Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 55


Chapter 55 055 [Open Gate: I embarrassed the Gou Sanjia]

Over time, the casualties on both sides began to expand .

The Monster Race team has gradually lost more than 50 members, approaching 30% of their total.

The Immortal Sect Disciple side suffered no small casualties, and both sides were exhausted after a long time to stimulate the spiritual power to deal with the life and death battle.

In particular, the dozens of cultivators who have been in charge of intercepting several Demon Soldiers were exhausted.

If it is not supported by the medicine pill that restores Spiritual Qi.

In the face of the strong pressure brought by several Demon Soldiers who have been trying to break through the siege and rush out, they may have already planned 36 Stratagems fleeing is the best.

But if the battle continues, I'm afraid they too will be unable to hold on.

After all, there is a realm missing, no matter how to make up for it with battle formations and other means, it is difficult to cross this gap.

Not everyone can leapfrog battles as easily as Su Yun.

Fortunately, Fu Shan's Divine Consciousness sound transmission arrived at the right time, and the four Demon Soldiers simply greeted their men and began to retreat slowly.

With the Monster Race starting to recede and the four Demon Soldiers wanting to go, no one wants to risk death by continuing to try to attack them.

What if the other party is desperate?

In this regard, the two sides called out their troops and ended today's battle at the cost of dozens of lives.

Next, Immortal Sect Disciple began to rest the team, heal wounds, and gather the bodies of relatives and friends same sect.

There is an atmosphere of sadness in the camp, but most people have become accustomed to it, and they will return to themselves with only a slight feeling.

The Northern Wilderness is not a good place, and the battlefield of burying bones has long been nothing new.

The team didn't start moving again until it was almost noon on Sunday, when everyone had recovered more or less.

In case of another attack from the Monster Race, they acted a little more cautiously this time.

Not only did a large number of outposts be sent to guard and probe within the radius of several li, but the overall travel speed was also slowed down a lot, so that the team could conduct further running-in.

It was only less than twenty miles ahead until it got completely dark.

This is not too different from what was mentioned in the last simulation.

Looking at the Formation light curtain that re-lit in the distance, Su Yun retracted his gaze and began to think about the next action plan.

Next, Su Yun needs to do two things.

The first is to sort out the abilities that he has mastered, and formulate a cultivation plan after leaving the Beihuang battlefield.

The second is to find other Shadow Puppets and turn them into new marionettes.

Since there is only one Shadow Phantom left, Su Yun now has no sense of security.

After all, the reason why he can maneuver in such a flexible and fast way now is entirely based on Shadow Phantom's "flash" ability.

In the case of only one Shadow Phantom.

Once there is a mistake next, Su Yun has to return to the embarrassing state of relying solely on the No. 11 bus, which he cannot accept no matter what.

From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult!

After experiencing the convenience and speed of "Blink", Su Yun now only feels that her past actions were really as slow as a snail.

Before his own strength or movement method has not been improved qualitatively, "Blink" is Su Yun's most indispensable auxiliary ability now.

Unfortunately, the innate talent obtained in the last simulation was Open Gate instead of "Traveler's Gate".

Otherwise, the mobility and life-saving capabilities have not only risen a step further? !

I don't know if I will have the chance to acquire the later ability of "Gou Sanjia" in the future.

Starting with Sequence Three, "Gou Sanjia" can be said to have brought the operation of Gou Ming to the limit.

Each ability is a magical skill!

And the Open Gate that I have now...

Su Yun reached out and pressed on the rock beside, and quietly activated the Open Gate ability.

next moment.

There was a trance in front of me, and then it became clear again.

In the blink of an eye, he had passed through this rock about one zhang thick and appeared on the other side of the grass.

But that's about it.

Su Yun has tried it before.

Open Gate can only allow him to pass some obstacles such as walls and rocks that are not too thick, but it cannot penetrate the barrier of the protective Formation to enter and exit freely.

Not even the lowest-level Formation.

It's just a Sequence Nine capability after all.

According to the records in the original mystery, it can also open all locks without extraordinary power, and a small number of locks with extraordinary effects attached.

But as far as Su Yun knows.

In this immortal dao prosperous world, apart from the mortal world, there is simply no "lock" in the cultivation world!

In its place are all sorts of bans and formations, some of which are scary enough to kill high-rank cultivators.

With the current strength of the Open Gate ability, it is already reluctant to open the Qi Refinement Realm cultivator's imprint on the storage bag at most.

It's not as easy to use as Su Yun's direct violence with Blade Intent.

It's not that Su Yun hasn't tried to develop this ability, such as opening doors on the human body or directly attacking internal organs.

At first, Su Yun had high hopes for this. After all, killing someone in the air while waving their hands is too compelling!

But it doesn't work very well.

Unless it is in the face of dead corpses, it can be very effective.

Otherwise, whether it is Monster Race's demon power or cultivator's spiritual power, it will cause a huge obstacle to his forcible Open Gate behavior.

Relative to the spiritual power consumption of forced door opening.

Su Yun, with the same spiritual power, may have been able to kill any opponent below the Foundation Establishment Realm without any money.

It is more convenient and labor-saving, and it can also exercise combat ability by the way.

We can only wait to see if there is a chance to upgrade later, otherwise Open Gate will be useless for the time being.

What a pity!

Retracting her scattered thoughts, Su Yun refocused her mind on the simulator.

"The life simulation will start in twenty-one days, and the simulation operation is currently unavailable."

"Twenty-one days later?" Su Yun thought.

"That's when the Golden Core cultivator came to "Bright Sprint Valley" to switch?"

What a coincidence.

Hopefully the new simulation method can help the next cultivation.

Otherwise, relying solely on the resources of the outer sect and the Spiritual Qi concentration, I am afraid that he will not know how long it will take to advance to Qi Refinement Realm Peak.

The idea touched the translucent avatar icon in the upper left corner of the light screen, and a long-lost page popped up.

[Name: Su Yun]

[realm: Qi Refinement 8-Layer]

[cultivation technique: "Profound Cloud True Solution" (Eighth Layer) , "Shattered Void Tribulation and Destruction" (initial understanding), Thundershock Blade Art (achieved perfection), "Shadowbrush Step" (brought to the point of perfection)]

[Current innate talent: appease (blue) ), Blade Dao Master (orange), marionette manipulation (orange), extraordinary natural talent (purple), open the door (green)]

[special item: Ince Zangwill's special trousers (purple) 、0-08Pen of Alisford (red )]

The second update is here, and please continue to support it~

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PS: Starting from March 13, the update time has been changed to two chapters after 12:00 am every day. I urge all book friends to click in and read the latest chapter after seeing the update, thank you Everyone(#^.^#)

(end of this chapter)

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