Immortality, Starting from the Side Sect

Chapter 146 Wishful treasure money is a burden to the clan

The universal wishful dragon pattern treasure coin.

Although Chen Ci had never heard of this object, he subconsciously thought of the jade coin in his arms that was trying to mess with his Taoist heart.

Everything goes well with the world, everything goes well with the dragon and tiger, it seems a bit similar.

I just don’t know if ‘Yongxing Yongan’ and ‘Dragon Pattern Treasure Money’ are related.

However, Chen Ci did not take out the jade coin and give it to others. He smiled calmly and said, "Fellow Daoist Xu is laughing at me, but I have never even heard of this Four Seas Ruyi Dragon Pattern Treasure Coin, let alone thousands of them." I can't even get out the precious money, even a thousand spirit beads, how can we, a small cultivator, control such a huge amount of wealth?"

"Haha, fellow Taoist, don't be nervous. I don't have any other intentions. It's just that since you asked, Fellow Taoist Chen, I'm just chatting with you."

Old Taoist Xu Lun also smiled and explained with a calm expression: "Just by hearing this name, Taoist friends should have guessed that this treasure is related to the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, and this money has not been circulated outside. It is normal that Taoist friends have not heard of it. I will mention it next. It’s also because I have a task in this area and it’s a bit selfish, so I’d like to say a few words, perhaps fellow Taoist Xu has heard of ordinary gold and silver tickets, right?”

Chen Ci's heart moved slightly and she nodded to show that she knew.

Xu Laodao took a sip of tea and said slowly.

This so-called Sihai Ruyi Dragon Pattern Treasure Coin is simple to say. It is what the Sihai Chamber of Commerce is preparing to launch. It is similar to the "golden ticket" and "silver ticket" money deeds in the spiritual world. One dragon pattern treasure coin is equivalent to one pound. The five elements sacred sand, or a jade clam bead.

But the reverse is not the same. Ten pounds of Five Elements Sacred Sand or ten Jade Clam Spiritual Pearls can only be exchanged for eight dragon-marked treasure coins, and there is a corresponding quota.

In other words, the purchasing power of treasure money, sacred sand, and spiritual pearls seems to be the same in the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, but their actual value is different.

Chen Ci thought for a moment, if anyone uses this dragon-marked treasure money like this, wouldn't it be like taking off his pants and farting, which is unnecessary.

"The advantage of this Sihai Ruyi dragon-patterned treasure coin is that besides being easy to circulate, it is that when you use it for shopping, you have the same status and authority as a disciple in the Sihai Chamber of Commerce."

As if aware of Chen Ci's doubts, Xu Laodao straightened up and smiled calmly: "To be honest, the spiritual beads and divine sand are not of great value to the Sihai Chamber of Commerce. Many alchemy amulets are not bartered, and it is difficult to make a transaction. Just like you, fellow Taoist." The complete strength method that you seek is actually not for sale, but if you hold the dragon-patterned treasure, you can buy anything. Hence the word "ruyi", but this treasure can only be bought with pills, utensils, talismans, and books. In exchange for it, or by serving in the Chamber of Commerce, if it is divine sand or spiritual beads, each person only has a share of ten."

Chen Ci came back to his senses and smiled dumbly. The sentimental "Sihai Ruyi Dragon Pattern Treasure Coin" is somewhat like an exclusive magic coin launched by the Jisihai Chamber of Commerce, which combines the three identities of "merit value", "commercial ticket" and "membership". , and also wanted to be recognized by other monks.

The Four Seas Chamber of Commerce wants to open a bank to print money, but they are really shameless.

You must know that in the world of cultivation, although monks default to using Five Elements Sacred Sand and Jade Clam Spirit Beads as trading currencies, they are still essentially barter transactions, because these two items are cultivation materials and have a certain value for monks all over the world. Value, so it can be recognized by the monks.

