"Forget it, since you have promised him, you don't have to regret it. I hope he won't let me be a peerless." although Wei Peng likes to boast on weekdays, he has more principles than those dignified immortals. That's why, after he reported to the headmaster about accepting Han Bin as a disciple, he was laughed at by many martial brothers, and even many people advised him not to practice on the main peak, so as not to lose his head.

A moment later, Han Bin came to a cave, took a deep breath and said in a respectful voice, "master, here comes the disciple."

The cave is actually a cave opened on the mountain wall, but a simple array is arranged outside to prevent outsiders from entering freely. Han Bin's cave in front of him looked no different from the mountain wall. If the stone tablet in front of the mountain wall didn't read "Wei Peng", he would think he had come to the wrong place. Because the mountain wall is full of vines, you can't see where the hole is.

After half a ring, there was no reply in the cave. Han Bin frowned and murmured, "can't master hear what I said? Or is he not in the cave?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a sudden voice sounded from behind him, "you are not talented, but you are not stupid."

Han Bin was startled. When he turned and saw the master, he was stunned and said, "master, why are you here?"

It's all right not to mention it. As soon as he heard this, Wei Peng was angry and said angrily, "it's not because of you." he went to Han Bin and waved his right hand to the front. A spiritual force emanated from his body. A ripple in the form of water waves suddenly appeared at the hole originally covered with rattan grass, and then a white light flashed, revealing a cave more than one person high.

Seeing this scene, Han Bin became dementia and murmured, "is this magic?"

The cave is very monotonous. Except for a stone bed, there is only a futon for cultivation.

The aura here is much stronger than that in the outer courtyard, especially around the futon. It seems that the aura around is gathering there.

Wei Peng sat behind the futon and patted the gray cloth bag around his waist. A similar cloth bag flew out and suspended in front of him. He grabbed the cloth bag and went to Han Bin's face and said, "this is a storage bag for monks. There are clothes worn by formal disciples and Dharma decisions on the first three layers of Qi practice period in it." he swept his divine consciousness in Han Bin's face and found that there was more Aura in his body than expected, and his anger was slightly weakened. If Han Bin didn't even get started, he really didn't have the confidence to teach.

Han Bin took the storage bag, opened the mouth of the bag and looked inside. It's dark inside. I can't see anything. It's strange to say that the storage bag is better than the money bag used by the villagers, except that the cloth is better and the production is finer. There's nothing special about it. But such a storage bag, why can't the sun go in?

Seeing Han Bin's move, Wei penggang's anger dissipated. He couldn't help but rise and shouted, "what are you looking at? Can't you understand?"

A huge question mark appeared in Han Bin's mind. What did he understand? I don't understand anything at all.

Thinking of Han Bin's qualifications, Wei Peng knew that asking him these words was no different from asking an idiot. Holding down his anger, he explained: "this storage bag is made of monster fur and is covered with simple arrays. If you can see what's inside, it's strange!" he waved, and a huge force suddenly came from Han Bin's hand, The storage bag flew straight into his hand.

Wei Peng took the storage bag and said to Han Bin, "you have Reiki in your body. You want to practice it for some time. Now I'll tell you how to open your divine consciousness." the Reiki in the monk's body is actually Reiki, but it exists in the form of gas during the Qi training period. After the cultivation is high, it will gradually change into liquid and finally solid.

"Divine knowledge?" Han Bin couldn't help asking, "master, what is divine knowledge?"

"Divine knowledge is..." Wei Peng was so angry that he couldn't help it anymore. He scolded, "divine knowledge is not a thing, but the energy contained in the soul."

Han Bin was wronged when he was scolded by his master. How can he know what divine knowledge is if he has never practiced immortality.

"Really stupid." Wei Peng scolded in a low voice. Han Bin's talent made him feel at a loss. Even if he was stupid, he could figure out the meaning of some words in cultivation. It's good to see this in front of you. Smart is smart, but it's so slow to understand Tao language! Now he has some doubts about whether he can make this disciple reach the level of Qi training period.

