Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 3


Chapter 3 003 [The second most tragic simulation]

Under the shadow of the blood moon, even the night sky is stained with a Layer dull red.

Although Su Yun has seen this kind of ominous scene many times in the original body memory, but looking at the memory fragments and the real face are obviously completely different.

Seeing this bloody full moon, Su Yun suddenly felt an inexplicable panic, and subconsciously wanted to look away.

However, it took him a long time to realize that now he can only control the blinking of his eyelids, and other parts of his body are still unable to move even a little bit.

"Ta Ta~, Ta Ta~"

The sound of heavy footsteps continued to linger outside the hall, but there was no sign of approaching.

Su Yun listened to it for a long time without noticing any abnormality, and the tense heartstrings finally relaxed a little.

It seems that it is necessary to restore mobility as soon as possible.

He forced himself to ignore the influence of the footsteps and re-invested his thoughts on the light curtain of the simulator.

The situation is still dangerous, and it is most important to start the second simulation first.

"The survival simulation is officially opened, loading."

"Please select three innate talents from the following innate talents to start the simulation."

["Beautiful face" (blue): Your appearance will be greatly improved, but the chance of encountering danger will also be greatly increased]

["Single for 20 years (blue): Because of being single for a long time) , your left wrist is far stronger than ordinary people, and your grip strength is ten times that of ordinary people.”

[“Blade Dao expert” (purple): You have gone through hundreds of fierce battles of life and death, as long as you have a long knife in your hand, You will be able to exert a battle strength far exceeding that of the cultivator of the same level, and the efficiency of the cultivation Blade Dao cultivation technique will be increased by an additional 50%. ]

["no surprise" (purple): You can keep calm in most situations and will not be easily disturbed by external factors and emotions. ]


Seeing these two purple innate talents, Su Yun's heart shuddered.

The quality of innate talent at this time is obviously much better, and there are actually two purple innate talents.

And the effect of this "Blade Dao expert" looks quite amazing. For the current Su Yun, the innate talent that can directly improve the normal battle strength is especially important!

If there is no better choice in the next innate talent, I am afraid this is the biggest reliance for my survival.

Drag the content displayed on the light screen down, and sure enough, several innate talents from the mysterious world appear on it.

["breathing underwater" (green): From the Divinator pathway Sequence Seven, you can create an invisible air straw out of thin air, so that you can breathe freely under the water no more than five meters. ]

["Poker face" (white): It is impossible to guess your inner thoughts through your expressions. ]

["Marionette Manipulation" (purple): From the Divinator pathway Sequence Five, you can see the spiritual body string of all creatures, and can control the spiritual body string at close range to convert the target into a marionette. ]

["Demi-God form" (purple): You will have an incomplete mythological form, when you reveal this form, once the creatures below Demi-God look directly at you, There is a high probability that tentacles and eyes will grow all over the body, and it will lose control and die in place. ]


Two purple innate talents again!

Su Yun looked at the light curtain in front of him and fell into deep thought again.

Among the innate talents of the cultivation department, "Blade Dao expert" must be selected.

The original body is a cultivator of Qi Refinement 7th Layer, and it has a good formidable power sword.

Because of the timely passage, the spiritual power in this body did not dissipate.

If you can get the blessing of this innate talent after inheriting the original cultivation base, your chances of survival will be greatly improved!

But what to choose from the other two innate talents made Su Yun difficult.

The remaining three purple innate talents are undoubtedly first-class powerful means, no matter which one can be realized in the end, it is not a loss.

A moment later, Su Yun made up her mind.

He quickly clicked on "Blade Dao expert", "Marionette Manipulation" and "Demi-God Form" and started the simulation right away!

["Innate talent selection is complete, the survival simulation begins..."]

[Day 1: The fusion speed of your soul and body is greatly accelerated, but since the fusion has not been completed, you Still lying on the ground unable to move. Fortunately, the weirdness outside did not enter the great hall, and you survived the night without any risk. ]

[Day 2: You have completed the fusion of spirits and souls and gained more memories.

After collecting all the corpses, you got some Spirit Stones and low-level talismans, and found a good Magical Artifact long knife, your strength is greatly increased.

Tonight, the footsteps are not close to the great hall. You close the doors and windows tightly and observe quietly through the gaps in the windows.

You find a monster wandering in the distance, but this monster doesn't seem to have any spiritual wisdom. It roams mechanically in the vicinity, leaving a line of bloody footprints wherever it passes.

You feel a great threat from your footprints. ]

[Day 3: The weirdness outside reappeared, you stood behind the door waiting for it to approach, but it seemed to sense something, and it turned and left. ]

[Day 4: The footsteps approached again, and the strange one came again.

You opened the door with lightning speed, it stared at you with red eyes, and countless eyeballs and tentacles grew on its body.

But then, it suddenly disappeared and never appeared again. ]

Seeing this, Su Yun was stunned for a moment.

In this scene, did he directly open the Demi-God form?

And that weird one didn't die? just disappeared?

Continue to drag the light screen downward, and the Future Scripture in the simulation will appear one after another.

【Day 5: You picked up some of the same sect's relics and buried them in the mine, and then you rushed to the temporary camp outside several hundred li.

Because the time is too short, you have not had time to sort out all the memories left by the original body, which makes you unfamiliar with many cultivation methods.

Just after walking five miles, you are chased by two Monster Wolfs for unintentionally triggering the alert.

You try to make them into marionettes.