But this is not necessarily the case with treasure coins. Just like the Sihai Ruyi dragon-pattern treasure coins, although they are valuable, they are not dealt with by the Sihai Chamber of Commerce. It is estimated that no one will hold them. Except for the Sihai Chamber of Commerce, this thing is not available. People want it.

I really want to promote this thing, but it is probably unlikely, but it has nothing to do with a minor repair like Mr. Chen.

He only has a little money on him.

Speaking of which, the Dragon-Tiger Ruyi Treasure Coin that Mr. Chen has on his body is only worth a spiritual pearl.

No, you just use this thing to test the light of Heshan?

Which monk cannot withstand such a test!

"Fellow Daoist Chen, would you like to exchange it for some wishful thinking treasures?"

After saying so much, Master Xu Lun's mouth was dry. He took a sip of tea and persuaded Youyou: "I hit it off with you, fellow Taoist, and I happen to have a little authority. You can exchange fifty pieces of sacred sand and spiritual pearls with me." Treasure money, it won’t be such a good thing after a while.”

Good thing?

Ten pounds of five-element sacred sand is exchanged for eight four-sea treasure coins.

Eight Sihai treasure coins are equivalent to eight pounds of Five Elements sacred sand.

Instead of buying the secret book of the true method, only a fool changed his mind. He originally came to buy the book of power, but in the end, while chatting, he ended up selling this treasure from all over the world. As expected, the world's profiteers are as bad as they are, bah.

Chen Ci couldn't help but complain in her heart, then she shook her head slightly and declined with a chuckle: "Please forgive me, fellow Taoist Xu, I have to go to the nearby chamber of commerce to see what I want. If there is no result, I may have to go to other areas to try it." Luck, although this world treasure money is good, I can't use it."

"Haha, I'm afraid Daoyou Chen has never been overseas, right?"

Mr. Xu smiled leisurely and looked at Chen Ci: "The outside monks all think that the owner of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce is Liuyun Palace Dragon Lord. But if this is the case, it should be called the Liuyun Chamber of Commerce. How dare it be called the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce."

Seeing that Chen Ci didn't seem to understand what he meant, Xu Laodao looked incomprehensible: "I won't tell others, but our chamber of commerce is really spread all over the world. This treasure is universal, and it can be used by everyone everywhere. You can use this treasure wherever there are water veins. I have inside information. Fellow Taoist, if you exchange some, you will never be fooled or suffer a loss."

Chen Ci: "." Is it true or false?

"Besides, next month will be the birthday of Dragon King of Liuyun Palace. At that time, there will be a grand event held in the Sihaibao Pavilion. Treasure materials, magic tools, merit books, witches, and world's rare treasures. Hey, I don't know about the more detailed ones. It's easy to say, but if you have precious money in hand, you can take advantage of others."

Chen Ci: "." I don't believe it!

"No sixty-two, no sixty, fifty-eight spirit beads, treasures from all over the world to take home. Fellow Daoist Chen, do you really not want to change into some?"

When Chen Ci left the Sihaibao Tower, he looked at the fifty red copper coins in his hand and couldn't help but wipe his forehead.

It’s impossible to guard against it.

How to put it, it's a bit like spending fifty-eight spirit beads to buy fifty shares of the "original shares" of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce. With Chen Ci's business talent, he vaguely felt that he could make a profit, even if he lost, he would only lose eight. Just a spiritual bead.

Such a big chamber of commerce couldn't possibly cheat him out of money, right?

I don’t know if I can imitate it.

Chen Ci quickly stopped his inner thoughts and picked up a Four Seas Treasure Coin to look at it. This Four Seas Treasure Coin was not made of jade, but a red and delicate metal. It was cold in hand and was not big in size. It was about the same as an ordinary small coin. It had a stamp on the front. There are four small characters on it, "The world is as you wish", and the reverse side is a scale-like pattern, layered on top of each other, seemingly disordered, but there is some kind of wonderful charm hidden in it.

