Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 12


Chapter 12 012 [What is this blade method? ]

With Fu Shan's order, dozens of silhouettes quickly escaped into the darkness and rushed towards Su Yun's location.

The two nether glows disappeared silently, Fu Shan closed his eyes again and resumed his calm and composed posture.

However, his heart was not as peaceful as it appeared on the surface.

Because the consciousness in his soul is shrouded, Su Yun's position is a void!

Divine Consciousness swept over and over again, and all the nearby mountains, rocks and plants were completely shown with every delicate hair, and even all kinds of weirdness wandering around, as well as other Human Races and Monster Races hiding in the mountains and forests, were completely absent. Escape.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find Su Yun's silhouette, there seemed to be some power that blinded his perception and completely concealed Su Yun's existence.

If there is a fierce Blade Intent that is gradually disappearing, Fu Shan even suspects that there is a problem with his induction.

This is also the reason why he sent his men to try, but did not dare to pass by himself.

After all, this world is too big, and no one can guarantee that a low-rank cultivator will have the means to threaten the life of a high-rank cultivator.

In the cave.

Su Yun was looking at the quill in front of him with amazement as he wrote on the stone wall again by himself.

"Su Yun's breakthrough caught the attention of Monster General Fu Shan, but the tiny Monster Race obviously couldn't spy on Alisford's will-shrouded place."

"The cautious Fu Shan dispatched Dozens of subordinates came to test, trying to kill the people who understood Blade Intent here."

"Unfortunately, they all got a premise wrong, that is, although the opponent's realm is only Qi Refinement 7th Layer, but his strength is far beyond everyone's expectations!"

"But Su Yun knows that he can't kill so many Monster Races at night, because that will lead to another kind of sinister event. !"

"He chose to leave here."

The black quill flew to Su Yun's chest on its own, then burrowed in against the edge of the dress, and stayed quietly there. Su Yun's arms.

"He actually reminded me?" Su Yun's face was full of disbelief.

You must know that in the original mystery, [0-08] is thankful for not arranging its own users for a day, and no one has ever enjoyed this kind of treatment.

But Su Yun was quick to let go of unnecessary guesswork.

Since there is this kind of benefit, enjoy it well, and after the cultivation progress goes up, all possible potential problems will not become concerns again.

He reached out and picked up a bunch of storage bags stacked on the ground and quickly swept out of the cave.

In the past two days, Su Yun has killed more than 20 Monster Races, and these storage bags are also the spills of war captured from them.

There are all kinds of debris piled up in a mess, a considerable part of which are medicine pills produced by major Immortal Sects and portable items commonly used by various Human Race cultivators. Obviously, many Immortal Sect Disciples have been poisoned. .

Su Yun even saw "snacks" in some storage bags, such as the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney, thighs, palms, etc., which had been gnawed. Obviously, the victim did not go peacefully.

Monster Race!

Su Yun's eyes were icy cold, and a strong murderous intention surged from his heart.

Having just come from a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern society, how has Su Yun ever seen such a scene? !

The impact of this scene on him is no less than a big earthquake in his heart!

Even if I have seen similar scenes in my original memory.

But when he came into contact with all of this himself, there was a huge difference in what he thought and thought.

Under the blood moon, a silhouette quickly went away, but a line of slightly messy footprints was deliberately left on the ground to announce his whereabouts.

Obviously, Su Yun didn't intend to let go of these Monster Races sent by Fu Shan.

About two quarters of an hour later, a group of Monster Race surrounded the cave where Su Yun had stayed.

"Lord Mu Tie, the target is not inside, and the footprints are heading east." A thin Monster Race one-knee kneels was reporting the situation to the silhouette standing in front of him.


“Do you deliberately leave footprints to lead us over?” A long-faced man with a gloomy face turned around, his two green eyes staring at him like knives The jackal in front of him lived.

"Reporting back to Sir, according to the change of footprints, it is indeed intentional." The jackal did not dare to raise his head and replied in a low voice.

Mu Tie's face turned cold, and he scolded coldly: "Then what are you waiting for? Could it be that a Qi Refinement Realm cultivator in trifling can still make waves?!"

The jackal was shocked, and immediately knelt down on the ground to plead guilty, until Mu Tie coldly snorted, he quickly climbed up like the amnesty, and quickly followed the trail with the other Monster Races.

Mu Tieshi Shiran followed behind, a look of pleasure flashed in his eyes, he seemed to enjoy the feeling of being in control.

