"Today is the second day of April, and I can't remember the exact year. Since I relaxed last night, I don't know why the shameless thought of 'I have nothing to do today, why not listen to music' always comes to my mind.

Even when I came back, I couldn't complete the task of rolling ten more Bigu Pills. I only finished three pills and then stopped hastily. However, I didn't dare to slow down the progress of practicing the Three Yin Qi. After all, my own cultivation is the foundation.

In this world, there is a Dao foundation on top of Qi refining, a golden elixir on top of the Dao foundation, and immortality on top of the golden elixir. Judging from the eyes that have always been on the street in previous lives, there may be another way to immortality, but we can't find it now. I know it's too far.

In fact, if you want to live a happy life, it is best to be a loose cultivator like Ms. Shi Sanni, who is either a high-level person or a low-level person.

There is no need to think about improving one's cultivation level, there is no point even thinking about it, but one can be regarded as an immortal in the eyes of mortals and accept offerings, live a comfortable and nourishing life, have a hawk's sleep from time to time, and live a happy life.

Speaking of Miss Shi Sanniang, why haven't her wild things been delivered yet? She has nothing to do. Why not go to Goulan in the county to listen to music tomorrow? No, is that a place for serious people?

In addition, I opened this new diary to urge myself to practice alchemy more, and not to think about hooking up and listening to music all day long, which is despicable. Anyway, I, Mr. Chen, am really serious. "

"On April 3rd, refine a pill of Bigu Pill. If this continues, when will the cultivation level of Xiaozhutian Qi-breathing Pill be improved? If the pill method is not successful, how will you make money? If you don't have money, when will you be able to sleep with fairies and witches? cough."

"On April 4th, refine a Bigu Pill."

"On April 5th, refine a pill of Bigu Pill.

Chen Ci, Chen Ci, how could you have fallen so low? You can't go on like this anymore. Have you forgotten your ambition?

Even though Bigu Pill is not very valuable, one pill is only two taels of silver, but a pound of polished rice is only eight cents. This rate of return is so high that it makes people break the law. Damn it, no wonder the alchemists are so rich that they go to refine pills! "

"On April 6th, refine a Bigu Pill."

Chen Ci was about to finish writing. Looking at the records of the past few days, she felt like she was about to burst.

Why is it that other people in the past have been immortals of the sun and the earth, but he has been practicing the most basic Bigu Pill until he feels like vomiting. May I ask where Sister Huakai Fugui is? He doesn't want to work hard anymore.

"Bang, bang, bang~"

"Sir, Mrs. Shi Sanniang has arrived outside the temple and is waiting for you."

Chen Ci's heart was shaken, and with a burst of zhenqi in his hands, he completely crushed the diary and brush into pieces, leaving no trace at all.

Who the serious person keeps a diary?

Bah, bitch! ! !

"Ask her to wait for me for a moment and she'll come right away."

Chen Ci rubbed his face and wiped away the filthy air from writing in the diary, then walked out of the yard and arrived at Sanyin Temple.

Good guy, just after he came out of Sanyin Temple, he saw a hill-like elder bear, lying weakly on a cart, covered by Shi Sanniang's handkerchief and unable to move.

There were also three mountain deer, an old wolf, and a wild boar, all tied up tightly.

It took nearly twenty days to catch these living creatures in Yunshi Mountain. To be honest, Chen Ci was a little disappointed.

However, he also knew that unless there were thousands of good hands surrounding the mountain, he would be able to catch more live wild animals.

Chen Ci estimated that these big beasts were worth more than 160 taels of silver. The big one was still the old bear. It was very strong and it looked like it had lived for many years. So he simply discounted the price to 200 taels. Silver, lest Shi Sanniang have to beg and pull again later.

"It's a shame, I'm really at a loss."

Shi Sanniang cursed: "I don't know why, but there are a lot less wild animals in the nearby mountains. I took people to catch these big animals in the mountains myself. What a shame! To capture these animals alive, I have to move them out of the mountains. Mr. Chen, I want to raise the price!"

