So tired, really so tired.

Chen Ci was lying on his bed, his eyes dull, and he felt empty after a big fight.

The roll can no longer move.

If he continues to roll like this, Chen Ci will probably die of exhaustion on the road to immortality before he can achieve immortality.

"Practice martial arts, practice swordsmanship, draw talismans, sacrifice and refine magic weapons, refine blood essence, practice elixirs, eat qi and practice vomiting. I can't think about it anymore, I feel like vomiting."

Chen Ci's face turned pale for a while. Alchemy training was really a physical job. Every day, there was an additional project of refining the Bigu Pill, which directly drained him.

And he discovered another misunderstanding.

It's like many people mistakenly believe that archers are cowardly and fragile, and just a few people can be chopped down by rushing up to them.

Chen Ci suspected that all the alchemists in this world were top-notch, because if their cultivation was not enough, their true energy would not be enough to continue practicing alchemy.

What's more, Bajing Palace is the top immortal sect in this world.

Chen Ci silently made up his mind to be polite when meeting alchemists and others in the future. He didn't want to be yelled at, 'Pick up the elixir, pick up the elixir!' ’.

However, there was some harvest. At least half a month later, he finally collected the amount of goods.

Medicinal Spell: Getting Started/7/100

One hundred and twelve bigu pills.

"I can't resist anymore. Don't think about the accumulation. Just collect the amount of Shi Sanniang's goods every month, and then practice a few more Bigu Pills for later use."

"I broke down my body for this little money. I can't get it back. I hesitate every night. Xiaoyou can't bear it."

Chen Ci stroked her palms, shook her head and walked out of Sanyin Temple. She counted the days and found that it would be time to deliver wild animals to Yunshi Mountain in the next two days. She was in such a hurry that she didn't know for the first time that the mountain people in Yunshi Mountain could How many big fish were caught.

Mainly because he didn't have much support in the Heshan Sect, and he didn't make many connections when he came to Liang State's Xishan Mansion. If he couldn't gather 300 drops of essence and blood to send to Fuhu Altar, he would probably be in trouble if he was really regarded as a model.

"There are sieges everywhere, but with the power of oneself, one day the siege will be broken."

Chen Ci walked for a walk with his eyes closed. The breeze from the mountain blew by, which relieved his swollen forehead. Just as he was thinking about something, he suddenly heard the sound of horses honking in the distance, but a gray carriage was parked leisurely in the distance. , not long after a figure jumped out of the car, but it was Huang Defa, the head of the Huang family, walking towards Sanyin Temple.

Chen Ci was stunned for a moment, then realized that January had already passed by in such a hurry. During this time, he was thinking too much about the essence and blood. He only remembered to ask Yunshi Mountain to send wild animals at the beginning of the month, but he forgot that it was also here. The time when the Huang family delivered the frosting sugar payment.

It really takes no time to practice.

But getting the Five Elements Divine Sand is probably a beautiful thing.

"Huanxi Tower?"

"The Wang family of Xishan Mansion?"

Chen Ci held a gold-edged invitation and was a little confused: "Fellow Daoist Huang, what do you mean?"


Huang Defa organized the following: "A young master from the Wang family of Xishan Prefecture came to Changping County as a guest. Our Wang family of Changping County is a branch of the Wang family of Xishan Prefecture. Together with the Huang family, we hosted a banquet for him. I would like to ask Master Chen to accompany me."

Chen Ci had heard about this county captain and the Wang family. The so-called county captain with flowing water and iron county captain, this Wang family is the real power in Changping County, with a heritage of more than a hundred years.

But I heard that my family is a military strategist and only belongs to miscellaneous families. It has been many years since I was born a serious monk.

Chen Ci picked up the teacup and took a sip, then put his hand lightly on the bag containing Yuan Chensha, and said lightly: "Fellow Daoist Huang, considering our friendship these days, I will allow you to say three words, and after you finish speaking, you will be sent away." I’m a guest, hey.”

"Zhenren Chen, this"

"One sentence."

Huang Defa gave a bitter smile and did not dare to say anything more. He quickly organized his words: "The Wang family of Xishan Prefecture is a big family in the city. There are seniors in the family who practice at Jiuquan Monastery in Quanshan Mountain, Longhu Mountain, but they have never come back from the mountain to Xishan Prefecture. , so the specific situation is unknown.”

"And one last sentence."

Chen Ci put down the tea cup and frowned slightly. Since the Wang family of Xishan Prefecture was related to Longhu Mountain, what was the purpose of suddenly coming to Changping County?

"Little Lao'er Huang's family started out by selling medicinal materials, and sometimes they also provided medicinal materials for the Wang family's pharmacy in Xishan Prefecture. A few years ago, Wang's pharmacy disdained the poor quality of the medicinal materials provided by Xiao Lao'er's family's caravan, so the business was discontinued, including the balance payment. It’s not over yet, so the little old man doesn’t dare to say anything.”

Huang Defa explained in a low voice: "But this time, a young man from the third wife of the Wang family suddenly came to Changping County and wanted to renew the medicinal materials business with the Huang family. That's why the little old man wanted to invite a real person to accompany him, so as to avoid the strong guest and the weak host. It doesn’t end well.”

"Medicine business?"

Chen Ci was a little confused: "Since we are talking about business, why don't you just talk to him? Who do you do business with?"

"But this business can't be negotiated, and it's impossible for me to conjure up medicinal ingredients for nothing."

Huang Defa's old face wrinkled up: "This business already has an owner."

Chen Ci pondered for a moment, and then he realized that the Huang family was probably related to the Wenxiang Sect through the medicinal material business, which was a bit interesting.

To put it simply, the young man dumped the girl, and the girl turned around and hooked up with another man, but the young man got her back again.

But why don't you ask your man to make the decision for you? Why should you ask someone else like me?

"Can't you tell the truth?"

Huang Defa shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I can find some excuses, but no one stands up, and I am afraid that the young master will use his power to suppress others, so I want to invite the real person to come."

After a pause, Huang Defa continued: "Besides, the little old man and Deacon Lin only reported once a month, and it's too late now. Deacon Lin once said that if there is something that can't be solved, he can ask a real person to take care of him. He owes it to the real person. A favor.”

Chen Ci nodded at the table without speaking directly.

To be honest, he was quite impressed by Wenxiang Jiao Lin Banshan's resolute and resolute attitude in doing things, and he didn't have much bad feelings.

What's more, Chen Ci's frosty sugar shop has business dealings with the Huang family, which is his biggest cultivation resource. The Huang family has been considered respectful in the past, but with this kind of love, it's not a good idea to beg him. Reject directly.

Now that Lin Banshan can still owe a favor, he really needs to think about how to deal with this matter.

Chen Ci pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "You should go back first."

Although he didn't directly agree, he didn't directly refuse. Huang Defa naturally understood that things were going wrong, stood up, bowed respectfully, and left.

Chen Ci thought for a moment and settled down. It was not a high-level Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain who came in person. It must not be related to any dispute between the monks of the two religions. Since it was not a direct lineage, it was purely a collateral lineage of a disciple of the Quanzhou branch of Longhu Mountain. The tribesmen would not let him give in anything.

After all, he is also a disciple of Heshan Sect.

It's just a medicine business. It's not a big deal to be an impartial witness.

Chen Ci picked up the bag and weighed it. The Huang family was sincere. The Yuan Chensha weighed fifteen kilograms this time, so they paid the appearance fee.

"Go and have a look."

"If it's really such a small matter, I'll just give it to him. If there's something to hide, sir, I'll just eat and keep silent."

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