Finally, the leader decided to let Wei Peng investigate the matter. First, Wei Peng doesn't like practice most. He wanders around the door all day. When he meets the Qi training period, his disciples boast. Second, for showing off in front of the disciples during the Qi training period, this is also what Wei Peng likes to do most. Seeing the opportunity to boast about himself, Wei Peng didn't think about it, so he came with sun Yuangang all night.

After coming, Wei Peng was depressed. There was no aura in the room. He was unwilling to wait all night. The same was true. After thinking about it, Wei Peng finally decided to ask the two people alone. Of course, when he took them to the utility room, Wei Peng boasted in front of the peripheral disciples about his talent and how fast he practiced. Don't say, these words can still work for the surrounding disciples. Many people show a look of worship after listening to them. Wei Peng wanted this effect. He felt good about himself and boasted for a while before he came to the utility room. As soon as his front foot arrived, Han Bin and Xie Hu woke up, followed by the scene just happened.

Sun Yuangang was depressed for a while and said, "ask me, who am I going to?" he thought so, but said: "elder Wei, they are just peripheral disciples who have just started. How can they make such a strong aura? I think it's strange. Maybe they have some treasure." when he said this, he saw that Wei Peng didn't interrupt and continued: "There are not ten thousand but eight thousand houses where the peripheral disciples live. Why does the aura flow out of their rooms?"

After listening, Wei Peng nodded and pretended to be deep and said, "what you said is reasonable. I haven't practiced in vain in recent years."

Sun Yuangang smiled and complimented, "it's the blessing of elder Wei." he has been in the sect for so many years, and there is no reason to get into this position. He deeply understands what to say when he sees someone. This is somewhat similar to Han Tianlong. They both love flattering, and the horses are very good.

Wei Peng likes to brag. He also likes to hear others pat his horse. He said, "it's really strange. Go down first and I'll interrogate it."

After sun Yuangang said goodbye, Wei Peng asked them, "what are your two names?"

"Han Bin."

"Xie Hu."

When Wei Peng heard this, he pinched the Dharma and suddenly gave off a huge breath. When there was no wind, his clothes rolled up and looked like a powerful immortal. A moment later, Wei Peng saw a look of surprise in the eyes of the two people. He knew that the Taoist art had worked and said to the two people, "do you know what the Taoist art was called?"

They were stunned. Didn't they say to interrogate them? Why did they ask this?

Xie Hu reacted faster than Han Bin and hurriedly said, "elder, your Taoism is so powerful that the disciple didn't understand it."

Wei Peng showed a high look and boasted, "that's right. If you can see it, your accomplishments will be the same as Ben Lao." then he looked at Han Bin and waited for Han Bin's answer.

Han Bin didn't know which play the elder was playing, so he had to say, "the elder's Taoism is very powerful, and the disciples didn't see it either." he couldn't think of how powerful the Taoism that can make the clothes blow up can be.

This skill is called the art of keeping the wind. It has little power, but it can make your clothes float. It looks more like an immortal.

Wei Peng was quite satisfied with their words and said, "do you know how difficult it is to practice?"

Their eyes widened. If that remark had anything to do with the interrogation, now it had nothing to do with it.

When Wei Peng saw that they didn't answer, his face sank and said, "do you despise the elder?"

This time, Han Bin first said, "elder, didn't you interrogate us? How did you ask this?"

Wei Peng finally found a chance to boast. He was interrupted by Han Bin. He was very upset and said in a harsh voice, "do you know who to talk to now?"

"Disciple knows." Han Bin is a little depressed. What does the elder want to do?

Wei Peng snorted coldly and said, "when you speak, you should say another honorific before your words."

Han Bin frowned slightly, but still said, "elder Hui, I understand."

Wei Peng nodded and said, "it's all right if I said that earlier. By the way, where did I just say?"

Han Bin: "

After thinking for a long time, Wei Peng didn't remember what he had just been interrupted, so he started a new conversation and asked them, "talk about business! What happened last night?" he didn't agree with sun Yuangang's words at all. When he came, his divine sense explored the two people and found nothing. If they really have treasures, they must have spirituality,

Xie Hu knew nothing about what happened last night and said: "elder, I remember drinking too much last night and then falling asleep. I don't know anything else."

