Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 754 Gao Xingtong

Among the masters from the Holy King Sect who came to attack, there was a fifth-level Nascent Soul and a second-level Nascent Soul. The two with the strongest magical powers were both stopped by Qingchan.

Although the last person had the third level of Yuanying before, he unfortunately lost his physical body and became the Dharma Body Yuanying. Even if his strength is stronger than Chen Yunfeng, he is only 70 to 80% of his original strength, and his combat power is actually only one level of Yuanying. layer.

Although Zhang Zhixuan is not this person's opponent, he is protected by the Purple Yang Sky Fire Talisman. With this talisman as a deterrent, all three enemies present must be careful and not dare to push him too hard, lest he use the talisman to seriously injure himself.

After Qing Chan's cultivation level broke through to the second level of Yuanying, his magical power and spiritual consciousness are no longer weaker than those of middle-stage Yuanying monks. In addition to his experience in the previous life, he also practiced purple energy magic, which has two major magical powers: purple energy divine light and purple energy mysterious gang. The combat power has exceeded the sixth level of ordinary Nascent Soul.

Even if one is against two, although he is slightly behind, he is still able to control the two of them with ease.

I thought that if the three Nascent Souls attacked, they would be able to capture them easily. Not only would they be able to avenge themselves, they would also be able to take back the sixth-level elixir. Even several sixth-level magic weapons in Qingchan's hands could be snatched away for his own use.

Unexpectedly, Qingchan's method was so tricky. After fighting for a while, Qingchan suddenly used the Confused Dust Cauldron.

Suddenly, a large area of ​​fog appeared within a hundred miles.

Places like Skysplitting Canyon are full of broken space cracks. Once in the fog, movement will be immediately restricted.

The three members of the Holy King Sect hurriedly joined forces and formed three layers of Gang Qi. They did not dare to act rashly, lest they accidentally fall into the space crack.

Although one of the three has practiced eye skills, his eyesight is much sharper than that of his peers.

However, the Mi Chen Cauldron is a sixth-level mid-grade magic weapon. Although its attack power is not as good as Ziyan Ling's, it has many magical special effects. When used in special environments, the effects are very effective.

This cauldron can emit foggy sand, which can seal off the monk's five senses. In the fog, not only is the spiritual consciousness restricted, but even the power of the pupil technique is weakened by 70 to 80%.

In addition, the Misty Cauldron also functions as a sixth-level invisibility talisman. With this magic weapon, the three members of the Holy King Sect could not detect the enemy at all, and fell into a passive situation where they could only be beaten but could not fight back.

In order to crack the effect of the Misty Dust Cauldron, Liu Xuanyan not only activated the Purple Sun Heavenly Fire to wrap all the mist, but also used a sixth-level mid-grade Sky-shaking Talisman to crack the invisibility of the Cauldron.

Even Liu Xuanyan's cultivation level took some effort to crack this cauldron.

The three members of the Holy King Sect wanted to find the enemy in the fog, but they couldn't succeed for a while.

If they were outside the Split Sky Canyon, the three of them could still find ways to escape. After all, the mist released by the Misty Dust Cauldron was only about a hundred miles away. If the Nascent Soul cultivator wanted to escape, there were many ways to escape calmly.

However, in an environment like Split Sky Canyon, where there are space cracks everywhere, the three members of the Holy King Sect simply did not dare to run away without knowing the direction. Once they crashed into a space crack, even if they had become Nascent Soul, they might still die.

The three of them were trapped in the mist and had no choice but to work together to defend. The fifth-level monk of Nascent Soul used a sixth-level defensive talisman to protect the three of them. Coupled with three layers of defensive shields, even if Zhang Zhixuan and his wife had the upper hand, they did not seize the opportunity to kill the enemy.

This battle lasted for more than ten days.

Although Zhang Zhixuan and his wife had the upper hand relying on the magic power of the Mi Chen Cauldron, they still could not solve their opponents as long as they were reluctant to use the Purple Sun Sky Fire Talisman to break the deadlock.

The three Nascent Soul cultivators focused on defense. Even if their opponent was a ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator, it would be difficult to win.

After all, this place is Xiyao Prefecture, which is considered the homeland of the Holy King Sect. They have the inside advantage and can continue to recruit experts.

