Zhang Ba also smiled to see such an interesting scene: "Sir, I'm standing here. I see how you come here. If you have the ability, you..."

In the yard, there was a flash of white light, and Zhang BA's body flew out to the outside of the yard.

Look at the place where Zhang Ba is, Han Bin is standing there.

The people around are confused. Those thugs look at me and I look at you. Their eyes are full of panic. They didn't see how Han Bin appeared just now. A moment later, the thugs exclaimed, ran out of the yard and helped Zhang Ba up. Zhang BA's mouth was full of blood and most of his teeth fell out. That woke him up and quickly asked his men to help him to Han Bin.

Han Tianhe was stunned just now, but he saw Zhang Ba coming again. He hurried to his son, protected him behind him, raised his hoe and said to Zhang Ba, "if you want to move my son, pass me first... I... You, what are you doing?" before he finished, he saw Zhang Ba kneeling down and kowtowing: "Elder brother, I have no eyes. Please go around me!"

Seeing that Han Tianhe didn't answer, Zhang Ba clenched his teeth and said to the thugs around him, "what are you still doing there? Kneel down for me..." he said. He took out a stack of silver tickets from his arms, handed them to Han Tianhe, and begged: "brother, uncle, uncle, I beg you to let me go! This money is my filial piety to you."

Han Tianhe didn't answer, but completely confused the scene in front of him. He turned to look at his son and said, "bin'er, what's going on?"

Wang Xiujuan seemed to understand something, but she couldn't be sure. She went to her son and said, "bin'er, aren't you?"

Han Bin nodded and said to Zhang Ba, "did you see it just now? Do you want me to give you two more?"

Just now, Zhang BA's foot killed half of Zhang BA's life. Listening to Han Bin, Zhang Ba shook his head like a rattle and said, "immortal, I have no eyes, I deserve to die..." he slapped several times on his face. Every time, he used all his strength, slapped down a few times, and blood red palm prints appeared on his face.

Han Bin coughed softly and looked like a fairy. He said in a deep voice, "I can regard today's incident as never happened. I can also help him pay back the money my parents owe you, but everything should be completed according to the agreement. Isn't the agreement half a year? You can take the money from my family after half a year."

Zhang BA was stunned and nodded, "yes, yes..." after that, he thought he was wrong. He quickly changed his mind and said, "immortal, you don't have to pay back the money. These are also for you. I'll treat you as filial piety." he quickly handed the money to Han Bin and said in his heart, "I hope he doesn't care, or he'll die." His back is wet with sweat. If the immortal really wants to kill him, it won't work even if he says that there is an uncle who is the city master.

Han Bin glanced at the silver note and said, "this money..."

Zhang Ba thought he said there was little money, so he hurriedly said, "when I go back, I'll send some more."

Han Bin took the money and bullied Zhang: "don't send it. I won't investigate today. If you dare to talk nonsense and make my parents can't live as quietly as before, then..."

Zhang Ba nodded and said, "immortal, I won't talk nonsense."

"Go away!" Han Bin snorted coldly, turned to his parents and said, "Mom and Dad, let's go to the room and say."

After the three sat down, Han Tianhe and Wang Xiujuan didn't know their son. They couldn't see that their son was an immortal.

Han Tianhe said, "bin'er, are you really an immortal?"

"Reluctantly!" Han Bin smiled bitterly. What immortal is he? At most, he is one of the servants of the immortal.

Hearing his son admit, Han Tianhe still couldn't accept it. The scene just now was like a dream and said slowly, "how did you become an immortal?"

Han Bin simply said what happened during this period, and many of them have been modified. For example, what happened in uncle's house and the test of immortal, he just said it lightly. After that, Han Bin summarized a sentence and said to his parents, "Mom and Dad, those things have passed, and your son is an immortal now."

Although they were confused, they believed their son's words. If his son was not an immortal, it was impossible to kick each other away in the blink of an eye. Han Tianhe looked at his son and became more and more satisfied. He was gratified and said, "I didn't expect that my Han family could produce an immortal. If your grandparents were still alive, they would be very happy." at this point, a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes.

