Immortal Mortal

Vol 13 Chapter 824: Come back

"I have a scorpion mud?" Mo Wuji looked at the shabu-shabu in a puzzled way. According to the shabu-shabu, the scorpion mud is a congenital material. This is the treasure equivalent to the soil. It should be the chaotic mother. How can he have the same level of crystal?

There is a five-line soil on his body, but this thing seems to be a distance of ten thousand miles from the scorpion mud that the pot says. r?anwenw?w?w?. ?r?a?n?w?e?n?a`c?om?

"Grandpa, the bluestone you stayed in is the mud of the sky." The shabu-shabu looked silently and looked at Mo Wuji, it was Yuan Moe here, and the shabu-shabu was not good to say that it stayed next to the immortal world. Block bluestone.

"Which piece of bluestone?" Mo Wuji asked and did not wait for the shabu-shabu to answer. He understood it and immediately grabbed a piece of bluestone from the immortal world. "Hey, what do you say is this stone?"

"Yes, this is the scorpion mud." The simmering pan suddenly felt that the uncle did not seem to be too arrogant, and there are things that I don't know.

"I understand." Mo Wuji said a word.

He really understood, if the shabu-shabu is correct, then this is probably the top of the innate treasure. He is preconceived, thinking that the mud is of course ordinary and muddy. Where can I think that this bluestone is mud?

This bluestone was obtained by him in the lock of the fairy squad. At the beginning, he was counted by Yu Jiang, who was a savage giant in the squad. Yu Jiang asked him to take back this bluestone in a dry lake. In fact, this bluestone was under a fishbone messy fishbone. If he didn't have a spiritual eye, he would be tempted.

After that, he let the Great Wilderness help to take this piece of bluestone back. I didn't expect it to be calculated by the old fox in Yujiang. Fortunately, he saw the plane fast, did not dare to talk to Yu Jiang, the old fox, and left.

It is no wonder that Yujiang wants this bluestone. If Yujiang is a god, this bluestone is a scorpion mud, and the purpose of Yujiang wanting Tianmu mud is obvious.

Mo Wuji sighed. At the beginning, this bluestone was brought back by the Great Wilderness. Now he still uses this bluestone to refine the body for the great sage.

"Yes, shabu-shabu, this time you made a great contribution." Mo Wuji took a picture of the head of the shabu-shabu, so that the three bones on the big mosquito turned into three money.


Mo Wuji returned to the cosmic corner and immediately placed a defensive support outside the Medi Chamber of Commerce and began to retreat.

The support of the cosmic horn was torn, because Mo Wuji had not spoken yet, so no one proposed to re-arrange. Mo Wuji is also the first master of the heavenly universe. The cosmic horn is the center of the heavenly universe. To re-arrange the defensive array, it must go through Mo Wuji.

Under the pool of fairy medulla, which is almost dry, Mo Wuji once again implanted two Xianling veins.

Then carefully took out the somewhat broken simulator spirit, this is the simulator of the great wilderness. At the beginning, he was besieged by three emperors of the Great Emperor, and the great wilderness saved his life with his own life. The only thing he can stay with is this instrumental spirit.

Putting the simulator on one side, I took out the bluestone.

His gods can't infiltrate this bluestone, and now there is some worry about it, and his green heart can melt this bluestone.

Sacrifice the heart of the green, Mo Wuji some awkwardly sent this blue stone into the heart of the green.

The heart of the Qing Dynasty is the nine-level fairy flame. If the heart of the Qing Dynasty cannot melt this bluestone, there is really no other way. Then he can only wait for the future to be strong, then to repair the wilderness.

Only half a column of incense time, Mo Wuji is a sigh. He did not guess wrong, and the heart of the Qing Dynasty could not melt the bluestone. Half a column of incense has passed, and under the burning of the heart of the green, this piece of bluestone has not changed at all.

Scorpio mud is an innate material, maybe only the innate magic weapon can cut this blue stone...

Mo Wuji thought of the innate magic weapon, he thought of his Kunwu sword.

Although his Kunwu sword is only refining the first layer of the ban, the Kunwu sword is also a forerunner. I don't know if the Kunwu sword can cut this bluestone.

Then Wu Shake shook his head, and Kunwujian was able to cut this bluestone and it was useless. Cut the bluestone into two halves and he still can't fix the big waste.

Whether it is useful or not, Mo Wuji still decided to give it a try.

The Kunwu sword was sacrificed by Mo Wuji, and a sword mangling was directly cut to the bluestone.

"Hey!" A faint and unspeakable sound came, and the bluestone became two halves.

So easy? Unscrupulously picked up half of the bluestone, and soon he felt that it was wrong. After the bluestone was cut, it became extremely soft, just like real earth.

Mo Wuji quickly rushed out a few law decisions, and as his law fell on the bluestone, the bluestone began to change.

A strong vitality and clean air to the atmosphere without any impurities, Mo Wuyi heart surprise, he is 100% at this moment to determine that this blue stone is Tianmu mud.

