Immortality, Starting from the Side Sect

Chapter 118: Blood and flesh nourish the evil spirits (Part 1)

Whether it is a magical weapon, a formation, or a talisman, they are essentially the monk's use of 'method', but the focus is slightly different.

Just like the White Bone Lock Heart Hammer, its core essence is not a 'tool', but the powerful restraint of the White Bones. The two are combined into one to become a magical weapon.

Moreover, the restriction of this hammer is not too high. It only has four levels, but it adds more than 400 kilograms of weight. However, the mystery of the powerful restriction of the White Bones is that this weight does not affect Chen Ci's shooting speed. You must know that he He is also a strong man in martial arts who has polished his muscles and bones to perfection and generated his true energy by himself. After the true energy is poured into his body, his arms can also have thousands of kilograms of strength. The power of this hammer is not the result of the simple sum of the strengths.

There's weight, there's speed, you know it.

The person on the ground may not understand very well. Since the level of the ban on the Three Corpses and White Bones Cross is not low, Chen Ci took out the magic weapon that he had never seen before and it didn't look very impressive, so he prepared to have a fight.

The Three Corpses White Bone Fork has the same path count as the Five Poison White Bone Sword and the Bailing Poison Dragon Sword, and its ranking in Heshan Jing is not far away, but it has a matching flying fork method, which is closer to the flying sword than the latter two. way.

It's a pity that in just a moment, the man fell asleep, but the quilt had to be prepared on several more beds before it could be divided.

"In terms of lethality alone, Ah Chui is enough. After all, Qi Refining monks are also mortal bodies. Even if they have true Qi to protect their bodies, they will still die if they are hit hard by the hammer."

Chen Ci's expression was indifferent, but he felt a little regretful in his heart. The White Bone Heart-locking Hammer was more capable of killing, but lacked the ability to protect himself. Others were mortal bodies, and he was also a mortal body. If the opponent used something similar to the Five Yin Grasping Hands, If you use magic to catch him from a distance, the risk will be doubled if you just rely on the locking hammer to fight.

When using this kind of magic weapon, it is theoretically reasonable to have supporting methods of body protection and movement, but he didn't have it. I don't know if Taoist Hutou was hiding it for himself, or if he didn't have it, he just inherited this magic weapon by chance.

While Chen Ci was thinking about the next fight, he took out a health pill and swallowed it. Although it could not replenish the vitality, it still gained two points.

Yao Daosheng's complexion was already a little livid and as gloomy as water.

How come I didn't realize that my subordinates were so bad at the bottom of the army, and they were actually killed three times in a row by a disciple who was not as good as them in cultivation?

Iron waste.

Three of his men died, and secondly, letting him lose face in front of a defeated general like Lin Qinhu made him really feel angry.

"Senior Brother Yao, I'm going to kill this guy."

The speaker was the middle-aged Taoist who was riding in the same car with him earlier. His surname was He and his name was Kun. He was also one of the three Baiqiao monks under Yao Daosheng. His mastery of the skull demon technique was also well-known in Heshan.

Yao Daosheng glanced at him sideways and said coldly: "I didn't take action earlier. What's the point of asking you to take action now? Isn't it embarrassing enough?"

He Kun smiled and did not dare to answer.

Having said this, Yao Daosheng paused and glanced around: "Who is going again?"

At present, the magical weapon named Chen has been lost and his energy has been depleted. It is really unreasonable that he can no longer be defeated.

"Junior brother, I am willing to go."

A tall and thin monk stood up and cupped his hands. Yao Daosheng took one look and nodded in agreement.

When he came on the stage, Yao Daosheng squinted his eyes and suddenly said: "Junior Brother He, it's enough if you win this round. If you lose, go up and kill that guy. Remember to take back the bone magic weapon."

If you lose again, there is no need to care about shame. There is actually no point in arguing with a bunch of dead people.

On the contrary, the bone magic weapon is somewhat interesting. It is not far from the magic method taught by Heshan. I took it back to study it and made some changes. It is impossible to add another method to the "Heshan Jing" in the future. Others will also see it. There's nothing wrong with not coming out.

There are a lot of spells in the world, otherwise you would think that the Heshan Sect's name of "Thousands of Mountains and Thousands of Dharma" comes from.


