"I admit that you are very powerful, and perhaps you are very rich. However, the Challenge Tournament does not rely on just you alone, nor do you rely on your power to determine the outcome of the tournament. Don't let me meet you in the competition, or I won't be merciful. Maybe you don't know yet, but killing is allowed here! " Zhang Qiang said with a provocative look.

There were many people who recognized Zhang Qiang and knew of his strength. It was impossible for his Underground Challenge Tournament to win, but it was more than enough for him to enter the competition on the last day.

"Who is this kid!"

However, within the crowd, there were people who didn't recognize Zhang Qiang, and so they asked.

"He doesn't know any of them. They're from a scattered Jinxi Province team, and they even participated in national competitions. They're from a proper subject class, and are much more powerful than these random matches!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but nod their heads. He then looked at Lu Fanfeng, and then shook his head to himself, "He looks quite handsome, I wonder how his martial arts are?"

"My kung fu might not be that good!" Someone laughed, "Look at the group of beauties around him. Even a martial arts master would need to be sucked dry. How would he have the time!"

"He's probably just a playboy. However, I have never seen this guy in Huadong City. Could he be from Jinxi's side?"

"There's no such person in Jinxi Province. He's probably just a handsome boy with a pretty face!"

Because of the beauty of the camera, Lu Fanfeng always had one word on him, pretty boy.

"Maybe he wanted to get a smile on his face and purposely registered himself so that he wouldn't even participate in the competition. In the future, he would be able to brag to the public that he had already participated in Underground Challenge Tournament and escaped with his life intact. He has seen too many such pretentious things!"

Everyone had said one thing, but Lu Fanyan and the five girls had already been put in a difficult position.

"Fan Feng, since these people are so dangerous, it's best not to participate!" Lu Fanyan quickly advised.

"That's right, scram. This is not a place for weaklings like you!" However, Zhang Qiang was afraid that Lu Fanfeng would be scared off and intentionally ridicule him.

But who would have thought that after these words came out, Lu Fanfeng actually nodded and agreed, "I wasn't planning to participate either, I was registering for someone else. You want to hit me again? Just wait for the experts I invited to beat you up into a pig head, but I still have to thank you. You just reminded me that this place could have originally been used for killing! "

When he said this, Zhang Qiang immediately broke out in a cold sweat. With his scholarly appearance, Lu Fanfeng simply didn't need to consider his martial prowess. But, Zhang Qiang forgot one thing, Lu Fanfeng could ask for help. A famous family. Which family didn't have several masters on their side? With just a casual move, they would be able to crush everyone present.

Especially the families with deeper backgrounds, they all had many Martial Arts Sect Master s overseeing them. It was said that they even had inner strength, so dealing with the so-called rogue athletes would be as easy as chopping a melon and cutting vegetables.

"Hehe, I kicked a steel plate!"

Everyone could not help but laugh, no matter how strong Zhang Qiang was, any expert in inner strength could easily crush him, and thinking of this, everyone looked at Lu Fanfeng with a little reverence.

"Hurry up and invite your master out. Let us have a look!"

"That's right, the Martial Arts Realm is not that big, other than a few unorthodox methods, most people know about it. Even if they don't, they have heard of it before, please come out and let us take a look!"

Everyone's face were filled with anticipation, if Lu Fanfeng really invited someone from the Inner Strength Martial Cultivator, they would immediately give up, and in the end, wouldn't Ye Chonglou and the Inner Strength Martial Cultivator would be courting death?

Lu Fanfeng actually slowly turned his head around, and looked towards a direction.

Everyone followed his gaze. There was only a girl in a swimsuit there. Other than her, there was no one else.

The crowd was still unwilling to give up. They continued to follow his gaze, and arrived at the corner of the wall. There was no one else present.

Many people even had the illusion that in the next second, that wall would be kicked over. An expert jumped out of it and waved his hand to destroy the world.

However, Lu Fanfeng's next words broke this fantasy, "This beautiful lady in swimsuits is an expert that I have invited!"

Saying that, he pulled Zhang Keer over and carried her in his arms. He even patted on Zhang Keer's buttocks, with a sound that was extremely clear, it made her extremely angry.

"She? Is she an expert that you invited? "

Everyone looked at Zhang Keer in astonishment. How could this person be an expert?

In truth, this was Zhang Keer's own fault. She told her the night before that she was going to participate in the competition, but she didn't expect that this beauty was still wearing her swimsuit.

Although it was not the kind of shoelace type bikini, under Lu Fanfeng's repeated requests, Zhang Keer finally put on normal clothes, and wrapped everything that needed to be wrapped up. There was also a skirt that covered her thighs, which made the clothes look extremely conservative on Zhang Keer.

However, it wasn't suitable in the underground ring. At the very least, he would need to wear a competition uniform. With such thin clothes being trampled on by these rugged men, he estimated that a large portion of them could be torn apart with a single finger.

Seeing Zhang Keer, the rest of them started to impatiently want to compete with her.

"Damn it, don't let me meet her. If I do, I'll tear that troublesome swimsuit into shreds!"

Many people had the same thought, some even said it out loud, their hot gazes looking at Zhang Keer, as though they were trying to see something through the swimsuit.

"Judge, in the competition rules, are you not allowed to tease female contestants?" Zhang Qiang wiped the sweat off his forehead and asked with ill intentions.

"No!" The referee decisively replied.

This wasn't an official match, how could there be such complicated rules? Furthermore, in the beginning of the design of this competition, he didn't even think about letting women participate.

"In other words, as long as she doesn't admit defeat, I can do some interesting things!" However, some of the vulgar fellows became excited. They would never have the chance to meet a beauty like Zhang Keer in their life, let alone do anything to her.

However, in terms of Underground Challenge Tournament, he could brazenly do something, and not let others pursue the matter.

"That's the theory!" The referee said truthfully.

"Get out of the way! Get her to sign up for the competition!"

"Beauty, if there's anything you don't understand, you can ask me. I'll help you fill out the contestant list!"

"There's no need to get a new one. I just have one more over here!"

These rough men were immediately spirited. They only hoped that they would meet Zhang Keer in the first round, because with Zhang Keer's ability and the methods of the group of perverts, this beauty would not be able to make it to the second round.

The following matter was extremely simple. Zhang Keer had only signed her name, but the other content had already been filled in with the help of a group of big sized men. The judge also opened the door for Zhang Keer. In less than a minute, they were done with the registration.

Everyone was afraid that Zhang Keer would retreat before they knew it, but no one knew that the beautiful lady in swimsuits was not a cute little kitten, but a ferocious tigress!

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