Han Bin doesn't have a deep memory of his grandparents. He only knows that they were killed.

Seeing her husband's guilty eyes, Wang Xiujuan couldn't help saying, "my child, his father, I can't blame you at the beginning. We can't afford to offend those people."

From his mother's words, Han Bin vaguely understood the cause of death of his grandparents and asked, "Dad, who killed his grandparents?"

If it had been in the past, Han Tianhe would not have said it. Now his son is an immortal. Flying into the earth is omnipotent. He felt he should say this knot, so he said, "there is a green dragon Gang thirty miles away. Your grandparents were killed alive by the second leader of the gang."

Han Bin clenched his fist and said to his father, "Dad, don't worry. Before long, the green dragon gang will disappear from the world."

Hearing his son's words, Han Tianhe felt warm and said solemnly in shorthand: "son, listen, you are the only hope of our family now. Don't be too impulsive. Although the hatred of grandparents is important, it's not this time. There are immortals in the Qinglong gang. When you have the ability to revenge, you can find them. More than ten years have passed, and it's not bad for these days."

In the past, cultivating immortals was to make parents live a good life and no longer be looked down upon by others, but now it is the same. Han Bin had the purpose of cultivating immortals for the first time. Some things must be done. It can only be carried out after reaching a certain level of cultivation. Looking at the expectant eyes of his parents, Han Bin's determination to fix the immortal became more firm.

Han Bin stayed at home for two days and left the third night.

The moonlight is like water, with clear brightness. The bright moonlight shines on Han Bin and emits hazy white light. His body is like an arrow leaving the string and goes straight to tianmingzong. On the way, Han Bin was thirsty. He came to a small lake and bent down. He just wanted to take a few drinks from the lake. He only heard a jingle, and a white stone slipped from his pocket.

Seeing that the heavenly seal fell, Han Bin didn't even think about it, so he had to pick it up. At the moment when the finger touched the jade seal, an incredible scene appeared. The energy in his body rushed to the heavenly seal at an amazing speed. When Han Bin reacted and wanted to move his fingers, his body seemed to be out of control and couldn't move for half a minute.

The absorption rate of the heavenly seal was faster and faster. Han Bin's body could not bear the crazy operation of this energy, and his head sank and fainted.

In the early morning of winter, it is foggy between heaven and earth, and the ground is covered with a light layer of frost.

Beside the lake, Han Bin opened his eyes. His first reaction was to look around. It was quiet and there was nothing. Han Bin breathed a sigh of relief. He was in the barren mountains. If a beast came, his life would be gone. Remembering what had happened before the coma, Han Bin felt tight and hurriedly looked around. The heavenly seal lay quietly by the lake without any change.

Han Bin frowned and kept thinking about the reason. Suddenly, he thought something and looked at his wrist with a spell. There are no spells there, only black powder after the spell burns. The spell will burn only after the spiritual power is consumed. Even if it's full, the spell hasn't been used for three days. How can the spiritual power be finished?

The heavenly seal must be the heavenly seal. Before the coma, all the spiritual power in the body was forcibly absorbed by the Tiandao jade seal, but why did the Tiandao jade seal absorb those energy? Han Bin picked up the heavenly jade seal and carefully smacked it. He didn't find any abnormality. At this time, the first sunshine in the morning shone on the heaven and earth, and the surrounding fog fainted. At the same time, a spirit came out of the ground and echoed between heaven and earth.

Han Bin knows that every morning, the aura between heaven and earth is the strongest, and when the first sunlight shines in the morning, the aura can be described as the best time of the day. Feeling the aura in the air, Han Bin hurriedly chose a hidden place, sat cross legged on the ground and entered the cultivation. This time, as soon as he settled down, he sensed that the surrounding spiritual power was pouring wildly around him. Han Bin was happy and accelerated the speed of tuina. After several times of exhalation, there was no aura in the body. It seemed that those auras did not enter the body, but went to the arms.

"What's the matter?" Han Bin woke up from his practice and looked into his arms while sensing the direction of the surge of aura.

