The night passed without incident, and at dawn the next day, Lu Fanfeng woke up very early.

When they got downstairs, a few servants were actually preparing breakfast.

"Master Lu, good morning!" When the servants saw Lu Fanfeng, they respectfully greeted him.

"Are the others awake?" Lu Fanfeng asked softly.

"Miss Cao Yun is still awake. The old man and Miss Yunyao are training in the garden!" The servant answered truthfully.

Lu Fanfeng then went straight to the garden, only to see Lee Yunyao practicing her fist art, with the Old Master Lee beside giving detailed pointers, she looked impressive, but to Lu Fanfeng, it was nothing.

"Master Lu, you're here!" When Elder Li saw Lu Fanfeng, he immediately came to welcome him.

Lee Yunyao also stopped her movements and ran to Lu Fanfeng's side, "Master Lu, how is my boxing progress?"

Hearing this, Lu Fanfeng shook his head, "Not good!"

However, Elder Li's expression changed when he heard this. He was already slightly unhappy in his heart, but it wasn't good for him to act out due to face.

However, Lee Yunyao did not have that much consideration, and immediately asked: "Master Lu, what's not good about it!"

"This fist technique comes from the Heaven Destruction Arts, so after cultivating it, it will deal a lot of damage to your body. Even with my improved Heaven Destruction Arts, it is impossible to avoid such a thing. Before you have cultivated your inner strength, you have not suffered much damage. If you continue, you will definitely be like Elder Li! " Lu Fanfeng said.

"Master Lu is right, it's just that my Lee Family does not have any other cultivation methods, and Yunyao likes to train in martial arts. If Master Lu intends to cultivate it, why not let Yunyao follow you and cultivate it in the martial way!" Elder Li immediately asked like a donkey, making this request, which was also why Elder Li was trying so hard to curry favor with Lu Fanfeng.

Hearing this, Lee Yunyao looked at Lu Fanfeng with anticipation.

Witnessing Lu Fanfeng's shocking palm strike last night, Lee Yunyao had already fallen for it and naturally hoped that she could use it against him.

Only, Lu Fanfeng shook his head slightly, "I still need to consider this matter!"

From Lee Mengyao's perspective, Lu Fanfeng had to agree to it.

However, Fairy Application Store was also his greatest secret, so he could not reveal too much. Lu Fanfeng still needed to find a way to help both of them.

Hearing that, Elder Li did not continue to be conflicted, "Then we will discuss this matter in the future. Master Lu, breakfast is already prepared, let's go eat first!"

Saying that, Elder Li invited Lu Fanfeng back to the villa.

One had to say, the chef in Old Li's villa had excellent culinary skills.

At the very least, he would be much better than the cooks in the Eastern Flower Teacher's canteen. Lu Fanfeng would be satisfied with a simple breakfast.

After breakfast, Lu Fanfeng was about to leave, but Elder Li called Cao Yun over.

"Master Lu, last year, my son gifted me with a house, which is located in the city of Huadong City. This old man likes peace and quiet, and the house has always been empty. Since Master Lu doesn't have a place to stay at, why not stay there? I'll let Cao Yun bring you there, so that I can help you with a little! " Elder Li said passionately.

Lu Fanfeng kept rejecting, but in the end, he could not reject Elder Li, and could only accept it temporarily.

Following Cao Yun to the only house in the Huadong City city, although it couldn't be compared with Elder Li's villa, it was still located in the center of the city, where every inch of land was worth three hundred square meters. The total value of the property was over twenty million.

In addition, Elder Li also gave Lu Fanfeng a card. The amount of money in it wasn't much, but it was more than two million.

Lu Fanfeng could not help but sigh. Poverty had really limited his imagination. 20 million yuan in properties and 2 million yuan in wealth, Elder Li gave it to him casually.

"Master Lu, do you want to change the furniture in your house?" Old Li asked his to bring Master Lu to see the house, but Cao Yun knew that the house they were living in now belonged to Lu Fanfeng.

