, have you found that when you sealed the remains of the Protoss, the demon of the Yaozu and the anxiety of the Haizu are somewhat unwilling?" Mo Wuzhi and Yuan Mo left the land after the suspension, Yuan Mo this Said.

Mo Wuji nodded. "I know, but this place may not be a good place. Whether they are happy or not, I will not agree to open it here."

"In fact, the curse line is really likely to lead to the interface of the higher level. If the repair is higher, we can look at it." Yuan Mo said with dignity.

"Yes, I have some things left here. After I finish, I have to do everything I can to find a fairyland..."

Speaking of this, Mo Wuji suddenly remembered one thing, "Yuan Mo, I ask you one thing. If you want to go to a specific low-level interface, is there any special way?"

As you cultivate, the more you want, the more you want to go back to the earth. Maybe Wen Xiaoqi is already dead, and he still wants to see her descendants.

After two generations, he even knew how much Wen Xiaoqi had paid for him and how much hardship he had endured. Even if she can give some compensation to her descendants, Mo Wuyi will be a little comforted.

In addition to Wen Xiaoqi's affairs, he also wants to know what the woman is because of what counts him.

"I don't want to go to the low-level interface?" Yuan Mo asked in confusion.

I have no excuse to say, "Yes, I came here because of a friend, but now I am sure that my friend is not here. And after I finish the fairyland, I will retreat. Wait for my strength. After a certain degree, even if I don't leave the relic of the gods, I will go to the universe."

After a few years, the universe has a large pile of cultivation resources tilted down, and it is very doubtful that it will reach a more advanced interface along the wall of the universe. Now his strength is not enough. When the Emperor is perfect, maybe he can?

As for the Shu Shuyin and Lin Gu, Mo Wuji guessed that they should have not come. If you are in the sky, or in the corner of the universe, you will definitely hear his unscrupulous name.

Yuan Mo’s indifference for a long time said, “The method is not without, it’s just hard. First, by reincarnation, you will pin your own thoughts and then reincarnate to this low-level interface. Generally, you can only live half a pair. Secondly, through the top-level cracker, this method has a drawback. The top-level **** is difficult to get. The second way to go to the low-level interface is to be suppressed by the top heavens. Even if it is the Tao. Treasures that do not resist the suppression of the heavens and the earth will be torn into slag.

Of course, I have heard of the third means. I have heard that after practicing to the extreme, I can ignore the suppression of any interface. It is not clear what I am doing in this extreme. I am definitely not a Taoist. ”

"Where can I get the cracker?" Mo Wuji quickly asked.

He cultivated the immortal mortal, and he did not fear the suppression of the rules of the lower level. Because of any interface, he is also a mortal.

"I have heard of thousands of mountains?" Yuan Xiang asked.

Mo Wuzhi shook his head. "I have never heard of it."

Yuan Mo explained, "Thousands of Fushan are the descendants of the Fu family. They are born for the sake of the genre. All the top symbols are from the Fu. Just don't know why, the Fu has offended a peerless power. The strong directly destroyed the Fuzu, some of the remnants of the Fu family, fled to the Qianfu Mountain, settled in the Qianfu Mountain. The Star Island also frequently traded with the Qianfu Mountain, and exchanged some top Fuxi.

“Where is Qianfu Mountain?” Mo Wuji asked eagerly.

Yuan Mo replied, "I know where the Qianfu Mountain is, but now Qianfu Mountain should have no such top-level cracking. After the Fu family was destroyed, the Fu of the Fu family has already lost a lot. If I want to go, I can take you there."

Mo Wuji said after a moment of silence, "We will return to the cosmic corner first. I will retreat for three months. After my refinery is finished, I will solve the problem of the cosmic horn. I am going to thousands." Fushan can be."

The cosmic horn has just stabilized, Yuan Moe stayed here, and there is still a kind of care for the Terran.

"Grandpa, are you going to resurrect the wilderness with the Scorpio mud?" The shabu-shabu on the side grabbed the opportunity and quickly asked.

"Scorpio mud resurrection?" Mo Wuwu doubted looking at the shabu-shabu, he knows that the shabu-shabu has accepted a lot of new inheritance after entering the seven-level fairy beast, but what is this day?

When I saw the uncle, I didn’t know it. I immediately became proud of it. “Grandfather, the mud is the innate material. This material is not only the best material for restoring the body, but also the finest enamel. Because of this After that, you can absorb the strength of the world and cultivate your own mind."

"Shabu-shabu, you said that the scorpion refining scorpion can absorb the heavens and the earth itself? That is to say that the scorpio refining scorpion can attack the opponent without any spar?" Mo Wuji asked excitedly.

His feelings for the Great Wilderness are very Because of this, he will choose to learn to refine the fairy. With his means of refining the fairy tales, even the fairy priests can be easily refining. However, he still has not begun to restore the great wilderness, that is, he wants to make the great wilderness have his own wisdom as before.

Now, listening to the shabu-shabu said that using the muddy mud to restore the wilderness will not only allow the great wilderness to restore its wisdom, but also cultivate itself. He must get it this day, not for anything else, just for the sake of the wilderness.

"Yes, the uncle must be like this. My inheritance has such innate treasures as Tianmu Mud." The tone of the shabu-shabu is firmly believed.

“Where can I get the mud?” Mo Wufei frowned and began to meditate. He wanted to not post a mission in the cosmic corner. But he has never heard of this thing, does anyone know?

"Grandpa, aren't you having a scorpion mud?" Hearing the unscrupulous words, it was the turn of the shabu-shabu.


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