Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 85


Chapter 85 084 [Forbidden Item's first victim! ]

To hear such unabashed words.

Fu Shan was really stunned.

He didn't respond to this for a long time, and the expression on his face changed for a while, which shows the complexity of his inner emotions at this moment.

Thanks to him, he was still worried about how to deal with Qin Zhen, who was not weak.

After a long time of trouble, it turned out that these two Demon Sect Disciples were actually thinking about this body of body possession, and in the evening deliberately borrowed Qin Zhen's name to bring themselves to this Cave Mansion!

What the hell have you done?

Can a demon cultivator with casual body possession encounter such a thing? !

Or is Human Race so popular now that Demon Sect Disciple has generally developed this hobby?

"His grandma's!"

"This trip to Beihuang is really frustrating. I must vent it later."

Su Yun doesn't care. How complicated is Fu Shan's mood now, it is necessary to control the marionette to continue acting.


Although the lines are a bit gross.

But only in this way can Fu Shan's doubts be dispelled as much as possible, and it will continue to affect his mood, causing him to fall into rage next.

When Su Yun arranges him with [0-08], he can cut as much as possible the strength of Backlash.

"Wang Yue, are you deaf?"

"If you know the physiognomy, you can cooperate with yourself. After the event, Senior Brother may give you a few medicine pills to replenish your body. ."

"Otherwise, we will anger both of our brothers, and you won't be able to go down to the ground after a while!"


The words of tiger and wolf come from the secret Occasionally bursting out of his mouth, he heard Fu Shan who was still doubting his life burning with anger, the string of reason suddenly snapped, and an uncontrollable killing intent surged up instantly.

"Are you in such a hurry to reincarnate?!"

A cold voice resounded throughout the quiet room.

Fu Shan, who had acted submissive a moment ago, suddenly raised his head, and a bloodthirsty cold glow flashed in his eyes.

"Yo, are you still showing your teeth at us?!"

"Don't look at your cultivation base before saying this, Senior Brother will teach you what it is High and low!"

The voice fell.

The Secret Puppet Armor immediately drew his sword and walked towards Fu Shan, with a cruel smile on his face.

"Take it lightly, it will be used for a while, but don't make people bloody." Secret Puppet B stood behind and watched this scene with interest, not forgetting to remind one sentence.

"Don't worry, I have my senses."

In order to stimulate Fu Shan's killing intent, it can be said that Su Yun has shown these two Demon Sect Disciple with special hobby characters. vividly and thoroughly.

I can't believe he can hold back!

The body flashed, the cold glow appeared.

A sharp blade light came three feet in front of Fu Shan in an instant, and it aimed at his left hand hanging on one side.


Blades clash, sparks flying in all directions.

This blade was easily blocked by Fu Shan.

A huge force that was not commensurate with the thin body radiated from the knife, and the Secret Puppet suddenly became unstable and staggered backwards.

Immediately after.

Under the gaze of two somewhat stupefied eyes, Fu Shan's foot moved, and the silhouette disappeared briefly into the quiet room.

A cold glow suddenly lit up, then quickly faded away.

After two light "chi" sounds.

The head rolls off, blood splattering.

The two marionettes ended their short acting careers.


“It was a simple death.”

Fu Shan returned the knife to the sheath with an ugly complexion, barely suppressing the anger in his heart.

frowned glanced at the two corpses on the ground. He raised his hand and picked up the two storage bags, ready to see if there was anything that could help him deal with the matter.

In the third-to-last Cave Mansion in the last row.

Su Yun put away the quill in his hand and began to observe Fu Shan's movements with the help of the marionette who hid in the shadow of the door of the quiet room in advance.

At the moment when Fu Shan shot and killed the two Demon Sect marionettes, he had already withdrawn his control of the marionette's "spiritual body string".

And there is no "Insect of Spirit" injected into the Secret Puppet.

So he wouldn't have any discomfort because of the marionette being killed.

Next, is the most critical part of this plan.

A gust of invisible wind suddenly surged out of thin air around Su Yun, gently blowing the white paper that was firmly pressed against the top by a paperweight.

“crash-bang ~”

In the sound of pages flipping, lines of text appear vaguely:

“After nightfall today, Fu Shan was killed by two people. The Thousand Poisons Sect Disciple was led away from the Bright Sprint Valley Resident Outer City Plaza by Qin Zhen's name."

"Because the soul was severely injured, and the body cultivation base that had just completed body possession was too low, Fu Shan dared not openly resist, lest it attract the attention of the Golden Core cultivator in the Overwatch Hall."

"This is a wise choice and a logical fact, isn't it?"

"In this way, Fu Shan came to a Cave Mansion with Su Yun's Secret Puppet, and learned the 'fact' that he was spotted by two Thousand Poisons Sect Disciple."

" Under the constant sting of words, Fu Shan once again recalled the tragic experience of being dominated by the enemy when he was young, and his anger burned his sanity."

"Because of being sheltered by Formation, it is relatively safe. In the secret room, he temporarily cast aside the disguise of being harmless to humans and animals, and shot and killed two Demon Sect cultivators who had evil intentions."

"Afterwards, Fu Shan felt a sense of impulsive behavior. Some regrets, because once the death of the two demonic cultivators is noticed by the station cultivator, he is likely to be suspected next."

