Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 13


Chapter 13 013 [Use weirdness as a marionette? ]

Mu Tie stood there blankly with his eyes wide open, and asked the last sentence of his life with difficulty.

It's a pity that Su Yun didn't answer him.

Because the dead don't need to know the answer!

"ceng! ”

As Su Yun gently returned the knife to the sheath, all those who hid in the distance to spy on the battle here saw an unforgettable scene!

Twenty-six Monster Race cultivators, including the Demon Soldier named Mu Tie!

Every Monster Race on the trajectory of this violent blade light burst out, a blood line suddenly appeared in the throat!


The blood surged into the sky, and twenty-six heads flew together!

Then these huge and ferocious heads rolled gu lu gu lu on the ground.

The blood mist is flying all over the sky, and under the reflection of the rising morning sun, there is a kind of cruel beauty.

On this straight track, twenty-six headless monsters fell to the ground, the blood spurting from their necks dyed the ground scarlet, and a thick blood-reeking qi quickly spread around.

Mu Tie, who originally believed in the cultivation base profound, dismissed Su Yun, and was ready to carry his head back to ask for merit, died here quietly, and he didn't even have time to issue anything before he died.


“Goo du!”

A group of Immortal Sect Disciples hidden outside several hundred zhang swallowed together, their eyes full of disbelief.

Not to mention the twenty-something Monster Race!

Even more than 20 pigs stand in place and let them cut and kill, I am afraid no one can do it so neatly.

Because in the whole battle process, in addition to the Blade Intent to enhance the formidable power of the move, Su Yun only made one knife from the beginning to the end!

In a single stroke, more than 20 Monster Races equivalent to Qi Refinement's late cultivators were awarded together, and even a Demon Soldier whose cultivation base was enough to mention on equal terms with the Foundation Establishment cultivator!

So Blade Technique!

Such an imposing manner!

Where did this ruthless come from?

Su Yun ignored the Immortal Sect Disciple watching from a distance, he quickly put Mu Tie's body into the storage bag with the largest space, and at the same time picked up the big knife on the ground and stuffed it inside.

The body of the Demon Soldier is a good thing, not to mention that the monster core is the favorite rare material of the Pill Refinement Masters, bringing it back to the cultivation city will surely sell for a good price.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yun turned around and walked back, the long knife vibrated lightly, and the blade light flew out.

The torso of the demons were neatly separated, and the intact monster cores and the storage bags hanging around their waists were taken into the palms of Gravity Technique and quickly put away.

As for the corpses of these Monster Races...

After putting away the few low-grade Magical Artifacts, Su Yun looked at the hideous monsters that were eight or nine feet tall on average. The demon body decisively gave up the idea of taking it back and selling it.

Even if the stuff didn't weigh in the storage bag, it would be a lot of work to just disassemble them to a size that would fit in a storage bag, and it wouldn't sell for much.

Leave it to the onlookers.

Looking up at the Immortal Sect Disciples hiding nearby, Su Yun didn't linger any longer, took up the movement method and quickly disappeared into the depths of the forest.

The Immortal Sect cultivators were sighed in relief until the silhouette was completely invisible.

Across a distance of 20 meters, it chopped off the heads of dozens of Monster Races with one knife. This kind of terrifying ferocity brought them too much pressure.

No one knows if the ruthless blade light will suddenly slash at him and the others. After all, there is no peace between Eastern Continent sects.

But soon they won't care about it.

Because there were already several silhouettes in the distance, they rushed straight to the Monster Race corpses left on the battlefield.

Although Su Yun doesn't like these things, each of the following corpses can be exchanged for dozens of low grade Spirit Stones.

For ordinary Qi Refinement Realm cultivators, this is equivalent to sect the benefits that have been issued in two or three years.

Immortal Sect Disciple hiding around joined the feast of spills of war one after another, and a lot of conflict broke out again in the field, but this is not what Su Yun cares about.


As the sun sinks completely below the horizon, night falls again.

At this time, Su Yun had come to another hill outside several dozen li, to avoid the special concern of Monster General Fu Shan again.

However, it seems that because of the existence of [0-08], Su Yun did not encounter the same troubles as today.

