Immortality, Starting from the Side Sect

Chapter 144 Heshan is loyal, Bone Yuanchen

‘Bayunjian’ restaurant.

In the lobby, Chen Ci was calm on the face, but in fact he was cursing in his heart. This could be seen at a roadside stall when he bumped into the real person named Yang Jindan of Longhushan who was at Tianhe Taoist Temple that day with Lin Laohu. The difference in luck was no less than A negative example of jumping off a cliff to pick up treasure.

If it’s broken, it’s not coming for me, right?

Thoughts flashed through Chen Ci's mind, and then she felt that she was suffering from paranoia of persecution again. She always felt that the emperor wanted to harm him, a troublesome citizen.

What kind of character is he that deserves a real Jin Dan to spend time harming him?

I guess it's really just bad luck.

Chen Ci suppressed her uneasiness and entered the restaurant honestly. On the way, she quietly glanced at the counter. The old Taoist Zhuang must have noticed that the two of them were extraordinary. He tried his best to pretend to be transparent, without even raising his head. Don't know anything.


Chen Ci clasped his fists respectfully and was about to salute when Master Yang waved his hand to stop him.

"Pour the wine, pour the wine!"

Yang Zhenren was very impatient and pointed at the wine bowl on the table: "Full!"


Who said this was horse urine?

Chen Ci immediately transformed into a waiter in the shop, opened a jar of Peiyuan health wine, and poured the wine into a bowl with a shy face. He also slightly adjusted the quality of the base wine, using a good old common wine. Although it was not strong, it was still good. No magic, but very refreshing.

There were two people sitting on the table, but there was a wine bowl and a wine glass. Chen Ci was about to fill up the wine glasses, but he was stopped by Yang Zhenren and said lazily: "No need to pour it, you are a horse drinker, others can't see it." On the eyes.”

"It doesn't matter. Pour me a glass too. This drink looks quite pleasant, and it's good enough."

The voice seemed to have a slight nasal sound, and it seemed very deep and magnetic, a little special, and it was difficult to distinguish between male and female.

Chen Ci poured him a glass and took advantage of this time to glance at the people on the table.

This person has a tall and straight back, a golden crown on his head, and gorgeous clothes. His complexion is like jade, his expression is gentle but his eyebrows are slightly high, which makes his face look slightly tough and neutral. Chen Ci does not dare to judge this at just one glance. The male nuns are cultivating. As for their cultivation, they should also be practicing Qi, but the specific extent is too much, so it is difficult to judge.

However, judging from the white palm of her hand when she picked up the wine glass, she was more likely to be a female cultivator.

"You sit down too. You are the only outsider at this table, and you are the one to judge."

Chen Ci: "." I don't want to sit down, I want to leave, and I don't want any more money for the drinks.

Master Yang's tone was a little angry. Of the three people at the table, this Master looked the youngest.

Seeing Chen Ci find a bench and sit down obediently, he drank all the wine in the bowl, patted the table, and asked in a deep voice: "There is also true meaning in wine. Is it wrong for a monk to drink?"

The hand of the female nun on the side holding the wine glass froze slightly and she shook her head.


Chen Ci considered the situation on the table for a moment, thought for a while, and replied in a low voice: "Well, it's a pleasant drink, but there is nothing wrong with it."


Yang Zhenren gave Chen Ci a look and continued to ask: "The harmony of yin and yang is the great way. Do monks have to be pure and celibate in order to pursue the great way?"

The female cultivator chuckled lightly and put down the wine glass without saying anything.


Chen Ci vaguely felt something was wrong, so she sneered and didn't dare to answer.

"Tell me, kid, since both of them are right, then why did I do something wrong while I was having a drink and strolling around Goulan? I was chased and lectured by a junior. Is there any reason for this?"

Yang Zhenren put the wine bowl down and was about to slap the table when he was glanced at by the female cultivator. He immediately lowered his voice and only dared to look at Chen Ci sideways and asked coldly: "Tell me, what's wrong with me?"

Chen Ci suddenly realized that the person surnamed Yang was a prostitute. He was having fun in Pingkangfang and listening to some songs, but he was blocked by someone, right?