"You sent it so late, and if you delay it for two more days, you will miss my important event!"

Chen Ci scolded lightly, and then threw the hundred Bigu Pills that he had prepared long ago over: "Looking at your hard work, I will spare you twenty more pills. I won't do such a good thing next time."

Refining blood essence is not something that can be done with just one mouth. It also takes time. In two days' evening, unless he goes there in person, he will not be able to make it in time to deliver it to Fuhu Altar before the 15th day of the month.

"Master Chen, please spare me some supplies."

Shi Sanniang was also willing to go all out, clamping Chen Ci's arm tightly and not letting go: "I have good hands and a lot of effort. I can't let them return empty-handed. I won't be able to command them next time."

After all, Chen Ci spared them another two thousand kilograms of grain and ten kilograms of frosting sugar, worth almost a hundred taels of silver, and finally fed Lady Shi Sanniang.

Well, anyway, Shi Sanniang's legs were weak when she left.

Chen Ci rubbed his fingers. Although they were soft, they were vulgar and obscene.

"Hurry up and get rid of these wild animals. I don't know how much essence and blood can be extracted from these big wild animals. I don't know how much essence and blood can be extracted from these wild animals. I still have a kind heart. I was shaken by the Shi Sanniang. I was hard but my heart was broken." Soft."

Chen Ci made some calculations and sighed: "Fortunately, the cost is low. The grain, frosting sugar, and Bigu Pills are all our own industries. The actual cost is estimated to be less than twenty taels of silver, so it's not too much of a loss."

Well, Master Chen can be called Mr. Chen Dashan instead.

"It's still too little."

Chen Ci shook the spirit nourishing bottle and sighed. He had been deprived of the Five Yin Evil Qi Bag's food rations for several days before he could manage to get three hundred drops of essence and blood, but the child had starved to death.

Eight people on death row, fifty-six drops.

Six heads of wild animals, thirty-one drops.

The giant bear alone provided twenty-two drops of blood essence, making it the creature with the most blood essence and blood currently.

Livestock, two hundred and thirteen drops.

The number of animals that Chen Ci managed to raise was reduced by more than half at once, to more than 260 animals. In Changping County, where the price of meat is rising day by day, they are worth three thousand taels of silver!

That’s almost three kilograms of Five Elements Divine Sand.

Chen Ci swayed and almost jumped up.

"Wo Ri, the monthly offering of 300 drops of blood essence is beyond the reach of normal means!"

"Unless I subsidize it with my own frost sugar income, the income from Sanyin Guan alone will not last more than a year even if I start selling the fields!"

Moreover, the number of large livestock in a county is limited. Even if Sanyinguan vigorously purchases them and many county residents are domesticating livestock, it will take time to put them into slaughter.

At this juncture, Longhu Mountain also sent high-level Taoist priests to inspect Xishan Mansion. They were really in a dilemma.


Chen Ci exhaled a breath and calmed down: "I don't believe that those cheap fellow disciples can continue to be involved like this. I will grit my teeth and fight for two more months. Let's see which side of Longhu Mountain or Heshan Sect is stronger. Then we can do it again." Intend."

As the saying goes, even if you shoot the first bird with a gun, you won't be able to catch it.

Chen Ci neither dared to be the tail of the crane nor the king of rolls. He hid in the middle to see the situation clearly.

Two months. Tighten your belt and live a hard life, and it will pass.

Chen Ci put away the spirit bottle. The day after tomorrow is when the eldest disciple Niu Ji will go to Xishan Mansion with the Huang family's caravan. He can quietly inquire about the situation in other counties.

Having made up his mind, Chen Ci walked out of the backyard and happened to bump into his disciple Niu Ji. But before he could give his instructions, the cheap disciple hurriedly knelt down and said, "Sir, the head of the Huang family and the head of the Wang family are here to see you. They look a little... rapid."


Chen Ci was also surprised that these two people came to visit him together. It was a bit strange.

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