Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 350: Halloween Demon Realm Transformation into Immortal Sutra Practice

Chapter 350: Practicing the Immortal Transformation Sutra of All Saints Demon Realm

A majestic voice that seemed to transcend time and space resounded in Fan Xiao's mind, making Fan Xiao unable to feel any resistance or disrespect.

Under the reflection of that supreme immortal power, only awe and fear are left!

 At this moment.

In the secret realm of the underground palace, Su Yu was sorting out the Five Elements Taoism and mysteries that he had comprehended in the Wanshu Tower during this period. He read through many ancient books on the Distraction Realm left in the Wanshu Tower, and even the Taoism on the Dongxu Realm. Ancient books on the Lord's road to enlightenment.

 The profound understanding of the five elements of heaven and earth has reached a new level, and the foundation is even deeper.

Now, I can comprehend all kinds of mysterious Taoism from time to time, which can almost make Su Yu understand and improve his Five Elements Dao Mark cultivation at all times.

And through the seclusion and insights he gained in the Yuexian Mansion Fairy City during this period of time, he sorted out his own Taoism from the beginning.

Relying on his original understanding of the Five Elements Taoism and the mysteries of the Taoism of many ancient monks in Wanshu Tower, he created more than a dozen new "distraction" Taoisms.

 Completely suited to his own method of diversion.


At this moment, Su Yu's figure flashed, and hundreds of figures suddenly appeared in the cave where he was retreating. These figures had different shapes and appearances, and different auras of life. They could even move around and do their own things.

Su Yu observed the figures with his naked eyes for a moment, and then looked at the hundreds of figures with his energy at the second level of the distraction realm.

 Judging from the naked eye and the results of a rough exploration of his own Qi, these hundreds of figures are completely flesh and blood bodies, and they are different people.

But if he uses the magical power of the Golden Cicada, he can see through the illusion and see the essence of these figures.

That is just an 'incarnation' formed by wisps of green wood mana fused with the power of illusion.

This is a wooden walking method created by Su Yu.

 At present, it is only at the level of illusion. It is used to cover up the existence of the real body and escape with one's life. It should have a miraculous effect.

According to Su Yu's deduction of this method, it is okay for the state of distraction to evolve into tens of thousands of 'incarnations', as long as one's own magic power can withstand it.

If your own Mu Xing magic power or Dao power is improved in the future, you can reach a new level.

Perhaps, these incarnations can also evolve Taoism with combat power.

 One is ten thousand—

 The power of this method will be unimaginable.

 So Su Yu named it Wan Shen Shu.

In addition to this Taoism, Su Yu also understood the Taoism of earth, metal, water, fire and so on.

Like water-moving Taoism, Su Yu practiced the Sunlight Divine Water and the Moonlight Divine Water, and used the power of these two divine waters to create his own Holy Body Technique and God-killing Technique.

The holy body technique is mainly based on the divine water of sunlight, which is specialized in corroding and destroying the physical body. It can deal with immortal cultivators or other living beings whose physical bodies are relatively weak.

The God-killing Technique is mainly based on the Moonlight Divine Water, which is specialized in corroding and destroying the soul. It can deal with body-refining monks, demon clans, and sea clans who have strong bodies but weak souls!

 There are also some such as water and fire Taoism, metal and wood Taoism, and even Five Elements Taoism, etc.

in this way.

Su Yu skillfully said that the information on the board also changed.

[Spells: Ten Thousand Gods Technique (Perfection), Holy Body Technique (Perfection), God-killing Technique (Perfection), Five Elements Transformation Immortal Palm (Perfection), Void Escape Technique (Great Success, Proficiency 49.71%), Attunement Divine Technique (Fifth Level) , proficiency 19.13%), Huo Luan IX (proficiency 58.64%). 】

 Because these Taoist teachings were all created by Su Yu, they are at a perfect level.

 If you want to continue to improve, you need to incorporate more mysterious insights.