However, at first glance, it seems that the two of them are not Taoist couples. I am afraid that they are more likely to be of the same race or from the same family.

To make this real person surnamed Yang poor, the female cultivator on the table is at least a second-generation immortal. She can't be said to be much tougher than this person surnamed Yang. She can't be offended, even if she can't offend her.

No, you must be sick. What does this matter have to do with Chen Huang? He has always been sworn in with gambling and drug addiction, and this is a lesson for everyone.

Besides, you, a Jindan master from Longhu Mountain, can't find any kind of fairy, witch, or enchantress, and you still want to come to Pingkangfang for fast food. It seems you are really hungry.

"Uncle Master, you don't have to quibble. Good wine and beautiful people are human nature. Even if the sect encourages disciples to practice purity, they never ignore human ethics."

The female cultivator's voice was low but melodious, and she said unhurriedly: "You are entertaining guests in your cave, drinking and having fun, and raising some beautiful maids, and no one is talking about you. But in this place of fireworks, you are a true disciple of the sect." But you don’t cherish the feathers, especially at this time, even if you are sophistical, there are rules and regulations that will make you think about your fault."

"Vulgarity, vulgarity can't be tolerated. Don't use the rules to pressure me."

Yang Zhenren looked disdainful, raised his head slightly, picked up a jar of wine and poured it into his mouth. After drinking it, he sneered and replied: "We monks seek truth and see the essence of things clearly in order to be free. In fact, Everyone knows that there is no difference, but they have to use layers of terms to restrain themselves and deceive themselves and others. No wonder those old immortals in the Discipline Hall have not been able to make any progress in their cultivation throughout their lives, and they have all fallen into dead ends."

"Uncle, be careful what you say."

The female cultivator's expression did not change. She chuckled and said: "The rules and precepts of the sect are the reputation of the sect. Since you, uncle, have taken the position of true successor, you are the face of the sect when you are outside, so naturally you should also have the responsibility of being a true successor."

"Hmph, I just shed my cage and point directly to my true heart, so that I can improve my practice. You don't understand."

Yang Zhenren hummed a few words: "I have a high level of seniority and profound cultivation, and I won't bully you. There is an outsider here. You let him talk about it."

Chen Ci lowered his head, as if there were hidden patterns on the wooden table in the restaurant, the principles of immortality, and the mystery of the universe. He was deeply immersed in it and could not be distracted.

You keep talking, I'm listening.

But seeing the sights of the two senior cultivators pressing over him, Chen Ci could only raise his head blankly, his face full of confusion.

"Say, there will be a reward if you agree."

Yang Zhenren chuckled, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

The female cultivator also smiled and glanced at Chen Ci, as if she wanted to hear what he had to say.

He said he had never been there and didn’t understand the difference?

But looking at the posture at the wine table, Yang must be trusted, and it seems that Yang is a small-minded person and can't be offended at all.

"Um, I have a shallow vision and I am not qualified to interrupt. However, monks like us should focus on the heart but not on the deeds. No one is perfect on the path to immortality."

Chen Ci smiled coquettishly: "I've never been to Pingkangfang, but I've heard that people who engage in the fireworks industry are mostly forced to do so, either because their father is addicted to gambling, or because their mother is seriously ill, or because their deceased husband is in debt, or because of their young children. I have the ambition to make progress, but I don’t have the resources to make progress. The life of monks and ordinary people at the bottom is not easy, and it is normal to have difficulties. If the monks only drink alcohol and enjoy themselves, it is naturally wrong to enjoy luxury. But if you have kind thoughts and help poor people in water and fire, This needs to be discussed separately. When talking about the heart, the main thing is to talk about the heart.”

Wait, can listening to Goulan music also involve having kind thoughts and saving people?

Yang Zhenren was greatly shocked. He glanced at Chen Ci and took a sip of wine with some confusion. This was how he should have been, but he had learned something today.

Seemingly seeing the look of disbelief in the female cultivator's eyes, Chen Ci quickly added: "I just heard about it. I can't say for sure. It's probably 70% or 80% true."

