Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 764: Refining the fifth-level puppet beast

Although the casualties were not small, the compensation for military merit alone would cost 570,000 spiritual stones. In addition, the rewards for the monks who participated in this battle would also cost about 500,000.

However, compared with the results of this battle, these costs are not worth mentioning.

The sixth-level Heavenly Soul Crystal left by the killing of the Ghost King of Jiliu Mountain is worth more than 1.2 million spiritual stones. The Heavenly Soul Crystals left by the five Jindan-stage ghost cultivators add up to about 800,000 to 900,000. The remaining low-level Heavenly Soul Crystals are worth more than 2 million spiritual stones.

Including unexpected gains such as the Soul-Nourishing Wood, the gains from this battle exceeded 5 million spiritual stones. Excluding the consumption of compensation and rewards, Ziyang Sect also made a lot of money.

When the monks and sects go to war, if they cannot win quickly, the consumption will become extremely terrible. Every day of the war may lose tens or even millions of spiritual stones.

With the protection of the mountain protection formation, the weaker side can fight against more than three times the opponent.

The sixth-level formation-breaking bead not only requires the same-level earth vein bead, but also requires the sixth-level formation master and the sixth-level weapon refiner to work together to refine it. If it is not a powerful sect, it is impossible to have a sixth-level formation-breaking bead.

In order to refine this item, Ziyang Sect not only needs to find a sixth-level earth vein bead, but also needs to train a sixth-level weapon refiner to assist.

Ziyang Sect already has four Yuanying, but still has no idea how to refine the sixth-level formation-breaking bead.

Sects of the level of the Six Sects of Qi State may accumulate thousands of years to occasionally refine one or two.

This kind of spiritual object is often used at the most critical time.

A powerful sect may be able to empty the sect treasury in ten or eight years. Even the ten major sects of the Great Zhou dare not easily bite the hard bone.

Even if the strong enemy is eliminated, it will only kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred of its own, which will be a waste for other competitors.

Unless it is a state overlord like Kunyuan Mountain, there is a Yuanshen period ancestor in the sect who can easily break the enemy's mountain protection formation, and it is capable of destroying countless sects.

With a group of Tianhunjing Ziyang Sect members, they returned to Nanyazhou. Most of the Nether Cave monks who participated in the battle against Jiliu Mountain were also pardoned in advance.

Each of the three Jindan had his sentence reduced by ten years. Tang Fenglan could freely enter and exit the Nether Cave because of this battle.

Ziyang Sect arranged Tang Yisheng to replace Tang Fenglan's vacancy.

Guarding the Nether Cave has very generous merit subsidies.

A Jindan monk is subsidized with 10,000 merits a year. Chen Yunfeng, a Yuanying master, has an annual subsidy of about 30,000 spirit stones.

Yuanying monks do not need to stay in the Nether Cave for a long time. Tianyuan Island has a sixth-level spiritual vein, which is also a good place for cultivation.

There are also a large number of monks on the island to assist her in garrisoning, and the intercontinental teleportation array can also mobilize the sect's masters. Unless the luck is extremely bad, there will be no danger to life. For Chen Yunfeng, not to mention the situation of the sect, just the welfare provided by the sect makes her satisfied.

In the eighty years since the establishment of Ziyang Sect, she has been guarding the Nether Cave for most of the time.

In Ziyang Sect, in addition to the fixed annual salary of 10,000 yuan for Jindan-stage cultivators, those who hold positions in the sect receive additional subsidies every year.

For example, the position of the head of the sect receives an annual subsidy of 50,000 yuan, the two elders who enforce the law and pass on the skills receive 30,000 yuan per year, and the remaining halls and halls receive subsidies ranging from about 3,000 to 5,000 yuan. In addition to these fixed incomes, the Good Merit Pavilion and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will also provide subsidies as appropriate for performing sect tasks.

Tang Yisheng and Sihong, who formed the Dan later, did not catch up with the good times.

When Ziyang Sect was just established, the good positions were already occupied by old Jindan.

They had just formed the Dan, and there was almost no good merit on their bodies. They used the Dan spirit objects twice in a row, and the good merit consumed was basically about 600,000 or 700,000.

Although the Dan was successful, both of them owed a lot of debts.

