"Fan Feng, you should rest for a while. I'll take care of this matter when I get back. Since it's summer vacation now, the school has nothing to do!" Lee Mengyao still didn't know about the matters of Lu Fanfeng's school, and was still worried for him.

"No need, I've already dealt with it!" Lu Fanfeng said directly.

"How?" Lee Mengyao did not understand.

"I asked the principal to apologize to me. He transferred me to the women's department and even gave me his apartment!" Lu Fanfeng said truthfully.

"Hehe, as long as you're in a good mood!" Lee Mengyao obviously did not believe him.

"I'm in a good mood!" Lu Fanfeng glanced at the gorgeous room, but didn't say anything about him being in the Old Master Lee's residence.

After chatting for a bit, Lee Mengyao hung up.

Lu Fanfeng could feel that even though they were thousands of miles apart, Lee Mengyao was still worried about him.

Just as Lu Fanfeng was laughing sillily into his phone, Lee Yunyao suddenly walked into the room. "Master Lu, I've brought you a blanket!"

Lee Yunyao found a good excuse and directly carried the blanket into the room.

Just like Cao Yun, the moment she stepped into the room, she closed the door.

"About that, I'll take it myself. Give it to me!" Lu Fanfeng was about to take the blanket, but Lee Yunyao insisted on taking it inside.

While the two of them were arguing, their hands were touching.

The eighteen year old girl had a pair of delicate hands that seemed boneless. Lu Fanfeng only felt that the flames that had just extinguished in his heart, had once again ignited.

However, very quickly, the image of Lee Mengyao appeared in Lu Fanfeng's mind again, but she immediately calmed down.

"Yunyao, give me the blanket, it's already very late, go back to your room and sleep!" Lu Fanfeng tried to make those words as gentle as possible.

However, a trace of disappointment still flashed across Lee Yunyao's beautiful eyes when she heard this.

As he sent Lee Yunyao off, Lu Fanfeng was preparing to rest, but his second-hand phone suddenly rang again.

Picking up his phone to check, he saw a text message, "Merit financial situation, sweet reminder, your loan amount has already reached 980 thousand, 18 days until the repayment date!" If there are any unknown terms, please consult your customer service! "

Behind it was a microsignal.

"Your sister, what the hell? When did I owe so much?" Lu Fanfeng was stupefied, but after thinking about it carefully, it was more like it. After all, he had no bottom line in spending his contribution points during this period of time.

Lu Fanfeng knew that everything that he had now came from this miraculous phone, as well as the heaven-defying Fairy Application Store it contained.

Therefore, he had to deal with the matter of the debt immediately.

He quickly opened the Heavenly Court Wechat and added that WeChat signal. When he saw the other party's nickname, Lu Fanfeng couldn't help but be shocked, "Zhao Gongming?"

When it came to Zhao Gongming, perhaps many people did not know about him, but when it came to his position, there was no one who did not know about him.

Zhao Gongming was a True Sovereign of the Dragon and Tiger Profound Altar. He was the commander, the four fairies in charge of collecting treasures, Na Zhen, Lucky, and Li Cheng. He was specialized in merchants and merchants, and the people called him the "God of Fortune".

Not mentioning how capable this master was, just the authority in his hands was enough to make Lu Fanfeng fear him, he did not want to live a life of poverty.

Adding on the other party, Lu Fanfeng was also extremely polite.

Taoist Fanfeng: Greetings, God of Fortune.

Zhao Gongming: Aiyo, you are my god of wealth, Master, what do you want?

Lu Fanfeng was speechless when he saw the chat log. This God of Fortune was too courteous.

Taoist Fanfeng: God of Fortune, what if, I mean if, if I don't pay back the money when the time is up, what punishment will I receive?

Zhao Gongming: Destroying heaven and earth, five lightnings striking the ceiling, beyond redemption, annihilated in body and spirit.

Zhao Gongming: God of Fortune, are you still there?

Taoist Fanfeng: Still here (crying)

Borrowing for a short period of time would always make him feel good!

However, Lu Fanfeng had never thought that returning merits would have such a result.

