It's night in Huanxi Tower, Changping County.

As the largest restaurant in the county, Huanxi Restaurant has always been the first choice for wealthy businessmen to entertain their guests. Although the overall conditions are far inferior to those of Xishan Palace, there are several medicinal dishes in the building that are quite tasty based on the local ingredients, and they are quite good. , does not count as slacking off guests.

Chen Ci touched the spiritual iron dagger in his sleeve and finally confirmed one thing.

He may not really have the aura of a protagonist.

Where is the promised young master from a wealthy family, the Wang family of Xishan Prefecture, why don't you give me a slap in the face for this arrogant pretense?

Fortunately, he had made a lot of presets, including all the guy stuff, and ended up sitting in the main seat watching the young ladies dance all night.

Don't tell me, it's really white, suck.

There were only eight people sitting at the banquet, and a few people were changing glasses, so the atmosphere was quite lively.

While Chen Ci was enjoying the performance, he took a look at the young man of the Wang family in Xishan Prefecture. He was a good-looking young man, but he had no cultivation skills. On the contrary, the middle-aged sword-wielding man who sat with him was a man of Taoism. His cultivation level is not high, just a few steps higher than Huang Defa. He has about two or three orifices opened.

Huang Defa wanted to say it was just a few shrimps, so he agreed directly.

But yes, even if the Wang family in Xishan Prefecture is a master, they will be in a powerful position. How can they come to a small place like Changping County to discuss a small medicinal material business, making a lot of money for a small amount of money.

Thinking of this, Chen Ci became more and more relaxed, tapping the beat to enjoy the dance, and not too lazy to socialize with other people, just to relax from the hard work of hard training during this period.

On the other hand, the head of the County Captain Wang's family is a big man in his forties, and his evil aura is very obvious. In the future, he can go around and sell soul-fixing charms and make a fortune.

Wang Qiong held the wine glass and looked bored at the mediocre dancing on the stage.

He traveled thousands of miles to come to Changping County in person. He originally wanted to quickly obtain the source of medicine here. Presumably the Huang family would not deny him this face. They were all doing business. Could it be that the money of the Wang family was different from others?

However, at a reception banquet, he who should have been sitting in the main seat was sitting in the second seat. The Huang family man actually invited a Heshan disciple to accompany him, and he took over the host. The meaning was self-evident, and the business he originally wanted to discuss was not used. It's pointless to mention it.

However, his trip cannot be in vain. Since the Huang family doesn't know how to praise them, they might as well kick him out. It's not impossible to set up a medicine gang with the help of the local Wang family, but it will take a lot more energy and time, maybe two I haven't seen any profits for three years, so I'm at a bit of a disadvantage.

After thinking clearly about the countermeasures, Wang Qiong raised his glass and smiled at Huang Defa: "Senior Huang, in the past few years, the deacon of the family pharmacy was negligent and liked to eat and ask for cards while facing down, which affected our business. This junior is here to apologize. , and the second is to see if there is anything that can make up for the relationship between the two families."

"Don't dare."

Huang Defa didn't dare to raise his eyebrows. He raised the glass with both hands and drank it down in one gulp. Then he said with a smile: "It's because the old man's family neglected to discipline the caravan, and the purchased medicinal materials were not classified into high quality, which almost affected the reputation of Huichun Hall. It's his fault, but the medicinal materials from the mountains are nothing." Growth depends on the weather. The climate in the mountains of Changping has not been very good in the past few years, so the medicinal materials received are not satisfactory, otherwise I would really want Mr. Qiong to open a convenient door and give the Huang family a bite to eat."

"Haha, Senior Huang is joking."

Wang Qiong also drank the drink with a smile, and then talked about other topics.

They are unwilling to step down such an obvious step, and they don’t know how to appreciate it.

One of the two was an experienced man, the other a well-educated person, but they didn't end up chatting to death. The group of people chatted about anecdotes, and when they were talking, even Chen Ci became interested and chatted with them for a few words.

What kind of willow tree dances upon hearing the sound, what kind of strange woman is half human and half fox, what kind of golden carp speaks human words.

When the night got late, the banquet broke up.

"Huh, occasionally listening to small songs and enjoying small dances can indeed make the body and mind happy."

Chen Ci shook his head slightly. The mental fatigue had dissipated a lot. He could still practice ten Bigu Pills tonight.

Roll it up!

