Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 351: Hunting the Demon Lord has become invincible

Chapter 351: Hunting the Demon Lord and becoming invincible

The arrival of the forces of the Earthly Immortal Mansion quickly alarmed the entire Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan.

 A moment.

After finding a place on the ground, the people in the Dixian Mansion who were setting up their strongholds felt a slight vibration coming from the depths of the earth.

And the sound of ten thousand snakes neighing, some disciples in the Alchemy Realm suddenly stood on end when they heard the neighing of ten thousand snakes.

 In the snake nest under their feet, there were countless snake demons and monsters hiding.

Had it not been for the Immortal Sect to go out in full force to conquer the Ten Thousand Saints Demon Realm, even the Venerables of the Distracting God Realm would not have dared to set foot in this realm, let alone the formation of pills or the Nascent Soul.

When the Taoist Master of Xingsi was setting up the formation with the formation masters of Zhaixing Tower and Zhiyue Pavilion, in the distance, on the endless barren land, there were densely packed snake demons and snake-like monsters crawling through mountains and snake caves. out.

That number is so large that it is more than a million.

The snakes swarmed out of the ground, but they did not go crazy and rushed towards the people of Dixian Mansion.

 Endless demonic energy gathered, and a pair of cold snake eyes stared at the people of the Earthly Immortal Mansion from afar.

 Half an hour later.

A cold voice resounded throughout the world: "Human race, immediately withdraw from the territory of the All Saint Demon Realm. This is no place where you human ants can set foot!"


The only person who responded to this voice was Taoist Master Mo Long's punch, which was like a giant claw of a giant dragon. The moment the punch came out, a giant dragon with bright golden light took shape in the sky and the earth.

As Taoist Master Molong punched the ground, the giant dragon rushed down to the ground dozens or hundreds of miles ahead.

 The ground instantly exploded to form a huge crater.

Countless snake demons and snake-like monsters turned into blood foam and powder under this punch.

 The earth collapsed, and it was unknown how many snake monsters were buried.

There was a moment of silence between heaven and earth.

next moment.

A piercing snake cry came from the depths of the earth. The sound contained anger and murderous intent that could not be concealed. It was obviously completely angered by Taoist Master Molong's punch.

As this neighing sound resounded, the entire Wan Sheng Demon Realm seemed to be boiling.

Like a ferocious tide, snake demons and snake-like demonic beasts emerged from the ground, killing everyone in the Earthly Immortal Mansion crazily.

 “Earthly Immortal Army, form an array!”

Taoist Master Molong was in the sky, with dazzling golden light and monstrous magic power. He was like a human-shaped giant dragon. He was standing in front of the Earthly Immortal Army. His cold voice was like a sword, exuding the breath of endless blood.

Taoist Master Mo Long cultivates both body and law. Although his body-refining skills are not as good as those of Taoism, he has reached the sixth level.

 Taoist Master Mo Long will lead the Earth Immortal Army. This was a decision made by Su Yu after several discussions at the Earth Immortal Mansion.

At this moment, under the command of Taoist Master Mo Long, the two hundred thousand earthly immortal armies were divided into three camps, and the three-level earthly immortal armies of humans, earth, and heaven formed their own formations.

Even the weakest human-level Earth Immortal Army monks are wearing a third-level divine battle armor and a divine weapon that is not weaker than a high-grade magic weapon.

With the blessing of divine battle armor and divine weapons, a single human-level Earth Immortal Army can challenge a third-level monster, or even kill it!

Now there are 200,000 fully armed Earth Immortal Army arrayed in front. Facing the dense and overwhelming mass of demons coming to kill them, the Earth Immortal Army is not at all flustered or frightened.

on the contrary.

As the body-refining tactics were operating in everyone's hearts, a fighting spirit and **** aura erupted in their hearts.

 There is only the desire and excitement for the war.

The moment this fighting spirit merged together, the sky and the earth suddenly changed, and the terrifying and chilling atmosphere made the ten thousand holy snake tribes who were observing the cultivators of the Earthly Immortal Mansion lurking in the distance tremble with fear.


A roar shook the sky.

The Earthly Immortal Army formed an array and rushed out like blood dragons at the moment when the monster group came to kill them.

 Before contact was made, tens of thousands of snake demons in the demon group in front were torn into pieces.

Every ten thousand Earth Immortal Army formed a body-refining formation, charging into the demon group like an ancient behemoth. All the snake demons that resisted in front were suppressed and killed, and they were unable to resist.

 However, this snake cave, which has made countless immortal cultivators change their minds, is not so easy to deal with.

In addition to the snake demons who are good at fighting hard-on battles, there are also snake demons from different groups, who are good at the power of poison, the power of illusions, or the attacks on souls, and the manipulation of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and other powers of heaven and earth.

Even though the Earthly Immortal Mansion has a divine battle armor to protect the body, it can block the power of snake venom permeating the outside world, and can also protect the body and resist all kinds of harm.

 But the divine battle armor is not invincible, and will be destroyed once it is seriously damaged.