To the real Wealthy Class, she was just a pawn.

In her heart, Cao Yun did not reject such an arrangement. Instead, she was afraid that Lu Fanfeng would reject her, because, after all, there was still Lee Yunyao.

"If you want to trade, go ahead. I'll give you a card to swipe!" Lu Fanfeng very handsomely gave two million to Cao Yun.

"I'll find someone to throw away the old furniture first!" Saying that, Cao Yun took out her phone.

"Eh, I've never used these pieces of furniture. Isn't it too much of a pity to throw them away?" After all, Lu Fanfeng was the child of a poor family.

"It's useless if you don't want to throw it away. The junk market doesn't sell for much, and moving it back and forth is troublesome!" Cao Yun laughed, although she was not free to follow Elder Li, she was never short on money, so she was used to spending lavishly.

"Throwing it away is too much of a waste!" Lu Fanfeng still couldn't bear to part with it.

"Master Lu, don't worry. I can make money too. "With my fame back then, I can earn a lot of money just by going back on the path of cultivation!" Cao Yun considerately said, as though he already treated himself as Lu Fanfeng's woman, as though he was the mistress of this house.

"That's not the problem. I've thought of something to do with the old furniture!" With that, Lu Fanfeng took out his phone, "Go buy some new furniture, leave the old furniture to me!"

"Master Lu, there's really no need to trouble yourself. These furniture are all out of date and can't be sold for a good price!" Cao Yun tried to persuade his a few more times, but he completely ignored him.

There was no other way, Cao Yun could only leave and ignore him.

The method that Lu Fanfeng thought of was to sell the old furniture to the immortals in the Heavenly Court.

Through the Immortal Realm Taobao s, he had applied for an online shop. Lu Fanfeng followed the flow and entered a shop called Taoist Fanfeng's Furniture Shop.

As a mere mortal, Lu Fanfeng still needed to keep a low profile in the Immortal God Realm.

When the new shop opened, naturally they had to advertise it. Lu Fanfeng immediately bought the first page and promoted it for two hours.

"The first page actually costs fifty thousand contribution points for two hours, is the Immortal Realm Taobao crazy?!" Fortunately, Lu Fanfeng soon found out that it was the time of the Heavenly Court. One day was equivalent to one year on Earth, and two hours was equivalent to one month on Earth.

The promotional effect on the home page was very good, the first customer would come soon.

Second Princess: My brother, your makeup table is so beautiful. Your bronze mirror is also so bright.

Taoist Fanfeng: That's not a copper mirror.

Second Princess: No wonder it's so expensive, it actually costs 100,000 contribution points.

Taoist Fanfeng: 100,000 contribution points is not expensive, last time I sold it for 120,000 contribution points, these are all prized goods, it is very hard to buy.

Second Princess: Stop messing around, your sales are zero.

Taoist Fanfeng: Ehh, I've been discovered by the smart you.

Second Princess: A bit cheaper, I'll buy it.

Taoist Fanfeng: Elder sister, you are a princess. How could it fit your status if it was a bit cheaper?

Second Princess: (Sweating) There are more princesses in the Heavenly Court than dogs.

Taoist Fanfeng: That's true. How about this, you buy two at a time and help me brush the sales volume. I will give you a 20% discount.

Second Princess: Alright, as long as you are cheap, I can do whatever you want.

Very quickly, Second Princess bought two makeup tables and paid two hundred thousand contribution points.

After that, Lu Fanfeng sent over a makeup table, and at the same time transferred 120,000 contribution points to the Second Princess through the Heavenly Court Wechat.

Lu Fanfeng's sales volume instantly reached '2'

Once the first part of the transaction was completed, the second part was much simpler.

Profound Light Immortal: Senior, what is this sofa that you are selling?

Taoist Fanfeng: What do you usually meditate for?

Profound Light Immortal: White Jade Praying Mat.

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