Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 56


Chapter 56 056 [Four years! Su Yun's life plan]

Looking at the content on the light curtain, Su Yun fell into a brief thought.

According to his next plan.

Once you leave the Northern Wilderness battlefield, return to Nether Cloud City.

The first important thing must be to go to the battle hall established by the cultivation alliance to complete the exchange of military exploits, so as to make up for the shortcomings of the cultivation technique.

Because according to the rules of the cultivation alliance, Qi Refinement Realm cultivator can be exchanged for Earth Middle Grade cultivation technique at the highest level by virtue of military exploits!

This is the most important reason why countless low-level cultivators are willing to risk life and death to come to the Northern Wilderness battlefield to perform missions!

It is also the only way that the Great Influences leave the bottom cultivators in order to maintain the unity of the people and fight against the Monster Race together.

Although Su Yun's original cultivation "Profound Cloud True Solution" is already Mysterious Grade high grade.

But for now, it's still not enough.

Nothing else to say.

Just wanting to activate the Heavenly Rank sword art of "Shattering the Void Tribulation and Destruction" requires an ocean of spiritual power.

With Su Yun's current spiritual power, it is impossible to do so.

Even if you use the special skills provided by the [Blade Dao Master] innate talent to forcefully cast, it is very likely that the meridian will be severely injured and become a waste.

But if he can practice higher-level cultivation techniques, re-optimize his spiritual power structure, and further make his spiritual power more refined.

That's a whole different story.

At that time, not to mention sweeping the same level, at least when encountering a powerful opponent, there will be enough explosive means to save life, instead of running away with the ability of Secret Puppet like now.

The key is that you may not be able to run away.

You can't bet your luck every time to lure others into using Soul Attack against you.

As a half-hearted "Crafty Mage" with only the ability of [Marionette Manipulation], Su Yun's Demi-God form is usually hidden in the depths of the soul and cannot be revealed by himself.

The advantage is that you don't have to worry about being easily aware of the essence of the soul when you are not attacked by the soul and a threat similar to Forbidden Item that is life-threatening, and it is relatively easy to lose control.

The disadvantage is that when he wants to save his life with the help of Demi-God form, he can only first try to lure the opponent to deal with him with a soul-like attack.

If the other party is not fooled, then Su Yun will be helpless.

This is undoubtedly extremely unsafe.

As for obtaining high-level cultivation techniques through sect channels, Su Yun has not thought about it.

But apart from the Disciple with a few top aptitudes such as Heavenly Spirit Root, Five Elements Spirit Physique, Fengbinglei three-line variant pure spirit root, etc.

Profound Cloud Sect Outer Sect Disciple There is only one way to get better cultivation!

That is to participate in the outer sect grand competition once every ten years, to win the corresponding ranking and enter the Inner Sect cultivation, then you will naturally get higher-level cultivation techniques and cultivation resources.

At this time, three years had passed since the last outer sect grand competition, and Su Yun couldn't wait that long.

As for the innate talent route?

Although Su Yun's innate talent aptitude has been greatly improved compared to the previous one, he did not dare to actively expose it in front of Sect Elder and deacon in order to obtain a higher-level cultivation technique. .

At least until he has completed the Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment, he has to be careful to hide the huge change in his innate talent aptitude.

Even after the Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment, in the face of possible inquiries from the sect high-rank cultivator, he has to attribute all this change to some kind of fortuitous encounter or to get it together with the Foundation Establishment Legacy of predecessors.

Otherwise, once it is known, a cultivator who was originally a trifling high-grade Metal Spirit Root has actually risen to a level comparable to Heavenly Spirit Root in just one or two months' trip to the Northern Wilderness.

There is a high probability that he will be caught by the sect Golden Core and even the Nascent Soul Cultivator to ask the secrets, and it is not uncommon for him to be directly searched and refined.

Even if it is a cultivator of the right way, there will be people who will do anything for huge benefits by fair means or foul!