At this time, Su Yu frowned slightly and looked into a communication token. His expression suddenly changed slightly, and his figure disappeared from the cave in a flash.

  After a while.

 Xianmen Hall.

Including Su Yu, Taoist Tianyu, Huang Zhu, Jinling Demon Master, Tianhuo Taoist, Molong Taoist and others all appeared one after another and gathered in the Immortal Palace to discuss the matter of the Taoist order passed down from the Xuanhuang Ancient Tunnel.

"The ancient decree of Xuanhuang Tunnel tells us to take down the demon clan and the ten thousand holy spirit snake clan within ten years. Why is this?" Taoist Master Molong and others were surprised.

 Xuanhuang Ancient Tunnel Order!

This is the first time they have encountered him after so many years of practice, and they have never heard of it before.

However, when they sensed the aura of supreme immortal power on the Taoist order, they knew that this Taoist order was true, and it was passed down from the mysterious Tianshu Pavilion.

The possibility of this matter being false is not high.

"Xuanhuang Ancient Land actually ended up in person? Are they going to intervene in this conflict between the Longjian tribe and the Cangzhou domain human tribe?"

“They asked us to take action against the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan. Will there be orders in other places in the Cangzhou Region to let them deal with other demon clans?”

Everyone discussed it for a long time, but they couldn't guess what Xuanhuang Ancient Land meant.

As for the order from Xuanhuang Ancient Land to let the Daqian Immortal Realm deal with the demon clan and the ten thousand holy spirit snake clan, they had no room to refuse.

Although the Dixian Mansion has just unified the Daqian Cultivation World, it still has some understanding of the surrounding demon clan. The Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan is a powerful demon force entrenched deep in the wilderness outside the Daqian Cultivation World.

The place where the clan is located is also known as the Ten Thousand Saint Demon Realm!

It is a cave world that is completely underground. There are not only the All-Holy Spirit Snake Tribe, but also other groups of snake monsters who serve the All-Holy Spirit Snake Tribe.

 So the Ten Thousand Saint Demon Realm is also called the Ten Thousand Snake Demon Realm.

Although I have never heard of the existence of a demon king among the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan, the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan is not weak in strength.

Around the Cangzhou domain, it is one of the big demon tribe after the Dragon of the Dragons.

 There is a sixth-level top demon lord.

Such a monster clan force, the Xuanhuang Ancient Land was actually allowed to be taken over by Daqian in just ten years?

Gradually, the faces of Su Yu, Fan Xiao, Jin Ling Yao Master, Mo Long Dao Master and others all became extremely solemn, and even Mo Long Dao Master, Mo Long Dao Master and others looked a little ugly.

How to complete this order?

The Wan Sheng Demon World is different from other demon clans in that it is a cave world that goes deep underground.

 It is a snake cave that extends in all directions and is home to countless snake monsters!

  Simply preparing to take action against the All Saints Demon Realm, it may take a year or two to lead people to kill the All Saints Demon Realm.

 How can you have enough time with so little time left?

Su Yu pondered for a long time. The reason and meaning of the order issued by the Xuanhuang Ancient Land cannot be guessed. However, the Xuanhuang Ancient Land is one of the three top immortal ancient lands of the human race and represents the orthodoxy of the human race in the world of cultivating immortals.

Such a Taoist order, it is obvious that the Daqian cultivating world cannot resist disobeying it.

 Fan Xiao, Taoist Master Molong and others all looked at him.

Su Yu turned to look at Fan Xiao and said calmly: "Master of the Palace, summon the disciples and the Earth Immortal Army to discuss the list of Immortal Sect members who will accompany me on the expedition against the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan."

“In addition, let’s find out if this order from Xuanhuang Ancient Land exists in other forces besides our Daqian Cultivation World. If so, what would it be?”

Fan Xiao frowned slightly and was a little surprised. Junior uncle wanted to do it himself?

However, she nodded and said: "Okay."

