Immortality, Starting from the Side Sect

Chapter 119 The evil demon raised by flesh and blood comes (Part 2)

Heshan Cult monks, or Qi Refining monks, are all in the stage of 'transforming their mortal bodies and building the foundation of the Tao'. Although they have understood the wonders of Taoism and the powerful magical weapons they hold, they are still mortal bodies. Even if they are A high-level Qi-refining cultivator who is just one step away from cultivating magic power may still be stabbed to death if he encounters the newly made Five Poison White Bone Sword if he does not have the method and weapon to protect himself.

The beauty of true energy is that compared to mortals, it is somewhat useful when fighting between monks, but it is not very useful when it comes to spells and magic weapons.

That’s why it’s said that monks are brave enough to fight and kill each other more brutally. As long as both sides have the same murderous intention and use various methods, casualties can be seen in just a few breaths.

Geng Laodao intercepted the other two, and the five-headed skull demon flew around him out of thin air, making strange cackling noises.

One of these two people is called He Kun, and the other is called Hao Gan. They are both advanced Qi practitioners who are only one step away from Baiqiao cultivation. Although they are considered inner disciples, they are neither good nor bad. It is not difficult to build a low-level Taoist foundation. , if you want to hit the middle-level Taoist foundation and look forward to the dream of becoming an elixir, you must work hard and study hard.

"Five-headed skull demon? Could it be that at your age, you have lived like a dog?"

He Kun smiled happily, but there was a fierce light in his eyes: "You stopped the two of us because we didn't want to die quickly enough."

Although the Skull Demon Technique ranks second in the Heshan Sutra, it is extremely ferocious and vicious, but it has a drawback, that is, it is difficult to find high-quality skulls of people who died violently. Although it is not impossible to use the bones of mortals for sacrifice, , but the level of prohibition is difficult to reach, which is why Chen Ci's Five Yin Evil Qi Bags are far inferior to the Skull Demon Technique, but they can still give them a fight.

Therefore, within the Heshan Sect, the Skull Demon Technique generally does not rely on quality to win. There may be a few high-quality skull demons, but most of the Heshan monks who practice this skill expertly follow the method of winning through quantity. Ten heads are not too many, hundreds are normal. If the ancestor of Jindan was there, he would probably be able to raise thousands of skull demons. He would set up a skull soul-eating array. I won’t say whether it is powerful or not, but The prestige is definitely enough.

He Kun raised eighteen skull demons. Although Heshan Miao territory is vast and sparsely populated, the total number of Miao villages is not too small. There are two or three thousand villages with thousands or tens of thousands of people. Let's put it into perspective. Come on, it's enough for the monks of Heshan Sect.

This old Taoist Geng only raised five skull demons. If his colleagues from the next door door saw them, they would think that Heshan couldn't afford to raise them.

One more head, one head for each person!

However, no matter how you put it, in this fight, the number of skull demons is twenty to five, so I have the advantage.

"Brother Hao, I'll come first, you can coordinate and we can make a quick decision."

He Kun patted his waist again, and released eight more skull demons, which joined the twelve before. They were like demons dancing in the sky, and they were killing Geng Laodao.


Geng Laodao only glanced in the air. In the next second, he turned his left hand into a knife, cut off the palm of his right hand, and threw it into the mouth of a skull demon. Next, there were two small arms and two big arms, which were empty from the right shoulder. It was empty, but it fed the five skull demons full and full. The dense skulls were instantly stained with a layer of blood, their aura surged, and they themselves also swelled by more than three points. The Jiejie screamed and rushed forward, killing them in just one round. A larger number of skull demons were killed and dispersed.

"Blood sacrifice method? Are you crazy? Aren't you afraid that the skull demon will bite you back?"

He Kun screamed strangely: "Brother Hao, save me!"

The Skull Demon Technique is an evil method that can only be made by killing countless living beings and condensing the souls of countless evil souls. For the Skull Demon, the most delicious and sweet tonic is naturally the flesh and blood essence of his master. , just one taste can arouse the ferocity, but this method will make the skull demon addicted. If you offer your own flesh and blood every day, these skull demons will not forget the taste and will inevitably bite you. body.