At this look, Han Bin widened his eyes, because he had nothing in his arms except the heavenly seal. Are all these auras directed at the jade seal of heaven. In that case, why didn't you have such a vision when practicing before? Last night, the heavenly jade seal absorbed the spiritual power in the spell. This phenomenon appears today. Is it difficult that after the heavenly jade seal absorbed the spiritual power, one of its functions was turned on?

The more Han Bin thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. He was more sure that the heavenly seal was a great treasure. But no matter how good the baby is, it's useless if it can't be used for itself. Han Bin was not in the mood to continue his cultivation. He simply studied the jade seal of heaven. Since the heavenly jade seal can absorb the aura, what will it do after absorbing the aura? Is it difficult that it will also cultivate and become an immortal like human beings.

"No, it's impossible!" Han Bin denied the idea. If so, why didn't there be such a sign before? It happened when he practiced. Suddenly, an aura flashed in Han Bin's mind. The idea startled him, "is the heavenly seal going to help me cultivate?"

"Unfortunately, this guy can't speak. If only he could tell me what he's thinking." Han Bin continued to think with his chin dragging while playing with the heavenly seal. He didn't believe it and couldn't understand what this guy wanted to do in the end? After thinking for a moment, he didn't come up with the result. He rushed into the heaven crazily, and the aura of the raid weakened slowly, and finally disappeared.

Han Bin picked his eyebrows and hurriedly continued his cultivation. Almost as soon as he settled down, his aura and madness appeared in the jade seal of heaven.

Seeing this result, Han Bin was excited. His idea just now was completely right. This guy usually doesn't absorb Reiki. This exception will happen only when he practices himself. What we need to do now is to use the aura absorbed in the heavenly jade seal for ourselves. Han Bin took the heavenly jade seal in his hand and tried to cultivate it. As a result, he practiced for a long time, but there was still no difference. No aura in the jade seal entered his body.

"Maybe the method just now is wrong. The condensed aura is completed by exhaling, and it is impossible to absorb it through physical contact." Han Bin thought of this layer, hurriedly held up the seal, put it in front of his nostrils and sucked it hard. The strength of this suction was so great that he choked him and coughed heavily before he calmed down.

However, while he was breathing slowly, Han Bin felt a tingling feeling in his body, such as ten thousand ants biting. There are clear records on the paper given by Tang Xiaofeng. If the body can sense the feeling of crispness, it means that there is a trace of aura in the body. In that way, even if you get started, you can continue to practice. After storing a certain aura, you can try to start the first layer of Qi practice according to the law.

When Han Bin thought of this, he was stunned and said in surprise: "it's so magical. One breath can make his body have Reiki?" you know, he has practiced for more than a month, and he has made his body have a little Reiki. One breath is complete. All this happened so fast that he has an unreal feeling.

The feeling of ant biting continued. Han Bin pinched hard on his thigh again. When he felt the pain, he determined that this was not a dream. Since it's not a dream, go on! Han Bin wants to see how much surprise this heavenly seal can give him. Close your eyes and enter the cultivation again. According to the method of Tuina, absorb the air in front of you again and again.

The aura circulates itself when it enters the body, and the feeling of ants biting is becoming stronger and stronger.

Han Bin seemed to forget everything and devoted himself to cultivation. Time passed slowly. When the sun completely shone on the ground, Han Bin woke up from his practice. After waking up, I feel that my body is so comfortable. I can no longer feel the cold in winter. My body is like an energy body. A stream of aura circulates slowly in the meridians, blocking out the cold around me.

If you practice at this speed, you can reach the first level of Qi training period in a short time.

At this moment, Han Bin had the confidence to practice, but the next second, it faded again. It's ok if you don't meet an inner disciple chasing Tang Xiaofeng for something, but you'll think differently. Han Bin can be sure that the monastic world is also a world of the jungle. Like the mortal world, there will be killing and looting, even more obvious than the mortal world. People's desires are infinite, especially in the world of cultivation. In front of those who don't want to have profound cultivation and live the same life as heaven, human conscience will become much darker and even disappear.

We must put away the heavenly jade seal and not be seen by others, otherwise it may lead to murder.

