Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 24: There are armors to remove mountains and skills to move mountains.

Chapter 24: There are armors for removing mountains and skills for moving mountains.


   I will go to the grave tomorrow once I hear it.

 The Xiling bandits surrounding him suddenly became energetic and excited.

 At the end of the day, these people are green forest bandits.

 There is a tomb and a bucket.

 When there are no tombs to rob, they gather in Xiaoshan Forest.

 And fighting back and forth is a job that hangs on the belt of the trouser belt.

  Very dangerous.

 If you are not careful, you will have to save your life.

 So, these people can see it very clearly.

 When you go out to do things, you just want to make a fortune.

Having money in your pocket, you can eat, drink, whore, gamble and indulge in all the five evils.

Originally, he was selected by the kidnapper this time and said that he would follow the leader to Western Hunan to fight. The whole group of people burst into laughter.

 Who on the mountain doesn’t know.

 Always have a very high vision.

 Ordinary ancient tombs are not taken seriously at all.

Since taking charge of Changsheng Mountain, countless tombs of princes have been robbed.

Follow the boss and pick up the money.

Who would have known that this time they set off from Xiangyin and traveled all the way over the mountains to the mountains of Miao territory.

Nearly ten days have passed in the blink of an eye.

The boss didn't mention anything about the next fight.

These people spend the whole day either playing Pai Gow or sleeping, or they go into the mountains to perform Pai Gow rituals.

 The birds are all idle.

Now it’s finally time to go to the grave.

How could a group of people not be happy and excited, their anxious hearts finally falling back into their stomachs.

 The partridge whistle standing aside.

He also breathed a sigh of relief secretly.

Although I promised Chen Yulou to steal Pingshan with him during this trip.

 But to be honest, he didn't think there was any news about Muchen Bead in Pingshan.

 The longer you delay here.

 There will be less left for him.

Although he didn't say anything, he had already been anxious these days.

 “Let’s disperse.”

 Chen Yulou waved his hand.

Then everyone dispersed and went back to rest.

They are all old people.

Once the fight begins, all heartstrings must be straightened, and there is no room for sloppiness.

“Kunlun, let’s go back too.”

 Until all the figures have left.

 Chen Yulou also put away his thoughts and said calmly.

Soon, the master and the servant returned to the tent one after another.

Kunlun took the initiative to light the candle.

 Fire light dispels darkness.

I glanced at the Nuqing Chicken. It was quite leisurely. It was either eating or sleeping all day long.

But he also knows.

 I swallowed a demon pill and it takes time to refine it.

Before entering Pingshan, even if the strength of Nu Qingji increases by one point, it will have a great impact on the outcome.

 He walked to the table minding his own business.

 Take out a pen and paper.

 Chen Yulou began to work at his desk.

Seeing how serious the shopkeeper was, Kunlun didn't dare to disturb him and went aside to boil water and make tea.

 Wait until he walked over holding a tea cup.

 Looked at it subconsciously.

 At this moment, a huge mountain appears on the paper.

He was stunned for a moment, feeling that it looked indescribably familiar. He scratched his head and thought for a moment, and his eyes soon brightened.

 Isn’t the shopkeeper painting Pingshan?

These days, he follows Chen Yulou to graze every morning.

 No more than that.

  It is not cattle and sheep that are being herded, but angry chickens.

The Angry Chicken is extremely smart, so there is no need for him to worry about it.

 Hunt by yourself and come back when you are full.

 When he was bored in his spare time, Kunlun would look around and had already remembered the appearance of Pingshan.

 The only thing he didn't quite understand was.

 This painting by the shopkeeper not only depicts the topography of Pingshan Mountain, but also the situation underneath.

You can vaguely see the appearance of an ancient building.

There are many words written next to   .

 These involve his blind spots and he cannot understand them at all.

Seeing him standing beside him with a blank expression, Chen Yulou took the tea and said with a smile, "What, you want to learn to read?"

Kunlun's face instantly turned red.

 These days, only ordinary people can read and digitize.

He was a wild man in the mountains. He was lucky enough to be rescued by the shopkeeper. How could he dare to read and write? He immediately shook his head.

 “Being literate is not a bad thing.”

“When you get back from this trip, I’ll hire a gentleman for you.”

Don’t wait for Kunlun to refuse.

 Chen Yulou made the decision directly for him.

Kunlun was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes turned red. He opened his mouth to say something, but as he was born mute, he could only make a vague whine.     "And your strange disease..."