Han Bin knew that his talent was not good. It was reasonable for his master to be so angry. Whoever accepted a disciple like him would also be angry to death. Han Bin finally understood why good gifted disciples can cultivate immortals and bad gifted disciples can only be peripheral disciples. If you want to cultivate immortality, talent is too important. It not only affects the speed of cultivation, but also affects a person's ability to understand Tao language.

Since he was too stupid, he had to learn more and ask more questions. Han Bin was the kind of child who didn't feel ashamed to ask questions. He arched his hands and said, "I'm stupid. Please give me some advice." then he knelt down on the ground. Just now, Han Bin saw despair in his master's eyes. If he didn't take action, I'm afraid the newly worshipped master wouldn't ask him in the twinkling of an eye and let him live and die.

Wei Peng was really desperate. However, when he saw Han Bin kneeling down, he softened his heart and sighed: "anyway, this is also a new disciple. Forget it, it's no big deal to work harder." looking at Han Bin's eyes full of faith, he slowly said: "As long as you get started, you can have divine consciousness. When you practice, do you feel the existence and richness of the aura around you?"

"I can feel it," Han Bin replied with a sincere attitude.

Wei Peng continued: "you can sense it, not that you see it or smell it, but that you form a strange energy fluctuation in your mind and sense the existence of Reiki." so, he was afraid that Han Bin didn't understand, and simply said: "Divine consciousness is actually a kind of energy emitted from the mind, such as invisible ripples. Even if you close your eyes, this wave of divine consciousness can make you feel what you can't see."

Han Bin widened his eyes and said something from his heart. He didn't understand what he meant at all.

Seeing Han Bin's unidentified face, Wei Peng took a heavy breath, took out a closed wine jar from the storage bag, put it on the ground and said to Han Bin, "can you feel what's inside?"

Seeing the wine jar, Han Bin didn't think about it, so he said, "wine!"

"Wine?" Wei Peng slapped Han Bin's impulse, endured it and said, "don't think of wine when you see the wine jar. You have to go to divine sense."

Han Bin turned his attention to the wine jar, but no matter what angle he looked at it, he couldn't feel what was inside. Finally, he decided to give up the so-called divine sense sensing, because he still didn't fully understand what the divine sense was and how to sense it. So he looked up at his master and just wanted to talk, but Xie Peng asked nervously, "do you feel it?"

"Shifu, I can't feel it." Han Bin said innocently.

"You..." Wei Peng stood up impressively, gasped heavily and asked, "since you have Reiki in your body and can sense the rich Reiki around you, how can you not use divine consciousness?"

Han Bin wanted to ask what the divine knowledge was, but seeing master's angry appearance, he really didn't have the courage to ask, so he had to lower his head.

Xie Peng has been angry. He has long known that Han Bin's qualification is not good, but it turns out that it is worse than he thought.

After a long time, Wei Peng said faintly, "you close your eyes and feel everything around you. When you feel something in the jar, smash it, and the teacher will know." with that, he waved his long sleeve and left quickly. Obviously, he didn't want to see Han Bin again.

Han Bin sighed and sat cross legged on the ground, sensing every move around. After closing his eyes, there was darkness around and he couldn't see anything. He tried his best to sense, and the result was still the same. I don't know how long later, Han Bin grunted in his stomach, opened his eyes, but what came into his eyes was master Tieqing's face.

"Haven't you sensed it yet?" he wandered out for a day. There was still no news of Han Bin. Wei Peng couldn't help coming back. But he didn't expect to hear the boy's stomach growling when he came back.

Seeing that Han Bin didn't answer, Wei Peng knew nothing. He took out a medicine from his arms, handed it to Han Bin and said, "eat it."

Han Bin took the white medicine and poured out a yellow pill with a faint smell of medicine. Smelling the smell of medicine, Han Bin swallowed his saliva. He just wanted to swallow it, but suddenly remembered something. He looked up at Wei Peng and said, "master, what did you give me?" He was not a fool. Although he didn't think Wei Peng would harm him, he was naturally cautious and decided to ask clearly.