Han Bin thought of this, put the heavenly seal in his underwear pocket, looked at the direction, and ran to ask tianmingzong.

Without the wind talisman, you can only walk. Fortunately, this place is not far from tianmingzong. You can reach it after walking for half a day.

When they came to the foot of the sect, the disciples of the two guards were stunned when they saw Han Bin. One of them said, "are you a peripheral disciple?" he had been a peripheral disciple for several years, and it was the first time he saw someone walking up the mountain. There are thousands of peripheral disciples, most of whom don't know each other. It's not surprising that they don't know Han Bin.

Han Bin took out the wooden card symbolizing his identity from his pocket, shook it in front of the two people and said, "elder martial brother, when he went home to visit his relatives, he used it too carefully and used up the spiritual power in the Yufeng charm."

After hearing this, they couldn't help laughing and said to Han Bin, "go in!" they can accept Han Bin's statement. After all, it's not easy to go home once. Who doesn't want to show off in front of relatives and friends!

After returning to the outer courtyard, Han Bin became more careful in practice. Every morning, he left the room and took the excuse to collect medicine on the mountain.

On this day, Han Bin was about to go out at dawn. Xie Hu suddenly shouted, "Han Bin, wait a minute."

Han Bin's body tightened. This guy was still sleeping. How did he wake up? He turned and said, "Xie Hu, what's the matter?"

Xie Hu put on his coat, waved to Han Bin, motioned him to come to him, and then solemnly asked, "Han Bin, do you think I'm a brother?"

During this time, Xie Hu has been taking good care of him. Han Bin has long regarded him as a friend. He didn't think about it, so he said, "of course."

Xie Hu was very satisfied with this answer and said, "Han Bin, you are mysterious these days. You go out early in the morning. What are you doing?"

Han Bin's heart tightened, but there was no change on his face. He replied, "Xie Hu, you know it's difficult to collect herbs. The herbs around him are almost collected by everyone. If you don't get up early, I'm afraid I don't have food to eat." it's reasonable to say that the younger brothers who collect herbs in the outer courtyard get up earlier than ordinary people, but they won't get up as early as Han Bin at dawn.

After that, Han Bin saw Xie Hu looking at him strangely, his face changed slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Xie Hu, I think you are a brother, why don't you believe me?" since the other party doesn't believe it, he can only pretend to be angry. Han Bin liked to listen to books when he was a child and understood more about human nature than children of his age.

Xie Hu waved his hand and said, "Han Bin, since you don't want to say, I won't ask, but..." at this point, he paused, quickly walked to the door, opened the door and looked at it, suddenly locked the door, and then closed the window. Then, he came to Han Bin's face. Mysteriously, he took out a piece of slightly yellow paper from under the quilt and handed it to Han Bin and said, "have a look."

Han Bin took the paper and just looked at the first line of words. He widened his eyes and said in surprise, "Xie Hu, where did you get it?"

Xie Hu smiled and said to Han Bin, "be surprised!"

Han Bin was as like as two peas. He was just surprised by what he saw to him. Tang Xiaofeng was just like him.

"I tell you, you must not tell others." Xie Hu said in a low voice when he saw Han Bin nodding. "I've been here for a few months, and I've done all the relationships with peripheral disciples. Only then can I understand one thing. The so-called opportunity is not really to cultivate immortality after working here for three years. There's a simpler way."

"A simpler way?" Han Bin couldn't tell Xie Hu his secret, but pretended he didn't know anything. "How did you get this?"

Xie Hu breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "of course, it depends. When I came, I brought a lot of silver tickets, which were all used on them. I bought it from a registered disciple."

Han Bin widened his eyes and said in surprise, "can I buy this thing?"