Han Bin also said, "so are the disciples. If they drink too much, they get drunk."

Wei Peng didn't believe this at all and said, "really?"

"That's true," they replied at the same time.

Wei Peng glanced at them, but he didn't think they could produce aura. Maybe it was a coincidence that there was a aura underground, just a strong aura came out. After all, it's not far from the Yin corpse Jedi, and the Yin corpse Jedi can have such a strange scene, how can there be no strange things here. Thinking of this, Wei Peng said to the two humanitarians: "Do you want to practice?"

Both of them dreamed, but they never had the chance, or the chance to formally worship teachers.

When Wei Peng said this, they hurriedly said, "I want to practice Taoism."

Wei Peng smiled and said, "I know you want to, but cultivating Taoism is not an easy thing!"

They looked puzzled. They clearly wanted to take them as disciples just now, but what did this sentence mean! Is it testing them?

Xie Hu didn't even think about it, so he knelt down on the ground, knocked his head heavily and said, "master, please..."

Before Xie Hu could speak, Wei Peng waved his long sleeve and a breeze blew. Xie Hu's kneeling body immediately stood up.

Xie Hu was stunned. He looked at Wei Peng puzzled and said, "elder, you've done this..."

Wei Peng likes to boast, but he is unambiguous. Just now he just wanted to boast about how difficult it is to practice and how he has reached this level. I didn't expect this guy to be serious. Wei Peng looked at Xie Hu sadly and said slowly, "you can understand that you want to practice Taoism, but Taoism talks about opportunity and talent. How can you practice Taoism without opportunity and talent?" he sighed, looked at the sky outside the room and murmured: "There are too many people in the world who want to practice Taoism, but how many people can have great opportunities and talents like this elder?"

This sentence is very powerful and shameless. It's really speechless for a person to boast about himself to such an extent.

Han Bin and Xie Hu are in this mood at the moment. They don't know whether the sudden elder came here to investigate what happened last night or to boast in front of them.

After Wei Peng finished, he saw the surprised look on their face and thought they worshipped themselves too much. He felt good about himself and continued: "don't be sad. Everyone's fate is arranged by God. You can come here and become registered disciples. You are much happier than those eliminated children."

Speaking of this, Wei Peng waved his sleeve, the door of the room suddenly closed, and then lowered his voice and said, "in fact, you don't want to practice Taoism without a chance."

They stared at Wei Peng. They didn't know what he wanted to do.

Wei Peng didn't seem to see their eyes. He took out two thread bound books from his arms, which were written in four big words - practice Qi method.

It's not difficult to see that this is a cultivation script, but why did Wei Peng take out the two scripts?

Xie Hu has been determined by the cultivation method. This thing is of no use to him. What he needs is an identity. So he said, "elder, what are you?"

Wei Peng smiled and said, "just give me a few bottles of wine, and this is yours." as an inner sect elder, you can't drink. The sect rules of Tianming sect are very strict. If you find formal disciples drinking secretly, you can face the wall for ten years, or abolish cultivation and expel them from the sect.

The external disciples didn't know the rules of the inner door. Xie Hu saw Wei Peng looking like he wanted to drink. He thought it was an opportunity. Maybe it could be done. The elder accepted him as a disciple. Thinking of this, Xie Hu hurriedly said, "elder, this is a one sentence thing. I'll get you wine now." Then he turned and went to the door. As soon as he came to the door, Wei Peng suddenly stopped him and said, "do you know what to say?"

Xie Hu was stunned, then smiled and said, "I said that the aura in the room last night may have something to do with wine."

Wei Peng nodded with satisfaction, waved and said, "go! Go and return quickly." then he looked at Han Bin and asked, "why don't you go?"

Wei Peng's impression on Han Bin just now can only be described in one word, that is disappointment.

Originally, I thought that the immortal could not help the weak, but at least he was a Taoist spirit. But when the elder in front of me talked about wine, he didn't look like an immortal. He looked more like a drunkard. Even if he was only a drunkard, he even went to the peripheral disciples to exchange the cultivation method for wine.

