Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 86


Chapter 86 085 [Heart Demon is coming! Ask Dao Heart! ] (Please subscribe~)


Extreme pain!

In the perspective of the soul.

Under the erosion of the invisible wind, the fleshy body quickly decays, decays and festers from the position of the feet.

Then it seemed to have experienced countless storms in an instant, revealing a dead gray white.

This change quickly and irreversibly spread all over the body, completely erasing the last fluke in Fu Shan's heart.

The wind of silence swept gently.

This recently acquired body turned into countless thin powders in the wind, and fell to the ground like sand.

The disintegration of the body is irreversible.

But the collapse of the soul seems to have a new turning point.

When the invisible wind came into contact with Fu Shan's soul hidden between his eyebrows, another cold, empty, and ominous force was suddenly passively stimulated.

As a cold dim light spreads quietly.

In the darkness, a narrow space the size of several feet was suddenly opened.

Have already collapsed in the wind, most of the spirits immediately stopped the trend of tearing every inch, and no new damage appeared.

"I-I'm not dead?!"

Fu Shan's mood at this moment is indescribable in words.

An overwhelming sense of relief that avoided a catastrophe filled all his thoughts.

Although most of the soul has been torn apart, although the fleshy body has been completely destroyed.

But as long as he escapes this catastrophe, he still has a chance to live.

Fu Shan once obtained a ghost cultivator method from the Human Race cultivator when he was madly pursuing the method of breaking the realm.

With his original Monster General-level soul essence, even if only Remnant Soul is left, there may not be a chance of success in transforming to cultivate Ghost Dao.

After ten breaths.

The darkness that enveloped the silent room quietly disappeared.

A thin booklet fell gently to the ground, and there was nothing strange about it.

A translucent light green illusory shadow with only a small part left appeared in the marionette's sight.

"Fortunately, the old man should never die!"

A faintly discernable murmur emanated from Fu Shan's incomparably weak soul, and gradually spread to the whole quiet room.

Sure enough!

Forbidden Item is always Forbidden Item, even if it is passively stimulated, it can resist the erosion of power from the same source.

Fortunately, Lao Tzu had already guarded against this scene.

This time I don't believe that you old bangzi can survive!

Su Yun saw the dive light flashing in his eyes, quickly picked up the talisman he had taken out long ago, and exchanged positions with the marionette in the far quiet room.

The next moment.

One silhouette suddenly appeared next to the door of the quiet room where Fu Shan was.

Su Yun stepped on his feet, spiritual power exploded like a torrent, and the whole person immediately swept behind the translucent broken spirit with a lightning-fast speed.

Under Fu Shan's horrified gaze.

A talisman with dazzling rays of light leaped out of the void, embedded in his frail soul like lightning.

"Forbid dive talisman?!"

Fu Shan, who had a great injury, didn't have time to react at all.

It has completely stopped like a mosquito frozen in amber.

The Power of Divine Sense was locked firmly, and the powerful blocking force made him almost unable to move his thoughts.

Under Fu Shan's desperate eyes, Su Yun didn't waste any time.


The cold light is unsheathed, and the dragon gallops away.

The bright work in the quiet room.

The terrifying Blade Intent filled with the power of annihilation of thunder was completely restrained by Su Yun on the narrow blade without leaking a single bit.

The relentless flashes of lightning.

Fu Shan's only remaining Remnant Soul didn't even hum.

The Blade Intent that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome completely collapsed under the countless slashes and cuts, and disappeared into the air.


A palm-size, half-moon-shaped object lost its support and was unable to fall to the ground.

The room fell into silence.

Su Yun ignored the Forbidden Item that fell to the ground.

He immediately opened the "spiritual body string" field of vision, and his eyes scanned the surrounding movements vigilantly, lest Fu Shan have any unknown means to escape the disaster again.

Until after a while.

Su Yun, who had confirmed that Fu Shan was dead, finally sighed in relief and gently returned the knife to the sheath.

Take two Forbidden Items from the air with spiritual power and throw them into the storage Magical Artifact.

The figure disappeared out of thin air, Su Yun returned to the quiet room where he was once again, and quickly sat cross-legged.

An inexplicable emotion gradually emerged from his deep in one's heart, gradually surging.

Then, like a tsunami, it quickly spread inside and outside of Su Yun's soul, occupying all his thinking space at this moment.

Driven by her subconscious instinct, Su Yun gently closed her eyes.

A dark empty space where the sky can't be seen above and the ground can't be seen below.

Su Yun's silhouette suddenly appeared here.

He looked up into the darkness around him.

But I saw that all around the original empty place suddenly lit up with familiar and unfamiliar pictures.

As he watched, the still pictures suddenly moved.

Born in an ordinary village and town in the mortal world, there is a pair of parents who love them despite being dull, and most of the surrounding neighbors and villagers get along in harmony.

Although they can't go out every night, those weird people don't seem to be interested in mortals without spiritual power, and rarely invade the mortal world.

As long as you hide in the cellar and don't make a noise, you won't encounter terrible disasters.

This body gradually grew up, and in the blink of an eye it was already a boy.

I thought I would start a family with my childhood sweethearts cousin, and live the same life as my grandparents...

Until that day.

The northern wasteland is revived, and the cultivation city outside several thousands li was attacked by the Monster Race.

Some low-level Monster Race somehow left the team and came to this remote mortal village, a ruthless killing inevitably happened...

Myself who went into the mountains to collect herbs After escaping, the "immortal" who came to strangle the Monster Race was found to have a high grade spirit root, so he embarked on the road of cultivation.

Cultivation, sword training, cultivation progress, entering the northern desert battlefield, being caught off guard, and encountering two powerful Monster Races in the same sect...

The memory of the original body is frozen.

The surrounding light and shadow switched again, this time replaced by a more familiar scene for Su Yun.

Among them are his parents who passed away when he was young in his previous life, and also his grandfather who raised him alone and whom he loves most.

From his birth, his first smile, his first babbling, to his first learning to walk...

The scenes of light and shadow changed rapidly, These are his most cherished memories.

As these pictures fly by, the surrounding light and shadow are constantly changing.

My parents left because of an accident, my grandfather raised him alone, his grandfather passed away suddenly, and then he was alone and away from home...

In the end, A roaring dump truck flies past...

Awakening, memory fusion, weirdness, simulator, innate talent manifestation...

Scenes I have personally experienced The scene reappeared, the original body and the previous life memory constantly collided and intertwined.


These two different memories, which belong to the original body and the past life, are arranged on both sides of the empty space, and will no longer change and move.

As Su Yun's footsteps continued to move forward in this darkness and nothingness, countless emotions, deep or weak, poured into his mind one after another.

Each emotion is magnified many times over.

They kept hitting Su Yun's heartstrings and reason, trying to make Su Yun stop, step into their corresponding memory images, and never leave.

A clear comprehension rose in Su Yun's heart.

This is the memory space in the depths of his soul.

All the experiences of the original body and previous life have left indelible traces here.

Once he indulges in a certain memory and doesn't move forward.

Then it means that he can no longer get rid of the influence of the past, and has cut off the possibility of peeping into the higher realm.

In this immortal dao world where all forces arise from the ideal, this is the biggest obstacle to the transition of every cultivator's life.

Heart Demon!

The first update is here, and there are two more at around 8 pm.

(end of this chapter)

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