Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 248: Inheritance of the Daoist Law of Yuanying Sixth Floor Yuexian Mansion

  Chapter 248 Inheritance of the Daoist Law of the Yuanying Six-level Yuexian Mansion

   "The nine-storey Dao Pagoda is left by the master, and the four Dao Pagodas around the Immortal City are left by the previous elders. If you want to understand the Dao Domain, you can stay here and enter the Dao Pagodas to understand the Dao."

   "This is the Wanshu Building. There are five floors in total. There are many masters' collections and Taoism inheritance inside."

   "But your current authority as a disciple of the Japanese generation can only stay on the first floor, and the second floor requires the authority of a disciple of the lunar generation."

  Su Yu asked: "What are the requirements for a disciple of the Moon generation?"

  The first golden armor leader said: "In the past, you had to ask the elders for permission, but now you can break through the distraction state."

  Su Yu nodded thoughtfully. The Distracted Realm is a moon generation, so if he wants to become a deacon of the star generation like Wei Xinghe, he still needs to be in the Cave Void Realm.

   Further up.

   "This is Qilou, here is Danlou, and here is Puppetlou."

  While passing through Qilou, the first golden armor commander went in and found a set of low-grade magic weapon Yuexian Mansion disciple robes and standard magic weapon for Su Yu.

  Including a cassock, a flying sword, and a circle-shaped treasure.

  The First Golden Armor Commander handed those things to Su Yu and said, "Fortunately, these things can still be used."

   "In the future, I will put on these when I enter the city. The master doesn't like people in strange clothes entering Yuexian Mansion."

  While walking past the Wanshu Building, Su Yu asked with a slight thought in his heart: "Senior, is the puppet heavenly book you mentioned earlier, inside?"

  The first golden armor commander did not hide anything, nodded and said: "That's right, but you can only see the inheritance of the fourth-order puppet in the first-level puppet book."

   "If you want to go above the fifth level, you have to enter the second level."

   "In addition to the Puppet Heavenly Book, there are many other methods left by the master, which may be of some use to you. You can take a look at them."

   Even the two golden-armored commanders led Su Yu to choose an empty cave, as Su Yu's residence in the fairy city.

   "Immortal City has strict rules and regulations. It is strictly forbidden to break into other people's caves without their consent, and it is strictly forbidden to break into places of other levels without authorization."

   "It is strictly forbidden to offend the elders, damage the fairy city, steal things that do not belong to you, let alone reveal the existence of the fairy city, otherwise you will be punished as betrayal of Yuexian Mansion."

  The second golden armor commander explained to Su Yu the rules of Yuexian Mansion one by one.

   It was only on the second day that I briefly introduced the situation of the ancient Yuexian mansion to Su Yu.

   "Let me take you to the Lingchi by the old Indus first."

  The first golden-armored commander waved his hand, and an indescribable force swept Su Yu. Su Yu only felt a flash in front of his eyes. When he saw clearly again, they had already appeared in a high cave.

  There is a small window next to it. Su Yu looked out through the small window and saw the entire fairy city at his feet.

  He asked in surprise: "Senior, this is the one when I came in."

The first Jinjia leader said: "It's called Wutong, we all call it Old Wutong, it is a spiritual plant planted by the master in the past, but it's a pity, even with the spirit of the old Wutong, it can't survive the road of time, now only the old Wutong is left. Get off this body."

   As he spoke, a golden token appeared in the hand of the first golden armor commander, and as he poured a little mana, a mark on the token appeared and sank into the front barrier.


  The next moment, the ancient tree barrier suddenly appeared the slightest ripple.

The first golden armor leader led Su Yu in, but saw an extremely vast space inside, and the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth turned into a spiritual mist rushed towards his face, which contained a strong life force, which made Su Yu feel refreshed .

  In the clouds and mist, Su Yu vaguely saw the existence of a spirit pool.

   It's just that the spirit pool seems to have dried up now.

  Under the leadership of the first golden armor commander, Su Yu walked into the spirit pool, and only saw a small pool of emerald green liquid in a corner, about three feet, in a small pit.

   "The spirit liquid left by the old Wutong is not simple, and it should be beneficial to your cultivation."

   "Next, you can retreat here for a period of time until you refine the spiritual liquid."

   "When the time comes, you can leave with your identity token."

   "Remember the rules that the second brother told you before, don't violate them, otherwise, we can only clean up the house for the master."

  The commander of the first golden armor admonished Su Yu solemnly and with a hint of coldness.

  When Su Yu wanted to return the gift, the figure of the first golden armor commander disappeared in a blink of an eye.

  Su Yu's expression froze, and he disappeared again.

   Even if he has the power of Space Avenue and Time Avenue, he can't react to this speed.

  ‘What level are these two? ’ Su Yu secretly guessed in her heart.

  He asked yesterday, but those two didn't say this.

