Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 247: Pass the splendor of the ancient Yuexian mansion through the nine-story pagoda

  Chapter 247 Through the glory of the ancient Yuexian mansion through the nine-story Taoist pagoda

If the Xiaocheng Dao Realm is still surging like a big river, then now that Su Yu has stepped into the fifth-floor Dao Pagoda, the Dao Power that is comparable to the Dacheng Dao Realm hits and suppresses it. The feeling is like being in the Under a sky river.

  That strength is not comparable to that of Xiaocheng Dao Domain. Even Su Yu's strong body was pressed back three steps in succession the moment he stepped into the fifth floor Dao Pagoda.

   It wasn't until the majestic power of the Five Elements Dao domain gathered on him that he forcibly gained a firm foothold on the fifth floor.


When Su Yu displayed the power of the Five Elements Dao domain, the majestic power of the Dao Pagoda on the fifth floor hummed. It's like coming alive.

  Gold, wood, water, fire, earth and five elements each occupy a piece of heaven and earth.

   Condensed into a five-element dao domain, the five-element true spirits are condensed and manifested in their respective dao domains.

  At the moment when Su Yu had just gained a firm foothold, the Five Elements True Spirits all rushed towards Su Yu.



  The two golden-armored commanders stared at the fifth floor of the Dao Pagoda with empty eyes. At the moment when the Five Elements True Spirit was killing Su Yu, the two looked concentrated and stared at Su Yu closely.

  The Dao Tower is not without danger.

  Especially after reaching the fifth floor of Dacheng Dao Domain, the Dao already has spirit.

  If Su Yu couldn't withstand the attack of the true spirit of the Five Elements Dao, then at least he would suffer heavy injuries and be kicked out of the Dao Pagoda, at worst, he would die.

  So the two golden armor commanders looked a little dignified.

   After all, Su Yu only realized Xiaocheng's five elements.

   It is a bit difficult to step into the space of the fifth floor Taoist tower.

  But when the Five Elements True Spirit crazily attacked Su Yu time and time again, Su Yu was already sitting cross-legged on the fifth floor. In addition to the Five Elements Dao Domain, there was a layer of barriers on his body to resist the power of the Great Dao outside.

   It can make Su Yu stay at ease in the space of the fifth-floor Dao Pagoda, and feel the Five Elements Dao.

  Seeing this scene, the two golden-armored commanders couldn't help but gasp slightly: "Huh."

  The golden-armored commander on the left was a little surprised: "Boss, he seems to have some knowledge in this space avenue. Under the impact of the power of Dacheng Dao Domain, he is safe and sound."

  The commander of the strong golden armor was only a little surprised, but he said with a smile: "Not bad, but as I estimated, using the power of the space avenue on the fifth floor, this should be the end."

  Inside the road tower.

  Su Yu performed the Golden Cicada Method and practiced the Shangqing Taiyi Dao Method, and under the ethereal mind, he felt the power of the Five Elements Dao manifested in the surrounding world.

   It's just that he discovered some shortcomings of this tower.

  He condenses the power of the Five Elements Dao domain, and the Dao Pagoda can manifest the corresponding power of the Five Elements Dao.

  But he condensed the power of the space avenue, but the Dao Tower could not condense and manifest the power of the space avenue for him, allowing him to perceive the space avenue more intuitively and comfortably.

   In other words, this tower can't help him realize the avenue of space.


  Su Yu sighed softly in his heart: "Otherwise, if I can comprehend the beginning of the Dao of Space, or even Xiaocheng, Dacheng, then I am afraid that I am the Venerable in the Distraction Realm, and I can deal with it with the Dao of Space."

   After a sigh of emotion, Su Yu restrained his mind and concentrated on comprehending the power of the Five Elements Dao manifested by the Dao Pagoda.

  Three years passed in a flash.


   One day after three years.

  The power of the Five Elements Dao domain gathered around Su Yu's body has quietly transformed, the celestial light gathers brightly, and lifelike true spirits of the Dao manifest one after another.

  These true spirits are not the cohesion of mana, but the power of the heaven, earth, and avenue from the Five Elements Dao Domain itself.

   Condensing the true spirit of the Dao, this is the mark of the Dao domain.

  If it is consummation, then this great spirit is almost the same as Su Yu's own body.

  Being able to leave Su Yu's main body Dao domain, he will not leave for many days.

  Like a real Taoist body.

  When Su Yu's Five Elements Realm manifested the true spirit, he opened his eyes and looked calmly at the five true spirits around him, as well as the calm fifth-level Dao Pagoda power.

  Under the suppression of his Dao domain power, the Dao power of the fifth-level Dao domain can no longer make waves.


   Without the slightest hesitation, Su Yu crossed the fifth floor of the pagoda and went to the sixth floor.

  The two golden-armored leaders outside, at the moment when Su Yu's Five Elements Dao Domain transformed into a Dacheng Dao Domain, their complexions changed a lot, and they were a little shocked.

   "Suddenly, did you break through?"