At this moment, Lu Fanfeng was a little regretful. He should not have owed them a large amount of debt before he had made sense of the situation.

However, when he thought of the beautiful school beauty Lee Mengyao, thought of the mature and sexy Cao Yun, thought of the lively and naughty Lee Yunyao, thought of the change in attitude of these people, Lu Fanfeng understood that even if he was given another chance to choose, he would still choose to use his Fairy Application Store.

It was better to be like fireworks for a moment than to be ordinary for the rest of one's life.

But at this moment, Lu Fanfeng did not want to end his dazzling life early. He needed to quickly find a way to earn his merits and pay back his loans as soon as possible.

Taoist Fanfeng: God of Fortune, how do you earn merits?

Zhao Gongming: This is your problem, why are you asking me?

Lu Fanfeng almost vomited a mouthful of blood.

But after thinking about it, Lu Fanfeng felt that these deities were all scum, and could not be too courteous to them, so he changed his attitude immediately.

Taoist Fanfeng: Since you said it like that, then I will bear the might of the Heaven, Earth, and Heaven, and destroy the Earth. With my cultivation, retreating should not be a difficult task for me, why should I pay your money?

Zhao Gongming panicked when he heard it, "Dao brother, you can't do this, it's just a small business, please forgive me!"

Taoist Fanfeng: Damn, I can't understand you, why don't you forgive me? I have been itching to use the Heavenly Tribulation to scratch.

Zhao Gongming: Brother, your skills are profound, using the Heavenly Tribulation to tickle me, I am truly impressed.

Any cultivator would use such a miraculous method to avoid the Heavenly Tribulation.

If he really couldn't dodge it, he could only borrow the power of the Divine Weapons and live through the Heavenly Tribulation.

However, there were countless cultivators in the Three Realms, and there were many capable people among them.

Taking Zhao Gongming as an example, he had personally witnessed many Rankers using their bodies to resist the Heavenly Tribulation before finally ascending to the Heaven Realm.

Therefore, Zhao Gongming chose to believe Lu Fanfeng's words. After all, it seemed that the probability of successfully going through the Heavenly Tribulation's ascension was not low.

However, that was just from the perspective of the Heavenly Court.

If Zhao Gongming were to personally go to the lower realms, he would know that none of the people who could fly to the Heaven Realm would be able to do so.

Every year, in the ten thousand realms, there were more than ten million capable people who died in the Heavenly Tribulation.

However, Zhao Gongming, who had been living in the Heavenly Court for a long time, did not know about this.

Taoist Fanfeng: You can try. I'm not scared anyway!

Zhao Gongming: I don't dare, brother. Actually, it is very easy to earn merits.

Taoist Fanfeng: No, I won't listen. I will just fight against the Heavenly Tribulation, I won't listen.

Zhao Gongming: Is it easy for me to be a God of Wealth? Don't be like this for Dao brother, at worst I can just give you a few more days of grace.

Taoist Fanfeng: Forget about being lenient, raise my overdraft by ten times. I'll think about how to return the money.

Zhao Gongming: The one who owes you money is my lord, but I really don't have that kind of ability. Otherwise, I'll give you an increase of two hundred thousand, the most I'll give you.

Taoist Fanfeng: Two hundred thousand is fine, come, tell me, how do I earn contribution points?

Zhao Gongming: It's very easy to earn merit, pave the way, and help the poor. As long as you do something good, you can earn merit.

Taoist Fanfeng: I don't like doing good things.

Zhao Gongming: There is also a trick to it, you can sell items at the Immortal Realm Taobao in exchange for merit, many deities now do the same.

Taoist Fanfeng: That's not good either.

Zhao Gongming: Also, you need to put your merits into your wealth management system.

After a brief understanding, Lu Fanfeng started to think about how to earn contribution points.

After all, although he was bragging, he could not resist the Heavenly Tribulation, so he had to return the money honestly.

With life and death in front of him, he naturally didn't have the mood to consider anything else.

It was just that in the beginning, it was difficult, but Lu Fanfeng did not have a good idea on how to earn merits.

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