Immortality, Starting from the Side Sect

Chapter 145 The remaining secrets are easy to obtain, and the treasure of good fortune

A divorce plan, this cliff is a divorce plan!

Ha, although Mr. Chen's cultivation level is low, he is very witty. You can guess whether he believes in such a little trick or not.

It seems that the cheap senior brother from home is really disliked by the real person named Yang. If it were not for the protection of Zhenren Jiao, he would have been crushed to death by the big boss of Longhu Mountain.

But yes, others have 'Tiger' in their names, but you want to be named 'Qin Hu'. Although monks are trying to seize the world and compete for fate, they still believe in destiny to some extent. Will Lin Qinhu catch up from behind in the future? Counter pressure, no one can really say for sure.

Chen Ci had countless thoughts in his mind, trying to determine whether they were true or false. What was the purpose of Lin Zhenren, who had only two sides, in saying these words to him.

We happened to meet each other, and because of the connection between eyes and wine, I raised my hand?

Or bury a nail in your head and disgust Senior Brother Lin?

After a while, Chen Cicai suddenly remembered that there was a senior cultivator from Longhu Mountain at the table.

"This superior cultivator, a little wine is not worth mentioning. If there is nothing else, I will take my leave first."

Chen Ci bowed and lowered his attitude: "As monks in our pursuit of the Tao, we should talk about the heart and not the deeds, but if it comes to other aspects... well, I personally think it's better to talk about the deeds and not the heart."

The older one is gone, and the remaining Immortal Second Generation cannot be offended, especially since she is a female cultivator. If she doesn't take it out quickly, she will be in trouble if she provokes the Immortal Fist.

However, there is one thing to say. Although this female cultivator's appearance is slightly androgynous, she has a demure appearance and excellent temperament. Especially her eyes are clear and divine. She really has the appearance of an immortal.

"Don't be nervous. Uncle Master is too outspoken, but he won't anger the junior."

The female cultivator smiled freely, picked up the wine glass and took a sip: "I didn't expect that Senior Brother Lin would have a disciple like you under his command. It's really interesting, but just listen to what I said just now, don't take it too seriously."

Chen Ci's eyes lit up, he just said it was a divorce plan.

"Although Senior Brother Lin has obtained the side inheritance, he will not necessarily be able to take back other people's bone spells."

The female cultivator expressed relief: "Looking at the best, does he really want to pass it on to you?"

Chen Ci: "."

The feelings are real!

But from this tone, it seemed that this female cultivator was an acquaintance of Senior Brother Jiaian. It was good that he, the Light of Heshan, had become an outsider.

Chen Ci smiled faintly, but only he knew the pain in his heart.

The female cultivator put down her wine glass and stood up, ready to leave, but it seemed she was not ready to pay. But before turning around, she suddenly asked: "Have you also practiced the Five Ghosts Technique?"

Chen Ci was still thinking about something and nodded subconsciously.

The female cultivator glanced at the remaining wine in the glass and chuckled: "I see that your true energy is pure and pure, but you have a yin energy and ghost energy in your body, and your energy and blood are slightly poor. You must also want to follow the path of Senior Brother Lin." "

She waved her hand and walked leisurely outside the restaurant under Chen Ci's gaze: "I appreciate what you just said, but if you do good deeds, your future will come naturally. Don't be greedy for worldly pleasures. It will become an empty dream."

With a flash of cloud, the female cultivator outside the door disappeared. Chen Ci finally breathed a sigh of relief and was speechless. Are you really going to leave without paying for the drink?

I don’t want it. You don’t have to give it to me. I just want to do good deeds and have a bright future. I appreciate you. Although I talk a lot, it’s not as practical as giving money.

Alas, this world is all about cakes, huh?

Chen Ci sat down and sighed, but he saw a jade coin with a round outside and a square inside placed beside the wine glass on the table. It was a bit larger than an ordinary copper coin, and looked more like a unique yellow jade pendant.

He took it into his hand and saw that it was faintly engraved with a pattern of clouds and mist, but it seemed to have grown naturally inside the jade. There were eight small Chinese characters in Chinese seal script engraved on the front and back. After Chen Ci read it carefully, he found that the meaning should be 'the dragon and the tiger have their wishes'. Yongxing Yongan'.