"Pigu pill." Xie Peng saw Han Bin's mind at a glance and said impatiently, "if I hurt you, I just need to move my fingers. As a teacher, do you think I will do it to you?" seeing Han Bin taking the pill, he said: "After taking it, you don't have to eat for a month. During this time, you'll feel it here. When can you feel the things in the jar with divine consciousness and wake me up."

Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, Han Bin has been sitting in the cave for more than half a month. In the past half a month, he has been sensing the situation around him all the time except sleeping. There is a dark area around him, no matter how he senses, he can't find anything. However, his perseverance and character of cultivation make him not give up easily, even if he knows the divine sense It's hard. He still believes that as long as he continues to feel, there will be gains.

That night, when Han Bin was ready to cross legged rest, he suddenly found that there was a small white light spot in the dark world around him. The light spot was only the size of a grain of rice, as if it were in front of him or in the distant horizon. Han Bin felt the light spot for the first time for so long, and whether it was the divine sense in master's mouth or not, he quickly focused on it The light spot ran away.

The light spot was too far away. Han Bin realized that he had been running in the dark for a long time and didn't find any change in the light spot. Because he was sleepy, he was dizzy in his mind and wanted to sleep several times. Han Bin was afraid that he would not be able to sense the light spot after waking up. He kept pinching his thigh and using the stimulation of pain to keep himself awake. This method is difficult for ordinary people to bear, but the effect is very good Obviously, after each pinch, not only did he not feel sleepy, but his spirit became more sober.

Han Bin couldn't think of the reason and continued to chase the light spot. Time passed quickly under this chase. In this way, after another ten days, the light spot in his mind became the size of his thumb, as if it were right in front of him. As soon as Han Bin clenched his teeth, he suddenly ran away and hit the light spot like a meteor. After hitting the light spot, Han Bin only felt a stabbing pain in his mind, and there was no feeling at all. The next time Seconds but clearly see that the light spot is nothing else. It's a white jade seal. It's not a heavenly jade seal. What is it?

"The heavenly seal, how can it be in my mind?" Han Bin was confused for a time and couldn't figure out the current situation. Just when he didn't know why, the light spot turned into a streamer and disappeared into his consciousness. Then, the darkness around him disappeared and replaced by a transparent world. He looked at the stone bed, saw the futon and saw the wine jar.

After seeing the wine jar, Han Bin's first feeling was to know what was in the wine jar. The idea just appeared. A strange energy surged out of his mind like a wave, and instantly penetrated the wine jar and entered it. When everything in the wine jar was at the bottom of his eyes, Han Bin was stunned and suddenly had a feeling of dreaming.

Tianming sect, Tianming peak.

The disciples of the inner gate came out of the cave one after another and walked to the Dan pharmacy in groups. On the third day of each month, all formal disciples can receive a julingdan from the danfang. In addition to gathering spiritual elixirs, you can also go to the utility room to get a piece of spiritual stone fragments. When you accumulate five pieces of spiritual stone fragments, you can exchange them for a inferior spiritual stone.

Wei Peng, who always likes to boast, also appeared at this time. He quickly went to several disciples who only had one level of Qi practice period and asked in a deep voice, "do you feel it difficult to practice?"

Several disciples were stunned when they saw him in red, and then bowed their hands and said, "see the elder."

Wei Peng waved his hand and said to the crowd, "do you want to know how to cultivate faster and become an elder as soon as possible?" it is stipulated in the door that any disciple who can cultivate to the foundation period, regardless of generations, is qualified to become an elder. The treatment of elders is much higher than that of ordinary disciples, but it is too difficult to be honest. There are only more than 100 elders in Tianming sect, but there are thousands of disciples in Qi training period. The probability is quite low.

The disciples' eyes shone with gold and said in unison, "elder, can you give us some advice?"

Wei Peng likes to look at this kind of eyes and like others to say such words. He coughed a little. He just wanted to tell these disciples some cultivation experience. A cold hum came to his ears not far away. Wei Peng's face sank and his divine sense moved. He sensed that in front of the pill room hundreds of feet away, there was an elder in a red pill robe, so he preached, "Zhang Guoqiang, why did you stop me?"