Seeing Han Bin's look of disbelief, Xie Hu was a little worried and said, "don't believe it. It's not easy to get this thing. First, it can only be sold to peripheral disciples. If it is sold to the world, it will be a capital crime." speaking of this, he saw Han listening carefully and continued: "Second, although the Empire paid for the old-age pension for our peripheral disciples, the money was nothing compared with the inner disciples. We could only barely get enough food and clothing, and the treatment of registered disciples was the same. Therefore, many of our peripheral disciples wanted to get some money to send home, which formed an unwritten rule. As long as we could afford money, we could buy cultivation methods. Of course, it was a chance In general, it is not effective for new disciples. Only those who have been here for several years can have this opportunity. Think about it, those disciples have been here for so many years. As long as they insist on completing the task, they have the opportunity to get cultivation methods. Instead, they might as well earn some extra money! "

When Han Bin heard this, he finally understood and said, "after zongnei knows this, won't he be investigated?"

Xie Hu waved his hand and said: "What to pursue? As long as we don't spread the cultivation methods, everyone knows that our peripheral disciples have poor talent and can't get a clue even if we get the cultivation methods. Moreover, the elders secretly support this. They will patrol among the peripheral disciples every three years to see if there are any disciples who have reached the Qi cultivation period. If there are any, they will break the rules Ge becomes a registered disciple, or is favored by an elder and directly becomes a formal disciple. "

It doesn't matter to others, but it's a great surprise to Han Bin. I didn't expect such a good thing. However, in that case, why did Tang Xiaofeng get mysterious at the beginning? He really didn't know the situation, or didn't want to say it, so that he felt he owed him a great favor? Anyway, Tang Xiaofeng helped himself, and Han Bin was not that kind of memory Those who hate will not be in their hearts as long as they do not go out of line.

When Xie Hu finished, Han Bin asked, "have you practiced?"

Xie Hu nodded and said sadly, "after practicing for a while yesterday morning, I didn't have any spiritual power in my body. I really don't know when to practice." he looked at Han Bin and said in a calm voice: "Han Bin, I think you are a brother. You can also take a closer look and remember the cultivation methods and decisions." He did treat Han Bin as a brother. Otherwise, don't show Han Bin such an important thing. It's impossible to take it out.

Han Bin was moved for a while, hesitated and said, "Xie Hu, this thing is so important that you should..."

Xie Hu said with a smile, "what's important? It's just a piece of broken paper. I'll write a few more later and take them out to sell money."

Han Bin smiled bitterly without affectation. He took the cultivation method from Xie Hu and looked at it carefully. Although he had known what was written on it, Han Bin still looked at it carefully and knew whether Tang Xiaofeng had tampered with the paper. Of course, another important purpose is to make Xie Hu believe that he had not seen it before. Although it is a private transaction The door will not blame, but if you give others cultivation methods in private, God knows whether you will be investigated after the incident.

After reading it, Han Bin took a deep breath and said, "it's so profound."

Xie Hu nodded approvingly and said, "I was confused when I first saw it, especially the way of tuina. I feel uncomfortable.

At first, in order to adapt to this awkward breathing method, Han Bin insisted for a long time to master it. Seeing Xie Hu's depressed face, he smiled and said, "Xie Hu, believe in yourself. Aren't we here just to cultivate immortals? Now that we have the opportunity to cultivate immortals, we must cherish it. It's uncertain that we can become formal disciples in three years?"

Xie Hu also knew his talent and said with a bitter smile, "even if we are formal disciples, it will be an eye opener if we can become registered disciples." he paused and continued: "it is said that those with good qualifications can master Tuina in a few days and reach the first level of Qi training period in a month. I thought it would be good if we could get started in ten years."

After having the heavenly jade seal, Han Bin said confidently, "maybe not so long." Xie Hu can share the cultivation method with him, but he can't take out the heavenly jade seal. It can gather spiritual power and be absorbed by practitioners after conversion. Such things against the sky are known by outsiders, and the consequences are unimaginable.

"Xie Hu, I'm sorry, I can't help you now." seeing Xie Hu's lack of confidence, Han Bin said secretly in his heart.

Xie Hu didn't know what Han Bin was thinking. He smiled and said, "well, let's go out to practice! By the way, don't practice in someone's place. Although it doesn't violate Zonggui, it's illegal to say it in private. As long as there's no chaos, no one will investigate it." then he patted his chest with righteousness and said: "Brother, if something really happens, tell others. I gave it to you."

