"Qiu Yue, I was forced to do this. Please don't divorce me!" Amidst the laughter, Luo Wenrui suddenly kneeled in front of Wei Qiuyue and pleaded.

"You are already 32 years old and have yet to make up your own mind. You will listen to whatever your mother says, how can I still believe you!" Wei Qiuyue's face revealed a look of disgust, and turned to look at Soong Xiaojuan, "What's more, you've already cheated!"

"Please, we have been in love for ten years." Seeing such a beautiful wife, how could Luo Wenrui give up.

In terms of looks, one was a beautiful lady, and the other was fat. In terms of academic qualifications, one of them was a doctor, while the other one hadn't even graduated from junior high yet. In terms of work, one was the best private Senior High School Teacher while the other only knew how to harvest the harvest in the spring. "In terms of family environment, one was from a city, the other was from a remote mountain village.

Luo Wenrui felt that he had a screw loose, he actually gave up on such a good wife. He did not forget that Wei Qiuyue did not put on makeup because of him, but he divorced her because of that.

"I beg you, we still feel it …" Luo Wenrui still wanted to say something, but was cut off by Soong Xiaojuan.

Soong Xiaojuan grabbed him by the collar, then pulled the skinny him up from the ground. "I want to get my certificate from you, say this now!"

Luo Wenrui's face revealed fear, as though his entire person was in a bad situation.

But Soong Xiaojuan ignored him, raised her own thick palm, and slapped his white face.

Wei Qiuyue originally wanted to advise her against it, but she was stopped by Lu Fanfeng.

The others did not dare to stop him, as they watched quietly as Luo Wenrui got beaten up.

Soong Xiaojuan only stopped when her mother and the Song Family entered the room, "Hurry up and go get a divorce!"

Luo Wenrui trembled, but didn't dare to say half a no.

The divorce procedures were completed very quickly. Ten years of husband and wife were on their way to the end of their road.

His mother was still trying to persuade him, "With five million, what are you afraid of? Is life going to be difficult in the future?"

Lu Fanfeng could not help but ask, "Are you still dreaming?"

"What?" Her mother didn't know what he was talking about.

"This house is the property before marriage. Even if there is a demolition fee, it is still equal to half of both husband and wife. You can only get half of the five million!" Lu Fanfeng explained.

"This …" Luo Wei's mother quickly asked the others about it, but they all nodded their heads in agreement.

"I've really been defeated by your ignorance!" Lu Fanfeng was like a cat toying with a mouse, "Your son cheated during the marriage, and when the property is divided, his share will decrease, are you really legal?

"How can this be!" Luo Wei's mother was shocked.

"There's still the most important point!" Lu Fanfeng took out a house certificate that had turned yellow, "There was a period of time when the property was transferred over to another house in chaos. After that, a new rule was issued, that period of time when all the property transferred over to another house became invalid. The real estate certificate in your hands is already useless, what's truly useful is this one! "

"No, impossible!" Mother Luo shouted.

"Isn't that impossible? Ask your son if he was involved when the house was first moved to another house. If you do not have it, then the thing in your hands is just a piece of scrap paper! " Lu Fanfeng laughed.

These secretive things were all investigated by the Third Master Lee, and it was just a coincidence that the company responsible for the eviction and removal happened to be one of Third Master Lee's Galactic Real Estate. Even if their certificate was real, Lu Fanfeng had ways to freeze the money.

"Wei Qiuyue married you, yet you don't know how to repay favors, and now you're even doing such a thing. The heavens are revolving, and if you have to blame something, you can only blame yourself!" After he finished speaking, Lu Fanfeng stood up and left with Wei Qiuyue. Only Luo Wenrui and his mother remained, standing there at a loss.

"It's fine, it's fine. Son, you're a member of the government now, so your monthly salary is very high. The loan for your new home will be repaid very soon!" But at this time, her heart felt as if it had been cut into a thousand pieces.

She encouraged her son to divorce her in order to keep five million for himself. How could she not feel sorry for him now that he was like a chicken that had lost its eggs?

"If I don't have 5 million, then what about my betrothal gift money? If it's less than 200,000, I won't marry anyone!" Soong Xiaojuan shouted excitedly.

Her relatives and friends tried to persuade him, but Soong Xiaojuan finally stopped making noise.

However, Luo Wenrui didn't want to get married. Under the covetous gaze of the female relatives and friends, he had no choice but to give up.

After obtaining the marriage certificate, just as she walked out of the Council Hall, Soong Xiaojuan staggered and suddenly fell.

It was just that after falling down, she started screaming like a pig that was being butchered. The others quickly sent her to the hospital, and after some inspection, there were no major problems.

The doctor patiently warned, "Three months of pregnancy is the most dangerous period. Do not fall down again!"

"What, my daughter-in-law is pregnant!" Wei Qiuyue had been married for ten years and had no children, but she did not expect that before this new daughter-in-law had even entered the house, she had already gotten pregnant.

However, Luo Wenrui's face was ashen, "Mom, we have only known each other for two months, and we are not in the same room!"

As soon as he said this, Luo Wei's mother felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over her. The Song Family people looked at each other in dismay.

"The child is not yours?" Luo Wei's mother was shocked.

"Bastard, you slept with my sister, now you want to go back on your word?" The marriage is already over. You said that the child isn't yours? " The Song Family immediately exploded.

It was only now that the mother and son understood why the Song Family sent so many people over for the simple certificate and why Soong Xiaojuan was in such a hurry to get married.

After the intimidation, the Luo Family had no choice but to compromise.

However, on the way back, Luo Wenrui inadvertently heard something that made him cry bitterly.

"Our little sister can't have a baby anymore. She's already been hit three times. If she were to do it again, there won't be any more children in this lifetime!"

"Big Bro is wise and wise. If he comes up with this idea, what should we do with the betrothal gift money?"

"What else can we do? Let them write the promissory notes first. He has a job anyway, we'll return it slowly!"

It turned out that everything was a trap. He had become the one to receive the plate, and had even received an unfinished building.

Thinking about the previous Wei Qiuyue, and looking back at the current Soong Xiaojuan, Luo Wenrui felt that he had fallen from heaven into hell.

His nightmare was not over yet. On the second day, when he had just finished work, he received a notification, "Mayor Huang requests that the members of the Mayor Huang be simplified.

"What? Why did they suddenly cut their jobs?" Luo Wenrui thought it was strange, but he did not care, after all, cutting staff worked for him at a distance.

"Cut out people who do not live well. These people are the worms of the government. They destroy the image of the government. They must be cut. "Everyone can enthusiastically report, is there anyone in our unit whose lifestyle is questionable?" the leader asked.

A colleague who had a grudge with Luo Wenrui immediately raised his hand, "Leader, whether or not cheating within marriage is a matter of lifestyle, I'm talking about finding Little San and abandoning the trash!"

"Fine, fine, fine. Quickly tell me, who is it?" The leader said excitedly. This time, the city committee gave them a spot on the job, and he was worrying about who they should cut.

Hearing that, everyone was elated, all of them extended their hands out, pointing at one person: "It's him, Luo Wenrui!"

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