"This is."

Chen Ci took a breath. Could this thing be a token of Longhu Mountain? In order to alienate his relationship with Lin Laohu and Heshan, this woman left this jade coin. She had really sinister intentions.

"How can my Taoist heart be disturbed by these foreign objects!"

Chen Ci looked disdainful. With a wave of his hand, he threw the jade coin into his pocket and carefully closed it tightly: "Hoo, Heshan, be loyal!"

After sitting for a while and making sure that no one turned around, Chen Ci breathed a sigh of relief and called out to Mr. Zhuang: "Old Zhuang, serve some food."

"Tsk, I didn't expect you, Fellow Daoist Chen, to recognize such a big shot."

After Zhuang Laodao and others left, he dared to come out from behind the counter. Although his restaurant was not very luxurious, it was close to Pingkangfang, and occasionally Daoji masters came in to sit there, so he had some experience. As long as he kept a low profile, he would always Nothing happened.

"Well, the elder in the sect is the kind who kills without blinking an eye."

Chen Ci made a serious bluff and asked casually: "By the way, Lao Zhuang, how many elders like me come here these days?"

"How is that possible? What kind of place is this?"

Zhuang Laodao didn't pay attention. He suddenly remembered something and grabbed Chen Ci's sleeve: "By the way, you, an elder, drank several jars of wine in the store. It will be recorded in your account later."

Chen Ci: "."

"Actually, I'm not that familiar, hey!"

Chen Ci shouted twice, but in the end he could only grin and admit that this man named Yang really didn't deserve to be a human being.

However, I learned from what I just said that the man surnamed Yang came in to drink alone first, with an unchanging expression. After drinking for a long time, the female cultivator came over. The two sat for a while, and then he, Chen, took the Drinks hit.

In this way, the last trace of doubt was dispelled, and Chen Ci was completely relieved. He smiled dumbly. He must have been thinking too much.

After a nice meal, I rewarded myself. The taste of spiritual rice, meat, wine and food was different from that of elixirs, and it could give people a real feeling of fullness.

This meal is worth twenty taels of gold.

However, Chen Ci paid for four spirit beads, and the four jars of cultivating health wine he brought were also taken away by someone. This can only be described as 'unlucky'.

"Longhu Mountain"

Chen Ci curled his lips to express his disdain, but after eating and drinking, he still had other more important things to do.

The road to immortality is long, and it is not a disadvantage if he teaches someone the method.

Four Seas Chamber of Commerce.

As one of the second largest trading houses in Liangjianghai City, the Sihaibao Building occupies an astonishingly large area. There is even a small half of the building standing in the sea, even if it is hit by the rough waves, it does not move at all.

Chen Ci couldn't go to those places, so the lobby on the first floor was where individual visitors like him could hang out.

Three hundred drops of essence and blood, a hundred pieces of Armored Horse Divine Talisman, cost him more than four spirit beads, and then Miss Enchantress retrieved the Siliang Abyss Sand. This kind of water belongs to the Five Elements Divine Sand, which is found in the spiritual cave in the sea. The land is probably easier to find than the mountains, rivers and swamps.

It was this enchantress who touched Chen Ci's palm with her fingertips intentionally or unintentionally when she handed over the essence, blood, talisman, and sacred sand. She was obviously coveting the body of Mr. Chen.


Although these beauties are eye-catching, since he carried the five ghosts on his back and practiced the five ghost possession method, Mr. Chen has some intentions but no intention. He can only promise the way with his body and mind, and nothing else.

"I heard that there are Gong Jue for sale in the treasure house. Can you take me to see it?"

The gentleman Mr. Chen withdrew his gaze from Miss Enchantress, ignored the slightly sticking catkins, and asked.

"Master, the treasures and curiosities have to go up to the second floor, please come this way."

"Lead the way."

However, the two of them went from the side hall along the corridor to a balcony on the second floor. They saw a row of low cabinets, containing Taoist books of different colors and materials, some thick or thin, and a hollow one on the corner of the table. Waves of smoke floated out from the copper incense burner, which was calming and fragrant. However, it was thickly covered on the Taoist booklet on the short cabinet, and it was obscured and did not disperse. I am afraid it was some kind of restraint method to prevent others from peeking into the contents.

