Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 204: The vision laid down by the teleportation array is finally realized

  Chapter 204 The teleportation array lays down the vision and finally comes true

   Originally, Su Yu wanted to take down the Baihuazong people, but took them back to the black market of Shijun Xiancheng, and handed them over to Lin Qingxia and the three daughters, who could live or die as they wished.

  But thinking about it now, Su Yu felt that it might not be a good choice to leave the Baihuazong and others alive for the time being.

  Just doing this, how to control the group of Nascent Soul Realm Patriarchs of the Hundred Flowers Sect is a problem.

  Su Yu asked this question and asked the ancestor of Zhaixing for advice.

  The Star Picking Patriarch looked at Su Yu in amazement. He just suggested that Su Yu destroy the Hundred Flowers Sect so as to seize the Hundred Flowers Sect's cave. After all, Su Yu doesn't like the Hundred Flowers Sect very much.

  In the end, Su Yu wanted to control the Hundred Flowers Sect?

   Still want to control Nascent Soul Realm?

  Zhai Xing Patriarch frowned, thought for a moment and said: "This is very difficult. The Nascent Soul Realm is different from the Alchemy Realm. It is really difficult to control a Nascent Soul unless you use evil methods."

  Hearing the words of Patriarch Zhaixing, Su Yu couldn't help being surprised: "Evil methods? Could it be that the chambers of commerce in the black market of Shijun Xiancheng used evil methods?"

  The Star Picking Ancestor pondered for a while, but still nodded and said: "You guessed it right, but the specific method is unknown."

   "There have been rumors that this method may come from a Buddhist sect outside the territory, and it is also the inheritance of the Demon Buddha who has been reduced to the devil way. The method is extremely evil, so it is usually called the evil way."

  Su Yu asked curiously: "Is there a Buddhist school that has become a demon? Is there any other way? Demonic Taoism has entered the Buddhist gate?"

  Zhai Xing Patriarch smiled dumbly, and said: "Yes, but most of them should have disappeared soon. If you become a Buddhist, your strength may increase sharply, but if you become a Buddha, you will start from scratch."

  Back to the topic, Su Yu asked: "Then is there any way to control the Nascent Soul Realm?"

The patriarch Zhaxing thought for a moment, and said: "You want to control the Hundred Flowers Sect, I can temporarily place restrictions on those people for you, and then refine a token for you to control them. It only takes one thought to end their life and death." .”

   "However, this method may only work for a few years, not more than ten years at most. By that time, it will be easy for them to break through the prohibition and control."

   "So, if you really want to control the Hundred Flowers Sect, it's best if you can subdue them and let them return to their hearts."

  "No law in the world can compare to their voluntary and willing surrender."

  Su Yu always felt that the words of the ancestor who picked up the stars had a different meaning!

  An ordinary immortal cultivator would be fine. He felt that with his own strength, talent, background, and resource commitment, he could always win the heart of the other party.

  But the group of female cultivators in the Hundred Flowers School—forget it.

After thinking for a while, Su Yu secretly said: "Let's control it first. If you can control it for a few years, if Qingxia or Tianling can break through the Nascent Soul Realm, you can let them control the Hundred Flowers Sect a little bit in the future. Fill it with new disciples or servants, and reshape a new Hundred Flowers Sect."

   At that time, he and the Da Yue Mansion behind the teleportation array will be hidden behind the scenes.

   is perfect.

After figuring it out, Su Yu respectfully asked Patriarch Picking Stars to help subdue several Nascent Soul Patriarchs of Baihuazong. In addition to the two Nascent Soul True Lords in his hands, there were also two Nascent Soul Realms in the gate of Baihuazong, and one Yuanying Realm. The second floor of the Infant Realm and the first floor of the Yuanying Realm, a total of four people.

   This matter is not too difficult for the ancestor of the star, but the big formation of the Hundred Flowers School is full of loopholes for the ancestor of the star.

   It was easy to bring Su Yu and Ma Shiqing into the Hundred Flowers Sect.

  The rest of the Hundred Flowers Sect had no strength to resist, and they were all taken down by the ancestor of the stars.

The matter of controlling the four Nascent Soul True Monarchs of the Hundred Flowers Sect is also progressing very smoothly. Under the threat of the Star Picking Patriarch and the threat of prohibition hidden in the Nascent Soul, the four women are extremely docile, respectful and accept their fate, and succumbed to the strong Next, there is not a hard bone.

   This is actually quite normal, after all, the power of the Hundred Flowers Sect is different from ordinary powers.

  If this happened in Yunjianzong, the other female disciple Su Yu is not sure, but Su Zhi and Luo Qianyu will definitely not just submit like this, but would rather die than surrender.

  Using strong means to control the four Yuanying Zhenjun of Baihuazong, Su Yu did not stop there.

   Instead, the female cultivators of the Hundred Flowers Sect and the entire group of female cultivators above the alchemy level of the Hundred Flowers Sect were all subjected to magic tricks, and one by one instilled in their memories the idea of ​​swearing allegiance to oneself to the death.

