On the other end of the phone, Han Yongchang's tone was very anxious, "Just now Third Master Lee sent someone to call and say that he wants to cut off all cooperation between us. I asked a few times and they leaked some information, saying that someone from Green Willow Town offended a great figure of East China Lee Family. A few days ago, you and Old Fourth Family went to Green Willow Town.

Hearing these words, Han Shixing was immediately dumbstruck. He never would have thought that the Lu Fanfeng in front of him was actually a grand character of East China Lee Family. Third Master Lee would really give up a few billion yuan worth of projects that involved Plains Han Family for him.

"Hey, speak, who did you offend?" Han Yongchang could naturally guess that his son's reaction was definitely because he offended someone.

"A Senior High School Teacher. Yesterday, he had a conflict with our friend. I will stand up for him!" Han Shixing explained weakly.

"Bastard, you have nothing to do all day, and you're causing trouble for me everywhere. Come back to me right now!" Han Yongchang was greatly infuriated. He had borrowed several billion yuan from the bank for an unknown amount of money, and now that he had spent it and was about to start construction, his son had offended someone he shouldn't have.

Without East China Lee Family, without Galactic Real Estate, without the golden signboard of the Cloud Water Pavilion, he would probably not even be able to sell out a single house. The customers who sold their houses before would definitely check out as well. After all, everyone was here for the Cloud Water Pavilion's reputation.

Billions of dollars had been invested into the building, yet it had all turned into ruins, and the pressure of the bank loans afterwards was enough to make all of his Han Family go bankrupt.

Even if he had to struggle for ten more years, he still wouldn't be able to recover from these losses.

After hanging up the phone, Han Shixing's gaze on Lu Fanfeng changed, becoming extremely complicated.

"Young Master Han, how is it? Do you want to hit him or not?" However, Gu Shaoze did not know the content of the call. He thought that it was just an ordinary father caring for his son, and had no actual content.

But unexpectedly, when Han Shixing heard this, he actually punched him in the face, "Damn, didn't you tell me that you've investigated his situation clearly? He's a rural child, an ordinary high school teacher without any background?"

"Young Master Han, I'm not spouting nonsense!" Gu Shaoze hurriedly explained.

"Scram!" However, Han Shixing was furious and kicked Gu Shaoze away.

Then, with complicated feelings, he walked towards Lu Fanfeng, "Lu … Mr Lu! "

However, Lu Fanfeng was too lazy to speak with him, he only spat out one word, "Scram!"

Han Shixing did not dare to stay any longer, and quickly led his men to escape.

As for Gu Shaoze and Qin Jiang, without their biggest backers, they were no different from ants. Lu Fanfeng naturally did not stop them from escaping, and taking care of these two guys was something that would happen in the future.

"Cousin sister, I will take care of Qin Jiang, I will make him pay the price with his blood!" Lu Fanfeng said firmly.

Lu Fanyan stopped crying and nodded fiercely. Although she adored vanity and liked to show off, her feelings toward Lu Fanfeng were simple. Her simple sister doted on her little brother, without any falsehood or act, just like another girl from a thousand miles away.

Gazing towards the west, Lu Fanfeng's heart could not help but hurt, there was a girl that he would love but would not dare to love, but now, he already had the ability to say "love" to her.

After settling the conflict, Lu Fanfeng and the rest entered the scene, the bodyguards had long arranged for the cars to arrive and brought them to the front of the unfinished building.

At the end of the building in the innermost area, the crowd could already hear the cheers.

As the guests entered, everyone's eyes lit up. The interior of the dilapidated building had been redecorated, forming a large venue that could accommodate a thousand people.

In the arena, a ten meter high stage was set up, which was the venue for the most recent week's competition.

"Today is an entertainment competition, so most of it is for show. It is very spectating but not intense. Starting from tomorrow, the competition day will begin. According to the normal system, the elimination round will start, and all the matches will continue until the last day of the competition. This year's Boxing King in the underground arena will be decided. All of the local youths will attend, and some famous provincial fighters will also come over, and some foreigners will occasionally appear, for example last year's fourth place was a Thai Boxing Expert! " Fang seemed to have been here many times before, and was very familiar with the competition rules.

"If one gains a spot in the competition, they will be able to obtain the olive branches of the large forces. However, the most interesting thing is that on the last day of the competition, all the big shots in East China will bring their best fighters along and some even spent a lot of money to hire foreign fighters. If you can't solve the problem, then win the arena battle. You can't go back on your word when it comes to the result, and you can only wait until the lower world arena matches to come back! "

"It seems quite interesting!" Lu Fanfeng nodded slightly. This was also the first time he had seen such a competition.

"Mr Lu, we are only registering for an organization this morning, there's no fun in it, we should come back in the afternoon!" After all, it was too boring to sit here all morning.

"It's nothing. I just don't want to miss the registration, that's why I'm here!" Lu Fanfeng laughed.

Everyone was shocked, "Mr Lu, you are preparing to participate?"

In the eyes of the girls, Lu Fanfeng was just a weak scholar. They would not doubt him if he said that he was capable of calming the world down, but when they said that he was capable of controlling the heavens and the earth, they could only laugh and listen to his words.

Lu Fanfeng also did not explain, "Of course I will not participate, it was Zhang Keer who participated!"

After hearing this, the girls were even more incredulous.

Lu Fanfeng was a man after all, it was understandable for him to fight and kill. Zhang Keer was a great beauty. After interacting with her for the whole morning, other than acting cute like a spoiled child, this beauty didn't know anything else.

For such a person, if she walked onto the stage and played with herself, everyone would still believe her. If she was told to fight with a bunch of useless people, people would always think of Island Country's movies and definitely not Underground Challenge Tournament.

However, no matter how surprised the girls were, Lu Fanfeng still brought Zhang Keer to the registration area.

"Give me the registration form!" Lu Fanfeng said.

The man in charge of registration looked at Lu Fanfeng with a face full of contempt, "Youngster, if you want to show off in front of a beauty, you can spend more to buy gifts. If you want to rely on your Underground Challenge Tournament to attract the attention of girls, you will die miserably! "

"These girls are not bad. Are you planning on using a beauty trap to win the championship?"

A few rough men beside him started to joke around.

"First Young Master used a beauty trap on you, what can you do?"

"I can only let it go, but I have an island name, which is nine times in the night. I wonder if the beauties will be able to handle it!"

With that said, everyone started to laugh out loud. No one believed that Lu Fanfeng knew any martial arts.

In their minds, these weak scholars should be powerless.

"Is that Lu Fanfeng?"

Just at this moment, a voice rang out from the crowd. Lu Fanfeng turned around, and it was actually Zhang Qiang.

"F * ck, your boss already ran away, and you still dare to come!" Lu Fanfeng didn't pay attention to him just now, he didn't expect that guy to still be running.

"Don't think that just because you're rich and powerful that you can be so arrogant. This place only depends on the size of your fist. If you dare to sign up, I will beat you up to a pulp!" Zhang Qiang provoked them, he was also not a rich young master, and did not cooperate with Third Master Lee either, he was just a provincial athlete, and was not in the same system as them, so there was no need for him to be afraid of Lu Fanfeng.

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