Zhang Guoqiang stood in front of danfang. Several registered disciples in green were distributing pills to the disciples in white. He stood there motionless and looked at the sky. A moment later, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, and a word fell into Wei Peng's ear, "I'm not stopping you, just want to remind you that it's almost a month. When will you take your beggar disciple to leave the main peak?"

As the saying goes, good things don't leave a name, bad things spread thousands of miles.

Tianmingzong is so big that there are less than 5000 monks in the door who have been practicing Qi for more than five years. Especially during the Qi training period, the disciples accounted for more than 90%. So many disciples in Qi training period will inevitably say some interesting things in life when discussing their experiences. Han Bin is the most focused topic during this period. About his gossip, almost everyone in the sect knows it. In addition, Han Fei maliciously publicized it when he knew that he was accepted as a disciple by Wei Peng. In less than a month, in addition to being closed all year round, even the real leader of Tianming sect knows that the senior foreigner who never asks about the sect matters.

"When will I take him away from the main peak? What do you care?" Wei Peng would have forgotten it if Zhang Guoqiang hadn't mentioned it.

Zhang Guoqiang was not angry either. He continued to preach: "I heard that he has been practicing in your cave since he came to the main peak. Although the spirit gathering array in your cave is good, do you think it can make his spirit root from less than one star to seven stars in a month?" how about a person's spirit root? It is natural. Without great opportunity, it can't be changed in his life.

There are five peaks in the inner courtyard of Tianming sect, one main peak and four auxiliary peaks. The aura of the main peak is quite strong, and the aura of the auxiliary peak is much worse than that of the main peak. The five peaks are not the place where you want to practice, but should be determined by your qualifications and accomplishments. If you practice on the main peak, there are two prerequisites: one is to have spiritual roots of more than seven stars, and the other is to achieve more than seven levels of Qi practice. The four vice peaks have no requirements. As long as formal disciples can go there to practice, in addition, they can open up the cave freely.

In the first month of becoming a formal disciple, you can practice in the cave where master is located. One month later, if you meet the requirements, you can apply to the leader for a cave. If you don't meet the conditions, you can only go to the four sub peaks to practice. If there is no master's call, or it is not the third day of each month when you receive the pill and spirit stone fragments, you can't step into the main peak for the rest of the time. Even on the 3rd of each month, you must leave the main peak before sunset, otherwise you will be punished by Zonggui.

"I teach my disciples that you don't have to worry." Wei Peng snorted coldly and waved his sleeve away.

The disciples waiting for his guidance were stunned. I don't know why the suddenly appeared elder walked away with an iron face.

On the way back, Wei Peng was annoyed and scolded: "this fool has been for nearly a month and can't use his divine knowledge. I really don't know how to cultivate the spiritual power in his body."

Inside the cave, Han Bin stared at the wine jar in front of him. The wine jar was still in place and had not been broken.

Just a moment ago, Han Bin saw everything in the wine jar. There was nothing in it. It was empty.

Han Bin was stunned. There was really nothing in the wine jar, or did he feel wrong just now? Closing his eyes, Han Bin sensed everything around him again. This time, a strange energy wave came out of his mind again. Everything around him was like a three-dimensional world, clearly seen in the bottom of his eyes. Han Bin realized that there was still nothing in the altar. He left the altar and looked around. Within a moment, he encountered a strong resistance. The resistance was great. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't enter half a minute.

In desperation, Han Bin had to take back his consciousness, quickly walked to the wine jar and picked it up. Just about to smash the wine jar, there was a sound of footsteps behind. Han Bin turned and looked. He saw that master was coming in a gloomy way. He subconsciously arched his hand and said, "master, you're back." this arched his hand, but he forgot that there was still a wine jar in his hand. He only heard a click. The wine jar fell to the ground and smashed.

Wei Peng is so angry! A few steps in front of Han Bin, he said, "who let you smash the wine jar? Did you feel the things inside?"

Seeing master's anger, Han Bin knew that if he didn't feel it again, master would wave his sleeve and leave. Regardless of whether it was the divine sense in his mouth, he gritted his teeth and said, "master, the disciple just sensed that there was nothing in the wine jar." he said, glancing at the smashed wine jar.