There are great monks of the ninth level of Yuanying within the Holy King Sect, and there are also spiritual objects left by the Yuanshen monks from their ancestors. Once the sects unified their opinions and regarded Zhang Zhixuan and his wife as their formidable enemies, the two of them would be unable to fight head-on with the Holy King Sect.

Seeing the difficulty of winning, Zhang Zhixuan and his wife were preparing to withdraw. Suddenly, a deep voice came: "Fellow Taoists, let's stop for now. This place is an ancient battlefield, and the space is not stable. There is no room for Yuanying monks to compete wantonly."

A ray of light shot out from a distance, and a tall veteran appeared nearby.

Two rays of golden light emitted from this man's eyes, and the golden light shot into the mist instantly.

The figures of the five fighting men appeared instantly, and when they saw Zhang Zhixuan and his wife, the man's face was startled, and he obviously recognized the two of them.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, let's give it up for now. Once the space is disrupted, causing large-scale collisions of space cracks and destroying the secret realms of various families, countless people will become enemies."

This tall old man is a very famous casual cultivator in Xiyaozhou. He has inherited the Taoism of his predecessors. He only has one hundred years left in his life and has reached the eighth level of Nascent Soul.

The old man's name was Gao Xingtong. He once went into a secret place to explore with Zhang Zhixuan and his wife. However, this man was of better character. Seeing that Zhang Zhixuan and his wife were the first to discover the spiritual objects, they did not rely on their cultivation to rob them. Although the two parties did not have a deep friendship, they also Considered an acquaintance.

Seeing that Qingchan was able to trap the three members of the Holy King Sect with ease, Gao Xingtong secretly thought: "Although he relied on the power of magic weapons, this fellow Daoist Liu's magical power is much stronger than that of ordinary monks. It should be that no external medicine was used on the way to the breakthrough. Since ancient times, there have been very few monks who have been able to survive without external medicine, and even fewer have cultivated to Nascent Soul. No wonder they were able to trap three people from the Holy King Sect with one enemy."

Zhang Zhixuan and Zhang Zhixuan originally planned to retreat. After all, they had been fighting for more than ten days and had consumed most of their magic power. When they heard Gao Xingtong's cry, they simply chose to give up.

Seeing Qingchan put away the Dust Cauldron, the three people from the Holy King Sect turned pale. Not only did they not gain an advantage in this battle, but they also lost a sixth-level defensive talisman.

Moreover, the opponent still had the Purple Sun Sky Fire Talisman in his hand. If they wanted to defeat the opponent, they would have to increase their investment and continue to invite experts from the sect.

Zhang Zhixuan and the others had no big grudge against the Holy King Sect. The root of everything was just a grudge against a Yuanying.

The Holy King Sect was not a sect of this person alone. The spiritual objects left by the Yuanshen Patriarch had to be used at the most critical moment. Seeing that the opponent was a hard bone to chew, the other two Yuanyings who helped also backed down in their hearts. They decided that they would never rashly participate in the next struggle without the certainty of victory.

If they were forced too hard and Zhang Zhixuan sacrificed the Purple Sun Sky Fire Talisman, they might also die.

The relationship between the sect elder and this person was average, and it was impossible to ask the elder to come out for this matter. The failure of this action will inevitably lead to hopelessness of revenge. The Nascent Soul cultivator who suffered a great loss and lost his physical body also accepted this in his heart.

Staring fiercely at Qing Chan who ruined his own path, the three Nascent Souls of the Saint King Sect seemed to be afraid that Qing Chan would regret it, and left the Sky-Splitting Canyon in disgrace.

The three escape lights left and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

After the three people from the Holy King Sect left, Gao Xingtong asked casually, "Why did you and your wife make enemies with the Holy King Sect?"

Zhang Zhixuan explained the whole story and asked, "We have fought with this man three times, but we don't know his name. Can you please tell us, Senior Gao?"

"This man is called Ma Hengkong, the seventh-ranked elder of the Holy King Sect. He has an average relationship with the great elder Qian Gu Zhenren. Li Ziming and Yin Taicheng are his best fellow disciples. After this defeat, this man should not humiliate himself again, but you and your wife should be careful and try not to move around the Holy King Sect to avoid being besieged by the formation.

Although this man cannot mobilize all the resources of the Holy King Sect, he has many disciples under his name. The Ma family is also a big family in the Holy King Sect, so you two should be more or less careful."

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