He Kun nodded and agreed.

"Heh, get ready."

Lin Qinhu took a look at the situation on the field and suddenly said: "If Junior Brother Chen loses this time, there will be two more battles. If Junior Brother Chen wins, we will probably fight together."

The three of them were stunned for a moment when they heard this, and then they nodded with understanding, their expressions slightly condensed, and they were ready.

Just like a gambling table, you must lose and win before you can continue. If you are losing, you must be impatient.

"An old Taoist can kill one person."

Guo Laodao's lips moved slightly and he looked at the Hundred Aperture cultivators opposite, with a serious look on his face.


Lin Qinhu nodded slightly.

"Leave the remaining two to me."

Geng Laodao stroked his long beard and looked calm.


A sharp light flashed in Lin Qinhu's eyes: "Senior Brother Geng, don't worry."

Guo Laodao's expression changed slightly when he heard this. The two have known each other for many years. Although they don't know all their methods, they are not far apart. He said he could kill one person, but in fact the outcome was still between five and five. Geng Laodao wanted to defeat two people. That's considered life-threatening.

Dong Xiong's face was a bit ugly. Although the Yin-Yang Ecstasy Banner he cultivated was powerful, it only ranked around tenth in the Heshan Sutra, which was not as good as the Skull Demon Technique. At this time, there were still four people on the other side who were similar to him in cultivation.

If Chen Ci is defeated, he will have to fight one against four, which is likely to be more bad than good.

Even if Chen Ci won, he probably wouldn't have much energy left, but with two against three, there was still some chance.

"I only dare to entangle the remaining few people, but I dare not say to win."

Dong Xiong held the Ecstasy Flag and answered in a deep voice.

"That's enough."

Lin Qinhu nodded and said nothing.

On the field, Chen Ci looked at the person coming, raised the Bone Heart-locking Hammer, and said, "Senior Brother, please come."

"Ten thousand snakes are in full bloom, please."

This man was tall and thin, with long arms and legs. He was holding a magic sword. It was pale in color and had a strange shape. The sword was somewhat twisted and had two prongs at the tip. It looked a bit like a strange weapon.

Chen Ci took a look and saw that this person did not use the magic of expelling objects to fight the enemy with a sword. Instead, he seemed to be fighting with him in a sword fight, and he felt a little relieved.

Your method has two prongs on the tip of the sword, and my method has five prongs on the tip, which is very reasonable.

Suddenly, the five ghosts of his own family jumped out, chattering something, and then disappeared into the void. Then they actually fought with a slightly off-white, snake-like magic weapon at the rear left, and gray mist rippled. , there was a stench and foul smell spreading. Chen Ci only moved his nose slightly, and felt a tightness in his chest and nausea. He quickly jumped away a few steps, his face darkened.

"Six Black Cords?"

Chen Ci frowned, but Qi felt a little pity.

His Six-Path Black Cord was not strong enough and he had only practiced one, so he was a little weak when facing the enemy head-on.

You must know that this method ranks third in the Heshan Sutra. It is the most filthy and poisonous. It is made from all kinds of filthy gases. After it is completed, it is undetectable. It is colorless and tasteless, just like spider silk. Once it hits a person, even if he does not die, he will instantly die. The poisonous qi of Yin evil penetrates into the bones, and the true energy of the whole body collapses, leaving it at the mercy of others.

Moreover, it was extremely difficult to practice. After practicing for a long time, he was able to refine a ball of filthy energy into something as thin as a snake, which was still far away from the realm of being like spider silk.

Damn, it’s really Heshan’s sixth son. Chen Ci gritted his teeth and said that Heshan taught his disciples this set of methods. No wonder Heshan was so powerful in the side sect. Even the disciples of the big sect didn’t want to fight with Heshan during the Qi refining period. There was a conflict between the people of the mountain sect, and he was replaced by a casual cultivator from the miscellaneous family. He even used a face-shielding device to destroy people, and he didn't know how he died.

"Come die!"

Ci was so angry that he raised his hammer and started fighting, directly capturing this person.

The man surnamed Qi carried his Bailing Poison Dragon Sword, made a sword move, and dealt with it carefully, but he was content in his heart.

