Chapter 203 Take Paving

The Hundred Flowers Sect is a sect dominated by female cultivators, and the male cultivators can only exist as male pets in the Hundred Flowers Sect, so the Hundred Flowers Sect is quite famous in the entire Ten Monarchs Immortal City area, and it has a lot of connections with all the cultivators in the Ten Monarchs Immortal City area. Powers are all inextricably linked and have unclear relationships.

  With these reliances, Baihuazong has always acted arrogantly and unreasonably in the area of ​​​​the Ten Monarchs Immortal City.

  It's like when Ziyumen was destroyed by them.

  What Su Yu learned from the memory of Lin Qingxia's three daughters was that it was only because of the Ziyumen's master's appearance, temperament, and limelight that he overshadowed a deputy master of the Baihua Sect at that time.

  Shortly afterwards, the Ziyu Gate was captured by the Hundred Flowers Sect. All the men were killed, and all the women were sold to the black chamber of commerce that trades servants in the black market.

   This is the grievance between Baihuazong and Ziyumen, and the blood feud between Lin Qingxia and Lin Qingxia's three daughters.

  In the past twenty years, Su Yu has given the Hundred Flowers Sect two million of the millions of middle-grade spirit stones he took from the treasure house of the Hundred Flowers Sect.

   Among them, 1.6 million middle-grade spirit stones are rent, and 400,000 middle-grade spirit stones are a five-year deposit.

  The wool comes from sheep, and the spirit stone is obtained from the Hundred Flowers Sect. Su Yu doesn't feel very distressed when using it.

  Originally, he planned to solve this matter when his cultivation level improved and he could easily wipe out the Hundred Flowers Sect.

  But he didn't expect that so many people would come to the Hundred Flowers Sect to make trouble in less than 20 years?

The ancestor on the fourth floor of the Yuanying Realm of the Hundred Flowers Sect does not look old, but looks like a mature woman with a charming figure and a mature temperament. Her skin is as white as snow, as tender as a peach, with flaming red lips, and her expression is indifferent. cold cream.

   Staring at the Thunder Rat Demon King in the Ziyumen defense formation with a contemptuous look, he coerced the Thunder Rat Demon King to contact the master behind it.

  The Tianlei Mouse Demon King was furious, his body was condensed with a cold and fierce aura, he looked at the ancestor of Baihuazong without fear, and said coldly: "You better retreat now, otherwise, the consequences are far beyond what you can bear."

   "Oh, is that so?" The Patriarch of Baihua Sect smiled sweetly, his eyes becoming more and more cold.

  Although Ziyumen was surprised by the addition of a fourth-rank low-rank mountain gate array, there was also a fourth-rank low-rank monster sitting in it, which disrupted their original plan of Baihuazong.

  Let them have more or less scruples in their hearts.

  But the person who rented the Ziyu Gate before was just a small alchemy realm.

  A weak alchemy realm can actually pay rent with 80,000 middle-grade spirit stones every year, and there is no one year in arrears? Just for a third-tier cave like Ziyumen?

  Such a bully, such a well-behaved big water fish, made the eyes of the Hundred Flowers Sect who had been robbed of their entire treasury a few years ago turn red, and it was hard not to be greedy.

  The fact that the treasure house was stolen had a great impact on the Hundred Flowers Sect.

  Even the daily operations of the sect could not be maintained, so they could only go out one by one and borrow some resources and spirit stones from good friends to maintain it.

   It can be said that during this period of time, the Hundred Flowers Sect, who had no money in their hands, was living too humblely.

   But it is such a difficult situation, relying solely on the return of blood from Ziyumen's rent, it has pulled their Baihuazong out of the quagmire in less than twenty years.

  Baihuazong, who took a breath of relief, immediately aimed his gaze at Ziyumen again.

   It's not that he wants Su Yu to die, let alone take back Ziyumen.

  What they were thinking in their hearts was whether they could squeeze some more spirit stones from Su Yu's hands?

  For example, increase the rent every year?

  From the previous 80,000 middle-grade spirit stones per year, it has increased to 120,000, or even 150,000, 160,000?

  They are too short of spirit stones and resources, and now they just want to **** blood.