Among the group of people, he had the highest status. When Chen Ci mounted the horse, everyone from the Wang family and the Huang family were standing aside with their entourage. Huang Defa also accompanied him for a ride.

"Thank you Master Chen for your help tonight, otherwise the banquet would not be as delicious as it was just now."

Huang Defa thanked him in a low voice, looking sad.

Chen Ci waved his hand, not paying much attention.

However, he also understood that if he hadn't gone to the banquet tonight to support the Huang family, the man named Wang would not be so kind to Huang Defa. Chen Ci was not the only one who had just brought a sword to the banquet.

"I'm going back. Get the charter as soon as possible. Don't count on others every time."

Chen Ci nodded slightly and left on horseback. When he disappeared and Huang Defa returned to the door of Huanxi Tower, the three families said goodbye.

Even Wang Qiong's face was obviously much colder, and he didn't smile at the Huang family just now, but he didn't say much.

The royal carriage.

During this trip to Changping County, Wang Qiong naturally stayed at the county captain Wang's house. Halfway through the trip, Wang Qiong asked curiously: "Uncle Wang, is the Heshan sect's surnamed Chen the top master in the local area? What kind of cultivation is he?"

"I don't know, I haven't been able to enter the Tao seriously, how can I tell."

The head of the Wang family, the county captain, shook his head and said nothing more.

"It should be above thirty."

The middle-aged man holding the sword suddenly opened his eyes and said: "The second master broke through the thirty orifices some time ago, and I feel that he is weaker than the one named Chen."

Wang Qiong clicked his tongue, with an unexplainable meaning in his eyes.

He was not born with Taoism, nor could he endure the hardships of practicing martial arts. If he wanted to join Taoism in this life, he could only manage his family's business, see if he could make great contributions, and rely on his family's resources and secret methods to achieve perfection.

"Only thirty. Doesn't it mean that you, Uncle Ruan, can have a few fights with him?"

Wang Qiong became interested and sat upright: "Uncle Ruan was a swordsman who traveled across the Xishan Mansion back then. As a warrior, he killed the Taoist monks. After joining my Wang family, he also practiced Baiyang Sword Jie and refined the lung gold sword energy. That's right. Don’t be afraid of too many people named Chen.”

It was just a small talk in the car, but Wang Qiong was not afraid to take it a step further. With Uncle Ruan's swordsmanship, it was not impossible to kill the man named Chen with a single sword attack at close range.

"Probably not."

It was originally a casual joke, but the swordsman surnamed Ruan actually took it seriously. He thought about it carefully for a long time. The carriage had passed several streets before he spoke suddenly, startling Wang Qiong.


"The man surnamed Chen also brought a sword. Even if it was a sneak attack, if he missed a hit, I would be the one who died."

The swordsman surnamed Ruan explained seriously.

Wang Qiong: "." So practicing martial arts is really boring. Uncle Ruan started practicing martial arts, but he couldn't understand the jokes, and he didn't even seem to be very smart.

He turned his head and said: "Uncle Wang, send a few knowledgeable people to follow me into the mountain tomorrow. That old thief Huang thinks that I don't know that his medicinal materials are partly picked and partly collected from Qingquan Village. When I go to steal the old information, he has The Huang family looks good."


The head of the Wang family agreed casually and didn't pay too much attention to it. Although he was the son of the family, he was just a shopkeeper who handled business in the third house. It was already a great honor for him to have a meal with him.

"By the way, Uncle Wang, in a few days there will be a high-level Taoist priest from Jiuquan Temple walking down the mountain. The one who came to the Changping County area seems to be Third Grandpa's junior brother."

Wang Qiong said with a smile: "I see that some of my brothers have extraordinary cultivation. I wonder if they have any idea of ​​entering Jiuquan Temple to become a strongman. If so, my nephew can recommend them."

Upon hearing this, the head of the Wang family immediately straightened his back, but his shoulders slumped more than half a point, and said with a smile: "Those brothers of yours are all useless, so I have to trouble my nephew to take care of them."

"Haha, one family doesn't speak the same language."

There seemed to be a smile on Wang Qiong's lips.

No matter the monk, no matter the master, as long as he is not able to attack the Dao foundation, he will still be manipulated by the powerful, just like Uncle Ruan, who has swordsmanship and divine power, but you still have to walk under him.

Even though he, Wang Qiong, has not entered Taoism, he is still not weaker than others!

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