As Su Yu decided on this matter, the entire Earthly Immortal Mansion began to stir. The Inner Palace Affairs Hall was so busy preparing all kinds of materials and cultivation resources for the Earthly Immortal Mansion's expedition to the Ten Thousand Saint Demon Realm that they almost went crazy.

 After all, this time it’s not just a few thousand or ten thousand people going out casually.

Rather, two to three hundred thousand immortal cultivators set out to conquer the demon clan!

 Why shouldn’t we prepare more elixirs, magic weapons, formations, talismans and other materials?

 Otherwise, if there is a lack of supplies and even the magical weapons are damaged and useless after they invade the Wan Sheng Demon Realm, and ultimately lead to the Immortal Sect being defeated and returning, then they cannot bear this responsibility.

 More than half a month later. News came back from the Dark Hall from other places.

The Great Yan Immortal Dynasty, the Heavenly Sword Divine Sect, Wuwei Valley, Jianyuan Xiuxian Realm and other forces all received orders from the Xuanhuang Ancient Land, and they each wanted to take action against one of the demon clan forces.

Hearing the news, Su Yu frowned and wondered for a long time.

 A few years ago, I don’t know which powerful person once issued an order to Canggu Immortal City not to take action against the demon clan. This incident caused many demon clans to provoke the immortal cultivators in Cangzhou Region, causing many disputes and causing an uproar in the Cangzhou Region Immortal Cultivator Community.

 Why has the direction of the wind changed now, and they are actually allowed to attack the demon clan?

 After thinking for a long time, Su Yu suppressed these thoughts.

For simply dealing with a Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Tribe, the pressure in the Daqian Immortal Realm is not that great.

Even if they cannot complete the Taoist order of Xuanhuang Ancient Land, it is impossible for a mere Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan to cause much damage to their Immortal Mansion.

 Let’s wait and see what happens.

 Because all the Holy Spirit Snake Clan are of the wood attribute bloodline, in the next few months, Su Yu used the power of the Avenue of Time to frantically draw fire talismans in the secret realm of the underground palace.

 Especially Taoist talisman for group attack, which is most effective when used against groups of snakes.

half year later.

Di Xian Mansion is well prepared and has summoned about 200,000 Earth Immortal troops and more than 100,000 disciples of inner and outer immortal cultivators.

During this time, Black Guard Fifty-Five had brought back the Golden Horn Celestial Elephant and the top-quality magic weapon Qi Refining Pot to Su Yu with the help of an ancient teleportation array in the Changtian Immortal Sect.

Under the leadership of Su Yu, one demon master and six Tao masters including Jinling Demon Master, Xingsi Taoist, Molong Taoist, and Tianhuo Taoist accompanied him. There were also more than 60 venerables leading the Earth Immortal Army, He and a group of disciples entered one magical cave after another, leaving the Daqian Cultivation World and heading to the wilderness.

The tribe of the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan is not close to the Daqian Cultivation Realm. Even under the leadership of Su Yu, he brought a group of Venerables from the Dividing God Realm on the way, and it took nearly four months to cross the wilderness and reach the outer boundary. .

 This is a barren land, almost barren of grass.

 The bare mountains, hills, and mountains are covered with densely packed caves of different sizes, making one’s scalp numb when looking at them.

 The spiritual energy of heaven and earth permeating the air is very thin, perhaps even worse than that of Dayue Mansion.

Su Yu came here with Demon Master Jinling, Taoist Master Xingsi and others.

The golden divine light condensed in his eyes, and the golden cicada's magic eye technique was used.

 In an instant.

Su Yu seemed to have peered through the space, heaven and earth, penetrated the cave walls layer after layer, and looked down at the All Saints Demon Realm hidden deep under the earth.

 Suddenly, Su Yu let out a light sigh.

Through the magical power of pupil magic, there seems to be a strange barrier that is more than ten thousand feet deep underground.

  It really turned an extremely huge cave in the ground below into a heaven and earth space similar to the secret realm of cave heaven.