His trump card is neither the Six Black Cords nor the Bailing Poison Dragon Sword, but a Five Ghost Possession Technique improved by Wan Sheshan, which integrates the ghosts of five poisonous dragons into his own true energy. Once he faces the enemy, he will be possessed by five ghosts. The ghost of the Dao Poison Dragon surrounds itself, protecting the path and killing the enemy. Leng can't help but reach out and take a bite. The monk will turn into a puddle of black water in a moment, extremely poisonous.

All it takes is one move to kill the man named Chen.


Qi Mang knew that Chen Ci's magic weapon was very powerful, so he used it cleverly, but the Bailing Poison Dragon Sword in his hand still trembled, and his arms were a little numb. He cursed secretly, and was about to activate the poisonous dragon ghost, but he happened to see the hammer-shaped magic weapon. The five hammer heads turned slightly and stared at him at some point, which was very penetrating.

The next second, these five monstrous bones suddenly spurted out a ball of miserable green flames, covering their heads and faces.


There was a pitiful scream, like a demonic sound. Chen Ci shook his hammer and smashed his Heavenly Spirit Cap into pieces, and the scream was cut off.

No wonder this guy is so insidious. It turns out that his bones are not strong. The three people in front of him are all silent, and you are the only one who screams.

Chen Ci couldn't help but spat. As the light of Heshan, he hated the shady Lao Liu the most!

Lost again.

But this bone magic weapon is indeed interesting.

Yao Daosheng coldly glanced at the people behind him, completely disappointed, shook his head and made a gesture.

The monk surnamed He understood the situation, nodded, and without saying hello, directly summoned the twelve skull demons and charged towards Chen Ci.

Ask for advice, just go ahead and ask for advice, eh?

Chen Cicai raised his head and was about to ask for advice when he saw twelve pale skull monsters about the size of a wheel coming from mid-air. Jie Jie smiled miserably and rushed toward him. Suddenly, his heart suddenly swelled and he secretly cried out in pain, wanting to die.

This is a shame, don’t play if you can’t afford to lose!

Chen Ci was seeking life from death, and used his words to win over Yao Daosheng. Although the few people he sent earlier were slightly higher than him, they were just inferior horses against inferior horses. They could still fight, but now others can't. After playing, regardless of his face, he really had no choice at all.

The twelve-headed skull demon, no matter how hard his bones are, he will probably be chewed into crumbs.

"Yao Daosheng, you have really lost the reputation of Patriarch Yao Kaishan."

Lin Qinhu smiled coldly, and Geng Laodao also exhaled, stretched out his hand, and five skull demons flew out from behind and flew toward the midair.

"Hmph, even if there is a fight, but you intervene, you are indeed a disloyal and unjust person."

Yao Daosheng sneered twice: "All the magic you have is given by the sect. It's okay for you to be ungrateful. Now the elders of the sect just think that the Quanshan Disha is more suitable for the true disciples of the sect to condense the elixir. How dare you harbor such thoughts?" Resentment, if something doesn't go to your liking in the future, wouldn't you dare to apostatize and rebel, and you really deserve to be killed."

"It's useless for young people to talk too much."

Lin Qinhu's face was slightly cold. The evil spirits in Quanshan and Earth were all discussed by Master Jiao and Longhushan. The Heshan Sect had neither contributed any effort nor any people, but they had thrown in some outsiders who were not popular in the sect. Some people's hands are also worthy of pointing fingers.

"Go on, kill them!"

Yao Daosheng smiled disdainfully: "Lin, if you have any means, just use it. Don't say I didn't give you a chance."

Several people behind him also breathed a sigh of relief, saluted Senior Brother Yao, and then all took out their magic weapons and hit Chen Ci.

The superiors need magnanimity and face. That's because in the sect system, only the disciples can only talk about their cultivation. If they don't have the skills, how can the sect continue to operate?

Therefore, even if the Yao family wants to seize the opportunity to use the Quanshan Earthly Evil, it will only make Lin Qinhu unable to stabilize the situation in Xishan Mansion. If too many ordinary people in the counties die, and the turbid air of the red dust cannot stabilize the Quanshan Earthly Evil Yin Veins, it will be Long Hushan Jiuquan Temple will also be in trouble. If it doesn't work well, it will naturally need to be replaced by someone who can do it.

But the people below don’t need this, so why don’t they still fight to bully the few?