"Xuanyin Ghost Killing Talisman!"

The man surnamed Hao threw five black talismans from his sleeves. In just a moment, they turned into five black swords and slashed at the five blood-red skull demons. However, there was only a crisp sound and a skull demon sacrificed his life to stop them. Of these five talismans, one staggered, filled with black energy, screaming and wailing, while the remaining four were even more ferocious, and opened their huge mouths to kill He Kun.

The monk surnamed He turned pale, hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, broke all five fingers of his left hand, and threw them to his five-headed skull demon, feeling great hatred in his heart.

Before a practitioner attains the Tao, the body is extremely precious. If there are any defects in the Tao, it will be difficult to perfect it. If he loses the five fingers of his left hand, it will definitely affect the achievement of Tao basic magic power in the future. These five-headed skull demons will also have to be disposed of after years of hard training. A quarter of the evil spell has been broken, who can bear it?

But he never expected that twenty skull demons would frantically fight for these five fingers. The skull demon that was still protecting its master was like a wolf after seeing raw meat. Who would care about him? Life or death.


Although He Kun still practiced other techniques, he was no match for the skull demon that had cast a blood curse. In just one breath, he was enveloped in the bloody poisonous smoke spewed out by the four skull demons, and was killed on the spot.

“I don’t even understand how to raise skull monsters, so what’s the use of raising more of them.”

Geng Laodao stopped the injury on his shoulder. His five-headed skull demon flew back staggeringly like a drunken demon, roaring wildly and feeling extremely satisfied. Even the eyes staring at him were filled with greed and evil. , as if looking at some unparalleled delicacy.

"Here you go, here you go."

Geng Laodao glanced at the murderous monk surnamed Hao: "I want to get a broken body in exchange for a Taoist foundation."

As soon as he finished speaking, he actually threw himself into the five-headed skull demon. After a burst of miserable chewing sounds, the five-headed skull demon was satisfied and its aura surged. The fierce demon, who was not afraid of death, turned to stare at Hao on the side. Surnamed monk.

Unexpectedly, within a few seconds, all three top cultivators died.

With two against three, Chen Ci thought he was going to be at a disadvantage, but he didn't expect that Senior Brother Dong's Yin-Yang Soul-Ecstasy Flag was so powerful. The hanging Yin-Yang Soul-Ecstasy Qi was not enough to kill the enemy, but the whipping coil was not. As expected, one person and one banner blocked the three magic weapons, and in a short period of time they were locked in a fight.

But Chen Ci is still here.

Someone was helping him control the situation. Chen Ci raised his sleeves and hit him with a hammer. After a while, he made another gain, sending one person to sleep. Even the Yin Fire hidden in the hammer was exhausted, leaving only bones. Vigorous prohibition is based on one law.

"Junior Brother Dong, Junior Brother Chen, help me!"

Seeing that the two of them could remain undefeated even if they were defeated, a loud shout suddenly came from the side. Chen Ci glanced subconsciously, but it was Guo Laodao who was running away in a hurry. The monk behind him had a ferocious look on his face and was surrounded by nine burning candles. The flying forks of blood flames were chasing him.


Chen Ci's eyes twitched and he didn't even hesitate a second time. He immediately moved strategically to avoid being a few feet away without caring about this cheap senior brother.

"Senior brother, don't panic!"

Dong Xiong saw his own Yin Yang Soul Enchanting Flag becoming powerful, and with a low whistle, he activated the Yin Yang Soul Enchanting Energy to the maximum, branching out nine paths to meet the nine flying forks, but the man just smiled disdainfully and took out a fist. The big pellet was thrown over.

This ball grew in the wind and turned into a net that stretched over ten feet and served as a hood.

Dong Xiong was not afraid, and waved the ecstasy flag fiercely, and the yin and yang energy on it dropped down and rolled towards the big net. Only then did Chen Ci stop, but she saw a trace of fear flash across Guo Laodao's face, and he avoided it even more. Yuan, with a thump in his heart, he let the five ghosts push him to avoid him for a few more feet.