   But after some contact, Su Yu guessed in his heart that these two golden-armored commanders are probably at least puppets of the sixth-level top, or even the seventh-level?

  The seventh-order puppet already corresponds to the body-fit state!

   Su Yu can't imagine how powerful such a level of strength is.

  After all, his senior brother Hongyue Palace Master's cultivation strength at the peak of the Distraction Realm is already extremely strong, and he is already at the top of the Dagan Immortal Cultivation Realm.

  Composite environment—

  Will there be immortals in the Cangzhou Domain?

  Silent for a while, Su Yu's attention fell on the small pool of spiritual liquid in front of him again. As he walked into it, a majestic essence of heaven and earth and life force poured into his body.

  He sat cross-legged, and the small pool of psychic liquid just reached his waist.

  Feeling the breath of life force contained in this spiritual liquid, Su Yu's heart moved slightly: "I don't know if it will have any effect on that seed?"

  With a thought, he took the miraculous seed out of the Qingyue ring and let it soak in the psychic liquid.

  A faint golden brilliance bloomed from the miraculous seeds, absorbing the life force of the spiritual liquid from the unknown level of spiritual plants little by little, nourishing the body.

  Su Yu nodded slightly when he saw this, and then he operated the Golden Cicada Method and the Five Elements Jue to refine the essence power of this magical liquid.

Along with the operation of the Five Elements Jue, the majestic energy of essence turned into strands of mana of the five elements and merged into the Nascent Soul in Su Yu's dantian. They were all submerged from Yuanying's mouth, swallowing it little by little to increase its mana.

  Compared to the heaven and earth spiritual energy condensed in the refining pot, this spiritual plant spiritual liquid from an unknown level seems to be easier to refine and improve mana cultivation.

  Su Yu was practicing the Five Elements Jue in this small pool of psychic liquid, and his body's cultivation base was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Time flies, and nearly three years have passed.


  At the moment when the small pool of spiritual liquid in the spiritual pool was about to bottom out, Su Yu's cultivation base quietly changed, and in an instant, the world shook in all directions.

  The aura of endless heaven and earth seemed to come from all directions and submerge into Su Yu's body.

  The heaven and earth manifested the five elements, and the dazzling brilliance diffused from Su Yu's body.

  In the fairy palace outside, the two golden-armored commanders had already fallen into silence, and they were not awakened by the movement of Su Yu's breakthrough.

  But with Su Yu's presence, this dark and lonely fairy city finally has a little bit of popularity.

   A few days later.

  Su Yu's breath stabilized, and the turbulent aura of heaven and earth returned to calm. With the identity token given by the commander of the golden armor, Su Yu walked out of the secret realm of the spirit pool and reappeared on the high platform below.

  Looking up, the figure of the ancient tree that looks like a towering sky is still tall and straight, with an inexplicable breath.

  Although Su Yu could no longer feel its vitality, he always felt that there was something hidden in the body of this ancient tree, which made him dare not have the slightest thought of offending.

   After a while.

  Su Yu withdrew his gaze and restrained his inner thoughts.

  This fairy city of Yuexian Mansion—

  Even if no one exists now, it doesn't mean that the current him can be presumptuous and do whatever he wants.

  He felt that even if the two golden-armored commanders were no longer there, there was still some kind of avenue power in this fairy city to maintain the rules of the fairy city.

  This fairy city is not a dead city!

   "The cultivation base has broken through the sixth level of Nascent Soul Realm, huh."

  Feeling the changes in the cultivation base in the body, Su Yu showed a smile on his face, and slowly exhaled a white breath, feeling very happy and relaxed.

   came out less than fifty years ago.

  However, his cultivation has been broken through one after another, from the fourth floor of the Nascent Soul Realm to the sixth floor of the Nascent Soul Realm.

   It's not far from the late Nascent Soul!

   Moreover, his own Five Elements Dao domain has been greatly improved.

   What he gained from coming to the Yuexian Mansion site this time far exceeded his expectations.

  He looked at the proficiency panel.

  【Cultivation base: the sixth floor of the Nascent Soul Realm. 】

  【Shouyuan: 358/3171 years. 】

[Cultivation method: Five Elements Jue (6th level of Nascent Soul Realm, proficiency 0.01%), Celestial Immortal Body Refining Technique (4th level, proficiency 78.14%), Blood Whale Swallowing Moon Kungfu (fourth level, proficiency 80%), Shangqing Taiyi Dao method (consummation), golden cicada method (four layers, proficiency 69.79%), heavenly alchemy (four layers, proficiency 49.71%). 】

  【Spells: Wood Vine Technique (Completion)... Yin-Yang Escape Technique (Consummation), God Slashing Art (Consummation), Cicada Pupa (Consummation), Void Escape (Minor Success, Proficiency 44.65%). 】

   "The lifespan exceeds 3,000, and the cultivation base has broken through from the fourth level of the Nascent Soul Realm to the sixth level of the Nascent Soul Realm, increasing the lifespan by a full 340 years." Su Yu was overjoyed.