A monk who was about sixty years old and dressed in brocade robes came up to him. He had a round face and a bright red face. He looked very energetic. Although his cultivation level was not very high, he was a down-to-earth cultivator.

"I, Xu Lun, have met fellow Taoist, what is your surname?"

"My surname is Chen."

"Fellow Daoist Chen, please have some tea."

The monk surnamed Xu invited Chen Ci to take a seat and asked with a smile: "I heard, fellow Taoist, that you want to buy some skills. I wonder if you have any needs."

Chen Ci glanced at the short cabinet beside him, and straight to the point, he said directly: "To make my fellow Taoists laugh, I entered Taoism through ordinary martial arts. Later, although I found some Taoist books and gained some cultivation, I heard that the method of strength is also mysterious. , so I would like to buy this Dharma book and study a few of it. Can you recommend it?”

After a pause, Chen Ci added another sentence: "It is best to have a complete book, without any flaws or holes that would hinder practice."

"Since fellow Taoist disciples can come to the Sihaibao Tower, they must have some understanding of the method of strength."

The monk surnamed Xu was not surprised. He took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Liang Guofangyuan really wants to discuss the method of strength. It is true that only our Sihai Chamber of Commerce has a serious inheritance. However, it would be better if you, fellow Taoist, look for this fragmentary book. It's like This fragment of the "Blue-Eyed Golden Ape's Sea-Covering Technique" can be obtained with only twenty spirit beads, but the full volume cannot be sold casually."

The force technique, which integrates the apertures and exchanges blood, naturally also talks about the number of 'acupoints'.

Some of the skills sold here are all fragments, which are equivalent to the inheritance of scattered practitioners in the world of spiritual practice. They range from a few orifices to dozens of orifices, but the highest is only seven or eighty, and the price is also a few Ten spirit beads to hundreds of spirit beads.

This means that in Sihai Baolou, if it were outside, the price would be half lower. However, although the skills in the Sihai Chamber of Commerce are incomplete, they are still true, at least they will not cause any problems in practice.

"The method of strength mainly focuses on tempering the physical body. Melting the orifice and exchanging blood will also slightly change the structure of the physical body, making it closer to the attributes of the innate gods and demons. If you are a little brave and diligent, you will easily be confused by the true meaning and your personality will change drastically."

Although Xu Lun was doing business, he also advised: "Fellow Taoist, if you want to polish your body and practice some martial arts, it is enough to practice a dozen or so skills. You don't need to pursue too advanced methods. As for the cruel and cruel things spread outside, However, I can only say that it is better for you to be careful. In the sea market, there are often strong men who go crazy and become possessed. They just practice incomplete and incomplete skills and their brains are damaged."

"Well, can I buy one-third, one-fourth, or one-fifth of a certain book?"

Chen Ci thought for a while and asked.

Xu Lun smiled hoarsely: "Fellow Daoist Chen, what do you think?"

However, this person did not play the riddle and explained: "If it is a complete book, even a low-grade strength method requires a thousand spirit beads to start, and fellow Taoist, you have to receive the position of worshiper in the Chamber of Commerce. For the specific situation, fellow Taoist If you are interested, I can call the deacon of Baolou to talk to you in detail. If it is a broken book, I can also make the decision and give Taoist friends two cents cheaper, just as a friend."


Chen Ci frowned slightly. It's not like Zanchuan's technique was incompetent. He was wearing Zanfa and didn't say much. But the main thing was that he didn't know how powerful the method of strength was for the possession of five ghosts. Zandan's Taoxing Huo was enough. Fortunately, if there is not enough, it will be troublesome. It is better to get it all at once, at least there will be a follow-up method.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, is there any other way?"

Chen Ci thought for a moment and then asked.

"It's not like nothing."

Xu Lun glanced at Chen Ci and saw that he really wanted to buy the whole volume. He stroked his long beard and said, "Fellow Taoist, if you have thousands of pieces of the Four Seas Ruyi Dragon Pattern Treasure, you can just buy a low-grade copy." There is a complete book of power skills, and even the chamber of commerce can be chosen by you, without any hesitation."

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