Glancing back and forth on the simulator's light screen, Su Yun carefully analyzed the information revealed by the previous simulation.


According to the experience of the first day in the simulation, controlling the ordinary weird can improve the marionette's manipulation ability.

Su Yun speculates that this improvement does not directly enhance the Innate Ability of marionette manipulation, but refers to the ability to control marionettes from Human Race and Monster Race to more powerful, strange, invisible Strengthen the battle strength brought by the marionette manipulation.

From this point of view, it shouldn't be to control the ordinary weird "spiritual body string" It shouldn't be like the Unshakeable Type weirdness, which will trigger the terrifying scene of the strange domain outbreak.

As for whether there are other risks among them, it is temporarily unknown.


The spiritual body string of Monster Race is completely different from Human Race, and the difference is so obvious that Su Yun can recognize it at a glance.

This information has been revealed in the two simulations before and after, and it is not wrong to think.

The past few days were patronizing the beheading of the Monster Race cultivator, but I forgot to check it out. I'll have to find an opportunity to check it as soon as possible tomorrow.


The Monster Race will gather to force the Immortal Sect Disciple to march forward, while the Monster General Fu Shan will take the opportunity to replace the Profound Cloud Sect Outer Sect Disciple Li San when the two sides are fighting fiercely.

In order to be able to safely return to the Human Race temporary home "Bright Sprint Valley", Su Yun must also join the team.

But in doing so, all Immortal Sect Disciples in the team are at risk of being threatened by a high-level Monster Race at any time, and Su Yun is no exception.

This is a very big test for Su Yun, who knows Fu Shan's true identity, because he can't guarantee that he will not reveal a weak spot in the process.

Fortunately, he wore the disguise mask from those storage bags when he acted in the past two days. When the time comes to join the team, he will use his true face, so he should not be recognized by others. .

With the cover of [0-08], Monster General Fu Shan should not be able to spy on him with Divine Consciousness, so theoretically, it is safe for Su Yun to join the battallion group.

After all, Fu Shan's ultimate goal is to sneak into the Human Race station, so he will not easily take action on the Human Race cultivator beside him.

When the time comes at worst Be mediocre and avoid contact with the Monster Race in the team on weekdays, It shouldn't be to draw Fu Shan's attention again.

But before that, the shielding power of [0-08] must be eliminated first.

Otherwise, as long as Fu Shan uses Divine Consciousness to swipe and find that Su Yun's place is obscured by some kind of power, it is impossible to attract attention or not.

It seems that because Su Yun's idea involves [0-08], so he, who has the characteristic of "every word must be known", felt all this, and this classical quill flew out by itself again .

A few lines of writing quickly appeared on the ground.

"The weak Su Yun seems to have some lack of awareness of Alisford's strength."

He paused a bit and continued: "Alisford has decided to forgive his offense this time. "

"When Fu Shan probes Su Yun with Divine Consciousness again, he will spy on a very unremarkable Qi Refinement 7th Layer cultivator. As the Monster General of aloof and remote, how can he keep focusing on a Qi Refinement 7th Layer cultivator? What about such a weak Human Race?"

He then added a sentence at the end: "This is very logical."

The quill flew back on its own. Su Yun drilled into the chest with unusually skilled movements.

Su Yun watched this scene in silence, not knowing what to comment.

But apparently, his concerns were no longer a problem.

Soon, Su Yun turned his attention back to the emulator.

If what [0-08] just wrote becomes reality, Su Yun will no longer be concerned by Monster General Fu Shan, so his next actions will focus on two aspects.

The first is to enhance the strength and obtain a stronger self-protection force.

Secondly, when entering "Bright Sprint Valley", a more ingenious method must be used to "report" Fu Shan.

It's best if he gets under siege by three Golden Core cultivators as soon as he arrives at the station, then Su Yun is naturally safe.

However, both of these two things involve the same problem, that is, to improve the ability to manipulate the marionette first.

So, next, Su Yun will try to control the ordinary and strange "spiritual body string", and transform those powerful and strange with different abilities into his marionette!

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Thanks to the [Benevolent Amaterasu] and [Dragon Taoist Strongly Requesting to Add Drama] for the support of the recommendation tickets!

(end of this chapter)

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