   "No way, in just a few years, he broke through the Dao Realm of Dacheng? Or the Dao Realm of Five Elements Dao!?"

   "His savvy talent is so strong?"

  Two golden armors command horror.

  But hesitated for a moment, seeing Su Yu's precarious figure in the sixth-floor pagoda.

  The commander of the strong golden armor whispered: "Up to the seventh floor, he has just broken through the Dacheng Five Elements Dao Domain, and it is impossible to go up. Maybe it was because of his accumulation before."

  The golden armor leader next to him nodded in agreement. He was able to reach the sixth and seventh floors, which was beyond their expectations.

  Even in ancient times, he was a monstrous genius rarely seen in a thousand years.

  Maybe there is still a chance to touch the level of fit.

  As for the combined state, there are already top powerful people in the world of cultivating immortals, even in the former Yuexian Mansion, there are not many of them.

  Su Yu's ability to show a talent for understanding beyond their expectations has already made the two of them very happy.

   This talent is worth the effort of the two of them to cultivate.

   In the future, perhaps his achievements will be stronger than this little guy's master Xinghe Taoist.


  Ten years later.

The two golden-armored rulers looked at the eighth-floor Dao Pagoda, with Dacheng Five Elements Dao, Space Dao, Years Dao, Illusion Dao, and the power of the two physical bodies, sitting firmly on the eighth floor. The figures in the space of the Layered Dao Pagoda had fluctuating expressions, and they were all dumbfounded.

   "So many Daoyu powers"

   "This little guy, he, he turned out to be the Nascent Soul Realm that has broken through from the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir!"

  The voice of the strong and golden-armored commander was full of shock and incredible tone, and there was even a hint of vibrato.

  The immortal cultivators in this world, almost all of them, only practice a kind of great power.

  Maybe I have learned a little bit about other avenues.

  But after breaking through the Nascent Soul Realm, unless the Nine-Turn Jindan Dao Foundation breaks through the Nascent Soul Realm, otherwise, the immortal cultivator can only condense one kind of Dao domain origin.

  Using this as the foundation, develop insights step by step, and achieve immortality.

But the two golden-armored commanders can see clearly that Su Yu, who is now in the space of the eighth-floor Taoist tower, gathers various powers from the Dao domain, at least the Five Elements Dao domain, the Illusion Dao domain, and two physical powers. The domain, as well as the miraculous Dao power that seems to involve time, all condense the origin of the dao domain.

   That is to say.

   This little guy doesn't just practice the Five Elements Dao Domain.

   Even fellow practitioners in multiple ways!

"Five Elements Dao Domain, there is also the Dao of Space, and the Dao that seems to involve time. Hiss!" The second golden armor commander trembled, "Nine-turn Jindan Daoji, this little guy wants to defy the sky! !"

   Simply a five-element domain, it is no longer simple!

  If this kid also condenses the origin of the Dao domain of space, then count the origin of the Dao domain involving time.

  These two separate ways can create a monstrous existence that is rare in a thousand years, or even ten thousand years, but now they are all gathered in one person!

   Nine-turn golden elixir, in ancient times, it was not without evil geniuses.

   After all, it is only the Dao foundation at the alchemy level.


  Sometimes even a genius who has broken through the Nine-Turn Golden Core Dao Foundation will not have many fellow practitioners.

  Because people's energy is always limited, cultivating in multiple ways means being distracted, and maybe you will become a genius who is proficient in everything.

   But you will never become a real strong man!

  Being proficient in everything means being ordinary in everything, and will eventually be lost to everyone.

  Like Su Yu, who has achieved the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, but not just one of the five elements, but five or six people. Very few.

  Thinking of this level, the two golden armor commanders frowned slightly.

  Su Yu stayed in the eighth-floor Dao Pagoda world for nearly fifteen years, and then set foot in the ninth-floor Dao Pagoda space.

  In this layer of space, Su Yu did not perceive the perfect power of the Five Elements Dao Domain, but he did perceive the power of the Five Elements Dao which is stronger than the Dao Domain.

   This force crushed Su Yu to the ground the moment Su Yu stepped into the space of the ninth-floor Dao Pagoda, making it difficult to move.

   It wasn't until Su Yu gathered the power of all Dao domains that he sat down cross-legged on the ground with difficulty.

  The power of the Dao on the ninth floor is beyond imagination, and it is no longer the realm of the Nascent Soul Realm.

  Su Yu tried to comprehend the Five Elements Avenue for several months, but had to give up.

  But the space of the ninth-floor Dao Pagoda could not help him realize the perfection of the Five Elements Dao Domain, but it allowed him to find a path that could help him integrate with the Dao Pagoda.

  Under the coercion of the powerful Dao power, Su Yu tried to integrate the power of the Five Elements Dao domain and the Space Dao domain.

  Even if it fails, the conflict between the two Dao domains will be chaotic and turbulent.

  The power of the Dao Tower can also suppress it, and there is not much movement.