After pinching it hard, even with the blessing of true energy, the surface of this treasure has not changed. The material alone is probably stronger than some treasure materials. Even if it can be imitated, the cost is probably higher than this treasure. value in itself.

Chen Ci was inexplicably lost and didn't know where the loss came from. After a while, he carefully took out the 'Dragon and Tiger Ruyi' jade coin from his arms and compared one and two. With this look, the dragon and tiger jade coin in his hand , but it is obviously much more upscale than Sihaibaoqian, and the gap is still clear at a glance.

Could it be that the denomination of my jade coin is larger?

After carefully putting these treasures away, Chen Ci touched his chin, still feeling that something was wrong.

He originally thought that the Sihai Chamber of Commerce was just a chamber of commerce in Liangjianghai City. No matter how powerful it was, it was only located in a corner of Liang State. The Sihai treasure money would only be circulated in a small area in Haishi City at most. It was more like a kind of business paper. rather than a currency.

But if one goes by what the man surnamed Xu said, the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce is probably no worse than the Xuanmen sect in terms of its power and influence. Then the secrets in the Four Seas Wishful Treasure Coin will explain something.

Although Chen Ci could only feel that something was wrong with his limited financial knowledge and could not tell the specific details, it was obvious that other big forces and big chambers of commerce would definitely not allow it and would either follow up or suppress them. They would not just watch it. If this treasure money really circulates, in the short term, holding this Sihai treasure coin may be able to attract the attention of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, but in the long run, it is estimated that it will be a big loss.

"The world is as good as the wish, the dragon and the tiger are as wishful, could it be the treasure coin also launched by Longhu Mountain? But it doesn't feel like it, but this 'Yongxing Yongan' seems familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere."

Chen Ci pondered for a moment and then remembered where this feeling of familiarity came from.

Yongxing Chamber of Commerce.

By the way, fellow Daoist Zhuang Liang once mentioned that the owner of the Yongxing Chamber of Commerce is a certain Jindan master from Longhu Mountain, and he is probably the property of the Longhu Yang family. In this case, this "Longhu Ruyi" Yongxing Yong'an's jade money makes some sense.

Go and have a look?

It only took a moment for Chen Ci to make up his mind. He still remembered that the deacon of the trading firm had said that if he signed a thirty-year contract with the firm, he could get a complete book of the power of the law. There must be one or two in Yongxing Trading Firm. You can practice the power inheritance, and you can also see the value of this jade coin.

If it doesn't work, you can also discount it and go back to the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce to buy a residual volume of strength with the highest possible level. Presumably, the skills of the seventy or eighty apertures can also be used. As for the thousand Sihai Ruyi treasure coins, even if you don't eat it It would take more than ten years for a person who doesn't drink or practice to become a strongman on a ship.

"I despise Master Jiao, understand Master Jiao, and become Master Jiao. I once regarded fairies as treasures. Only when I grow old do I know how good a rich woman is."


Yongxing Chamber of Commerce.

Different from the Sihaibao Tower, although the Yongxing Chamber of Commerce has many buildings and high pavilions, there are not many people. Even the fairies and maids in the hall are somewhat sparse.

Chen Ci once heard He Cheng mention that due to its strong strength, the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce can handle everything from low-level talismans and miscellaneous elixirs to precious materials, rare treasures, magic tools, and merit books. It can be done by individual practitioners, family clans, and all large and small businesses. , and this Yongxing Chamber of Commerce is not exposed, but mainly does overseas bulk cargo business, either with small profits but large quantities, or with high quality and large profits, but it does not receive business from ordinary individual customers.

Chen Ci walked in and was greeted by a pretty maid on duty. She bowed and asked in a gentle voice, "Does this master have any orders?"

"You don't have any displays here. I want to buy some items, but I don't know how to choose."

Chen Ci thought for a moment and asked.

"So that the master can know that my master likes peace and quiet, so he did not set up a booth."