During the foundation period, the monk came here to ask for wine, which can only explain one problem. He did not dare to drink in the inner door, nor did he dare to go down the mountain to buy wine. Han Bin did not know what would happen if he was caught drinking, but the punishment must be quite heavy. Otherwise, he would not force a monk to this sub field. For a few gourds of wine, he even changed it with cultivation method. Of course, there is another way to get Dharma After all, the secret script exchange is conducted in private. As long as the exchange is successful, no one will tell about it.

When Han Bin heard Wei Peng's words, he was not afraid at all. He said positively, "elder, what he got from getting wine is only a secret script. You won't accept him as a disciple. Why should I learn from him."

Wei Peng was stunned and said, "what do you mean?" he was puzzled. Could the cultivation script not move the peripheral disciples in front of him?

Han Bin took a deep breath and said, "I want to be a formal disciple."

Wei Peng was stunned at first, then smiled and said, "do you want me to accept you as a disciple?" as an elder, he didn't dare to laugh too much and lost his identity. However, the corners of his mouth kept twitching, as if he heard the most ridiculous thing.

Han Bin shook his head and said, "it's not what I think, but you must accept me as a disciple." at the moment, there was no feeling of elders and disciples between them. It looked like an equal monk talking.

Wei Peng also heard something from Han Bin's tone. The laughter stopped suddenly and said in a deep voice: "why should I accept you as an apprentice?"

"Because of what you just said," Han Bin said confidently, "elder, if I guess right, the disciples of the sect are not allowed to drink."

Wei Peng's face sank, then disappeared and said faintly, "what's the matter? Haven't I drunk yet?"

Han Bin said, "elder, you've done that. What will happen if I tell you what just happened?" Han Bin had no other way to practice, so he had to do it. He knows that this may be the only chance to contact the elder alone. If he can't accept himself as a formal disciple, he must wait three years or even longer.

Hearing Han Bin's slightly threatening tone, Wei Peng changed his face and said sternly, "you're not afraid I'll kill you."

Han Bin formally smiled at Wei Peng without any fear on his face. He held his chest and said, "elder, you won't kill me, nor dare you kill me." seeing that Wei Peng listened, he continued: "The elder came here to investigate why there is such a strong aura in the room. If I die, what will zongnei think? He will think you have found a major secret and want to hide it. That's why he killed people."

Hearing that Han Bin's analysis was justified, Wei Peng took a breath. He suddenly felt that Han Bin was terrible. He saw things so thoroughly at a young age. At the same time, he also understood a truth in his heart. Han Bin's purpose was to accept him as a disciple. After thinking about it, he said to Han Bin: "How do you know I won't take you as a disciple at the risk of being punished by the sect?"

Han Bin also breathed a sigh of relief and said, "if you accept me as a disciple, you won't lose anything. Why don't you agree?" Wei Peng said this, which shows that he has the idea of accepting an apprentice. What he said just now is easy. In fact, Han Bin is not sure. After all, he doesn't know the sect of the inner door.

Wei Peng sighed and said, "you are very smart, but your qualification is too poor to practice Taoism." then he was about to leave.

Han Bin nodded in his heart. Looking at Wei Peng who was about to come to the door, he suddenly clenched his teeth and said, "poor qualification can be made up by time. As an immortal, do you still care about what the disciple said just now?" he has already broken through the boat. If Wei Peng doesn't accept him as a disciple, he can only watch the great opportunity pass by.

Wei Peng had come to the door. When he heard Han Bin's words, his body could not help trembling. These words reminded him of many past events. In those years, he was still a peripheral disciple with the same qualifications as Han Bin and was not suitable for Taoism. But when his master saw him, he unexpectedly accepted him as a younger brother. Many years later, master became immortal, and he realized one thing. It turned out that his master was also a disciple A monk with insufficient talent, relying on his perseverance and efforts, finally practiced to the realm of foundation period.