   It's just that, Su Yu's soul and mind will be agitated, and he will cough up blood from time to time, and his flesh, muscles and bones will be dislocated and cracked by the force of the Dao domain conflict.

A few years later.

  Su Yu walked out of the ninth floor Dao Pagoda Heaven and Earth, and had some clues about the integration of the Dao Domain, but the progress was not too great.

  Perhaps, it is too early for him to integrate the power of the Dao domain with the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Realm.

  However, it has been less than forty years since I entered the nine-story Dao Pagoda.

  Su Yu's Five Elements Dao Realm has almost undergone a qualitative transformation. It can be regarded as reaching the extremely deep level of Dacheng Dao Realm, and it is not far from the realm of Consummation Dao Realm.

  Space Avenue and Years Avenue also have some gains, and nothing is better than nothing.

  The Illusory Realm Dao Realm has reached the level of the Xiaocheng Dao Realm unconsciously.

  The Dao domain of physical strength is also equivalent to the level of the Xiaocheng Dao domain.

   This trip to the nine-story Dao Pagoda gave Su Yu a qualitative improvement in his Nascent Soul foundation.

  In the dantian, the Nascent Soul, who looked a little immature, seemed to have become much more transparent at this moment, and the aura on his body was extremely mysterious and thick, like a deep well in an old pool.

   At the center of Yuanying's eyebrows, there is also a word-'Yin'!

   It is this Yin character that makes Su Yu's means of hiding himself beyond ordinary cultivators.

   This is the harvest of Dao domain.

   and repair.

  The moment Su Yu stepped out of the nine-story pagoda, the aura on his body had unconsciously risen to the fifth floor of the Nascent Soul Realm, which was not far from the sixth floor of the Nascent Soul Realm.

   After all, he has been in the nine-story Dao Pagoda for many years. Over the years, he has not just realized the power of the Dao but has no magic power to practice.

  Stepping out of the nine-story pagoda, Su Yu's mind seemed to be a little more calm.

  There is a sense of inaction and indifference to humanity after enlightenment.

  Su Yu, who was a little stiff and nervous in front of the two golden-armored commanders before, stood in front of the two golden-armored commanders again at this moment, but he was calm and composed.

   "Thank you two seniors for the opportunity." Su Yu bowed and saluted, neither humble nor overbearing.

  The two golden-armored commanders looked at him as if looking at a monster, but Su Yu smiled indifferently, and looked at the two senior golden-armored commanders without feeling the slightest pressure.

  The commander of the strong golden armor looked at Su Yu again for a moment, and the tone of his speech also changed.

  He said in a concentrated voice: "You have passed the trial of the nine-story Dao Pagoda. From today onwards, you are a member of Yuexian Mansion."

   "In ancient times, Yuexian Mansion was a private force headed by its owner, Yuexian. It didn't belong to any fairy sect, nor did it belong to any lineage."

   "Among them, the disciples who joined Yuexian Mansion are divided into four levels: sun, moon, and star."

   Pausing for a while, the golden armor commander said again: "The master originally wanted to set up a gang position to take charge of Yuexian Mansion on his behalf, or inherit the lineage of Yuexian Mansion."

   "It's just a pity that before the master's accident, no one in Yuexian Mansion took that step, and no one was qualified to enter the master's eyes."

  Seeing that Su Yu still had a puzzled look on his face, Commander Jin Jia elaborated.

   There are four levels of sun, moon, and star. The sun, moon, and star generation are disciples, and the star generation is the deacon of Yuexian Mansion. For example, Wei Xinghe, his master who he has never met, is the master of Dongxu Taoism.

  Yuan is the identity of the elder of Yuexian Mansion, and he is the Daojun of the Fit Realm (not the Daojun in the sense of the title of the book).

  Listening to Commander Jin Jia's explanation, Su Yu was terrified, and asked in a low voice: "Then, the Gang character generation that hasn't been set yet, isn't it, isn't it?"

  The second eldest Jinjia Commander took over the conversation and said: "Mahayana."

  Su Yu stayed for a long time, unable to calm down for a long time.

   This Yuexian Mansion is so strong! ?

  Before he came back to his senses, the first golden-armored commander threw a token at him, and Su Yu instinctively reached out to catch it. It was an identity token.

   I don't know when the word Su Yu was engraved on it.

   There is another big day.

The first golden armor commander said: "Don't think too much, it was just the glory of Yuexian Mansion in the past, and now you can see that there is only so much left in Yuexian Mansion, and only the two of us have a little bit of consciousness left. "

   "What about you, you just joined, and you are only a disciple of the Japanese generation."

   "It's useless to think too much, let me tell you about the authority you have in the city now."

   "I'll send you to the old Wutong later. There is still a little spiritual liquid left in the pool there. It should have some effect on you. It's your reward for passing the nine-story pagoda."

   Two golden-armored commanders led Su Yu to walk in the fairy city shrouded in darkness, and introduced the buildings and institutions in the city little by little, allowing Su Yu to see the glory of the ancient Yuexian Mansion in the past.

  (end of this chapter)

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