   It took more than three years for the Patriarch Picking Stars to choose a position in the Hundred Flowers Sect's cave, and it took more than three years to successfully deploy a teleportation formation.

  During this period of time, apart from daily practice and affairs, Su Yu was using the power of illusion to influence the female cultivators of the Hundred Flowers Sect to strengthen his control over the Hundred Flowers Sect.

And after Baihuazong Dongtian set up the teleportation array, it was not successful yet, Su Yu had to take the ancestor who picked up the stars back to the secret realm of the Luoyue League, and then set up a corresponding teleportation array in the secret realm of the Luoyue League. It is a complete teleportation array.

  The work of arranging the teleportation array is not easy, and it takes so much time.

  So during this period of time, Su Yu took out another hundred drops of the fifth-grade top-grade spiritual liquid and gave it to Patriarch Zhaoxing. With the current special effect of the spiritual liquid, it can more or less make up for Patriarch Zhaoxing.

   He was also able to maintain his relationship with the ancestors of Zhaixing and the building of Zhaixing.

  Otherwise, the Ancestor Zhaixing set up a teleportation array for himself for free, and spent a full seven years of life—

  A great power in the Distraction Realm who is approaching the end of his lifespan has a seven-year lifespan, the amount of which is self-evident.

   At the moment when the teleportation formation was successfully set up in the secret realm of the Luoyue League, Su Yu took Yu Ke'er, Ma Tianling, Patriarch Zhaixing and Ma Shiqing up there, trying to activate the teleportation formation.


  At that moment, a large part of the aura of the fourth-order spirit veins of the Luoyue League Cave Sky Secret Realm was swallowed up, and the figures of Su Yu and five people disappeared from the teleportation array.

the other side.

  Hundred Flower Sect.

  In the depths of the cave, which is about forty miles in size, there is a forbidden area divided by Su Yu. There is also a fifth-level low-grade defensive formation set up by the ancestor of the stars, which can save lives at critical moments.

  The mountains and hills in the secret place of Dongtian are continuous, and the Lingzhi trees are green and verdant, and the breeze blowing by can set off a blue wave.

   Faint clouds and mist float over the mountains, and the rich aura of heaven and earth almost forms a spiritual mist.

  The whole cave is like a fairyland on earth.

   And in the depths of this fairyland on earth, on a huge jade platform, with the burst of dazzling fairy light, the space oscillated and rippled, and the next moment, the figures of Su Yu and five people appeared.

  The space then returned to calm.

  Su Yu looked at the familiar environment in the forbidden area of ​​Baihuazong, and couldn't help but be overjoyed: "Success!"

   With the teleportation array deployed, from now on, he can go back and forth between Dixian Mansion and Dayue Mansion at will!

The faces of Yu Keer and Ma Tianling next to him also showed joy, and they looked at the surrounding environment curiously. Since the first time Su Yu followed Gulan Zhenjun to the Immortal Mansion, they have been looking forward to coming to the center of Dagan's world of cultivating immortals. day.

   Today, they finally set foot on this land.

  For Yu Keer, she naturally hopes that she can stay close to Su Yu, instead of only seeing each other after decades of separation.

  As for Ma Tianling, she has practiced with Su Yu since she was a child. When Su Yu went to the Immortal Mansion, she had just grown.

  At that time, when Su Yu left, it was as if the backbone had left.

  With the accumulated anticipation and being with Yu Ke'er and others, her anticipation for coming to the central area of ​​Daqian Cultivation World and practicing with Su Yu naturally became heavier and heavier.

   Now, she is more than a hundred years old, and her long-awaited expectation has finally come true.

   It's just that her current cultivation is still suppressed at the ninth floor of the alchemy realm.

  Because Su Yu said, let her not rush to break through the Nascent Soul Realm, but to control the power of her own spirit body and improve the potential of her Golden Core.

   Now, relying on her own practice, Ma Tianling barely reached the seventh rank golden elixir.

   This is not easy.

  Ma Tianling looked at the surrounding environment, and said happily: "Is this the legendary Dixian Mansion? Such a strong aura of heaven and earth!"

Su Yu chuckled and said, "No, this is just a secret cave of power that I forcibly controlled. It is quite far from the Immortal Mansion. However, there is a huge neutral fairy city not far from here, named Ten Monarch Immortal City, pass through there With the teleportation array, you can quickly reach the Earth Immortal Mansion."

  While walking outside, Su Yu, Yu Ke'er and Ma Tianling led people to talk about some things about the central area of ​​Daqian's world of cultivating immortals.

  It's the first time to get married, maybe Yu Ke'er and Ma Tianling will still feel a little uncomfortable.

  But as long as you stay for a while and get to know the situation and environment here, the discomfort and uneasiness can be eliminated.

   Get out of the forbidden area.

  Come out to the fairy palace built by Baihuazong in the secret cave before. There are many spiritual peach blossoms planted here. Each variety is different, basically blooming all year round, and the fragrance of the flowers will waft throughout the fairy palace.