  Three thousand lifespans, even the Venerable at the peak of the Distraction Realm is far behind him.

  This longevity may already be comparable to the so-called Dao Master of the Hollow Realm, right?

  Even if he no longer practiced now, relying on the Way of Time and the means of Taoism, he could still live for at least three thousand years.

   Three thousand years later.

  What will happen to the world of cultivating immortals outside?

  Look at others.

  The Five Elements Jue reaches the sixth level of the Nascent Soul Realm.

  Heavenly Immortal Body Refining Technique is almost comparable to the eighth level of Nascent Soul Realm.

  The soul level of the Golden Cicada method is also close to the late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

  Heavenly Alchemy is a little worse, and he is currently between the fourth and fifth floors of the Nascent Soul Realm.

  In terms of spells, the proficiency of the void escape method has improved a lot, and has reached the level of Xiaocheng.

  Su Yu thought to himself: "Perhaps, if the void escape method is perfect, I may have the opportunity to condense the origin of the space dao domain and let the space dao domain get started."

  Among the powers of the Dao of Heaven and Earth that he has realized at present, only the Dao of Space has not yet condensed the origin of the Dao Domain.

  Because of the Cangmu Sui Lun Gong and the Cicada Pupa Taoism, the Suiyue Daoyu successfully condensed the origin of the Daoyu decades ago, allowing the Suiyue Daoyu to get started.

   Condenses the origin of the Dao domain, which is a great improvement for the Dao domain.

  Because of that, it can greatly reduce the consumption of Dao Domain's own mana and mental power.

   Otherwise, maintaining the existence of Dao domains such as space, even if Su Yu is a fellow practitioner of the Five Elements, it is easy to be sucked up by each Dao domain.

   Withdrawing his mind from the proficiency panel, Su Yu thought about what he would do next.

   "Deputies such as Talisman, Alchemy, Puppet, and Formation must continue to improve their proficiency, as well as refining weapons, they must practice more, and strive to be able to refine magic weapons as soon as possible."

   "In terms of cultivation, it is estimated that I will have to practice for about 30 to 40 years to break through the seventh level of the Nascent Soul Realm."

   "Before breaking through the late Nascent Soul Realm, I have to improve the proficiency of these methods."

   "In addition, there is Taoism"

  Su Yu frowned slightly. He still lacked the Heavenly Phoenix Nirvana Sutra and the Xuanming Thick Earth Jue's distraction-level method.

   After a while, Su Yu shook his head slightly to suppress these emotions.

  Looking at the dim fairy city in front of him, after thinking for a while, Su Yu walked towards the Wanshu Building.

Wanshulou is located in the center of the fairy city, not far from the fairy palace led by the two golden armors. It is a five-storey quaint wooden building, but after countless years of baptism, today's Wanshulou does not look like it used to be. , but covered with a thick layer of dust, filled with the thick atmosphere of the ancient vicissitudes of time.

  At the gate of Wanshulou, there were two puppet guards who were the same as the black scarf wrestlers half-kneeling on the ground, without any breath.

  Looking at these puppet guards, Su Yu swallowed secretly, suppressing the urge to take them away.

  The First Golden Armor Commander had warned him before, don't touch other things that don't belong to him in Xiancheng, otherwise he will be kicked out of Yuexian Mansion, or he will be kicked out of Yuexian Mansion after being abolished.

   These rules, Su Yu, who is now a disciple of the Japanese generation in Yuexian Mansion, should abide by them.

  Compared to these puppets, the identity value of Yuexian Mansion disciples is higher!

  He took out his identity token, and as he poured a ray of token mana, a mark sank into the front door of Wanshulou. There seemed to be an invisible barrier at the door.

   After the mark was submerged in it, the barrier disappeared without a trace, and the door of Wanshulou was opened to Su Yu.

  Su Yu stepped into it, leaving one footprint after another under his feet.

   Walk in the door.

   In front of it are endless bookshelves one after another.

  The first floor of the Wanshu Building is divided into many areas, including Taoism, spells, refining tools, alchemy, talismans, miscellaneous studies, travel notes, and so on.

  Su Yu was a little dazzled. After thinking for a while, he still walked to the nearest Taoism area, picked the area of ​​earth practice Taoism, picked up a jade slip on it, and probed into it.


   "Thousand Jun Zhenyue Method": The method of the lower vehicle, the earth's way, has five levels, which can be cultivated to become a god.

   Majestic information poured into Su Yu's mind. Su Yu thought about it for a long time. This is an ordinary earth-walking method in Wanshulou. There are four floors here, and it can be cultivated into the Nascent Soul Realm.

  But if it is placed in the Dixian Mansion, it is no worse than the Taoist methods of the Dixian Mansion.

   After a moment of comprehension, Su Yu shook his head slightly and looked at the other Taoist jade slips.

  (end of this chapter)

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