But the distance that Secret Puppet manipulates is too short, and you can only choose close combat as a last resort.

After a fierce battle, you found an opportunity to complete the initial marionette transformation. In order to avoid too many nightmares, you directly slashed and killed two Monster Wolf and left the place.

After night fell, strange silhouettes began to appear all around, and everyone converged on the spiritual power fluctuations and hid in hidden places, without exception.

Night is weird! ]

[Sixth day: After dawn, you set off again. Since you've been sneak attacked once, you've become more cautious.

You fought every step of the way, and the grass and trees were all soldiers. In the next two days, you only walked more than ten miles, but fortunately, you did not encounter the enemy again.

As usual after dark, hide until dawn. ]

[Day 8: Today you found a lot of traces of Immortal Sect Disciple, but you still haven't encountered any Monster Race, you feel a little strange, but you don't intend to explore the reason, you Speed up travel. ]

[Day 9: Nothing happened. ]

[Day 10: You feel that your actions in the past few days are too smooth, and you feel a little uneasy. You decide to slow down and act carefully. ]

[Day 11: Your prudence has paid off.

Before you set off, you manipulated the marionette to observe at a high place for a long time as usual, and you found that there were many Monster Races ambushing on the route leading to the temporary station, so you chose to stay in place on this day. act rashly. ]

[Twelfth Day: Two Disciples from other sects fell into an ambush by accident. You calculated your own strength, decided to stand by and silently recited the rebirth mantra for them in the heart.

If you have the strength to rush up, it is called saving people, and if you have no strength, it is called food delivery, so you have a clear conscience. ]

[Day 13: Several Demon Sect cultivators discovered your traces by accident. Because the threat of Monster Race was imminent, they didn't come to trouble you. ]

[Day 14: Due to the Demon Sect cultivator's secret tricks to attract Monster Race, you were suddenly besieged by more than ten Monster Races, and those Demon Sect cultivators took the opportunity to break out.

The attack was too sudden, you were caught off guard, you were seriously injured, and the anger in your heart was uncontrollable.

After the failure to break through, you directly revealed the Demi-God form, and the seventeen Monster Races, without exception, all lost control and died on the spot.

Because of the frequent use of Demi-God form in a short period of time, your spirit has been damaged and is about to lose control.

You can no longer chase the Demon Sect Disciple, you can only quickly find a place to heal. ]

[Day 15: You hid in a forest somewhere to recuperate. ]

[Day 16: Continue to recuperate. ]

[Day 19: Your injuries have fully recovered, but the wounds of your soul have not fully recovered, which has caused a lot of damage to your strength. Impact.

To avoid being attacked by the Monster Race again, you decide to take a detour in the other direction.

On the way, you meet dozens of Immortal Sect Disciples who have gathered for the same reason, and you join the team. ]

[Day 20: You find that a few people in the team have different "spiritual body string" than others, but they don't show any abnormality. Although you feel strange, you don't think much about it.

On the way, other people joined the team one after another, and the number gradually increased.

You inquired about it and found that everyone was killed by Monster Race in other directions, and it took many twists and turns to gather here.

You feel that something is wrong, but there is no way to figure it out, so you just follow the team and move on. ]

[Day 21: The journey was safe and sound. ]

[Day 22: The team successfully returned to the nearest Human Race temporary residence "Bright Sprint Valley".

Before entering the station, everyone needs to go through a lot of identity checks, and the cultivator of the monitoring hall caught four Monster Race Spy in the crowd.

You stumbled across that these Monster Race Spy's are the ones with a "spiritual body string" different from the rest.

However, there was one person in the crowd whose "spiritual body string" was different from others, but he successfully passed the inspection of the Supervision Hall.

You quietly found a cultivator in the monitoring hall to remind you of this, but he did not take your words seriously, but suspected you as a spy.

The Golden Core deacon Ji Tao happened to pass by, and he felt a faint threat from you.

Because your soul trauma has not been fully recovered, and you have suddenly acquired high-level power, you can't perfectly hide the Life Aura produced by the Demi-God form for the time being. Ji Tao used special means to sense the soul, and noticed it. The fact that your soul is different.

Ji Tao thinks that you have been possessed by the Monster Race body, and severely injured you on the spot, ready to be interrogated severely!

Because of your injuries, you lost control on the spot, revealing an incomplete mythological form, causing a large number of Immortal Sect Disciple casualties.

In the end, after losing control, you were jointly banned by three Golden Core deacon, and put on a large floating battleship [Profound Dragon] to suppress.

And the real spy, Monster General Fu Shan, sent by the wild demon country, was completely excluded from the suspicion of Monster Race Spy because of your out of control, and succeeded in the identity of Profound Cloud Sect Outer Sect Disciple Li San Infiltrated the station. ]

[Day 23: All Immortal Sect Disciples in the station board [Profound Dragon] together and return to the northern border city [Nether Cloud City].

After the Profound Dragon approached Nether Cloud City, the long-lurking Monster General Fu Shan detonated a huge might Forbidden Item, destroyed [Profound Dragon], and caused its core array to explode in series.

The accident resulted in the destruction of Nether Cloud City's large Defensive Array, and the main Monster Race immediately launched a raid on Nether Cloud City.

But you can't see it all, and in an earth-shattering explosion, you die. ]

New book for collection~recommend~

Thanks to book friends [Court Eunuch can have any bad thoughts], [Dragon set strongly requests to add drama] recommendation tickets, thank you for your support ~

(end of this chapter)

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