   Before the Patriarch of the Hundred Flowers Sect spoke again, the figures of Su Yu, Patriarch Zhaixing, and Ma Shiqing appeared, and within a few steps, the figures flickered and landed not far from the monks of the Hundred Flowers Sect.

After appearing, Su Yu frowned and looked at the former beautiful elder of the Hundred Flowers Sect in the crowd, and said, "What is the meaning of your Hundred Flowers Sect? I have never owed you the rent for renting the cave, and there are even five The annual deposit is in your hands."

   Seeing the three of Su Yu appear, the beautiful woman hurriedly whispered in the ear of Baihuazong Patriarch: "Patriarch, this is the Ziyumen Cave Mansion that this person rented."

  The Baihuazong Patriarch looked at Su Yu with his bewitching eyes, with a bit of aggression, he sized Su Yu up and down.

   I have to say that Su Yu's temperament is very outstanding, and his appearance is even more unique. Just like when he was a teenager, he wore a blue dress like a banished fairy, with a sense of age.

  Just looking at Su Yu, the ancestor of Baihuazong couldn't help but feel a little itchy.

   He even thought about taking this man captive to the Hundred Flowers Sect and making him his new male favourite?

  However, she looked at Ma Shiqing, who was already at the first level of Nascent Soul Realm beside Su Yu, and looked at the ordinary-looking and ordinary-looking Patriarch Zhaoxing, and she suppressed this thought for the time being.

  Let’s talk about business first.

  The Patriarch of Baihua Sect lightly opened his lips, looked at Su Yu and said, "The Ziyumen Cave Mansion is of extraordinary value. The resources here alone can earn at least hundreds of thousands of middle-grade spirit stones a year."

   "So, from now on, the rent can no longer be calculated at the previous price."

  Su Yu was taken aback when he heard this. He was still confused about why the Hundred Flowers Sect came here to provoke trouble, and he was still guessing why.

   He even wondered if the fact that he emptied the treasure house of the Hundred Flowers Sect would be found out?

  The result was unexpected—

   What the **** is the Hundred Flowers Sect? Hundreds of people came here, and two ancestors of Yuanying also came, just to increase the rent?

   The annual rent of 80,000 middle-grade spirit stones is not enough, and you want to cut yourself another wave?

  Su Yu was laughed out of anger, looked at the ancestor of Baihuazong and said, "Then what do you think is the appropriate rent for a year?"

The ancestor of Baihuazong's eyes flickered slightly, and said: "Not much, you earn hundreds of thousands of middle-grade spirit stones a year in Ziyumen, and my Baihuazong only needs you to rent 160,000 middle-grade spirit stones for a year." !"

  Besides, Ma Shiqing and the ancestor who picked up the stars watched quietly and did not interrupt. Ma Shiqing watched this scene with a little curiosity.

   So the place where the teleportation array is going to be set up is the cave rented by Brother Su?

its not right.

  Brother Su intends to set up a teleportation array here, it must have been planned to build this place into a secret place, it is impossible to give up, let alone be manipulated by others.


  Ma Shiqing's mind moved slightly: "Brother Su intends to take this place as his own? Or is it."

  He looked at such a large group of nuns in front of him.

  Although he didn't hear much, he roughly understood why they appeared here.

   This is because you think Brother Su is easy to bully, so you want Brother Su to rent this cave at the price of 160,000 middle-grade spirit stones a year?

   Ma Shiqing clicked his tongue in his heart. Although he agreed in his heart, Su Yu must have more resources than him, the Daoist of Zhaoxinglou.

  But the resources in Brother Su’s hands, is it anyone who can spy on and blackmail casually?

  Thinking of this, Ma Shiqing secretly sighed, maybe when Brother Su planned to rent this place, he already planned to eat them? In that way, there is no such thing as renting or not renting.

  Su Yu smiled slightly at this time. He looked at the ancestor who picked up the stars beside him and said, "Senior, can you help me take down this woman for me?" He pointed to the ancestor of Baihuazong.

   "As for the others, I will deal with them myself."

  Of course, it doesn’t matter if he is not familiar with Su Yu, if he came here to help him for a reward, then he would definitely ignore Su Yu.

  But with the matter of the Zhaixing Building before, the relationship between Su Yu and their Zhaixing Building is no longer normal.

   This trivial matter is naturally not a problem.