The maid smiled gently: "If the master has any needs, you can talk to the slave. If it suits the master's wishes, the slave will take the master to discuss it in detail."

"I want to buy a book of strength and power, but I don't know if it is possible."

"My lord, please forgive me, but our bank cannot register and sell it."

The maid bowed slightly and apologized: "If the master wants to seek legal advice, the only way is to sign the corresponding legal contract with this firm. If the master is interested, the maid will take you to see the deacon."

As expected, ordinary monks who practice serious cultivation methods really have no way to desire them. Although sacred sand and spiritual beads are valuable to low-level monks, they are not very valuable in fact, and larger forces simply look down on them.

But in this way, there is a slight possibility that the Wishful Treasures from all over the world will be circulated. After all, in the world of cultivation, the casual cultivators of miscellaneous families have an absolute numerical advantage. Even the monks from the side sects often have no way to seek the Dharma. .

The thought flashed through Chen Ci's mind. He took out the dragon-tiger jade coin from his arms, handed it over, and asked politely: "I have this thing. I wonder if we can discuss it."

"Wait a moment, fairy, but I have to ask you some questions."

The maid only glanced at it and didn't dare to take it. She bowed and left in a hurry. She probably didn't recognize what it was and didn't dare to make the decision.

After a while, a middle-aged female cultivator wearing a blue Taoist robe came from the inner hall, glanced at the jade coin in Chen Ci's hand, and bowed slightly: "This fellow Taoist is very polite. The host invites you."

"Please, fellow Taoist, lead the way."

Chen Ci was happy, it looked like there was something going on!

This Dragon and Tiger Jade Coin is indeed much more valuable than the Four Seas Treasures. In such a big Dragon and Tiger Mountain, it is not easy to have a good person after all.

"Uncle Master, why are you doing this? Even if you are dissatisfied with the in-laws arranged by the clan, there is no need to slander your reputation. You will lose your dignity as a real person by hanging out in this place of fireworks."

Above the sea city, thousands of feet high, an octagonal bamboo tower stands on the clouds, with a fairy spirit floating in the air. Yang Huer, dressed in white and wearing a high crown, has an elegant demeanor. However, the table in the bamboo tower has already been filled with pots and cups. It was a mess, even the sleeves of his robe were stained. Master Jie Dan had lost most of his immortal demeanor.

"Huang Zhen, there is no one around, call me uncle."

Yang Hu'er lay back, burped, and said leisurely: "Uncle Tiantian, Master, if you don't know, you think we don't have a deep relationship."

The female cultivator shook her head and sighed: "Uncle, if you continue to do this, you will really make the clan and sect angry. I will force you into the cold and cold weather of the mountain behind the dragon and tiger to temper your temper. Even my mother will help you." If I can't help you, no matter how hard you complain, it will be too late. Let alone the beautiful wine, even if you want to drink hot water, it is probably difficult."

"Returning to the clan, I don't understand. Where does this stinky rule come from? Before attacking the golden elixir, you have to marry other clans and leave heirs. Only then will the clan be willing to provide internal and external medicines and the secret method of condensing the elixir. Then I Isn’t it okay if you don’t want to?”

Yang Hu'er spat fiercely: "Besides, those old immortals in the clan still don't understand what the Zhang family means? If I insist on marrying that Zhang family wife, I really think that if we are married, the Zhang family will be happy with our Yang family. ?”

"Uncle Master, silence your voice and slander your master. This is a serious crime."

The female cultivator's face darkened: "Since I hold the position of Discipline Deacon, even if you are my uncle and one of the top ten true disciples in the sect, I will not let you off lightly."

After a pause, the female cultivator's face softened slightly, and she pondered for a moment, then asked again: "You don't understand, you are just pretending not to understand. On the contrary, I really don't understand. In such a troubled autumn, you went to wait for that little cultivator from Heshan." , and what’s the purpose?”

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