Turning around, Wei Peng stared into Han Bin's eyes. From those eyes full of firm faith, he seemed to see himself in those years. Thinking of the words left by master on his deathbed, Wei Peng sighed, walked slowly to Han Bin and said in a deep voice, "it's not what you just said, but your faith that I accept you as a disciple." before master died, he only said one sentence: "As a disciple of my school, you can only choose from the peripheral disciples. As long as you see those who have firm faith and surpass mortals, you can accept them as disciples. Remember, you can't let Shifu be a peerless."

Wei Peng is an elder, but unlike other elders, he either has advanced cultivation or has several disciples. After master's emergence, he didn't want to accept disciples, but over the years, he has searched among peripheral disciples for countless times, but he hasn't found a satisfactory person. He bragged in front of foreign disciples. It's just a test for the selection of his disciples. As long as he doesn't move, he adheres to his faith Before, Han Bin heard what he said, although he didn't have a big expression on his face, he could still see that Han Bin was eager to practice Taoism, but his faith in his eyes was very dim. If Han Bin hadn't said just now, let him see a pair of eyes with firm faith when he turned around, he wouldn't think of those past events, nor would he agree to accept Han Bin as a disciple.

The past is vivid. It seems that it happened only yesterday. Wei Peng has deep gratitude to Shifu. If he is not Shifu, he is only a disciple at the first level of Qi practice. That's right. If Shifu stays, he will do it seriously. Calculating the time, it's not far from eclosion. He really needs to accept a disciple, and Han Bin's eyes just reluctantly agree with the conditions.

Hearing Wei Peng's words, Han Bin was not sure. He hurriedly asked, "elder, do you really accept me as a disciple?"

Seeing Han Bin's appearance, Wei Peng smiled and said, "I accept you as a disciple, but don't talk to master in that tone in the future." I remember that when master accepted him as a disciple, his expression was exactly the same as that of Han Bin now, and he couldn't believe it. Everything seemed to happen in a dream.

Han Bin suddenly bent down and gave a big gift before solemnly saying, "master, please be worshipped by his disciples." after that, he knelt down on the ground and knocked his head nine times. Each time, he used a lot of strength. When he knocked his head nine times, Han Bin was dissatisfied with the blood on his forehead. If you look carefully, you can still see the scar in the blood.

When Han Bin finished knocking, Wei Peng said with a smile, "you're serious! When I knelt down to your Shizu, I didn't use so much strength." he waved his hand and motioned Han Bin to get up. After that, he sighed: "Master said that the louder the kowtow, the deeper the faith. I hope you can stick to your practice in the future and don't insult your school of being a teacher."

"Disciples should remember master's teachings and practice hard." this sentence expressed Han Bin's inner thoughts. In the past, cultivation was secretive. Now, if you have a master and become a formal disciple, you must reach the first level of Qi practice within a year.

"Well, if only you could understand that." Wei Peng said slowly, "I'll go back and report it to the patriarch. You'll pack up your things and go to the inner door tomorrow."

Seeing that Wei Peng was about to leave, Han Bin clenched his teeth and said, "master, can you promise my disciples one thing..."

Wei Peng seemed to know what Han Bin wanted to think. He interrupted, "master can only have one disciple. He has no fate with a teacher." his voice echoed in the room, but his figure turned into a streamer and went away.

Looking at the sky, Han Bin clenched his fist tightly and his face was full of excitement. On this day, he waited for a long time. Finally, he didn't have to grope for cultivation. He didn't have to sneak to the mountains in the morning. Finally, he could focus on cultivation like other disciples.

A moment later, he suddenly heard someone calling himself. Han Bin hurriedly looked in the direction of the voice and saw Xie Hu running quickly, holding several wine gourds in his hand.

Xie Hu ran over and asked, "Han Bin, how did you come out? The elder can't wait..." the urgent word was about to be said, but he swallowed it.

Seeing Xie Hu, Han Bin always felt that he owed him a little. For a moment, he didn't know how to speak.

Xie Hu ran, reached out and shook in front of Han Bin's eyes, smiled and said, "what's the matter with you? It's like being absent-minded."

"Nothing." Han Bin sighed, with a trace of guilt in his voice.