"Nothing!" Wei Peng laughed angrily and roared, "you smashed the wine jar and saw everything. Of course, you can tell me nothing."

"But..." Han Bin was very wronged. The result of his induction just now was nothing. Is that divine sense induction?

Wei Peng really didn't want to see this disciple. He waved his sleeve and interrupted Han Bin, so he had to turn and leave. However, he just took a few steps and suddenly turned around and asked, "I ask you, can you feel it with divine sense after practicing for a month?" he accepted a disciple. If he really can't teach anything, he is really unwilling.

Han Bin whispered, "master, the disciples seem to feel it."

Wei Peng eased his face and said, "if you feel it, just say it. Don't tell me like..." as soon as he patted the storage bag around his waist, he took out a wine jar and said to Han Bin, "feel it again. What's in it?" he didn't believe Han Bin's words, and even thought that this guy's eight achievements couldn't use his divine sense.

This is not the case in the monastic world. Some practitioners are too weak in talent and understanding. They can't use divine sense induction when they get started.

Han Bin answered and was about to close his eyes. Wei Peng interrupted: "God consciousness induction doesn't need to close his eyes."

"Don't close your eyes?" Han Bin was stunned, but he did what his master said, focusing on the wine jar and sensing the things inside. After a moment, nothing came out.

When Wei Peng saw this, he didn't understand what was going on. He angrily said, "it's been a month and I can't feel anything. You really opened my eyes! Take your things and go with me!"

Han Bin quickly knelt down on the ground and begged, "master, don't drive me away. I must practice hard."

Wei Peng sighed and said, "I'm not driving you away, but sending you to another place."

Han Bin looked puzzled and asked subconsciously, "send it to another place?"

Wei Peng nodded and said slowly, "there are rules in the sect. The spirit root is less than seven stars. You must go to the vice peak to practice after a month."

"When can I come back?" Han Bin's talent is not good, but he is not a fool. The aura of the main peak must be stronger than that of the sub peak. If I can't get a clue here, it's even more impossible to go to the sub peak.

"When will you come back to the seventh floor of the Qi training period?" Wei Peng said so, but he thought to himself, "just your talent that day, you want to come back in your life." he didn't expect Han Bin to come back. Even if a person with such talent can't reach the seventh floor of the Qi training period for a lifetime, it's very reluctantly to reach the third floor. He has basically given up on this disciple.

Taking up the burden, Han Bin left the main peak with his master.

Wei Peng took Han Bin to the fallen leaf peak, threw him a cultivation script, and left. Looking at his hurried appearance, he didn't want to see Han Bin again.

There are five peaks in Tianming sect. Except the main peak, Tianming peak, the other four are deciduous peak, Shuiyue peak, Cangshi peak and cliff peak.

Among them, Shuiyue peak is the place for female disciples to practice, and cliff peak is the place for four to seven star Linggen disciples to practice. As for deciduous peak and Cangshi peak, disciples below three star Linggen can come without too many restrictions. The aura of these two sub peaks is very poor, not to mention half of the other two sub peaks compared with the main peak.

Looking at the broken master, Han Bin smiled bitterly. Unexpectedly, he made a big circle and ran to such a place again.

"That's good. We can't use the heavenly seal on the main peak, so we don't have so much worry here." Han Bin clenched his fist, closed his eyes, sensed the storage bag around his waist, and then returned the books in his hand to the inside. Originally, this was just a test. Unexpectedly, the books really flew into the storage bag and disappeared. There was one more book in the storage bag. At the same time, Han Bin also saw the rest of the things in the storage bag, including several clothes, an identity jade card and a medicine bottle. Han Bin knows that there are twelve pegudans in this medicine bottle. After taking them, you don't have to eat them for a year.

Han Bin's consciousness moved, the book flew out, and he quickly put it in. With the control of divine consciousness, the book can still fly out. Han Bin was very excited after repeated this several times. Isn't this what master called divine consciousness induction? No! Master said that you can feel when you open your eyes. Why can't I open my eyes! Han Bin opened his eyes and tried a few times, but he still failed. Looking at the sky, it was already sunset. With a sigh, he walked to the hall of deciduous peak.