Hearing this, Han Bin was completely moved, which was called brother. Although he promised Xie Hu, he didn't think so in his heart. If something really happened, he would never implicate Xie Hu.

When they left the room, they went up the mountain. Han Bin walked all the way north. Through the morning fog, we could vaguely see that many disciples ran up the mountain quickly. It was not like this before. At that time, they thought that these people got up so early and had other things. Now they understand that they, like themselves, are going to practice.

After walking more than three miles, Han Bin chose a remote valley, took out the heavenly seal and entered the cultivation.

The heavenly jade seal can not only condense the aura, but also remove the excess impurities in the aura and convert them into the purest aura. When Han Bin cultivates, he only needs to put the heavenly jade seal in front of his nose and spit it out. Because the aura is pure, he doesn't need to run in the body and repel impurities. As long as he converts the aura into aura and circulates in the body according to the cultivation route Yes.

In this way, not only the time for refining Reiki is saved, but also the cultivation speed is accelerated.

Time passed quickly, and more than half a month passed in the twinkling of an eye. For the past half a month, Han Bin insisted on practicing for three hours every morning. Although the time was short, the effect was very significant. The aura in his body had reached a saturated state and could not absorb half a minute anyway. Zhang Xiaofeng also mentioned this situation on his paper. This is the peak of entry, as long as it works secretly Dharma, open the second level of cultivation method, and you can continue to absorb Reiki.

Han Bin tried to open it countless times, even in bed, and never succeeded. He understood that this was a factor of talent. People with good talent could succeed at one time. People with bad talent could succeed a hundred times, a thousand times, or even never.

Outside the room, cheers continued to come. Han Bin knew that the new year was coming. Although monks wanted to abandon miscellaneous thoughts and practice at ease, peripheral disciples like them could not be called monks at all, and there were no strict requirements in the sect. Although they could not set off firecrackers and stick couplets like ordinary people during the new year, it was allowed to drink and eat meat and have a lively time. After all, it was just like this one year Once.

When the door opened, Xie Hu broke in with a pot of wine in his hand. He staggered to Han Bin and said, "brother, why don't you go out for a few drinks? If you don't have money, I can help you out." he said, patting his chest with righteousness.

Drinking during the Chinese New Year is not free. The sect is not so generous. There are only two ways to drink. One is to go down the mountain to buy it back from the city dozens of miles away, and the other is to buy it from others. There are two ways to buy wine from others, one is to pay double money, and the other is to exchange it with the Yufeng charm. Those disciples who have been to Tianming sect for many years often borrow a lot of Yufeng charms He cheated some spells in his hand for the reason of going home to visit his relatives. Although these spells can't be sold to the outside world, they can also be used as money in the clan, and they are also very valuable. Some peripheral disciples specially save spells and have a big meal when the new year comes.

Hearing Xie Hu's words, Han Bin smiled and said, "no, I'll practice for a while." He didn't like the excitement since he was a child. Besides, it seemed very happy, but it was actually with a touch of sadness. Because of his talent, the peripheral disciples couldn't become immortals. Everyone had some grievances in their hearts. These grievances could only be alleviated by drinking, and drinking only once a year. Except for female disciples, almost all the peripheral disciples would choose to get drunk on this day 。

Xie Hu picked up the wine pot, took a big drink and said to Han Bin, "brother, don't fix what you fix. You can't fix it in the morning. What can you fix in the evening?" he said, handed the wine gourd to Han Bin and said in a loud voice: "listen to me, we're not drunk today, no..." With a slap, the wine pot fell to the ground and the whole man fell straight to the ground.

Han Bin smiled bitterly. Knowing that he was drunk, he helped him to the bed. He just wanted to continue his cultivation, but he remembered something and quickly closed the doors and windows. Then Han Bin came to Xie Hu's bed, took out the heavenly seal from his arms and put it on his nose. He secretly said, "brother, there's so much I can help. Whether you can get started depends on your nature." Because the cultivation has reached the bottleneck, the heavenly jade seal has not been used in cultivation these days. There is a lot of aura stored in the jade seal. As long as Han Bin operates the aura in his body, the jade seal can emit a lot of aura. This method of releasing aura is mastered only after he has the aura in his body.