 So after fighting for a certain distance and clearing out part of the demon group, Taoist Master Molong immediately ordered the Earthly Immortal Army to stop and retreat to the stronghold camp, not going deep into the Snake Cave and the All Saints Demon Realm.

After the power of the local immortal army is too much, the immortal cultivators from the Earthly Immortal Mansion will take over the battle. They will use various large-scale killing spells to kill the demon groups from a long distance and defend against attacks by the demon groups' snake venom and other forces. .

More than a month has passed like this.

Dixian Mansion finally set up large formations in the base camp selected here. The moment they saw the sixth-level formation activated, the face of the tens of thousands of Holy Spirit Snake Clan Demon Lords lurking in the void in the distance turned as black as charcoal.

“It has been found out that this human force comes from the Daqian Immortal Realm in Cangzhou Region and is called Dixian Mansion.”

“The great force of the Human Immortal Sect that has just unified the Daqian Immortal Realm. According to the investigation, this force is a bit evil. It seems to have a sixth-level top **** statue and more than ten Taoist masters.”

“A few years ago, there was another big force from the human race that planned to take action against the Earthly Immortal Mansion. However, a Taoist master who was at the peak of the Dongxu Realm came and fell into the hands of this force.”

“Now that this force has unified the Daqian cultivation world of the human race, it is obvious that its strength has become stronger.”

  A demon lord said in a low voice.

Another demon lord sent a message: "Not long ago, the Xuanhuang ancient land of the human race passed down a series of orders, asking the human race in the Cangzhou region to take action against us and other demon clans. There was a lot of commotion. This Earthly Immortal Mansion is obviously because of that The Taoist order from the Xuanhuang Ancient Land of the human race came here to deal with our Ten Thousand Saint Demon Realm."

"Fourth, does the Longjian clan care about this matter? Also, do you know why the human clan Xuanhuang Ancient Land issued an order to deal with us?"

"Is it just because of the Longjian clan?"

The Demon Lord of the Ten Thousand Holy Spirits Snake Clan, known as the Fourth Brother, is a sixth-level mid-level demon. His strength is comparable to that of the sixth-level Taoist Master of Dongxu Realm. He is also the strongest among the demon masters who came out to observe the incoming attack from the Earthly Immortal Mansion. of one.

He frowned slightly. The ancestor of the Wan Shengsheng Snake Clan had summoned several of his descendants, including him, to discuss this matter.

 This matter—

 He only knew a little bit.

So after pondering for a while, he whispered: "The Kun Spirit Nest ruins in the sea a few years ago, a formation blueprint inheritance was born in the last true spirit nest ruins."

“The inheritance was divided into two parts due to the competition between the human race and the demon race.”

“Judging from the little news circulating among the demon clan, the inheritance of the formation may correspond to the fairy formation in the legend of Cangzhou Region.”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the other demon lords suddenly changed.

  Immortal Formation! !

So, the order passed down by the Xuanhuang ancient land of the human race was for the half of the formation inheritance that the demon race was fighting for, or was it for the immortal formation in the Cangzhou region? "Not necessarily." The demon master 'Lao Si' shook his head and said through a message: "How many ancient secrets are hidden in the Kunling Nest, and how many ancient secrets have been revealed this time, very few of us, the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan, know about it."

“Besides the Immortal Formation Diagram, it’s not certain whether there are any other secrets.”

As he spoke, he looked through the void at the immortal cultivators from the Earthly Immortal Mansion who had set up a stronghold outside the Wan Sheng Demon Realm, with cold murderous intent in his snake eyes.

He whispered: "Those things are too far away for us, the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan, and it is impossible to know what the upper-level demon clan is thinking."

“The key thing now is how to deal with the invasion of human forces and the killing order of Xuanhuang Ancient Land.”

 “Go back first!”

Several demon lords turned around and returned to the Wan Sheng Demon Realm. After gathering all the demon lords, they began to discuss how to deal with this ethnic crisis.

From the perspective of the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan, the mere human race’s vast power in the immortal world and a small earthly immortal mansion are not a big concern.

Just because of the people in the Earthly Immortal Palace, do you want to deal with them in the Ten Thousand Saint Demon Realm? Simply arrogant.

 But the Ten Thousand Holy Spirits Snake Clan in the Earthly Immortal Mansion are not afraid.

However, the Xuanhuang Ancient Land that passed down the order from behind made the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan feel deeply uneasy and anxious.

 Time passes slowly.

Although the demon groups of the All Saint Demon Realm did not stop attacking the stronghold positions of the Earth Immortal Mansion, the Earth Immortal Army of the Earth Immortal Mansion and a group of immortal cultivators also did not stop hunting the demon groups of the All Saint Demon Realm.

 But the most crucial thing, the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan, has never appeared to challenge the Earthly Immortal Mansion head-on.

Most of the Taoist masters in the Earthly Immortal Mansion, even the Venerable Masters of the Dividing God Realm, did not move out.

 There seems to be a tacit understanding between the two, delaying time.

But as time passed little by little, the snake demon group on the periphery of the Wan Sheng Demon Realm gradually felt that something was wrong.

 In the underground snake cave.

