Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 130 The Death of the Black Dragon

By this time, four high-level cultivators from Zihuai Mountain had arrived one after another.

Even the Purple Mansion cultivators stationed in Jiaohe Square and Tuoshan Square were dispatched, tens of thousands of miles away from Shuangjiao Mountain, to monitor other high-level monsters nearby, so as to prevent them from coming to cause trouble and disturbing the Qingxuan Sect's siege of Shuangjiao Mountain.

In order to take down Shuangjiao Mountain, almost all of the Qingxuan Sect, except for the high-level cultivators guarding the mountain gate, were dispatched. Even Patriarch Jin came to the wilderness to watch the nearest fifth-level monster, the Heaven-Swallowing Toad, so that it would not suddenly run out and hunt the lone Purple Mansion cultivator.

With four Purple Mansion cultivators taking action, and a great master of the Purple Mansion stage like Patriarch Liang, it was enough to defeat the three high-level dragons of Shuangjiao Mountain.

The four of them exerted their strength and soon beat the three high-level dragons in the sky to run around everywhere.

Zhang Zhixuan and others just breathed a sigh of relief. He was about to recover his tense nerves when he suddenly heard a rushing sound in the distance.

Dust was flying high. He looked carefully and found that the low-level monsters from Shuangjiao Mountain had finally caught up.

This army of monsters was already quite large in number. Although it was far less than the chaos of monsters going south every hundred years, it was already very spectacular.

With Zhou Xiangxian's help, Wu Siheng's pressure was relieved a lot. He retreated a few hundred feet and planned to take a break.

Seeing a large group of monsters coming, he immediately shouted to the foundation-building monks below.

"Foundation-building monks of each family, go down quickly to organize people and intercept these monsters separately. Don't let them interfere with us."

Hearing Wu Siheng's order, everyone dropped their flying swords and looked for their own people.

The aftermath of the fierce battle between the purple mansion monks and the dragon had already affected the Qi training monks below. Many Qi training monks were affected by the aftermath of the battle between the high-level monks, causing more than a dozen casualties.

In order to avoid the chaos in the sky and avoid being affected, the Qigong cultivators below had already run far away, and some even ran out of order and became a mess.

Fortunately, the Taicheng County team was at the edge of Zihuai Mountain because of the care of Wu Laozu, and the scope of the impact was not large. Zhang Zhixuan came down to count and found that only two people were injured by the rockfall, and they were not in danger of life for the time being.

Zhang Zhixuan took out two second-level elixirs for treating external injuries from the storage bag and gave them to the two people. Other people in the family also helped to suture their wounds and stop the bleeding.

"Okay, don't be afraid, there are already four Purple Mansion ancestors in the sky, who will definitely kill the dragon.

Our mission is to kill the low-level monsters on the ground and prevent them from causing trouble.

We have fifty people and a third-level formation to rely on. With me as a foundation-building cultivator, we will definitely be able to hunt down many monsters and return home safely.

After hunting down the monsters, we can get trophies, which will make our trip to the Southern Wilderness worthwhile." Seeing that everyone was depressed and frightened, Zhang Zhixuan could only cheer them up first, so as not to panic and die in vain.

The cultivators Zhang Zhixuan brought from Taicheng County were enough for fifty people. Among these fifty cultivators, there were twenty-three in the late stage of Qi training, and three in the ninth level of Qi training.

Each of these twenty-three cultivators in the late stage of Qi training held a formation flag in their hands, and they formed a formation of earth prison gold transformation, turning the soft soil into hard refined iron.

Zhang Zhixuan was not unfamiliar with this formation. Many years ago, they had used this formation in the Southern Wilderness to trap the third-level monster Fire Horn Bull.

And they only had four people at that time, and the power added to the formation was far less than today. Although there was no third-level formation master to control the formation, they were more numerous today. Even if Zhang Zhixuan, a foundation-building cultivator, was not counted, the power of the formation was greater than that of the past.

Low-level monsters did not have much wisdom. When they saw human cultivators, they only had the idea of ​​preying and hunting in their minds, and they recklessly stepped into the range of the formation.

