Wei Qiuyue was too lazy to explain, "Let's go, there's no need for me to lie to you!"

"Nonsense, how could that old woman become like this!" Luo Wei's mother did not believe that such a beautiful woman would be her daughter-in-law. If that was the case, would she have a cramp in her head and let her son divorce her?

"Yeah, we just saw the photo, how could it be you!"

"Don't mess around here, let's go!"

"Where's Wei Qiuyue, it's illegal to falsely claim her divorce certificate!"

Everyone started their own conversation, and a few passersby also joined in. After all, Lamborghini, Beautiful, Handsome, and Divorce, no matter what topic they talked about, would attract the attention of others.

"This is the photo of us when we were married. Take a good look, is it me?!" Wei Qiuyue was a little helpless as she took out her marriage certificate.

Everyone looked carefully, on it was indeed written Luo Wenrui and Wei Qiuyue, but beside Luo Wenrui, it was not the annoying old granny, but a dignified young lady.

That girl had a delicate and pretty appearance. Although she did not have any makeup on, one could still tell that she was a beauty. As for that girl, she was actually sixty percent similar to the beauty before him.

"You really are Wei Qiuyue!"

Everyone was shocked. The white hair from before had actually turned into the red makeup girl now. No one could believe that this was real.

Wei Qiuyue said somewhat helplessly, "When we were getting married, you always felt very inferior, saying that you were from the countryside and that you weren't worthy of me. At that time, I already promised you that you would never put on makeup again in your life, and that others would think that I was the best for you!"

With that said, Luo Wenrui's heart tightened. This kind of old story, he had never told it to anyone, so how could the other party know about it?

"There's actually such a thing!"

Soong Xiaojuan's family members were silent, but the passersby could not take it anymore. Since ancient times, emotions and empathy had always been the topic people loved the most. A woman who was obsessed with love was unscrupulous, and gossip among the people would never fall behind on the topic.

When her mother heard the whispers of the crowd, she immediately became angry, "Don't spread rumors here! How come I don't know about this! Hurry up and divorce my son!"

Wei Qiuyue was too lazy to speak more, she walked with Lu Fanfeng into the Council Hall.

However, Luo Wenrui refused to budge for a long time. The only reason he divorced Wei Qiuyue was because Wei Qiuyue looked old, like an old lady.

But now, it seemed that the other party was clearly a great beauty. Previously, she just didn't want to dress up.

On one side was his beautiful ex-wife, and on the other the fat guy's current wife. As long as he wasn't a fool, he would know which side to pick.

"Quickly go in. With such thick makeup, I don't know how much money will be spent on it. Little Juan is only 22 years old. With such a young age, she'll still look pretty after losing weight!" Luo Wei's mother was also very conflicted, but she had to persevere on with this matter.

Luo Wenrui looked at Soong Xiaojuan, who was grinning at him with her mouth wide open. Seeing those yellow teeth, Luo Wenrui immediately ran into the main hall as if he was escaping.

However, today, the divorce office was packed with people. There were at least 20 couples waiting in front of them, and from time to time, people would come in and out of the office. There were even sounds coming from the office, like English, but they couldn't understand a single word.

"How unlucky, why are there two black guys divorced here!" The person at the front of the line said dejectedly.

"Black?" Wei Qiuyue and Lu Fanfeng looked at each other, both of them feeling helpless.

A staff member hurried past and Wei Qiuyue quickly stopped him, "Hello, what's going on inside? Why has no one come out yet?"

When the staff saw that it was a beauty, the expression on her face softened and her attitude improved. "I don't know where this black guy came from. No one can understand his speech, so there's no way to handle it!"

Wei Qiuyue frowned slightly, then asked, "I have learnt English, I can help you translate it!"

The staff member looked up and down, but did not refuse, "You may enter, but their English is very strange. I'm afraid you won't understand it!"

Wei Qiuyue smiled confidently, then walked into the office with Lu Fanfeng.

And with Luo Wenrui and Luo Wenrui following behind them, they looked more like little lackeys.

After entering the office, the two black couples were already anxious. They slammed the table and shouted. However, the staff did not know what they were talking about.

Many of the staff here were at least level 4 or 6 in English. However, the English they learned was pure English, which was also known as Mandarin.

If he encountered a local accent, he would be in trouble.

Take the language of the motherland for example. The accent of the north was still fine, but it was more or less the same. One could always guess a thing or two.

However, the southern accent was suddenly like a foreign language. It was extremely difficult for one to understand it.

The same is true for English. There is some difference between English and American, but not much.

However, once English was introduced into Africa, it was combined with the indigenous languages of the region, which had undergone great changes.

The language spoken by the two black men was a dialect of Central Africa. Many of the words they spoke were local dialects. It was no wonder that the staff did not understand them.

Wei Qiuyue bent over and conversed with the two black men for a while. The two black men immediately quietened down and talked to her a lot.

Even with Wei Qiuyue's ability, hearing it was strenuous for him, but she finally understood what the other party meant, "I'm sorry, this is the divorce registration office, you can go to the side if you want to get married!"

Following that, Wei Qiuyue brought the two of them to the Marriage Registration Office, and in a few minutes, they had completed all the procedures.

After sending off the two black men, the others looked at Wei Qiuyue differently.

"Oh god, an African native language, how can you understand it!"

Wei Qiuyue smiled and said casually, "I have been working on my doctorate, one of my instructors just so happens to be able to speak this native language!"

"Doctor?" The one who was the most shocked was Luo Wenrui, "How is it that I don't know!"

Wei Qiuyue said calmly, "You have never cared about me, how would you know? As long as you cook well every day, you'll be satisfied.

"This …" Luo Wenrui was at a loss for words. As his husband, he was indeed uncompetent.

However, Fat Soong Xiaojuan was a little impatient, "So what if you know English? Me, too, knows English. Isn't it just twenty-two letters?"

"Pfft!" Lu Fanfeng almost burst out laughing, "No wonder you're so fat, you even ate four English letters!"

When the surrounding people heard this, they immediately laughed out loud.

Compared to the knowledgeable Wei Qiuyue, Soong Xiaojuan seemed even more vulgar, but she was still going to show off a little.

"So what if they are twenty-six? I was wrong. Ah, what the hell, who doesn't know!" Soong Xiaojuan said with disdain.

"Eh, you're speaking Chinese pinyin!" Lu Fanfeng shook his head helplessly.

Soong Xiaojuan's voice was so loud that practically everyone in the hall could hear her. In an instant, this place was comparable to the venue of the crosstalk competition.

"Stop talking!" Luo Wenrui said embarrassedly, if there was a crack on the ground, he would immediately crawl in.

"My husband told you to stop talking!" Soong Xiaojuan shouted.

"Haha, he's ashamed of you. He told you not to talk anymore!" Lu Fanfeng reminded.

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