A cultivator without sufficient strength and strong backing is not qualified to have such a chance against the sky.

Thinking of this, Su Yun couldn't help sighed.

weak are prey to the strong, survival of the fittest.

It is indeed a world of culture where all can speak only of strength!

In addition to acquiring higher-order cultivation techniques, Su Yun has a second plan.

That is, you must make your own cultivation progress to Qi Refinement ninth layer Peak within four years, and then go to the Stern Grade [Nether Gorge] to find the three calamities Heavenly Dao from the foreshadowing of Chen Qing's fate trajectory The method of the Foundation Establishment!

Why is there a four-year time limit?

That's because according to the prediction of Wangqi deduction, Chen Qing will enter the [Nether Gorge] by fate in four years and obtain the legacy of his predecessors!

Su Yun must catch this opportunity before this time.

Otherwise, I don't know if there will be such an opportunity in my life.

And Chen Qing's future will not change because of this.

Because the secret technique this thing can be reproduced with jade slip.

In Su Yun's way.

Since he took his chance, he will definitely leave a copy for him before he leaves.

This is also necessary.

Otherwise, in the future, when the cultivation base is profound, there may be a lack of mood due to the great cause and effect that owes others, and it is impossible to peek into the higher realm.

It will be too late to regret then.

On this point, Su Yun will never be vague.

And want to survive in the mysterious and dangerous 【Nether Gorge】.

His biggest reliance is the deduction ability brought by the simulator.

A Stern Grade that has ruined dozens of Golden Core cultivators, should it be enough to reactivate the simulator's survival mode?

The cultivation base of Qi Refinement Realm is still too low.

In this world of dangerous lurks on every side, it's simply ants!

Only by completing the Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment first, in order to get more cultivation resources in the sect, and even become the true biography of Core Disciple and Golden Core in the future.

Only then can we break the shackles of origin and class.

In the future, we will have the opportunity to continue the triumphant progress on the road of longevity and step into the higher realm step by step.

As for leaving the sect and becoming a loose cultivator?

Su Yun never thought about this.

The loose cultivator seems to be free and unrestrained, but there is basically no hope of growing into a high-rank cultivator.

The power class of Heaven Origin World has long been solidified.

loose cultivator Unless you get a chance against the sky, and each realm can get the top cultivation technique that matches its own spirit root attribute in advance.

Otherwise, it would be good to be able to reluctantly complete the Lower Grade 3 Golden Core, not to mention the follow-up Nascent Soul, Divine Transformation and even Void Refinement Realm? !

Every improvement of cultivation realm is a giant **** of life level!

Beginning with the Foundation Establishment Realm, subsequent cultivation and realm breakthroughs require a huge amount of resources to be consumed.

Great Sect inherits tens of thousands of years of countless cultivation experiences, cultivation techniques, Heaven and Earth Treasure, and even Taoist means.

loose cultivator what to catch up with?

If there is not enough background support, the start will be lost at the starting line.

Once the foundation of cultivation is established, there is no possibility of making up for it.

Many talented cultivators were born in some small-scale Cultivation Family, and at most they can only become an ordinary Golden Core cultivator in their whole life.

And the Great Sect Disciple of the same talent.

But he can achieve Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment at 20, Grade 3 Golden Core at 50, Nascent Soul within 100, and even advanced Divine Transformation hundreds of years later!

What a huge gap!

And the difficulty of loose cultivator is not only reflected in these aspects.

Without sect and other Great Influences as a backer, not only is it difficult to obtain cultivation resources, but also face the threat of high-rank cultivators from time to time, or the frequent recruitment of cultivation alliances.

Once war breaks out on the front line, loose cultivators are often the first sequence of cannon fodder to lead the way!

It is difficult to explain the difficulties in a few words.

Looking up at the blood moon that gradually appeared on the horizon, Su Yun body flashed and disappeared into the dark forest.

Tonight is destined to be another "lucky day" for all the Shadow Phantoms nearby...

(end of this chapter)

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