At this time, he does not need a green heart at all. As long as he uses his own thoughts, he can control this day to form a fairy.

Originally, there was no way to engrave a pattern of forbidden lines. After he could control the Scorpio mud, he changed his mind. Before he refining the immortal, it really needed the formation and various bans, but what materials are that? And now he is using the mud. Scorpio mud is a congenital material. If he still uses the means of characterization to refine the fairy scorpion, even if it is refining, it is still a flaw.

He hopes that the great wilderness and the shabu-shabu will become a living creature that can cultivate and advance by himself.

Mo Wuji thought of this, a new kind of enlightenment appeared in his mind. This kind of enlightenment is like the fact that he formed an immortal world at the beginning, and there is a boulevard in which it opens up.

The scorpion mud changed again, slowly forming the original wilderness, and the simulator spirit was also incorporated into the scorpion mud by Mo Wuji.

The difference is that in the wilderness, the body is no longer banned, but more than a line of spiritual and pathological context, more bones and five internal organs, more life...

At the beginning, Mo Wuji still consciously did these things. When it came to the end, Mo Wuji completely integrated the changes of the wilderness through his own Taoism.

Perhaps this is the vast universe, the only one with 108 sects and one hundred and eight sects.

I don't know how long it took, and I opened my eyes. He did not practice at all, but only used the Scorpio mud to restore the wilderness, so that the cultivation climbed to the peak of the early Emperor.

The rhythm of his whole body is more common, as if it is integrated into the whole space.

Sure enough, every road is a avenue, and he is only repairing the wilderness. But he has only harvested this short time, even more than ten years of cultivation.

The Great Wilderness has been restored to the same level as the original, even with a layer of skin on the surface of the wilderness. The only difference is that there is no life in the wilderness.

Unscrupulously raised his hand slowly, and stretched out a finger to point above the eyebrows of the wilderness. A road of vitality, the road to the idea was directly sent to the wilderness by Mo Wuji. As long as he understands, at this moment he all passed on to the Great Wilderness.

With the unscrupulous vitality and the Taoist sentiment, the Tianmu mud suddenly changed dramatically. The spirits and veins in the wilderness had a vitality. A bloodline extended from the eyebrows of the wilderness and slowly nourished the whole body of the great wilderness.

After a full hour, Mo Wuji took back his fingers and his face was pale.

The eyes of the wilderness suddenly opened, and he was staring at the great wasteland with excitement. He wondered if the great wilderness was still the original great wasteland.

"Grandpa, I wasn't shattered by the guys? How come you survived?" The wilderness saw Mo Wuji and immediately cried.

Mo Wuzhi eyes are a little moist, from this moment, the wilderness is no longer a fairy.

"Grandpa, you saved me..." The Great Wilderness soon understood that he felt the simulator spirit in his body. The simulator spirit is slowly blending with his body, and one day, the simulator spirit will disappear without a trace.

"The Great Wild, you are finally back." Mo Wuji said excitedly.

The wilderness suddenly closed his eyes. After an instant, he opened his eyes again. Some unbelievable and looked at Mo Wuji. "Grandpa, do you use my scorpion mud to fuse my body? It is a scorpion mud..."

"Yes, how do you feel?" Mo Wuji was happy, and when he came back, his mood rose again.

"But this is too wasteful, too wasteful..." The wilderness muttered to himself, once his master wanted to be eager for a dragon's eye-sized mud, but now his entire body is repaired by the scorpion mud. .

Mo Wuji smiled and patted the shoulders of the great wilderness. "For me, there is no more muddy mud than you can come back. Let's go out."

"Yes, Grandpa." The ridiculous heart is still excited and excited. His body has just been repaired and is still in the process of integration. These are not important, the important thing is that the uncle actually used a piece of Scorpio mud to repair his body. His greatness was just a slap in the face, and the grandfather did not take him seriously and gave him a freshman.

"Great waste ~ ~ welcome you back." In a retreat, the outside of the law-protecting shabu-shabu ran over. It is very clear that the original big waste is nothing, but with the Scorpio mud to reshape the body's great wilderness, the blood is not worse than his mosquito.

"Thank you for your shabu-shabu." The ridiculous heart is still awkward.

The shabu-shabu snorted. "You are more polite than before. But your strength is much weaker than before. It should be only the realm of Xianzun, hehe."

"I will cultivate, I will soon be stronger than before, and then protect the uncle." The wilderness did not hesitate to say.

He is not lost at all. It turns out that although he is also intelligent, the intelligence is very general. It turns out that his strength will not increase a little, and now the uncle has helped him to rehabilitate the flesh, but he can practice again.

(Today's update is here, friends are good night! Ask for a monthly pass and a referral.)

After the live broadcast of the mixed-race female anchor, I forgot the camera private _ life video was exposed!! Please pay attention to the WeChat public account online: meinvmei222 (long press three seconds copy)! !

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