The Dan did not last long, so it was difficult for them to break through in a short time. It was just right that they could take advantage of the time they were stationed in the Nether Cave to stabilize their cultivation.

The Nether Cave is actually a relatively suitable place for them.

After arranging Tang Yisheng first, Zhang Zhixuan had already agreed with Sihong to take the lead in guarding the gap left by Han Yan more than 20 years later.

After Zhang Zhixuan returned to Nan Yazhou, he would push the sect to formulate sect rules and send the sect's golden elixir to guard in turn. Arranging his own people first as a role model can also convince the remaining golden elixir cultivators.

After returning to Nan Yazhou with a large amount of Tianhun Crystal, Zhang Zhixuan naturally had to improve his weapon refining and puppetry.

His weapon refining skills were already the fifth-level middle grade, but the puppet master level was far from enough.

The reason why his puppetry level was only the third level was mainly because Zhang Zhixuan's time for cultivation was slightly insufficient. Taking into account the alchemy skills made it difficult for him to catch up with Qing Chan, and there was no spare time to take into account the weapon refining and puppetry.

After occupying the Netherworld Eye, the sect monks who are in charge of the Netherworld can also hunt down ghosts of various levels. After hunting down ghosts, the sect will also use good deeds to recover the spoils. In fact, in the past sixty years, the Heavenly Soul Crystals below the fifth level are no longer rare in the sect treasury.

After the ninth level of the Golden Core, there is a period of time that can be used to improve other immortal arts. Moreover, Zhang Zhixuan needs to refine his own magic weapon, and he really needs to increase investment in this aspect.

To refine a puppet, not only do you need to refine some magic weapon parts, but you also need to melt these magic weapons and the Heavenly Soul Crystal together.

The purest divine thoughts in the Heavenly Soul Crystal are integrated into every part of the puppet, so that the puppet can be manipulated freely.

In order to refine a puppet, Zhang Zhixuan not only learned the art of refining, but also learned several spells of melting soul thoughts.

He is now a fifth-level weapon refiner, and it is naturally easy for him to refine fourth-level puppet parts. With enough Heavenly Soul Crystals to practice, Zhang Zhixuan successfully refined a fourth-level puppet on the fourth opportunity, becoming the second fourth-level puppeteer in the sect.

The first fourth-level puppeteer in Ziyang Sect was a purple mansion. This person was named Xiao Tinglou, and was originally a purple mansion in Huanshui Sect.

This person likes to refine puppets very much. Before occupying the Evil Ghost Cave, this person was already a qualified puppeteer. In order to learn the technology of refining puppets, this person invested a lot of resources in learning weapon refining during the foundation-building period.

After more than a hundred years of research, this person's level of refining puppet beasts has made great progress. After Zhang Zhixuan went to Xiyaozhou, he successfully refined a fourth-level puppet beast.

A large number of the sect's mineral veins and sacred mountains need fourth-level puppet beasts to garrison.

After this person's breakthrough, he can be full of fat intestines just by refining the sect's tasks of the Puppet Hall. In just twenty years, this person has refined thirty-one fourth-level puppet beasts, and the benefits brought by his puppet beast refining are about 60,000 to 70,000 good deeds.

With a lot of experience, in just twenty years, Xiao Tinglou has increased his investment in this area and exchanged a large number of jade slips for refining puppet beasts. Not long ago, he has upgraded the puppetry level to the fourth-level upper grade.

Zhang Zhixuan's weapon refining skills are already good. For him, the most difficult step in refining puppets is to integrate the Heavenly Soul Crystal. He continuously exchanges Heavenly Soul Crystals and summarizes his experience step by step. After failing eight times, Zhang Zhixuan refined a fourth-level middle-grade puppet, and this time was only about a year.

After another two years, after failing six times, Zhang Zhixuan successfully refined a fourth-level upper-grade puppet.

After that, his level of refining puppets improved by leaps and bounds. Six years later, after consuming five fifth-level Heavenly Soul Crystals, Zhang Zhixuan finally refined a fifth-level lower-grade puppet.

With this level of puppetry, even in Tiangui Sect and Wanfa Sect, he is already considered an expert in puppet making.

In nine years, Zhang Zhixuan spent 1.2 million merits on puppet making.

For a cultivator in the Jindan stage, it is simply unbearable to spend merits like this.

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