On the front of more than ten miles, these monsters rushed into the vicinity of Zihuai Mountain frantically.

At the same time, on the endless Zihuai Mountain, other families that did not fight with the monsters also formed formations under the leadership of the foundation-building cultivators, walked out of Zihuai Mountain, surrounded the group of monsters from both sides, and prepared to help besiege.

Their foundation-building cultivators also used flying swords to stop a third-level monster to prevent them from breaking through the front line of Zihuai Mountain and causing huge losses.

A shrill scream came from the sky. Zhang Zhixuan looked up and saw a large piece of blood rain falling down. The head of a black dragon had been cut off by a female cultivator in the Purple Mansion period.

This black dragon was entangled with more than 30 foundation-building cultivators for a long time at the beginning, and then the tail was cut off by Liang Patriarch.

It was already seriously injured, and it encountered You Nianwei, who had unparalleled skills and excellent magic weapons. It was no match at all. After a few rounds, You Nianwei seized the opportunity, took away his life fire, and cut off the dragon's head with a sword.

Last time in the Cold Dragon Pond, those casual cultivators were killed and injured because they were fighting for the dragon's blood essence. The green dragon released its inner elixir to fix the soul, causing heavy casualties. Zhang Zhixuan still remembers this experience and lesson.

Zhang Zhixuan's face changed when he found out that his monks were ready to make a move. He shouted sternly: "Anyone who dares to leave the formation and disrupt the formation will be executed on the spot."

An older monk of the Meng generation may think that he is Zhang Zhixuan's elder and wants to sneak out of the formation to collect some dragon blood.

After all, the fourth-level dragon blood is very valuable. For these Qi training monks, a small bottle can be exchanged for 100 spirit stones, which is already a huge amount of resources.

Seeing that this person was so ignorant of the seriousness of the matter and dared to disobey orders after repeated warnings, Zhang Zhixuan shouted: "Fourteenth uncle, if you disobey orders, don't blame your nephew for using your head as a sacrifice."

The golden light sword in his hand flashed, and a golden sword flew out from Zhang Zhixuan's sleeve. The golden sword turned into a spiritual light, and gently turned on the head of fourteenth uncle Zhang Mengchen, and cut off his head.

The flying sword crossed a space of dozens of feet and brought Zhang Mengchen's head to Zhang Zhixuan. Zhang Zhixuan threw the head of fourteenth uncle with a horrified face into the middle of the formation and shouted: "Whoever dares to move, this is an example."

Zhang Zhixuan did not have much contact with fourteenth uncle. Fourteenth uncle's spiritual roots were not good. Because of his age, he had a good relationship with Zhang Zhixuan's father Zhang Mengzhen.

When Zhang Zhixuan lost his parents at a young age, he often visited Zhang Zhixuan.

But compared with the young and mature genius Zhang Zhixuan, they are undoubtedly cultivators from two different worlds.

After discovering that Zhang Zhixuan could take care of himself and gradually showed his talent for cultivation, the uncle who often came to his house when he was young gradually faded out of Zhang Zhixuan's sight.

Even after Zhang Zhixuan established his foundation, he had relatively few contacts with his fourteenth uncle.

If it were normal, Zhang Zhixuan would not use such drastic means, but he knew clearly that the green dragon was difficult to deal with.

If he left his fourteenth uncle alone, everyone in their formation would follow suit one by one, and the formation would be messed up immediately, and then more than one person would be killed or injured.

Zhang Zhixuan had seen this tragic situation once in the Cold Dragon Pond.

If the Black Mountain cultivators had not been blinded by interests and disrupted the formation, the losses that year would not have been so heavy.

How can one family cry instead of all families cry?

If we cannot act decisively, the clan members and vassals will suffer heavy losses, and when we return to Lushan, every family will be in mourning.

Seeing that Zhang Zhixuan killed even his elders without hesitation, the remaining monks who had made unusual moves suddenly became silent, not daring to move out of the formation.

Even the nineteenth uncle Zhang Mengling seemed to meet Zhang Zhixuan for the first time, and looked at him with a bit of fear.

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