   Around the fairy palace, there is also a sea of ​​flowers, all kinds of spiritual flowers, spiritual plants, red orange red green blue ingot purple and other colors, everything you expect.

   If you ignore the indiscretion of the female cultivators of the Hundred Flowers Sect before, then the secret cave of the Hundred Flowers Sect is definitely a pleasing place on earth.

   When Su Yu brought Yu Keer and Ma Tianling here, they were immediately attracted by the beauty of the sea of ​​flowers here.

   "Pavilion Master."

Yu Yiman, the mature wife of the fourth-floor ancestor of the Baihuazong Yuanying Realm, and the other three Yuanying Zhenjun female cultivators trotted to meet Su Yu and the others. They all wore more enchanting and charming clothes. This is their usual preference, not to please. Su Yu dressed like this.

   As for their titles, Su Yu also decided on them. He didn't like to be called his master, so he still decided on the title of pavilion master.

  As for the Dao name, name taboo, etc., he is also not interested.

   On the other hand, Yu Keer and Ma Tianling looked at them with a trace of vigilance and scrutiny after seeing Yu Yiman and the others.

  Su Yu said without changing his face: "Go in and talk about it."

  After everyone sat down in the Immortal Palace, Su Yu made tea and chatted, and told Yu Keer and Ma Tianling about the Hundred Flowers Sect.

   Ma Tianling was very interested after hearing this, and even looked at Su Yu with anticipation and joy and said, "So, the Hundred Flowers Sect is not completely under control?"

   "Can you leave it to me? I will take care of this Hundred Flowers Sect for you."

  Su Yu looked at her, thought for a while and then said via voice transmission: "I'll talk about it later."

After chatting with Ancestor Zhaixing and Ma Shiqing for a few days, Su Yu gave Ancestor Zhaixing fifty drops of fifth-grade low-grade spiritual liquid, and Ma Shiqing one hundred drops of high-grade fourth-grade spiritual liquid, thanking Star Reaching Tower for helping him Set up the teleportation array.

   Before sending Ancestor Zhaixing and Ma Shiqing away, Su Yu asked Ancestor Zhaixing to check the restraints in Yu Yiman's body and re-stabilize them.

   In this way, it can guarantee that he can control the lives of the four people for ten more years.

After the ancestors of Zhaixing and Ma Shiqing left, Su Yu summoned the beautiful woman elder on the ninth floor of the alchemy realm to enter the secret realm of the cave. people, none of them.

  With Shu Li here, he can have enough understanding and control over the current "outer sect" of the Hundred Flowers Sect.

  Shu Li entered the Great Hall of the Immortal Palace, and knelt down in front of Su Yu, respectfully and humblely said: "Little servant Shu Li, pay my respects to the Pavilion Master."

  Beside Yu Keer and Ma Tianling's eyes were slightly fixed, and their complexions were slightly weird.

  Su Yu introduced Yu Keer and Ma Tianling to Shu Li, and asked Shu Li to obey Yu Keer or Ma Tianling's orders from now on.

  Afterwards, Su Yu asked Shu Li to leave the cave.

After she left, Su Yu looked at Ma Tianling's brows slightly frowned, hesitated for a while, and said, "I'll go back to Xianmen to see if I can get you a copy of the Jindan Taoism inheritance. As long as there is an inheritance, Then the potential of your Huaiyin spirit body can be fully developed, and it is very possible to achieve the rank eight golden elixir."

   "So, Xiao Tianling, wait a little longer, and don't rush to break through the Nascent Soul Realm."

   "When you break through the Nascent Soul Realm, then I will let you control and clean up the Hundred Flowers Sect."

   After telling Yu Keer and Ma Tianling some things, Su Yu quietly left the Hundred Flowers Sect.

   After Su Yu left, Ma Tianling took Yu Keer to the room, rummaged through the room, and took out a formula: "Hey, look at this, I found a good thing!"

   "What good thing?" Yu Ke'er was curious, took the formula and flipped through it, and suddenly, that pretty face turned red with embarrassment.

   That method is really a "Hundred Flowers Returning to Yuan"!

  Ma Tianling said in a low voice: "I suspect that he probably practiced this!"

   As he spoke, Ma Tianling was a little excited and said: "So I got this from Yu Yiman, and I will study it carefully!"

Su Yu left Baihuazong, changed the face of Taoist Red Shadow, and returned to the black market Yunxiao Pill Pavilion, left the next pill goods in the Pill Pavilion, asked about the situation of the Pill Pavilion, and learned about the three daughters of Lin Qingxia process of practice.

  Before returning to the Immortal Gate of Earth Immortal Mansion, Su Yu told Lin Qingxia to select 20 servant female cultivators at the alchemy realm to buy from the black market.

  As for why she chose a female cultivator—this is the person next to Yu Keer and Ma Tianling of the Hundred Flowers School.

   Naturally, Su Yu would not choose male servants to be by their side.

  (end of this chapter)

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