Hey, he really doesn’t believe that this kind of immortal second generation understands what’s going on. Anyway, if he just asked some people briefly, there would be no poor lady who didn’t take advantage of the above four points. He wasn’t lying. Anyway, he had just heard about it. .

The female cultivator thought for a moment and frowned slightly: "Sophistry."

"You see, outsiders say so."

Yang Zhenren spread his hands and smiled: "This kid is taught by Heshan, so he won't speak for me, so don't worry about me anymore."

Seeing that the female cultivator remained silent for the time being, Yang Zhenren touched his chin, looked at Chen Ci for a moment, and suddenly said: "You are much more pleasing to me than that guy named Lin. There is no future for me if you follow that guy." How about being a brewing boy next to you? It's not impossible to accept you as a registered disciple in the future, but it's a hundred times better than being in the Heshan Sect, hey."

"Master, since my disciple is a member of the Heshan Sect, how can I change the court? If I have some drinks, I just need to send someone to say something, and the disciple will naturally give it to me with both hands."

Chen Ci looked respectful and spoke firmly: "Born in Heshan, loyal to Heshan!"

Although there are all kinds of bad things in Heshan, Chen Ci might find an opportunity to leave the side sect in the future and won't really hang himself in the light of Heshan, but he can't show his excitement just by being said by others.

If he agrees to this, he is really belittling himself. He, Mr. Chen, still wants to lean on the real person's legs.

So no matter whether the person named Yang was sincere or fake, he had to refuse, and he couldn't look forward or backward, which made him angry.

Moreover, Chen Ci estimated that the man named Yang was either here to gain some advantage over his senior brother, or he just wanted to make Lin Laohu feel disgusted, and he was just an extra.


Yang Zhenren seemed not to have expected Chen Ci to refuse so decisively, and there was a trace of surprise on his face: "Since you are hanging out with that surnamed Lin, you must not be a disciple of the fifth surname of Heshan. You are just a rumor, do you understand Longhushan?" The meaning of disciple is that if you follow me as a boy, even the royal family of the Liang Kingdom will treat you as a guest. Immortality is not without hope. Could it be that the surnamed Lin or Heshan taught you some reward that makes you like this? choose?"

"Loyalty does not require rewards, because loyalty itself is the reward."

Chen Ci cupped his fists and saluted, and said righteously: "This disciple is born as a Heshan native, and dies as a Heshan ghost. Master, please stop teasing your disciples."

Yang Zhenren: "." Who is the side disciple? You said it so confidently that you almost killed me.

Why is loyalty itself a reward?


The pretense is so similar. He had heard about what the man named Lin had done and killed his fellow sect members without mercy. Can the people under his command be really loyal to the sect?

There was a smile in the eyes of the female cultivator on the side. As for whose joke it was, it was a matter of opinion.

"Hey, Heshan Cult, do you think I am teasing you and want to see Lin Laohu's jokes?"

Master Yang sneered and said, "I just like you and want to save you. Did that man surnamed Lin pass on a bone magic weapon to you?"

Chen Ci subconsciously pretended not to understand and shook her head.

"Huh, I'm not afraid to tell you. Lin has acquired an overseas sect inheritance called the White Bone Yuan Chen Powerful God Demon. There are a total of thirteen spells in it, which can be refined with the help of other people's hands. When you practice to a high level, you can use the spells Take it back and use it as a sacrifice to the general outline for your own use."

Yang Zhenren chuckled a few times: "If you don't get the White Bones Technique, it means you are not important to him. If you get the White Bones Technique, you are important to him. But even if you beg me now, I won't accept you." Getting started, haha.”

Chen Ci: "."

A stratagem to alienate someone, someone is trying to estrange someone here!

"You also said that you don't know, but your pale and blue expression is all written on your face. It's really funny, interesting, and interesting."

The man surnamed Yang chuckled a few times, stretched out his sleeves, and put the wine on the table into his sleeves: "It seems that you are in a hurry. I gave you a chance, but you are of no use. I will go and rescue those poor people first." Okay, nephew, pay for the drinks for me."

After the words fell, the monk in white on the table slowly faded away and disappeared, leaving only Chen Ci and the female monk sitting on the table, looking at each other in silence.

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