Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 755 Invitation

"Thank you, Senior Gao, for speaking out!"

"This matter is of no importance. You and I are both casual cultivators. We should take care of each other if something happens." Gao Xingtong took out three communication charms from his storage bag, handed them to Zhang Zhixuan and said, "If there is any emergency, you can use this Three spiritual talismans contact me. You must be careful in everything in the Sky Split Canyon."

Zhang Zhixuan accepted the communication talisman and also left three of his own communication talismans for Gao Xingtong.

After the two parties said goodbye, Zhang Zhixuan and his wife got busy again.

In the past ten years, Zhang Zhixuan and Qing Chan have explored seven or eight secret places, and even though they encountered many dangers, they escaped unscathed.

During this process, more than ten high-level elixirs were also discovered, one of which already had a sixth-level low-grade. During the conflict with the Holy King Sect, Qingchan also took away a sixth-level low-grade magic weapon from Ma Hengkong. This magic weapon is called the Yuehua Orb. It also has a restraining effect on Yang Fire exercises.

Unfortunately, there is still no news about Pure Lotus.

Less than half a year after he separated from Gao Xingtong, this person used the transmission talisman to contact Zhang Zhixuan and Zhang Zhixuan.

There was a transmission mark, and Zhang Zhixuan and his wife quickly found Gao Xingtong.

When they arrived at the temporary cave where Gao Xingtong rented, they found out that there were two other people in the cave.

"I'm sorry for disturbing Daoist Liu's practice, and please don't take offense to the virtuous couple." Upon seeing Zhang Zhixuan and his wife, Gao Xingtong immediately walked out of the cave and greeted them gently.

Zhang Zhixuan hurriedly raised his hands and returned the courtesy: "Senior Gao is too polite."

Gao Xingtong waved his hand and said with a wry smile: "The reason why I bothered Fellow Daoist Liu this time is to deal with a difficult matter. Some time ago, a mysterious frost unicorn worm escaped from a secret realm. This kind of demonic insect spirit It is indestructible to iron and water and fire, causing several fellow Taoists nearby to have a headache.

After thinking about it, I found that the mist released by Fellow Daoist Liu has a strong restraint effect on this kind of monster insect, so I took it upon myself to invite Fellow Daoist Liu to help out. "

The Mysterious Frost One-horned Insect is a terrifying ancient strange insect. Unlike demonic insects such as the East Pole Locust, the Mysterious Frost One-horned Insect is very rare in number, but it has very powerful supernatural powers. When it reaches adulthood, it is no less difficult to deal with than the Yuanying Master. .

"It seems that the number of these strange insects is not small. Otherwise, senior senior doesn't need to look for people everywhere?"

Gao Xingtong nodded and frowned: "Zhang Daoyou guessed it right. There are seven monsters in this group, four of which have grown up and are not weaker than Yuanying. The remaining three are not far away from transformation, and their magical powers are no less than The ninth level of golden elixir.”

"If we were outside the Split Sky Canyon, we could still kill this monster insect. However, the space in the Split Sky Canyon was unstable, and we had to be extremely careful when fighting. Therefore, we could only entrust Daoist Liu to trap the demon insects with mist and attract them. They crash into the space cracks themselves."

The speaker's robes were snow-white, spotless, and his temperament was very pure. Seeing Zhang Zhixuan looking at him, the man smiled and said, "Xue Shiqing, from the Wuyou Sect."

Xue Shiqing's cultivation level is slightly higher than Qingchan's, already at the third level of Yuanying. They all heard Gao Xingtong talk about the rumors about Zhang Zhixuan and his wife, and knew that Zhang Zhixuan and his wife defeated the three Yuanyings of the Holy King Sect. Their cultivation level was not considered high, and none of Gao Xingtong's companions dared to look down upon them.

Even when facing Zhang Zhixuan, a golden elixir monk, he was very polite and showed no airs of senior masters.

Zhang Zhixuan said: "It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Xue of the Wuyou Sect. Our couple stayed in Yunmeng City for five years and have some friendship with Master Long Xia of the Guizong."

Xue Shiqing suddenly realized: "It turns out that Zhang Daoyou and his wife are experts from Qingli Sea."

Zhang Zhixuan shook his head and said: "Actually, we are not from Qingli Sea, but from Nanya Prefecture Ziyang Sect."

"Could it be that these two fellow Taoists came to Split Sky Canyon to purify the lotus?"

"How did Xue Dao guess it?"

Xue Shiqing said: "Fellow Daoist Zhang is not far from Jie Ying. The pure lotus is very useful for monks to overcome the inner demon tribulation. This kind of thing can be seen at a glance.

In fact, part of the reason why several of our major sects sent Nascent Souls to garrison in the Split Sky Canyon is to collect this object. The pure lotus was originally planted in the merit pool of Lotus Temple. After the ancient war, the merit pool disappeared. I don’t know whether it was completely destroyed or hidden in a secret place? We can only continue to explore this canyon, and we need to try our luck to find the pure lotus. "

After listening to Xue Shiqing's explanation, Zhang Zhixuan said with emotion: "Who says it's not the case? My husband and I have been looking for it in Split Sky Canyon for ten years. Unfortunately, we have no luck. We don't know how long it will take to find this thing."

"If we kill the demonic insects this time, we are 70 to 80% sure of finding the pure lotus." Seeing the heated discussion between Zhang Zhixuan and others, the last Nascent Soul twisted his beard and said with a smile.

"Who is this fellow Taoist?"

Gao Xingtong laughed and said: "This is my old friend Jin Yunpeng, who comes from a small sect. This old friend of mine has a very high level of weapon refining skills."

Everyone chatted for a while and immediately began to look for traces of the Xuanshuang One-horned Insect.

Seven Mysterious Frost One-horned Insects were messing around in the Sky-Splitting Canyon, and their traces were soon exposed to everyone.

Monsters like monsters, even if they reach the sixth level, are still relatively stupid in intelligence.

After seeing the human Nascent Soul, this group of demonic insects swarmed up and wanted to devour the Nascent Soul cultivator, easily falling into everyone's trap.

Qingchan sacrificed the Michen Cauldron, and the mist released by the Michen Cauldron was a hundred miles away, trapping the mysterious frost unicorn in it in an instant.

This kind of monster is so stupid that it can't tell the direction and rushes through the fog. It hit a nearby space crack.

The black frost unicorn worm crashed into the space crack fiercely, which immediately triggered a serious chain reaction.

The nearby space cracks were like dominoes, and continuous collisions broke out, and space storms formed instantly.

In just a quarter of an hour, at least thousands of space cracks were affected, and several smaller secret realms nearby were also destroyed in the space storm.

Zhang Zhixuan and his wife fought with the Yuanying of the Saint King Sect three times, intentionally or unintentionally avoiding the space cracks, and did not fight the true fire or use the magical power of risking their lives.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Zhixuan realized the harm of the Yuanying-level fighting here.

It’s a pity that monsters like the black frost unicorn worm cannot communicate. Even though their shells are hard, two immature unicorn worms died on the spot in the space storm.

The remaining five monster insects were also injured and could not beat several Yuanying masters at all.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the five black frost unicorn worms eventually died in the hands of several people.

There are many good things on the Black Frost Unicorn Beetle. In addition to the shell on its back that can be used to refine defensive magic weapons, the horn on its head is also a sixth-level spiritual object that can be used to refine sixth-level detoxification pills, which are very useful for cultivators.

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