Each vice peak has a main hall in which a Gongji elder lives. If you don't understand anything during practice, you can ask the elder or send a letter to master through the elder. Of course, it's not easy for the elder to ask for advice. It depends on the elder's mood. If the elder is in a good mood, he can give advice. If he is in a bad mood, let alone advice, he may be driven out of the hall.

When he came to the fallen leaf hall, the hall was empty. Han Bin whispered, "elder Zhou..." Wei Peng made it clear on the way to the fallen leaf peak. Let Han Bin go to the fallen leaves hall to find elder Zhou and take a jade card from him. Then he can go to the cave marked on the jade card to practice.

The white light in the fallen leaves hall flashed, and the old man appeared in the hall out of thin air. He glanced at Han Bin and said, "what's the matter?"

Han Bin bowed his hand and said, "elder Hui, disciple first came to defoliation peak to practice and wanted to apply for a cave."

Elder Zhou's name is Zhou Tong. His accomplishments are not much different from those of Wei Peng. It is said that as an elder, he can stay on the main peak to practice. Why is he willing to come to a sub peak? This is not without reason. First of all, although the aura of the main peak is rich, it is not free. There are restrictions on everything, and it is far from being free on the sub peak. Secondly, all elders who come to the vice peak for cultivation can receive a medium-grade spirit stone every month. The spirit on the spirit stone can be comparable to that of the main peak for one month. The last point is the most important. Becoming a deputy peak elder can get oil and water. It's not all up to him to decide what kind of cave disciples to practice in.

Seeing that Han Bin was polite, Zhou Tong nodded and asked, "who's your master!"

Han Bin replied, "master Wei Peng."

"Wei Peng?" Zhou Tong outlined a faint smile and asked, "did your master say anything when he came?"

Han Bin looked puzzled and said, "he said that if I came here to apply for the cave, I would just give the identity jade pendant to the elder." he took out a jade pendant and handed it to Zhou Tong.

Zhou Tong took the jade pendant, glanced lightly and said, "does your master give you anything else besides this?"

Hearing this, Han Bin understood what it meant even if he was stupid. But when Shifu left, he only gave him a cultivation script. He can't take it out! Seeing the look of expectation on Zhou Tong's face, Han Bin said with some embarrassment: "go back to elder Zhou, the disciples came in a hurry, master, he didn't..."

Zhou Tong's face immediately became ugly. He snorted coldly, "you don't understand the rules here. Don't your master understand either?"

Han Bin is silent, immortal. Is this the so-called immortal? Immortals are no different from mortals. They also know how to take bribes.

Seeing Han Bin's appearance, Zhou Tong couldn't see it. The boy couldn't take out anything. He took out a jade card from the storage bag and threw it to Han Bin. "This is your cave."

Han Bin took the jade card and turned away.

The jade plate is only the size of a palm. It is made of white jade. There are arrays on it. It contains a faint aura. There are four numbers written on the jade plate, 1986, which represents the location of the cave. Han Bin took the jade plate and quickly walked to the place where the cave was located. When he came to the No. 1986 cave, he put the jade plate into the cave in front of the cave. The white light flashed in front of the cave, and a cave more than one person appeared in front of him.

After taking down the jade plate from the cave, Han Bin flashed into the cave, and then put the jade plate in a cave in the cave. Then, the white light in the cave flashed and an array appeared. Like the keys between people, this jade card can not only open the cave, but also close it. Of course, this is limited to entry-level disciples. If the cultivation reaches more than one level of Qi training period, as long as you wear a jade card, you can use divine consciousness to start the array by yourself.

The cave is not big, only half the size of Wei Peng's cave. There is nothing else except a stone bed and a futon. Han Bin went to the futon and didn't feel the surrounding aura gathering here. He knew clearly that not all the futons in the cave could gather the surrounding aura. I'm afraid the array was arranged in the futon there and forcibly gathered the aura in it.