Monster Race has strict levels, Qi Refinement Realm cultivation base is only worthy of becoming a demon servant, and it is absolutely impossible to enjoy such treatment.

Anyone who can be called an adult must at least be the Demon Soldier equivalent to Foundation Establishment Realm.

And this Monster Wolf, named Mu Tie, is a close son and nephew of Fu Shan.

His cultivation base has been promoted to Demon Soldier realm several years ago, otherwise it would not be his turn to lead the team to carry out the task that Fu Shan personally ordered.

But what this group of Monster Race didn't expect was that they followed the trail left by Su Yun, but they never saw any silhouette.

They would almost doubt their eyes unless all tracking methods proved that they were not chasing in the wrong direction.

The blood moon drifted away, a grey dawn in the east.

It wasn't until the first ray of morning light tore through the night that the Monster Race cultivator, who had been in the vicinity of the mountain for a night, finally saw Su Yun's silhouette.

At this time, he was standing on a wide rocky ground with his hands and hands, and looked at the large number of Monster Races swarming indifferently.

The golden morning light fell from behind him, the mountain wind blew lightly, and the robes were lightly swayed, and the sight was as straight as immortal dust!

"You have so endured the hardships of a long journey, are you looking for me?" Su Yun raised the corners of her mouth, revealing a playful smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, I made Lao Tzu chase you all night, and you'd better die slowly!"

At this time, it's not just an ordinary Monster Race, it's a culture Mu Tie, who had a deep base, couldn't hold back his anger for a long time. A pair of cold glow eyes stared at Su Yun, wanting to burn him to ashes!

The other Monster Races were also angry, looking at Su Yun with murderous intentions.

No wonder they lost self-control so much, it's been such a frustrating night.

Every time I found the traces that Su Yun had just left from afar, there was nothing after I chased them, and then I searched again and new traces appeared in the vicinity.

After doing this dozens of times, these Monster Race cultivators are exhausted and their spirits wilted a lot.

In addition, there were more than 30 Monster Race battalions at the time of departure, but after two hours of tracking, they have been reduced to more than 20.

Everyone who was downsized suddenly encountered a strange invasion on the way to track Su Yun, and then they simply picked up the lunch box.

Obviously, all of this was done under the deliberate guidance of Su Yun's marionette manipulation ability.

It doesn't matter how much the Monster Race cultivator dies, just by the way, I can observe all kinds of weird killing methods, and I can be more prepared when encountering them in the future.

With Mu Tie's order, dozens of Monster Races instantly turned into one after another afterimage, and charged towards Su Yun!

A piece of flying sand running stone in the field, sharp claw, sharp humming of the blade ripping through the air one after another, making the nearby leaves rustled!


Su Yun gently pulled out the scabbard, and the spirit power around him exploded!

He stepped forward and flew forward, his black armor was violently slammed by the extremely fast air, and there was a thunderous explosion from the whole body muscles and bones!

The hard rock formations on the ground were smashed by his footsteps, and the gravel hiding the sky and covering the earth was moved towards the space on both sides and blasted away, making a series of sharp whistles!

In all Monster Race's sights, between Su Yun's fast and completely invisible steps, the entire ground seemed to sink!

With just such a glance, all Monster Races, including Mu Tie, whose cultivation base has advanced to Demon Soldier realm, are like falling in a ice hole at the same time. Strong illusion of hitting.

A breath or an instant?

No one can tell.

The imposing manner all over his body just broke out, and Mu Tie, who was waiting for a thunderous blow, was able to lift the big knife in his hand, and the anger in his eyes had not had time to transform the corresponding expression on his face.

Accompanied by a thunderclap like thunder crashing down, an extremely fierce air force came out from Su Yun and swept across all directions in an instant!

His silhouette has completely turned into a dazzling light, instantly spanning a distance of twenty feet, with a blade light as violent as thunder, flashing through the many Monster Races!

When Su Yun's silhouette appeared again, he had quietly stood behind Mu Tie.

"What are you... What... Blade Technique?"

Today, two updates of 5,000 words will be presented, continue to code and save the manuscript, and strive to return the debt within this week.

Thanks to【Dragon Taoist Strongly Requesting to Add Drama】,【Only Swordsmanship】,【Nightmare Silver Fox Shadow】,【Benevolent Amaterasu】,【Goodbye is already the person in the song】,【Court Eunuch can What bad thoughts?] The recommendation votes of several big brothers support.

(end of this chapter)

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