Chapter 25: There is no return to the machine city

 For this matter.

Huamaguai, who got up early in the morning to prepare, immediately loudly received the order.

Xiling was passed down from the Red Eyebrow Army, and before robbing tombs and fighting, there was always a rule of offering sacrifices to the sky and gods.

Although Chen Yulou is the general manager of Changsheng Mountain.

Nor can it be invalidated easily.

 At this moment.

 In the middle of the camp.

 On a wooden table, the heads of three animals had been placed early.

 Hung in the middle are the portraits of Wu Zixu and the Overlord of Western Chu.

The tablet of Emperor Guan Sheng is enshrined above.

“Master Guan Sheng Dijun, here are the two ancestors.”

"Today, there is great chaos, the sky has no eyes, and people's livelihoods are hanging on the line. We all follow the instructions of our ancestors to do justice for heaven and fight against injustice."

“The Pingshan Ancient Tomb contains countless gold and jade. The two leaders, Xiling and Banshan, thought of the hardships faced by the common people, so they planned to retrieve the treasures from the tomb to help in troubled times.”

Huamaguai, who acted as the temporary master of ceremonies, carried a rooster and walked straight to the altar.

 He is usually playful and smiling.

 At the moment, he is indescribably serious.

 His words were even louder and more generous.

Even Chen Yulou could not help but roll his eyes secretly.

This guy's mouth can really talk about life and death.

 To rob a tomb is to rob a tomb.

  Why do you want to do justice for heaven and take ill-gotten gains?

Changsheng Mountain has been here for more than a hundred years.

Countless fights have been fought, gold and silver are everywhere, and no one has ever saved the world.

On the other hand, when there were no tombs to rob, under the guise of robbing the rich and giving to the poor, they did a lot of bad things, blocking roads and robbing people.

These words.

 To say that it’s just putting money on one’s face is an understatement.


 He is also a veteran of the martial arts world for many years.

This means watching with eyes, nose and mind. In short, it is like not hearing anything.

 As for the partridge whistle, the same is true.

His moving the mountains is not much more noble than Xiling.

Although no gold, jade or treasures were taken, thousands of ancient tombs were destroyed over the course of thousands of years.

To know.

Although the mountain-moving Taoist is one of the best at martial arts.

  But I don’t know much about Feng Shui.

 Wherever it passed, there were almost no corpses left.

After all, the Xiling faction only did this to the big tombs of princes, and they did a pretty good job of saving the poor people's face.

 So in the world, Taoist monks have a very bad reputation.

The two of them are quite deep in the city and can do this step.

   But Hualing and the old foreigner knew their own affairs. Listening to Huamaguai's words, they felt their cheeks burning.

 “The sacrifice to heaven begins!”

Huamaguai shouted loudly after finishing his words.

Within a moment, nearly a hundred Xiling thieves shouted in response.

The sound was deafening, resounding through the mountains and dense forests.

Huamaguai held the chicken by the neck, held the knife in his backhand and slashed hard.

 Only a stabbing sound was heard.

 Scarlet blood splattered everywhere.

 Drop it into the two bowls of wine prepared in advance on the table.

 “Shopkeeper, Mr. Yang Kuishou, please.”

Huama turned around and looked at the two people at the front of the crowd, making a gesture of invitation.

 The two of them did not delay.

 Step forward side by side, each holding a bowl of blood wine.

Partridge Whistle had just said a few days ago that drinking was a waste of time, and he was determined not to drink at all, but worshiping the gods was unusual.

 As for Chen Yulou.

 Looking at the bowl of wine in his hand that was stained red with blood.

 I am extremely confused.

to be honest.

 He really didn’t want to drink.

 Who knows if this stuff is drinkable.

 But in front of so many people, especially when he saw Partridge Whistle drained in one gulp, he could only grit his teeth, close his eyes, raise his head and drink it all in one gulp.



This scene immediately attracted countless cheers.

“Shopkeeper, do you want to say a few words?”

  Huama came closer.

But before he spoke, Chen Yulou glanced at him, and then he shut his mouth neatly.

There is something strange in my heart.

