In the morning of the second day, Luo Wenrui and his mother had already arrived at the Council Hall.

"That woman is too slow, she can't even get a divorce!" She hated Wei Qiuyue from the bottom of her heart, and it was also because of this that she forced her son to divorce her.

"Mom, let's not talk about this any longer. Qiu Yue and I still have some feelings for each other. This house was given to me by her!" Luo Wenrui said weakly. If it wasn't for Wei Qiuyue, he probably would have returned to the countryside and planted an acre and a third of the land there. She would have been able to live a life where the sun rose and the sun set.

"What's there to discuss? You're only 32 years old. Don't tell me that you want to face an old lady every day, and wait for her to arrive later so you can have a good look? Anyone who doesn't know would think she's my mother!" As his mother spoke, her face was filled with contempt.

Luo Wenrui wanted to say something, but a group of people suddenly walked over. Seeing these people, Luo Wenrui became anxious, "Mom, why are they here?!"

The person who came was none other than her mother's new girlfriend, Soong Xiaojuan. Together with Soong Xiaojuan's family and friends, there were more than twenty people.

"So what? You're just making a fuss about nothing. In any case, you'll be single when you get a divorce later. What I mean is, this place is quite far from here. Why don't you take advantage of today and get your marriage certificate!" Her mother said with an obsequious smile.

"What?! Isn't he being too hasty?!" Luo Wenrui said excitedly.

"There's no rush. It will happen sooner or later!" Finished speaking, her mother went forward and pulled at Soong Xiaojuan's thick palm, her face was filled with joy.

"Auntie, you've waited for a long time!" Soong Xiaojuan said somewhat uneasily.

"What auntie? She's going to get her certificate, and she's still calling me auntie!" The others could not help but jeer.

Soong Xiaojuan was also very straightforward, directly calling her mother, making her extremely happy.

"Son, come over here quickly. What are you standing there in a daze for!" Mother Luo shouted.

Luo Wenrui walked over tremblingly. He was also a little afraid when he saw Soong Xiaojuan, whose four limbs were thick and sturdy. Especially with Soong Xiaojuan's weight and that bulging stomach, even women who were pregnant for ten months wouldn't be able to compare.

"He must be thinking about that old woman again!" Soong Xiaojuan was unhappy, she even pretended to go out on purpose.

However, the bashful young girl's coquettish actions were surely charming and moving. As for the two hundred kilograms of women, they were all acting coquettishly, but they had a feeling that doomsday had arrived.

"Little Juan is just a little fatter. She will definitely lose weight later on, and she'll definitely be better than that old granny. Believe me, Mom, Mom has a good eye for people!" Luo Wei's mother laughed.

"Mom, you have to avenge me!" Soong Xiaojuan suddenly said, "Earlier, when I went back to put the things inside, I found this!"

While she was speaking, she took out a wrinkled photo from her pocket. It was a picture of Luo Wenrui and Wei Qiuyue together.

"When did you come to my house? Give me back the photo!" Luo Wenrui panicked. This was the only photo he had with Qiu Yue, the other pictures had already been thrown away by his mother.

When her mother heard this, she snatched the photo away and showed it to the others. "Look, look. Those who don't know it would think that this is a photo taken by their ancestors. Don't tell me that you want to spend the rest of your life with this old woman?"

At the side, Soong Xiaojuan's friends and relatives and a few passersby all saw and could not help but shake their heads.

"This woman is too old. How old is she?"

"The two of them are husband and wife, and the difference between them isn't more than three years. It's just that this woman appears old, just like an old woman!"

"Anyone would get a divorce and spend their whole life with an old woman. That's too scary!"

Mother Luo proudly said, "Yeah, but luckily, I was smart enough to divorce them. That way, my son could start his life anew!"

Luo Wenrui was actually at a loss for words. All these years, he had heard this kind of words countless of times. Every single word was like a heavy hammer that ruthlessly smashed onto his heart.

Seeing her son lower his head, Luo Wei's mother was even more unrestrained, "You can't keep such photos of yourself living with Little Juan!"

As she spoke, her mother tore the photo into pieces and threw it into the trash can.

"That old woman will come more often, if she continues delaying our marriage!" Soong Xiaojuan said as she twisted his body, but she did not move. With this twist, all the fat on his body jumped about, like giant maggots.

Luo Wenrui didn't even dare to look at her and quickly shifted his gaze away, but he comforted himself in his heart.

"Son, call that old woman and tell her to hurry over!" Luo Wei's mother urged.

At that moment, a sapphire blue Lamborghini pulled up by the side of the road.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were attracted by this Lamborghini. They all wanted to know which family this young master belonged to.

The door of the car slowly opened, revealing a slender, straight, jade-like leg that was even thinner than a man's arm.

As they climbed up the jade legs, everyone felt as if they couldn't breathe. The girl wasn't wearing any stockings, but her entire leg was shining like a piece of jade, causing everyone to sigh in admiration at the creator's supernatural ability.

Then, the beauty got out of the car. She was wearing a tight red dress. The dress was very short, only reaching halfway to her thighs. It revealed a pair of straight, jade-like legs while simultaneously ensuring that it wouldn't run out of clothes.

She moved up along her jade legs, her flat belly, slim waist, and towering twin peaks, all of them beautiful to the extreme.

Looking again at the woman's delicate face, everyone suddenly felt as if they had been electrocuted. It was as if they were back in their youth. The rapid heartbeat made everyone restless.

As for the woman, she slowly looked over and even slightly nodded her head.

The crowd only felt that they were in a bad mood. They all waved their hands, wishing that the other party would greet them.

The woman casually closed the door. Her movements were elegant and graceful as she walked to the front of the car. A handsome man had long held the woman's jade-like hand.

Only now did the crowd wake up from their dreams. The beauty that had walked out of the painting had already become a flower with an owner.

At this moment, Luo Wei's mother also came to a realization. "What are you looking at? Hurry up and call that old woman. Tell her to quickly roll over here!"

Luo Wenrui hurriedly took out his phone and called Wei Qiuyue.

At this moment, the handsome pair of beautiful men walked up to them. "I'm sorry, but there's a traffic jam on the road!"

With these words, everyone froze on the spot.

Many people didn't know who the beauty was talking to, but Luo Wenrui and Luo Ma understood that the voice belonged to Wei Qiuyue. However, looking at the other party's appearance, it had nothing to do with Wei Qiuyue.

At this moment, the beautiful woman's phone rang. She quickly opened her LV ID bag and took out her phone to take a look. A helpless expression appeared on her face as she casually picked up the phone and said, "Now you guys should believe me, right?"

Luo Wenrui muttered to himself, "Xiang … "I do!"

Everyone finally reacted, they looked at the red dressed beauty in disbelief, "Oh my god, you're Wei Qiuyue, how is this possible!?"

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