Han Bin closed his eyes and felt that there was a surprising lack of aura around him. He smiled bitterly, "less is less! Anyway, cultivation needs to use the jade seal of heaven, which is the same everywhere." the aura around him is too little. Although it is stronger than that in the mountain outside the courtyard, it is not much higher. When he came, Han Bin carefully observed the aura on the deciduous peak. Although the aura here could not be compared with the main peak, the aura in some places was still strong. For example, the aura around the cave was much stronger than here. The more he walked down the mountain, the thinner the aura was. Han Bin knew in his heart that his cave was probably the worst of all.

Han Bin sat cross legged on the futon, closed his eyes and entered practice. At this moment, his cultivation has reached the peak of entry. As long as he silently opens the Dharma, he can enter the second level. As soon as Han Bin closed his eyes, he kept opening the law, once, twice, three times

It has to be said that Han Bin's qualification is really too poor. He has opened the law for nearly half a month and still failed. Han Bin was not angry and continued to open. He believed that as long as he persisted, he would succeed one day. Time passed slowly in the opening. In the twinkling of an eye, nearly a month has passed.

In the early morning of this day, the Korean won just woke up and started the Dharma decision as usual. Just after the Dharma decision was read out, the real power circulating in the body suddenly stopped, and then quickly gathered in the Dantian. At the same time, bursts of ants' biting feelings spread all over the body, unspeakable suffering. This feeling lasted nearly an hour before it slowly disappeared.

Han Bin opened his eyes and found that his body was sticky and a strange smell came out. Han Bin is no stranger to this smell. It's the smell of sweat. When Wei Peng left, he left a cultivation script, which recorded in detail the cultivation methods from the first level to the seventh level during the Qi cultivation period, as well as the changes at each level. During the first layer of Qi training period, the feeling of ants biting will appear again in the body. With the spiritual power entering the Dantian and transforming the body, impurities will be eliminated from the pores. The reason why practitioners have a long life is that they constantly practice, constantly transform the body and remove impurities in the body, so as to delay their life.

When his mind moved, Han Bin thought of divine sense induction and hurried to his body. This induction, the situation in the body clearly appears in the line of sight. There is an air mass the size of a thumb in the Dantian, which is rotating rapidly. This air mass is Reiki, which can also be said to be the source of spiritual power and the power of practitioners. In the first layer of Qi training period, there will be one air mass in the Dantian, and two in the second layer, and so on. When ten air masses appear and melt into liquid, it will reach the state of foundation building period.

After seeing the changes in his body, Han Bin was very excited. On this day, he waited too long and finally reached the first level of Qi training period. The beginner can only be regarded as half an immortal at most. After reaching the first level of Qi practice period, he will be a real immortal. He can not only increase longevity, but also learn spells. Han Bin wanted to learn magic now, but his body was very uncomfortable and smelled bad. He had to wash it first.

When he got up, Han Bin wanted to wash in the spring outside the cave. But as soon as he came to the gate of the cave, he suddenly had an idea and felt it around him. This induction, the surrounding world once again appears in my mind, and everything behind me has a panoramic view. In the past, the situation of divine awareness and emotion can only be carried out when the eyes are closed. This is the first time to open the eyes.

Han Bin was surprised and quickly left the cave. After finding a hot spring and cleaning his body, Han Bin quickly returned to the cave and couldn't wait to take out the books left by master when he left from the storage bag. Several spells were written behind the first floor in the book. After reading them quickly, Han Bin thought, "which of these spells should I learn?"

There is no flying sword or magic weapon in the storage bag. It's useless to learn the sword technique. The fireball technique seems to be very powerful, but it's too difficult to practice. So is the earth crack technique. Only the gale technique is simple. It can be completed as long as you release your spiritual power and wave your sleeve. Several spells flashed through Han Bin's mind one after another. Han Bin finally decided to learn gale. This spell is simple and easy to learn. You can learn it in a few days.

After Han Bin wrote down the cultivation method, he pulled the Dharma decision with his right hand, suddenly waved his sleeve in front of him, and whispered, "wind skill."

When the long sleeve is waved, a breeze blows. The wind is surprisingly small. It seems that it is not a decision to swing, but more like the wind from the sleeve. For the scene just now, Han Bin was extremely disappointed. He knew that this was caused by his qualification. Those with good qualification can master it soon, and those with poor qualification may have to practice for a long time.

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