The aura emanated from the seal of heaven and was absorbed by Xie Hu. Han Bin was afraid that the aura was too little to let him enter the school, so he released it in large quantities. After all, Xie Hu was not in the process of cultivation. God knew whether these auras could be preserved after they entered his body. When Han Bin released the aura, he forgot a problem. The aura was as empty as air, so he didn't turn it off Doors and windows can keep the aura from emanating.

This problem was not discovered by Han Bin first, but by a disciple passing through the door. The disciple was drunk. Because he had practiced in ordinary days, he was more sensitive to Reiki than ordinary people. The aura in the room was so strong that it floated out of the crack in the door. Even if he was drunk, he knew that if he breathed it out for a while, he would be able to get started. He quickly threw away the wine gourd in his hand and sat cross legged.

Just then, a disciple nearby shouted, "Wang Fei, what are you doing there? Come and have a drink."

Wang Fei waved his hand and said drunk, "no, I won't go... I, I want to practice."

As soon as he said this, the disciples around him were stunned. You know, cultivation is a hidden thing. How can he say it! Therefore, several disciples who had also practiced ran to Wang Fei and wanted to help him into the room while saying that he had drunk too much and talked in his sleep. But just when they came to Han Bin's house, they also felt a pure aura emanating from the crack of the door. Their faint consciousness suddenly woke up, looked at each other, and sat cross legged at the same time.

Han Bin listened to the voice outside the room clearly. In the twinkling of an eye, he understood that something important had happened and quickly received the heavenly seal in his arms. Now that this has happened, we can't hide it. We must find a solution. Han Bin's eyes fell on the wine gourd on the ground. He had an idea. He opened the window first, then picked up the wine gourd and drank a few gulps.

Han Bin drank for the first time when he was so old. Just now he drank too much at one breath. He suddenly felt top heavy and his consciousness was gradually blurred. He vaguely heard someone knocking outside the room.

Sun Yuangang was also attracted by this. He is a registered disciple and has absolute rights in the outer court. When he found the aura emanating from Han Bin's room, he hurriedly knocked on the door. Seeing that there was no response in the room, he asked someone to knock the room open. After the door opened, a strong aura came to their faces. Everyone was stunned and wanted to know what happened in the room.

Sun Yuangang looked at Han Bin, who was drunk on the ground, and Xie Hu, who was lying in bed. He was puzzled. This matter was so important that he couldn't pay attention and let people watch them. He ran to the door all night and reported it to the elder.

The next morning, when Han Bin and Xie Hu woke up, they found that they were not in the room, but in the guest room of the miscellaneous office.

In addition to sun Yuangang, there is a man in red in the guest room. The man was in his forties, with an ordinary appearance and a huge momentum. This momentum is the same as the old man in red. He is obviously a friar in the foundation period and an elder of Tianming sect. When the man in red saw them wake up, he said to President sun, "the rich aura came out of their room last night?"

Sun Yuangang nodded and bowed and said, "elder Wei, it's them. The disciples dare not hide a trace."

The old man in red is named Wei Peng. Although he is an elder, his cultivation is the weakest among the elders. His only hobby is bragging. Of course, this boasting is also to select people. The elders know his cultivation and temperament and dare not blow too much in front of them. But once they meet the disciples in the Qi training period, it is time for him to show his skills. In a word, it can be described. He boasted, but it was dark, the sun and the moon were dim.

Wei Peng's eyes swept over them and asked sun Yuangang, "do you think they can make such a pure aura?"

Last night, the elder of the inner door told the leader when he learned about it.

Although the leader Mingyuan immortal gathered many elders for discussion, he didn't put it in his heart. He just felt a little strange. The strange changes in the place of Yin corpse disappeared overnight, and there was pure aura again. Many people linked the two things together and wanted to find out. Of course, some people think that foreign disciples drink too much and don't have a clear head. It's big and small. If you don't investigate and deal with anything, you won't say it in vain, and you'll delay your cultivation time.

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