Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 4


Chapter 4 004 [innate talent upgrade, Sequence Four's marionette manipulation! ]

"Assessment: take the side of the evil-doer and fight for the tiger!

You have provided the enemy with a perfect cover at the cost of your own life. If you were a Monster Race cultivator, it will definitely be engraved on the monument."

"This survival simulation is over, congratulations on your survival for 23 days, you can choose two innate talents to manifest and get a boost once The opportunity to innate talent quality."

"The simulator goes into a cooldown state of twenty-three hours."

Demon Sect cultivator!

Monster General Fu Shan!

Su Yun reluctantly suppressed the shock in her heart and regained her attention from the light screen.

The amount of information revealed by the simulation at this time is too huge, and he needs to take a good look at it.

The first thing that can be determined is that there is an extremely rare Unshakeable Type strange wandering outside the hall.

This kind of weirdness has only some kind of chaotic instinct, and basically won't take the initiative to attack anyone, but compared with ordinary weirdness, its danger is far more than ten times a hundred times.

Once the iron law of killing is triggered, unless it is a big guy with strong magical protection above the Golden Core Realm, the low-level cultivator is likely to be a dead word!

And the reason for his death in the first simulation should be on the bloody footprints left by this weird one.

Combined with the description mentioned in the simulation that stepping out the door with the left foot first resulted in being killed...

Could it be that this weird iron law of killing is being stepped on?

It's a pity that there are too many kinds of weirdness in this world, I'm afraid no one can accurately identify the characteristics and means of each kind of weirdness, otherwise this matter will be much simpler.

Another thing that is certain is that using the Demi-God form at this stage brings huge risks to the next move.

From the information given by the simulation, this equivalent to groundless mortals suddenly became Demi-God.

It is easy to get out of control, and it is also very easy to cause damage to the soul.

This is also the most important cause of the ultimate tragedy in the simulation experience.

Therefore, the innate talent of "Demi-God Form" is temporarily unavailable.

Other dangers can also be avoided or cracked. Once used, this innate talent will leave a deadly hidden danger. If you choose it, it is equivalent to the countdown to life.

Unless he will never go anywhere in the Northern Wilderness Battlefield in the future, as long as he intends to return to the Human Race territory, he cannot avoid the Bright Sprint Valley, the only Human Race gathering within several thousands li. land.

But Su Yun had no choice at all.

Humans and demons both have large-scale protection formations on their borders, and countless powerhouses patrol day and night.

No low-level cultivator can return alone without going through the battleship in the station.

The third point, Monster Race is planning to guide the Immortal Sect Disciple collection, most likely to give the "Monster General Fu Shan" a chance to mix into the Human Race station.

Monster General!

The level of Monster Race is very strict, and the title and strength are completely equal.

Those who can be called Monster General must have the strength to rival the Golden Core Realm cultivator!

Such a powerful Monster Race mixed in with the low-level Immortal Sect Disciple team...

Thinking of this, Su Yun felt a chill in his heart, and immediately chose to manifest "Blade Dao". expert" and "Marionette Manipulation".

The outside world is too dangerous. Before that, you must have the most basic self-protection ability as soon as possible.

Since the Demi-God form is temporarily unavailable, and the original combat capability is not very good, then I can only try my best to first consider the innate talent that can improve the normal combat capability.

The next moment.

He felt that countless fighting knowledge about Blade Dao appeared out of thin air in his mind, and a mysterious perception also rose in the mind.

As if he'd been immersed in Blade Dao himself for decades, everything about fighting with a knife seemed pure and simple.

So simple to complete the strength improvement?

Su Yun was startled for a moment, even though he was well prepared, this unimaginable scene still made him feel unreal.

However, he didn't have more time to think about it, because with the realization of the innate talent of "Blade Dao expert", the realization of the innate talent of "Marionette Manipulation" also followed.

Suddenly, Su Yun found that his mind had become extremely sluggish.

It's like the head is filled with lead water, and even the simplest thought turns extremely difficult.

At the same time, he felt that there seemed to be tiny strands of insect drilling into every cell of his body and into his soul.

This is somewhat similar to the description of Xiao Ke's promotion to Secret Puppeteer in the original mystery book, the difference is that Su Yun simply mastered one of the abilities, and did not experience the process of taking magical medicine.

So at this time, there was no scene of extremely low san value such as granulation growing on him.

Soon, this uncontrollable, puppet-like discomfort subsided quickly.

Su Yun opened her eyes again.

At this moment, in addition to the crimson moonlight, there are countless illusory black lines in his eyes.

They extend from the spider web above his head, from himself, from the corners and outside the great hall that cannot be reached by sight now, densely packed, layer upon layer, spreading all the way to infinity, as if Reached the end of the sky.

This extremely beautiful and bizarre picture completely shocked Su Yun's heart!

Because it was the first time for him to truly perceive the appearance of the extraordinary world from such a perspective.

In the end, he was just an ordinary young man before the time-travel, even if his mind was stronger than ordinary people because of some of his own experiences, but that's all.

It's because he can't do anything but wink now.

And the memory fusion just now also gave him a lot of power cognition about the cultivation world.

Otherwise he would have jumped up with excitement at this time.

This is what happens when any ordinary person suddenly gains great power.

But the excitement came and went quickly.

A moment later, Su Yun turned her attention back to her current innate talent.

In the process of manifesting the innate talent, he has obtained information corresponding to the [Marionette Manipulation] innate talent.

He is currently able to see "spiritual body strings" at a range of two hundred meters, but to manipulate them he must be within five meters.

same level The initial control time of the target is three to five seconds, the specific time depends on the target's spirit strength, but the target is almost undetectable until the effect is produced.