  Zhai Xing Patriarch nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

  When the Patriarch of Baihuazong heard Su Yu's words and his complexion changed slightly, Patriarch Zhaixing already stretched out a finger and pointed at Patriarch Baihuazong.


  A celestial power that made everyone present feel their scalps tingling suddenly descended in vain, and as the ancestor of the Baihuazong pointed his finger at the ancestor of the Baihuazong, the ancestor of the Baihuazong only felt his body tremble.

  The next moment, she felt a horrifying force coming, and the Nascent Soul in her dantian seemed to be torn into two halves at once.


  The Patriarch of Baihuazong hissed and spat out a mouthful of blood, his consciousness blurred immediately, and his body fell backwards.

   And as she fell backwards, a prohibition formed on her body.

   It turned out that the blood of the ancestor of the Hundred Flowers Sect was used to form a restriction, sealing off her mana, soul and consciousness.

   fell to the ground without any reaction.

In the eyes of Su Yu and others, as soon as the ancestor of picking stars pointed out, the ancestor of Baihuazong, the fourth-level true emperor of the Yuanying realm, screamed in an instant, fell backwards, and all his strength was blocked without any resistance. Power.

  Facing the power of distraction, the ancestors of Baihuazong seem to be just slightly bigger ants.

   Can be dealt with easily.

  Su Yu looked awe-inspiring, and was also shocked when he saw this scene.


   Is this the strength gap between the Distraction Realm and the Nascent Soul Realm? so scary?

   But he was a little psychologically prepared after all, so when Baihuazong and others were still in shock and hadn't recovered, Su Yu waved his hand and took out the shadow sword puppet that was successfully forged not long ago.

  Also called out Taixu in the Magical Artifact Palace, and the Heavenly Thunder Rat Demon King in the Ziyumen Cave Mansion.

   "Take them all down!"

  Su Yu waved his hand, and the shadow sword puppet immediately opened a pair of dark golden eyes, the cold eyes flickering, and its tall body, which was more than ten feet tall, was covered with a gray magic robe, holding a sword in both hands.

  Although none of them are low-grade magic weapons, they are enough for top-grade magic weapons.


   As soon as Su Yu finished speaking, the Shadow Sword Puppet rushed out first.

  By the time the remaining True Lord at the first level of the Nascent Soul Realm from the Hundred Flowers Sect reacted, the shadow sword puppet had already slain to his side, and the shadow of the sword was like waves rippling on the surface of a lake, and murderous intent suddenly appeared, filling the entire sky.


  The Yuanying Zhenjun ancestor hastily resisted, like a phantom, and immediately started a big battle with the shadow sword puppet.

   Cast water spells one after another, or escape to avoid, or resist attack and kill.

  However, in less than a breath, the shadow sword puppet cut it down from mid-air with a majestic force, like a sky falling from the sky.


The ancestor of the Hundred Flowers Sect fell to the ground like a meteor. The moment he hit the ground, the exquisite magic weapon in the dark black dress on his body was torn apart by the sword energy, and bloodstains appeared on his tender body, like a porcelain doll .

  Shadow Sword Puppets may not be as flexible and changeable as creatures, and are more rigid.

  But the shadow sword puppet is the top puppet of the fourth-level low-rank, and its strength is comparable to the third-level true king of the Nascent Soul Realm.

   Break through tricks with strength!

  That kind of power is not something the Baihua Sect patriarch at the first level of Nascent Soul Realm can bear.

  Shadow Sword Puppet can miss many times, but if she misses once, she will be severely injured by Shadow Sword Puppet!

  The moment she smashed into the ground, she sensed the imminent danger, and wanted to use escape methods to escape, but the next moment, the shadow sword puppet magic sword had fallen on her.


  In less than five breaths, the Yuanying, the ancestor of the Hundred Flowers Sect, was beheaded by the Shadow Sword Puppet, suffered heavy injuries, was unable to resist and escape, and was captured alive by the Shadow Sword Puppet.

  When Taixu and Tianlei Mouse Demon King heard Su Yu's order, the ferocious aura of the fourth-rank low-rank suddenly erupted.

  The group of elders, deacons, and disciples of Baihuazong still wanted to escape, but just as they turned around, they saw a dense crowd of thousands of thunder rats surrounded them tightly.