Seeing this, Chen Yulou sighed.

 In his memory, he also asked many famous doctors to check Kunlun's pulse over the years.

  But without exception.

Those people all asserted that this was a root problem that was brought from his mother's womb and was not acquired.

 The fundamental medicine is difficult to cure.

 In the past, Chen Yulou would not have thought much about it.

 But now he has embarked on the path to immortality.

Perhaps we can try to cultivate immortality so that he can speak?

after all.

 Aoki Kung Fu can directly lead to immortality.

 It shouldn’t be a problem if you turn on your spiritual wisdom, right?

You should know that there are many psychic things in the world where ghosts blow out lanterns.

Try it on them first, wait until everything is clear, and then treat Kunlun. This approach should be feasible.

Moreover, there is one hidden in the Pingshan Mountain that will be descended tomorrow.

 The white ape behind Shanyin.

Seeing the shopkeeper suddenly fell into silence, his face under the candlelight kept changing.

Kunlun didn't know what happened.

 Just wait patiently.

"Kunlun, just wait. After a while, the shopkeeper I will give you a surprise."

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was feasible. Chen Yulou patted Kunlun's shoulder heavily and laughed.

  Unknown Kunlun.

  also started to have fun.


the next day.

 Genius has just dawned.

 The whole camp became busy.

The crowing of roosters all over the mountains and plains, coupled with the curling smoke of cooking fires, add a touch of human atmosphere to this inaccessible barren mountain and old forest.

 Wait until after dinner.

 Groups of thieves began to gather.

I saw that each of them was wearing rattan armor, covering their faces with black scarves, and carrying centipedes on their backs hanging up the mountain ladder.

 The Xiling faction has always been good at weapons.

 The most famous ones are Jia and Ladder.

Needless to say, the centipede-hanging mountain ladder is Chen Yulou’s proud work. It evolved from the red eyebrow army’s siege ladder.

 As for the rattan armor.

 It requires picking old vines from the mountains for many years and soaking them in tung oil for half a year before weaving.

 It can't be cut with a knife, it can't be melted by fire, and it can't be penetrated by water.

Almost everyone in the group of bandits in Xiling has one piece.

 Not long.

 Chen Yulou, Partridge Shao and others also walked out of their respective tents.

Partridge Whistle is still wearing a Taoist robe.

However, no one knows that he wears a digging mountain climbing armor next to his body, which was passed down by his predecessors who moved mountains.

 Climbing the rock and going down the stream is like walking on flat ground.

 In addition, he had a leather bag tied behind his back.

 Looking very mysterious.

 Evidently it was a wind and cloud wrapper specially made to protect Muchen Bead.

 I brought it with me this time because I thought there might be pills and medicine stones left in the bottle mountain.

 Hand around his waist are the Sky-Diamond Cable and the Flying Tiger Claw.

 They are all unique weapons of the Banshan sect.

The old foreigner following him still kept his arrows from his body. Like his senior brother, he also had ropes and claws wrapped around his waist.

It is worth mentioning that.

This time he also carried a bamboo basket.

It's a pity that it was covered tightly with a black cloth, so outsiders couldn't see the truth clearly.

As for the little Taoist nun Hua Ling, in addition to the mirror umbrella, she also has large and small bags of medicinal herbs on her body.

Partridge Whistle’s eyes fell on the group of thieves.

 I just felt an awe-inspiring momentum coming towards my face.

 Hello, I couldn't help but secretly say "Hello" in my heart.

As expected of Mount Changsheng, looking at their orders and prohibitions, it's hard to imagine that they were originally bandits.

 Look at today’s warlords who maintain their own troops and separatist power.

 His subordinates smoke heavy cigarettes and play with women, and they don’t look like soldiers at all.

“Brother Dao, are you ready?”

 Let’s fight for today.

Chen Yulou specially changed out of his green robe and wore a riding suit that was convenient for movement.

 Looking at the partridge whistle next to him, he asked.

 His gaze calmly swept over the backpack behind the old foreigner.

 Him today.

 It is easy to feel the slight fluctuations of two of them.


The things hidden in the backpack should be two different species of pangolins.


Partridge Whistle nodded.

 See the situation.

 Chen Yulou did not hesitate any longer.

 He ordered Huamaguai on the side.

 “Kaizi, kill the chicken to sacrifice to heaven!”

 (End of this chapter)

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