 In the past, shopkeepers liked to win people's hearts on such occasions.

However, he did not dare to speculate randomly.

 Just a wave of the hand.

 Time. The Xiling bandits, who had long been unable to restrain themselves, swarmed towards Pingshan.

These days, people are worse than ghosts. No matter how dangerous it is to fight upside down, it is worse than starving to death alive.

What's more, Zong Tou is kind and generous. Every time he takes out a bucket, he will give out a few percent of the gold and silver.

 You cannot escape death after all.

 It’s better to have a good time and have enough food.

After the group of people set off, Chen Yulou and the others were the last to catch up.

 “Brother Dao, take a look.”

 Took out a piece of blueprint and handed it to Partridge Whistle.

 The latter took it, but when he opened it and saw it clearly, his expression became astonished.

“ this a painting by Brother Chen?”


 Chen Yulou nodded.

“In the past few days, Chen has traveled almost all over Pingshan. He has combined his experience with seeing, hearing and asking around.”

  “What is drawn in this picture is at least 80% certain.”

 A few days ago, under the pretext of stepping on the plate, he went to herd chickens every morning to practice spiritual practice.

 If no news is found.

That's the real problem.

 Hence the scene where he was busy at his desk last night.

This picture was made by the boss when he was a gangster in a previous life.

 He just copied it from memory.

Of course, this picture is much simpler, and many places are deliberately hidden.

For example, the Wuliangdao Palace in the deepest part of Pingshan Mountain, the Yunzang Treasure Palace, and the Corpse Gui and Yaowang Pavilions in the depths of Danjing.

 The two have known each other for many years.

 They dare not make it clear about each other's methods.

 At least I have heard about it.

The Xiling faction’s method of exploring tombs is nothing more than looking, hearing, asking, and hearing about mountains and debating dragons.

Just standing on the edge of the mountain and taking a look.

 You can see through the situation deep underground.

This is no longer a means of tomb robbing.

 It's sorcery.

 Chen Yulou knew this very well, so he deleted what should be deleted and added what should be added in the painting.

 In the original work.

Chen Yulou explored Pingshan Mountain four times, but in the end he ended up with numerous casualties and was defeated.

 As a time traveler, he naturally cannot do it again.

  But even so.

Partridge Whistle looked at the drawing and felt a wave of turmoil in his heart.

 It is difficult to calm down for a long time.

These days, Chen Yulou goes out early and comes back late. No one knows what he is up to.

 Partridge Whistle Although he doesn’t say it in words.

 But how can we not be in a hurry.

 I'm afraid that this person is going sightseeing to enjoy the scenery.

Now holding the blueprint, he realized that in just a few days, Chen Yulou had discovered Pingshan so clearly.


He has traveled around the world for many years.

 There was a hint of shock and... guilt in his eyes.

 I am also cautious in judging a gentleman's belly.

 Chen Yulou did not guess what he was thinking.

  Along the way.

 Only answered a few of his questions occasionally.

 Not long after, the mighty team arrived at the foot of Pingshan Mountain.

The two of them stepped out from the crowd and walked outside the crack.

At this moment, the scorching sun is already high above our heads.

 White mist is steaming from the cracks in the mountains.

 When illuminated by the light, it immediately refracted into colorful rays of light.

 It feels quite like a fairy mountain or a divine palace.

 With his many years of experience in reverse fighting.

If the great general of the Yuan Dynasty really used the mountain as a tomb, then this place...should be the tomb door leading to the underground palace.

 Just send people to dig down along the cracks.

 The location of Hades must be found.

But the partridge whistle holding the drawing in his hand had a solemn expression at this moment.

“Brother Chen, is this really an empty city down there?”

 Looked down for a moment.

Partridge Whistle finally asked.

“The general of the Yuan Dynasty enslaved the cave people here, causing widespread complaints and unspeakable suffering.”

“I was worried that my bones would be dug up and ashes thrown away by the cave dwellers after my death, so I set up countless traps.”

“If you’re right, there must be a machine city underneath this place that you never come back to.”

“Brother Dao, if you don’t believe it, you can try shooting down!”

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 (End of this chapter)

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