Xie Hu didn't recognize it. He said with a smile, "don't wait for me here. Let's go to see the elder now!" and he was about to go to the utility room.

"Xie Hu, you don't need it." looking at Xie Hu's back, Han Bin suddenly shouted.

Xie Hu's body suddenly trembled, then looked at the open door, turned to Han Bin and said, "why don't you go?" where he was, he could only see the door, not the situation in the room. He didn't know that Wei Peng was gone.

Han Bin felt more sorry for his brother who had been taking care of himself. Knowing that he couldn't hide it, he said, "Xie Hu, in fact, I......" he had just figured out how to say it, but when it came to his mouth, he didn't know where to start.

Xie Hu still had no intention. He hammered Han Bin's chest and said with a smile, "don't be like a woman. What happened?"

"Elder, he......" Han Bin took a deep breath and said, "elder, he accepted me as a disciple“

"What!" Xie Hu was stunned. He only heard a slap. The wine gourd in his hand fell to the ground, and the wine spilled, sending out a faint smell of wine.

A moment later, Xie Hu slowed down, then smiled at Han Bin and said, "why do you look like you owe me money? It's a good thing! You should be happy."

Hearing this, Han Bin felt even worse and said, "Xie Hu, I can't help you."

Xie Hu smiled and took out a bottle of wine gourd without leakage from the ground, handed it to Han Bin and said, "you can't blame it. The elder, no, your master's idea is really special. I haven't figured out what he thinks. You are smarter than me, read a lot, and it's normal for him to choose you." he raised the gourd, took a big drink, and said excitedly: "Later, I Xie Hu can finally tell others that I have immortal brothers. When you develop, don't forget me." he stretched out his hand and handed it to Han Bin.

Han Bin stretched out his hand, shook it heavily, and said in a condensed voice, "good brother, I will always remember those things."

The next morning, Han Bin packed up his gifts and left the room. As soon as he went out, he saw more than a dozen disciples standing there. Most of them had seen them, but they rarely spoke. They came to see Han Bin off this time. Seeing so many people, Han Bin was stunned. Just when he wanted to speak, Xie Hu came out of the door and said with a smile: "Han Bin, after you become an immortal, don't forget us!"

At this moment, Han Bin was really moved. He knew that it was thanks to Xie Hu. Without Xie Hu, I'm afraid no one would see him off this time. He has always been alone and has few friends. Unlike Xie Hu, he can become friends as long as he says a few words. He knows most of his peripheral brothers.

Xie Hu smiled and said, "don't sigh. I just want to tell you that as long as you practice hard, you will be favored by the elders and become an inner disciple one day."

Han Bin was stunned and looked at Xie Hu suspiciously.

Xie Hu suddenly lowered his voice and said, "these people want to buy my secret script. If they don't carry you out, how can they pay a high price!"

Hearing this, Han Bin's inner feelings disappeared, smiled bitterly and waved goodbye to the people.

These people cheered and sent Han Bin to the intersection before slowly leaving.

Xie Hu didn't leave and said to Han Bin, "don't blame my brother for not informing you! What I did didn't affect you either“

Han Bin didn't care about it at all. He joked, "you got the money. Should you give me some too“

"Forget it!" Xie Hu waved his hand. "You are all immortals. Do you still care about this money? Remember to come back and have a look more when you have time." when it comes to this, you look a little gloomy. Although you have made many friends in recent months, Han Bin is the most sincere one. Seeing that Han Bin was about to leave, I was more or less reluctant.

Han Bin nodded heavily. He knew that after leaving this time, he didn't know when to wait for the next meeting.

On the way to the inner courtyard, Han Bin was filled with emotion. He thought it would take more than three years to enter the inner courtyard. He didn't expect it to happen so soon. Entering the inner courtyard is only the first step in cultivating immortality. There is still a long way to go. Touching the heavenly seal in his arms, Han Bin took a long breath of fresh air and accelerated his pace.