There were actually dozens of phosphorus-fire yin thunder hidden in that big net, which suddenly exploded and even the yin-yang ecstasy flags couldn't protect it. Anyway, after the thunder, there was only a charred corpse on the ground trapped by the big net, and there was still something in his hand. Holding his own natal magic weapon tightly.


Brother Dong is actually a pretty good person.

Chen Ci raised his head and felt a little sad. He had suffered less and thought that everyone was like him, the light of Heshan, and could share the hardships with him.

"Jie Jie!"

Guo Laodao, who was running away in a panic, smiled. Taking advantage of the power of the phosphorus fire and thunder net, he only heard two screams. At some point, his six black ropes had sneaked behind the two enemies he had just faced. In order to get entangled, he took the lives of two people. He actually used his own low-grade horse to fight the enemy's high-grade horse, but he directly took the enemy's low-grade horse.

Although it was one for two and he was not at a loss, Chen Ci couldn't be happy at all. The hand holding the bone heart-locking hammer tightened slightly. He looked around for a while. In a short time, except for Yao Daosheng and Lin After capturing the tiger, only three of them survived.

"Junior Brother Chen, come to my aid quickly and kill this person!"

Guo Laodao's eyes flashed slightly, but he didn't make any moves. He just thought about the deep friendship between his fellow students and wanted to protect Chen Ci: "Why don't you come here quickly!"

"Wait, what is this?!"

Chen Ci suddenly felt that his five ghosts seemed to have encountered some formidable enemy, so they jumped back from the void and hid in the bronze lamp.

On the field, at some point, several strange ghostly creatures that looked like humans and tigers appeared, devouring the corpses of the monks on the ground. They were obviously not far away, but the three of them seemed not to notice anything, as if they could not see anything. They are ignored subconsciously.

If the five ghosts captured by Chen Ci hadn't sensed it, no one else would have noticed anything wrong by the time they finished eating all the corpses on the field.

Two corpses of cultivators close to the Hundred Apertures, and eight corpses of sixty-aperture cultivators, all flesh, flesh and bones were swallowed up by those ghosts. After they had eaten and drank enough, they raised their heads and glanced around. When I had a lot of thoughts about Chen Ci and the others, I realized that they were five ghosts with human faces and tiger bodies, and their eyes were full of cruelty and animality.

Are these the five ghosts raised by Lin Qinhu?

Being swept away by these five ghosts, Chen Ci, Guo Laodao, and the hostile Taoist all felt a chill all over their bodies, and their hands and feet were numb. But in the next second, these five ghosts jumped into the void and disappeared.

Could it be possible that the five ghost transporting method can also transport essence?

Chen Ci's eyes narrowed and he thought of a possibility.

In fact, Lin Qinhu was not Yao Daosheng's opponent at all, at least not when he first entered Daoji.

But the power of one blow is real, but the fresh blood, flesh and essence of everyone on the field, including Chen Ci, is his real secret magic trump card. Only by feeding the five ghosts can Lin Qinhu have his mouth. The power of a single blow.

Chen Ci was a little scared. Although he knew that this trip would lead to nine deaths, it was still different from ten deaths and no life.

Lin Qinhu's confident look deceived his own people and also frightened those on the other side.

Otherwise, Yao Daosheng would kill people as soon as they met, and they would probably have only one way to go: annihilation.

"I fight for the road with my life."

Chen Ci murmured to himself: "The people named Lin also fought hard with their lives, but the price is not very good. But fortunately, I have made it through now, very good, very good."

I just don’t know what the final result will be. You can lie to others, but don’t lie to yourself, that forest tiger, otherwise it will be really over.

"You're actually still scared."

Lin Qinhu's eyes showed pity: "You, a Yao family member, can bully the weak. Once you face an opponent, you will look forward and backward. If you encounter a disciple of a big sect, you may not even have the courage to take action. But that's right, just It seems that a mortal suddenly jumped out and wanted to kill me. I have to think for a while whether there is some backhand in this. The situation is too ridiculous and makes people suspicious. This is normal."


Yao Daosheng narrowed his eyes and smiled: "It's a bluff!"