They wished they could kill one out of ten, which was why Yao Daosheng wanted to prove himself before, so he gave away four heads in vain.

Seeing someone coming to save him, Chen Ci was relieved. However, he only had five skull demons, but there were twelve that came, which was not enough. He ran away, not forgetting to let the five ghosts push him.

Although Dacheng's Five Ghost Moving Method cannot allow him to fly into the air, when it is in operation, he can feel a push on his back and run very fast.


The monk surnamed He narrowed his eyes and was about to separate the skull demon to chase Chen Ci, but was stopped by Geng Lao Dao who came up to him: "Two fellow Taoists, Lao Tao is here to play with you."

Guo Laodao also intercepted the person with the highest level of cultivation on the other side, pursed his lips, and shot out six black strings. Although they were still a little far from being as thin as spider silk, they were still like six strings, and there was a faint sound of breaking through the air.

"court death!"

The three Baiqiao monks were stopped by Guo and Geng, and they sneered again and again. The three of them were promising, but these two were old and frail, and their cultivation level was only around ninety Qiao. They were not afraid of one on one, or three on two. , it can be killed within ten moves.

"Junior Brother Chen, don't panic, I'm here to help you!"

Dong Xiong shouted loudly and shook his own Yin-Yang Ecstasy flag away. Infinite beasts and human figures were tumbling on the black flag, and then five rays of black energy hung down, whipping towards the magic weapons and spells behind Chen Ci.

Unfortunately, as soon as he finished shouting, Chen Ci had already retreated dozens of feet, passing him like the wind, leaving only Dong Xiong alone to fight against the three people who were chasing him.

Dong Xiong: "."

He only heard a muffled groan. Fortunately, the Yin and Yang Soul Conquering Banner ranked high in the Heshan Sutra. He had practiced hard in this method for many years and had already trained hundreds of pairs of male and female beasts. The eight-foot-long banner could attack and defend, hanging down Only with the yin and yang ecstasy energy could he barely stop the three of them.

"Forgive me, Senior Brother Dong, please forgive me for not stopping just now."

It was all the fault of the five little ones who pushed too hard. Chen Ci wanted to stay behind and fight the enemy together, but he just didn't stop. I really can't blame him.

Five ghosts:?

Chen Ci took a short detour and rushed back.

The situation at this time is that the king is against the king, the general is against the general, and the soldiers are against the soldiers.

Yao Daosheng is strong, Lin Qinhu is weak.

The three Baiqiao monks are strong, while Guo and Geng are weak.

The three monks with sixty orifices are strong, while Chen Ci and Dong Xiong are weak.

At least that's the case.

Yao Daosheng smiled and said: "I don't know if you, surnamed Lin, came to die because you ate tiger gall. If you behave like this, even if I let you go, you won't be able to escape death even if you go to Xishan Mansion. "

Whether it's a side story to intercept or kill a true story, no matter which sect you're in, it's a dead end.

"What you should be curious about is how I kill you."

Lin Qinhu was tall and tall, with a hint of blood on his face, as if he had a well-thought-out plan.

Yao Daosheng's eyes narrowed, but then he smiled half-heartedly: "Then why don't you use your methods? By the way, I heard from the outside that you are a born bastard, are you really a fake?"

After saying that, Yao Daosheng showed a curious look and asked: "It's not right to say that you are a wild species. You should have been raised by a beast. It is said that you were breastfed by a tigress when you were young. As a result, you took the tigress after you entered Taoism." Killed and trained the five-headed tiger brothers of your compatriots into ghosts, so you can master the Five Ghost Possession Technique and the Five Yun Yin Magic. Why don't you recruit those brothers of yours and have a look? I have never seen Dacheng. Can you let me know what the Five Ghost Possession Technique is like?"

Lin Qinhu's eyes suddenly flashed with fierceness, his murderous intent was overwhelming, and he couldn't even control the energy in his body. A stream of bloody evil came out of his body and squirmed around him.

"Be angry, anger is useful, you have to practice more."

Yao Daosheng smiled: "Come, let's see what you can do."

"about there."

Lin Qinhu showed his sharp white teeth and said, "He's almost dead."


Yao Daosheng glanced aside subconsciously and saw that the situation on the field had really changed again.

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