After walking for a long time, Han Bin saw the mountain surrounded by clouds. This mountain is called Tianming peak, which is the main peak of Tianming sect. There are four sub peaks around it. These five peaks are the place where the inner disciples practice. Among them, there are the most buildings on the main mountain, including Dan pharmacy, spirit Pavilion and spell room. The last time I went home to visit my relatives, I came to the inner courtyard, but I didn't have the qualification to go to the main peak. Instead, I went to the mantra room at the foot of the mountain. The scale of the mantra room was very small, and the mantra in it was only the wind charm used to visit my relatives at home.

Although Han Bin's master is not well-known, he is an elder and is also qualified to live on the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, the disciples guarding the mountain stopped him and said in a harsh voice, "who are you?"

Han Bin took out a jade tablet of thumb from his arms and handed it to a mountain guarding disciple. He said, "two senior brothers, at home, they go to the inner courtyard according to the orders of their teachers."

The disciple took the jade pendant and looked at it indifferently. He found that Han Bin had only a little spiritual power in his body. He hummed coldly, "who is your master?"

After Han Bin said Wei Peng's name, the disciple couldn't help laughing. Then he remembered something and showed a cold look. He said, "since it's martial uncle Wei Peng's disciple, go into the mountain!" in the morning, the disciples guarding the mountain got a news that the younger brother just received by martial uncle Wei Peng is going to go up the mountain. As long as the person said Wei Peng's name, they can let him go.

Han Bin took the jade card, asked about master's residence and walked quickly. Soon after he left, the two disciples couldn't help laughing loudly. One of them said, "what kind of master does he really have? What kind of disciples does martial uncle Wei Peng have? It's so funny that he has such a disciple like his master."

Another person also said with a smile: "I don't know what martial uncle Wei Peng thinks. Although martial uncle Wei Peng has no talent, he can at least have three-star Linggen. Just now my divine sense sensed his physique. How many stars do you guess?"

The disciple who spoke earlier was named Zhang Ye. He smiled and asked, "isn't it one star?" he thought that those who can become peripheral disciples have at least one star. Those who are less than one star don't even have a chance to enter the sect.

Qian Chao laughed and said, "if only it were one star, that boy doesn't even have one star."

Zhang Ye was stunned and said in disbelief, "how is it possible that he can enter the door without a star?"

Qian Chao smiled and said in a low voice, "I heard that martial uncle Wei Peng often goes down the mountain. I don't know what to do. This guy is not the illegitimate son of martial uncle Wei Peng!"

"Don't pull it." Zhang Ye said, "he is too different from martial uncle Wei Peng. How can he be an illegitimate child."

They seemed very interested in this topic. They talked for a long time and smiled for a long time.

In Tianming sect, there are many mountain guarding disciples like them. In addition to two disciples guarding every intersection, there are also many hidden in the surrounding woods. Most of these disciples have more than three levels of cultivation during Qi practice. They are responsible for the safety of the whole sect. If a strong man comes to the enemy, open the sect protection array. Of course, protecting the Pope is not an obligation, but a corresponding reward. As long as the Pope protects the Pope for a month, he can go to the miscellaneous Affairs Office of the inner door to get a piece of inferior spirit stone and ten gathering pills. The longer the time of protecting the sect, the longer the reward. Those disciples who have reached the bottleneck of cultivation and can't break through in a short time will come to take this task.

Han Bin walked all the way to zongnei. Just halfway, several disciples in white came. They talked and laughed as they walked, as if they were talking about very happy things. However, when these disciples saw Han Bin, they were stunned, because Han Bin was wearing gray clothes. It is reasonable that peripheral disciples are not qualified to enter the inner door.

Coincidentally, Han Fei was among the disciples. When he saw Han Bin, he was surprised and said, "Han Bin, how did you come here?"

In addition to Han Fei, one of them, Han Bin, has also met, that is Ling shuangshuangshuang, the daughter of the city Lord Tianfeng city. Han Fei stood very close to Ling Shuangshuang. Before he saw Han Bin, his eyes stayed on her and showed love in his eyes. Obviously, Han Fei wants to chase Ling Shuangshuang and has no hands.