Once the target's "spiritual body string" is initially controlled, the opponent will immediately appear slow in thinking, sluggish in action, and stiff in body, and then gradually develops in the direction of puppets and puppets.

If the control process is not interrupted by external force, the target will be gradually transformed into a marionette in the next two to five minutes.

In addition to retaining its own various abilities, the puppet can also use items such as talisman and array disk normally, and consume its own spiritual power.

However, the act of manipulating the marionette itself consumes a lot of Divine Soul Power.

And must be within five meters to start manipulating the "spiritual body string".

This distance is too short to be used as a routine method for the time being.

But this ability is undoubtedly very powerful!

Battles between cultivators are often fierce and short, with life and death in a split second.

If during this process, one of the parties suddenly experiences delayed thinking and rigid movements, the fate can be imagined!

The simulation experience neutralizing two Monster Wolf battles is enough to prove it.

Thinking of this, Su Yun was instantly filled with excitement and couldn't wait to try this ability.

Recalling the description of "spiritual body string", Su Yun tried to extend her mind towards the illusory black lines at the spider web above.

The world of immortal dao does not have the word "spirituality" in the mysterious original works, but Su Yun knows that the so-called "spirituality" is actually the Divine Consciousness and Divine Sense in the concept of cultivation.

Before the Foundation Establishment Realm, the cultivator was unable to reveal the Divine Consciousness, but with the help of the characteristics of the "Marionette Manipulation", he was also able to extend his mind to a distance.

Soon, Su Yun felt like she was grabbing something unremarkable.

The thoughts spread along the "spiritual body strings", and a finger-sized spider appeared in his "vision".

In a different world, these little creatures everywhere also have an unusually powerful life force.

Today's fierce battle of life and death did not kill the spider in this temple, but returned to the beam after the battle.

Su Yun was really surprised.

Because the spider's consciousness was too weak, it only took less than three seconds before and after, Su Yun felt that he had initially controlled the little creature, and changed it completely after ten seconds. Become a marionette.

He tried to use his mind to manipulate the spider to crawl over, but this refined operation was still a bit reluctant for him to perform marionette manipulation for the first time.

After some efforts, the spider's eight legs were successfully twisted into a twist, and it collapsed in place.

But this embarrassment didn't last long, and soon Su Yun found the trick to manipulating the "spiritual body string".

As a transparent silk thread dangled from the beam, a small spider hung quietly in front of Su Yun's eyes.

It worked!

Su Yun was instantly inspired.

Then he did the same, and used the same method to control two spiders of the same species, and control these little things to crawl around in the great hall.

One of them crawled out along the hole in the top of the hall, and soon disappeared from Su Yun's sight.

The marionette's vision, hearing, and other senses can be shared with the Manipulator.

Unfortunately, spiders have poor eyesight, no matter how hard they try, they can only perceive a dim light.

In order to avoid unnecessary danger, Su Yun quickly disconnected the control of the "spiritual body string" after simply testing the current distance of the marionette.

At this point, he has figured out the upper limit of his current ability, which is basically the same as the description given by the simulator.

At this moment, Su Yun suddenly remembered something.

A chance to improve the quality of innate talent was awarded after the simulation just now!

His eyes fell on the light screen of the simulator, and the familiar beep sounded again.

“You can improve the quality of an innate talent, do you want to use it?”

“Currently, the innate talent that can be improved is as follows: [Appease], [Blade Dao expert], [Secret Puppet] Manipulation], please select the innate talent you want to improve."

【Sorry Puppet Manipulation】!

Su Yun didn't hesitate to press OK.

The other two innate talents may not bring real qualitative changes even if they are improved.

But [Marionette Manipulation] can!

A numb, icy feeling gradually spread out from the depths of Su Yun's soul, and the amount of his God's Soul Power grew rapidly.

next moment.

His spirit suddenly rose up, and the whole person seemed to leave this great hall at once, and came directly to the sky lit by the blood moon.

Looking down and looking down, Su Yun only felt that there seemed to be countless invisible threads connected to his hands below.

And on his body lying quietly on the ground, countless transparent worms suddenly jumped out, and even under the clothes, there were also traces of wriggling that kept going up and down.

The rays of light of the blood moon shine on these transparent worms, shining one after another with mysterious rune.

They seem to have penetrated a higher level and are connected to the laws in the dark.

They are entangled together, forming one after another bizarre "tentacles", but showing a unique beauty.

As the tentacles were open, Su Yun only felt that her soul, emotions, thoughts, memories, and all the memories, light and shadow left by her original body had been twisted into countless pieces.

All of this rises up following a distant and illusory connection, as if to fly to infinity, where there are countless indescribable illusory shadows, resounding with countless twisted and frantic whispers .

At this moment, Su Yun felt an indescribable force suddenly enveloped him.

Not only did it instantly rescue him from the peculiar state of innate talent embodied, it even restored him to an unprecedented Peak state.

The spiritual idea returned quickly, and the transparent worms gradually retracted into the body.

The overlapping space around his body gradually disappeared, and he returned to lying on the ground again.



It seemed that he sensed the movement in the hall, and the strange creature outside slowly wandered over.

The sound of heavy footsteps was getting closer and closer, and there was no sign of stopping until it approached the door of the great hall.

A pale red mist quietly poured in along the crack of the door, and the hall immediately filled with a strong smell of blood...

Thanks to book friends [Li Shigou], [Court Eunuch] What are your bad thoughts], [Dragon Tao strongly requests to add drama] recommended tickets, thanks to all the book lovers who have collected this book, thank you for your support!

The author will work hard to ensure stable updates and repay everyone!

(end of this chapter)

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