The beautiful woman on the ninth floor of the alchemy realm who had come into contact with Su Yu and rented the Ziyumen Cave Mansion before knelt down towards Su Yu, her face full of panic and fear, begging pitifully: "Fellow Daoist, please forgive me, I am willing to let you go!" Just catch me and let fellow daoist deal with me, just beg fellow daoist not to kill me."

  The other Baihuazong elders, deacons, and disciples all knelt down and begged Su Yu for mercy.

   Taixu, who was still about to make a move, stopped the body that hadn't rushed out, his eyes widened, angry and anxious, why are these women so cowardly, before he even made a move, they all knelt down and begged for mercy from the master!

  It wants to exercise its muscles and bones, and there is no chance to ask the owner for credit.

   Hundreds of people from the Hundred Flowers Sect, including the two Nascent Soul True Monarchs, were all captured alive within a short period of time.

The Patriarch Zhaixing and Ma Shiqing looked at the shadow sword puppet that Su Yu brought out with a bit of surprise, then at Taixu and the Tianlei Rat Demon King who were already fourth-tier low-grade monsters, and at the demon king who surrounded the Hundred Flowers Sect. Everyone's thousands of thunder rat monsters.

  Both of them had expressions of surprise in their eyes.

  'The top puppets of the fourth-rank low-rank, two beasts of the fourth-rank low-rank, and such a group of monsters who obey orders' the ancestor Zhaixing was horrified.

  Knowing that I still underestimated this junior who was born in the Immortal Mansion!

  Although he couldn't see through Su Yu's cultivation, he could only tell that Su Yu's aura seemed to be at the fifth level of the alchemy realm, but Su Yu's identity was the elder of the inner palace of the Earth Immortal Mansion!

  Combined with everything that Su Yu has revealed during this period of time, he doesn't think that Su Yu's cultivation is only at the fifth level of the Alchemy Realm.

  However, the more he knew about Su Yu, the more the Patriarch Zhaxing paid more attention to Su Yu, and the relationship and friendship between Su Yu, Zhaixinglou and his disciple Ma Shiqing!

   His lifespan is running out.

   It is necessary to pave a back road for the Star Picking Tower.

   While Patriarch Zhaixing was thinking about this, Su Yu had already banned all the members of the Hundred Flowers Sect from their cultivation bases and locked them up in the Palace of Magical Artifacts. He didn't have time to deal with them yet.

  Erasing the traces of the battle outside the Ziyumen Cave, Su Yu invited Patriarch Zhaoxing and Ma Shiqing into the Ziyumen Cave to discuss the formation of the formation.

   After seeing the Ziyumen cave, the patriarch Zhaixing pondered for a moment, and said, "Should we take down the fourth-order cave of the Hundred Flowers Sect just now, and set up a formation in that cave?"

   "The fourth-order cave, the fourth-order spiritual veins, can barely support the spiritual power required by the teleportation array."

   "If you set up an array here, you will still be limited by the background of the third-order spiritual veins when you use it in the future."

  Su Yu hesitated to think. If Baihuazong disappeared and occupied the cave, the movement would be a bit big.

   At that time, the forces in the Ten Monarchs and Immortal City will definitely pay attention to this matter.

   This is not a good thing for him.


   It is to secretly control the Hundred Flowers Sect, not to let the Hundred Flowers Sect disappear.

  ‘Maybe you can take your time? First control the Hundred Flowers Sect, then clean up the Hundred Flowers Sect little by little, and then buy some servants from the black market to fill them in, and finally achieve the goal of completely replacing and controlling the Hundred Flowers Sect. ’ Su Yu pondered the possibility of this matter.

  Although doing so may also arouse the suspicion of some forces, it is much easier to control than directly causing the Hundred Flowers Sect to disappear.

  In his opinion, it is enough to leave at most a hundred or so people in the final cave.

  Firstly, to maintain the environment of the secret realm of the cave, secondly, to guard the safety of the cave and the teleportation array, and thirdly, to be able to serve him and Yu Keer, Ma Tianling and others who may come over.

  Of course, it is still not safe to let Baihuazong really disappear, it is best to distinguish between internal and external.

  The inner cave is under his complete control, while the outer Baihuazong mountain gate remains as it is, acting as a facade.

   This is much safer.

  (end of this chapter)

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