Su Yu waited for the demons here to adapt to the arrival of the Earthly Immortal Mansion, and then relied on the power of the Space Avenue and the Illusionary Dao to use the Golden Cicada Magic Eye Technique to hunt down the fifth-level demon master.

Even the fifth-level top demon king faced the suppression of Su Yu's Five Elements Avenue, Space Avenue, Time Avenue and other forces, as well as the hunting of a unique magic weapon like the Qi Refining Pot.

 In a single meeting, the fifth-level peak demon lord, as well as the surrounding demon beasts, will be cleaned up instantly.

 Every time he hunted ten demon lords, Su Yu would return to the stronghold of Dixian Mansion above.

Practice the Immortal Transformation Sutra with the help of the Qi Refining Pot, return to the original source, strengthen your own five elements of magic power and improve your cultivation.

Each time he refines a Demon Lord, it can almost take him half a year to a year to practice on average.

in a blink.

 Nearly three years have passed.

Outside the Halloween Demon World, there were originally more than 50 demon lords in the demon group. Now, Su Yu has hunted and killed more than 40 demon lords. Several demon lords have fallen into the hands of the Earthly Immortal Army, leaving only four. The demon king is just a remnant.

At this time, the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan in the Ten Thousand Saint Demon Realm finally couldn't bear it anymore: "Human race, you are going too far to bully the demons!"


With the emergence of monstrous demonic energy one after another, the ground of the entire Halloween Demon Realm seemed to be cracking. The next moment, a crack appeared across the entire land.

Led by a huge azure spirit snake that was three hundred feet long, eleven demon masters from the Ten Thousand Spirit Snake Tribe came out together.

From the huge cracks, millions or even tens of millions of snake monsters and beasts swarmed out.

Looking at the eleven huge snake demons rushing out from the Ten Thousand Saint Demon Realm, especially the sixth-level top Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Demon Lord who was headed by one who was filled with vicissitudes of life.

 In the stronghold of Dixian Mansion, Demon Lord Jinling, Taoist Master Xingsi and others rushed out of the cave one after another, their expressions changed greatly.


A scream resounded throughout the world, and countless snake demons and monster beasts suddenly went crazy. The demonic energy surged into the sky, and even the earth trembled and cracked.

 In an instant.

The snake demons and demon swarms from the Ten Thousand Saint Demon Realm seemed to be coming out in full force, rushing toward the people in the Earthly Immortal Mansion.


At this time, the space above the sky trembled, accompanied by huge ripples in the space. The sky split into two halves, and an extremely huge **** statue descended.

As soon as he appeared, he raised his giant hooves and trampled towards the huge monster masters of the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan in the distance: "Boom!"

Hitting one hoof on the sky, it covers the sky and the sun like a boundless supernatural power.

The space under the hoof collapsed, and the sight of the earth shattering like the world was annihilated made all the demon masters of the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan change their expressions.

 All the demon lords took action together, and the azure magical power enveloped the world.

 It seems that even space can corrode and destroy.

 But the next moment.

A small silver-white cauldron appeared next to the golden horn holding the celestial elephant. Along with the terrifying space avenue, the trampling giant hooves penetrated through the space.

Ignoring the poison that can corrode everything, he trampled directly on the largest demon lord of the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan: "Bang!"

With one trample, the snake scales on the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan exploded, and the green blood and minced flesh exploded like blood mist.

The terrifying huge force instantly brought the ancestor of the Snake Clan with the Ten Thousand Holy Spirits and fell into the earth below.

 Even crushed many snake monsters and monsters that had just rushed out of the earth.

The arrival of the golden horn to hold the celestial phenomenon, and this hoof trampling, directly caused the scene of the ancestor of the All Saints Snake Clan kicking the ground from mid-air. In an instant, the entire battlefield fell into an eerie tranquility and a dead silence.

The other demon lords of the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan were horrified. They felt a great terror descending on their hearts, making them tremble, confused, and even frightened.

This giant elephant was able to ignore their counterattacks and defenses!

The eyes of a sixth-level high-grade Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan Demon Lord suddenly fell on the small void cauldron next to Jinjiao Tuo Tianxiang. He sensed the terrifying aura of space avenue power on the small void cauldron, and he exclaimed with a trembling voice: " A void magic weapon! It’s still a top-grade void magic weapon!”

“This sixth-level peak human **** statue can exert the power of the great avenue of space!”

 A sixth-level peak human **** statue, even if its combat power is astonishing, poses only a limited threat to the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan.

But if such a statue controls a high-grade void magic weapon, then the Golden Horn Holding Sky Symbol will become a disaster-level combat force for the Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Snake Clan!

Not to mention the Demon Lord of the Ten Thousand Holy Spirits Snake Clan was suppressed by this blow, even the Jinling Demon Lord, Xingsi Taoist, Molong Taoist and others who knew about the combat power of Jinjiato Tianxiang also had their eyelids twitching. , the mind was shocked and horrified.

  ‘His. ’ Taoist Master Mo Long and others felt cold in their hearts.

‘Who can rival the sixth-level peak statue that controls the top-grade void magic weapon in the realm of cave void! ? ’

At this time, Su Yusen's cold voice came: "Do it!"

 (End of this chapter)

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