Ling Shuangshuang also felt that Han Bin looked familiar, and subconsciously said, "I seem to have seen him somewhere." at the beginning, Han Bin didn't impress her deeply, and things have been going on for more than half a year. At their age, they developed the fastest. Han Bin was much higher than half a year ago, and her face had changed slightly. It was reasonable that she couldn't remember for a moment.

Han Fei knew that this was an opportunity for performance and hurriedly said, "Shuangshuang, just before we assessed Linggen, a man suddenly broke into the national religion..."

After listening to Han Fei's reminder, Ling Shuangshuang really remembered and said, "I remember, he is the beggar." after that, he found that he said something wrong, stuck out his tongue, apologized to Han Bin and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

Han Bin didn't put it in his heart. Just when he wanted to speak, Han Fei suddenly stared at him and said, "Shuangshuang, you're right. That's a beggar. I didn't expect a beggar to go in by kneeling. He's not satisfied with the outside door. He still wants to be an inner door disciple. He doesn't look at his virtue. Which elder can accept him as a disciple."

Like Han Fei, the disciples around them have only entered the sect for more than half a year. As internal disciples, they have nothing to do except practice every day. The only life tonic is to gather together occasionally to chat and discuss their cultivation experience. Just now, it was really explosive news for them. One of the little girls, about 14 years old, hurriedly said, "elder martial brother Han Fei, is he really a beggar?" the girl had a delicate appearance and a cold breath, and gave Han Bin a cold look.

Han Fei nodded proudly and said, "younger martial Sister Zhang Xue, I'll tell you! You don't believe his qualification. He even..."

"Not a star!" suddenly, a cold voice sounded, interrupting Han Fei's words.

They were slightly stunned and looked at Han Bin at the same time, because he was the one who had just spoken.

Han Bin gave Han Fei a cold look and said, "enough? If enough, get out of the way."

At that glance, Han Fei felt like falling into an ice cellar. He subconsciously made way.

Han Bin didn't even look at the people. He passed them quickly and walked forward. At this moment, his back was so lonely and lonely, as if he was the only one left in the whole world, only the lonely figure.

Seeing Han Bin leaving, Han Fei hurriedly shouted, "Han Bin, you still want to cultivate immortality. Even if you come to the inner door, the elder won't make you a disciple. You'd better leave quickly!" he was so angry in his heart! My cousin, who looks like a waste, can even come to the inner door. Is it true that some elders are willing to accept him as a disciple?

Zhang Xuemei picked her head and seemed to see something. She persuaded her: "elder martial brother Han Fei, don't worry about him. When the elders give up him, he will naturally go back." like Han Fei, she thought that Han Bin came to worship the teacher. In the past, there were also disciples who came to worship the teacher among the peripheral disciples, but those people at least reached the level of Qi practice, It's the first time for a beginner like Han Bin.

Han Fei snorted coldly, cursed secretly, and said to the crowd, "let's go! Let's talk about our cultivation experience. It's really unlucky to meet a beggar."

Everyone's conversation was heard by Han Bin without missing a word, but he still walked forward quickly. But his hand held tightly, his fingernails went deep into the palm, and a trace of blood slowly flowed out. He listened to and looked at such ridicule and ridicule. Just now, except that Ling shuangshuangshuang didn't show a sneer, everyone looked like a joke. Now he has no ability to retaliate. He can only bear it. The appearance of everyone is deeply engraved in his heart. One day he will return it.

Wei Peng was standing in a forest by the side of the road. He saw what had just happened. He was more shocked by Han Bin's performance. Of course, there are two aspects of this shock. In the face of such ridicule and ridicule, a teenager not only didn't lose his mind and get angry on the spot, but also spoke out the most despised side under the ridicule of everyone.

As for another aspect, it is Han Bin's talent.

Wei Peng knew that Han Bin's qualification was not good. He didn't scan his body with divine knowledge. He didn't expect that the peripheral disciples were at least one star's Linggen law. How could it be impossible to get to Han Bin! Haven't you asked about the sect in recent years, and the admission has been relaxed again? Even ordinary children can be peripheral disciples? At the moment, he regretted that if he had known that Han Bin couldn't even get a star spiritual root, he wouldn't accept such an apprentice even if his perseverance was firm.

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