"The disciples in the teaching practice the five ghost possession method. Even if they practice it to an advanced level, they can only multiply their physical strength and improve their martial arts. They look like demons and ghosts. However, because they have lost their minds, they cannot use other magic weapons at the same time. When fighting, it will It’s not as good as other wonderful methods.”

Lin Qinhu sneered and said: "You just don't understand the meaning of doubling. If you can lay a good foundation, this method will be the most powerful method in the Heshan Sutra, not inferior to Xuanmen's magical power!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ghosts of the five demon tigers emerged from the void and suddenly jumped into Lin Qinhu's body.

I saw Lin Qinhu instantly transforming into a ten-foot-tall humanoid tiger monster. The muscles all over his body swelled and swelled, and even showed a blue-gray color through his skin. It seemed that there was something strange wandering around inside. It was ferocious and terrifying, and five stars appeared on its forehead. The scary little tumor faintly became the word "king", which looked like a human, a demon, and a ghost.

"Essential Essence Burning Blood Curse!"

"White Bone Powerful Technique!"

"Five ghost possession method!"

"Five spirits. Soul-disturbing curse!"

"White Bone Killing Yin Knife!"


The sound of countless ghosts crying and wolf howling suddenly sounded on the field. Lin Qin had tiger eyes, red body and blue demon body like a ghost. There seemed to be an invisible force around him, carrying him across dozens of feet in one breath. A white jade scimitar as tall as a man came with it. The billowing evil energy was suddenly chopped off in his hand.

Yao Daosheng was in a trance, and he only had time to flick his sleeves and release dozens of skull demons to kill forward. At the same time, he spat out a small white bone arrow and aimed directly at Lin Qinhu's forehead.


Lin Qinhu's eyes were full of the desire to destroy and kill, and he ignored the skull demon biting him. When the sword fell, the small white bone arrow was cut open from the middle and fell to the ground.

Yao Daosheng showed an expression of disbelief.

"My. An arrow built on the bones of a thousand-year-old dragon."

Before he finished speaking, his whole body was separated from the left and right, so asymmetrical.

The next second, five ghosts jumped from Lin Qinhu's body, threw themselves on the ground and feasted on the corpse. The tiger demon's body seemed to have lost its breath and returned to its human form. The whole person was so pale that it was not like a stranger, and it was difficult to stand. Steady, that burly man who was eight feet tall actually felt a little thin for no reason.

This was the first time that Chen Ci saw Lin Qinhu looking so weak.

"Senior Brother Guo, you are a little slippery."

Seeing the corpse on the ground being eaten clean by the five ghosts, and all the oozing blood being licked clean, Lin Qinhu gained some color and said softly: "No one else is allowed to escape, what are you going to do?" Come and know the consequences."


The only living Qi-refining monk in Yao Daosheng's group saw Yao Daosheng's defeat. His eyes widened in disbelief. He screamed strangely and threw the nine blood flames around him towards Guo Laodao. Then he turned around and fled into the dense forest.

Guo Laodao's face became unusually serious, and he nodded. His body suddenly seemed ten years younger, and his waist became much straighter, and he immediately caught up with him.

However, after burning the incense, he came back. Although his breath was also very sluggish and he was older than before, the human head he held in his hand could not be faked.

Chen Ci grinned. There were still experts, but he was still too young.

"Take care of everything from beginning to end, it's time to hit the road."

Lin Qinhu tapped his fingers lightly, and the five tiger-shaped ghosts reluctantly rushed into his body again. The somewhat shriveled body finally held up the Taoist robe.

"Brother Lin Dao, look at that."

Although Guo Laodao was very sluggish and his expression was somewhat submissive, his eyes were slightly looking towards the ground, so that others could not see the change in his expression.

"Since I have become a high-level Taoist foundation, I naturally want to go to Chilong Temple to accept the position of true disciple. I just happened to leave Xishan Mansion to avoid the limelight. Why, Senior Brother Guo doesn't want to go with me?"

Lin Qinhu suddenly smiled, glanced at the two people on the field, and asked leisurely.

I'm sorry to all you gentlemen, 嘤嘤嘤~

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