"But tomorrow morning, the battleship will leave the station, and he only needs to It's only been a day's work."

"He opened the storage bag of two Demon Sect cultivators and wanted to find something that could help him in his next actions. Properly speaking, he wanted to find some Spirit Stone renews this Cave Mansion, after all, Wang Yue, who is in his body possession, is too poor."

"This is indeed a brilliant idea!"

"Because of the entrance The resident cultivator on duty always only recognizes Spirit Stones.”

“As long as enough Spirit Stones are handed in, he will never accept Spirit Stones. Will come in to disturb two people who are likely to be in retreat. ”

“Fu Shan got his wish and found more than 200 Spirit Stones in the storage bag. This cost can completely help him solve the rent problem of this Cave Mansion. "

"And to Fu Shan's great surprise, he found a treasured copy in a jade box in one of the storage bags, and sealed everything with talisman. The Heavenly Rank Knives! "

"The story belonging to Fu Shan opens a new chapter from here. "

"From the moment he saw the handwriting on the cover and vaguely sensed the true meaning of the cultivation technique contained in it, Fu Shan could no longer bear to put down this thin book. "

"This is a high-level cultivation technique he has never been exposed to, and it is also the greatest opportunity he has ever encountered in his life!" "

"Because he happened to possess a Demon Sect cultivator, it is entirely possible to learn this style formidable power infinite Heavenly Rank knife trick!" "

"With time, he may not be able to make a comeback with this. "

"What a lucky guy, is this a blessing in disguise?" ”

The surging wind in the quiet room began to intensify, the sound of paper pages turning faster and faster, and the surrounding light and shadow also changed indefinitely.

“Based on some unknown Due to the influence of the reason, this "Self-Decision Cheats", which was injected with a hint of cultivation technique by Su Yun, was briefly eliminated the Forbidden Item atmosphere exuding from it, and became exactly the same as the Heavenly Rank book that was copied down. "

"It's an amazing change, and it's entirely possible." "

"After all, Forbidden Item itself represents all kinds of unknown and mysterious, and occasional changes are simply normal. "

"Driven by excitement and greed, Fu Shan didn't pay attention to the strange and obscure lines on the pages." "

"He opened the book called "Shattering the Void Tribulation and Destruction", and was immediately attracted by the mysterious truth contained in it. "

"He scrolled down page by page, not willing to look away even for a moment..."

Secret Puppet's sight , Fu Shan was already sitting cross-legged on the futon in the middle of the quiet room.

A thin booklet was firmly held in his hands, and he was completely absorbed in the " In the process of reading and comprehending "Shattered Void Tribulation and Destruction".

Unless someone suddenly stepped forward to interrupt him from this state, he would never look away until he finished comprehend the book.

The third page, the fourth page...

Time goes by slowly, and the pages in Fu Shan's hand are about to be turned over, but the whole sword art can only be revealed. A small part of it.

Fu Shan turned to the next page with anticipation.

However, the complete knife trick he expected did not appear.

In the middle of the book page in front of me, there are two big red characters that seem to be dripping blood!

“Fu Shan! "

Fu Shan's eyes suddenly shrank, he immediately released the book in his hand, and burst back with spiritual power with all his strength.

His action was fast enough.

However, the triggered Forbidden Item attack could not have escaped him at this time?!

A thick darkness suddenly enveloped the surrounding area.


His sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch were all blinded in this brief moment!

The invisible force from that darkness made him lose all sense of the outside world in an instant Perception!

What shocked and frightened Fu Shan even more was not the terrifying experience of losing all the senses, but the rigidity and sluggishness of the mind.

All thoughts The operation of his body seemed to stop completely, and his consciousness gradually fell into a silent state.

At a certain moment.

A still picture suddenly appeared in my mind.

He "sees" that his hands have loosened the thin tome, and his body still maintains a posture of retreating backwards.

But it all seems to be frozen In a dark nothingness that is eternally dead.

Still still.

A formless wind is suddenly born.

From the darkness like the softest catkins The edge of nothingness began to sweep slowly.

At the moment when the first invisible wind appeared quietly, Fu Shan's heart suddenly rose to the extreme, and penetrated into the depth of one's soul's great sense of crisis!

He can feel the chill, the silence that wipes everything out in the wind.

And in this silence Under the threat, the subconsciously generated deep in his soul is extremely violent, like the terrifying pain of being cut by countless sharp blades.

He wants to escape and struggle.

But no matter what he does No matter how hard he works, he is still imperceptible to the existence of the body.

Even the Power of Divine Sense can't be used.

He can only watch this invisible but real existence.

The wind little by little approached him, and finally swept gently on the body that had just been acquired.

All the flesh, meridian, cells and even skeleton of the body were touching the wind at the moment Begin to rot, wither, die!

Even the amount of God's Soul Power, which has been condensed to the extreme, began to slowly tear, collapse, and disintegrate in the wind!

"This power can kill me!"

Such a clear comprehension suddenly flashed through Fu Shan's heart.

The second update is completed, and today’s 6400 words are presented.

Next, the First Volume plot will end, and the next important plot climax will be launched. You need to think about it carefully. The update may be a little later tomorrow, but it will not be interrupted.

Thank you for your support

(end of this chapter)

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