The space of heaven and earth absorbs the spiritual energy in the surrounding heaven and earth, and breeds the monsters living in it.

have to say.

This is really a good place for the demon clan.

 That should be what the All Saints Snake Clan calls the All Saints Demon Realm.

Outside the Ten Thousand Saint Demon Realm, countless snake caves are formed in the ground tens of thousands of feet deep, where countless snake demons or snake-like monsters live.

  Just like the outer guards of the Halloween Demon Realm.

Foreign enemies who want to break into the Halloween Demon Realm must first pass through the snakes in the outside world.

However, these demon swarms can only resist ordinary enemies.

Such as Su Yu, or the Dao Master of the Cave Void Realm, can directly sneak into the Wan Sheng Demon Realm below through the void.

 Above the sky.

Su Yu, Jin Ling Demon Lord and others were hiding in the clouds. Su Yu was spying on the boundaries of the All Saints Demon Realm and the distribution of the Ten Thousand Saints Snake Clan demon group, as well as the location of the powerful Wan Sheng Snake Clan. How to deal with the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan.

If he wants to win a quick victory, he only needs to use the Golden Cicada Eye Technique to search for the core location of the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan.

 And then use the power of the Space Avenue to come.

 Use the power of thunder to severely damage or even destroy the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan before they can react.

By doing this, Su Yu is at least 50% sure that he will be able to completely destroy the Ten Thousand Saint Demon Realm within one or two years.

 But doing that will definitely bring the Earthly Immortal Mansion into the sight of the demon clan and become a thorn in the side of the more powerful demon clan, or the demon clan’s strong men and demon kings.

It will also bring the Earth Immortal Mansion into the sight of the powerful people from Xuanhuang Ancient Land.

Perhaps the ordinary forces are eager to have such an opportunity to curry favor with Xuanhuang Ancient Land.

 But in Su Yu's view, doing so would bring more unknown consequences and be more dangerous, and might lead the Dixian Mansion into unknown dangers.

After all, the deduction left by the master of Tianxu Palace before retreating, the words "eternal disaster" made Su Yu's hair stand on end.

In addition, Xuanhuang Gudi intervened in this matter and issued an order for them to take action against the demon clan.

Su Yu can surmise that this matter will definitely not end after the Earthly Immortal Mansion or various immortal cultivating forces in the Cangzhou Region destroy a few demon clans!

 If you shoot the first bird with a gun, if the tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it!

 In this matter, Dixian Mansion will never be the first to take the lead.

 While thinking.

Su Yu had used the magical power of the Golden Chan Eye Technique to peek into the Ten Thousand Saints Demon Realm and found the core of the Ten Thousand Saints Snake Demon Group. He even saw several extremely huge snake demons entrenched in the demon world below. In the core of the pulse.

 He discussed with Jinling Demon Master, Xingsi Taoist Master and others for a while.

“For the time being, we will set up a stronghold on the outside and hunt down the snakes here little by little. While preserving our own strength, we will see if we can advance into the Halloween Demon Realm.”

Su Yu said.

 He planned to let the Earthly Immortal Mansion hone his skills for a period of time first, and was not in a hurry to attack the core members of the Ten Thousand Holy Spirits Snake Clan.

And he can use the golden cicada's magical power and the power of the Space Avenue to sneak into the demon group, hunt down the demons bit by bit, and practice the Immortal Transformation Sutra.

 This time is a good opportunity.

I just don’t know how much the Ten Thousand Holy Demon Realm demon group of the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan in front of him can improve his cultivation strength?

 The task of arranging the stronghold is left to the Taoist Master of the Star Division and the formation masters of Zhaixing Tower and Zhiyue Pavilion.

 The control of the Earthly Immortal Army fell into the hands of Taoist Master Molong.

The disciples of the Immortal Cultivators were commanded by Venerable Tai Xi. They dispersed to set up stronghold formations, and then planned to encircle and suppress the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan.

Su Yu quietly disappeared and sneaked into the snake cave below to start practicing.

 (End of this chapter)

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