Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 364: The first commander's shadow destroys the void with one sword

This palm suppression is not only a sea of ​​blood, but also like a raging blood flame burning the bodies and souls of Su Yu, Taoist Jiuling, Taoist Shijun, and Taoist Xianyi, turning the four of them into ash.

Jiuling Dao Master's face, which was already as cold as frost, darkened. With a wave of his hand, the top-grade magic weapon Nine Spirits Immortal Seal appeared, blooming with an extremely powerful light of immortal power.

next moment.

There are several human figures and several monster figures in the Nine Spirits Immortal Seal. A total of nine seal spirits rush out.

The Nine Spirit Immortal Seal is a powerful, top-grade magic weapon that can even be called top quality, capable of containing and controlling nine seal spirits.

However, the power of this high-grade magic weapon is also related to the strength of these nine seal spirits.

If you can seal and control the spirit of the peak of the Nine Paths of the Cave Void Realm or the top level six demon master, then once the Nine Spirit Immortal Seal is released, even the master of the peak of the Cave Void Realm will be in trouble!

Now, with the help of the Earthly Immortal Mansion, the Nine Spirits Immortal Seal contains a total of three Seal Spirits from the Human Race Tao Master in the early stage of Dongxu Realm, two Seal Spirits from the sixth-order low-grade Demon Lord, and the remaining four Seal Spirits are just distractions. Peak or fifth level top strength.

Although the power of the Nine Spirits Immortal Seal is far from reaching its peak, the moment the Nine Spirits Immortal Seal rushes out, the Immortal Power is still shocking and frightening, far exceeding that of ordinary Taoist masters in the early stage of Dongxu Realm.


Several demon lords and demon kings roared into the sky, their eyes were scarlet red, and they burst out with evil intent. They roared like thunder and charged towards the sky-holding demonic palm.

Several human Taoist masters and sealing spirits behind him each used their great magic powers, and thousands of thunderbolts fell from the sky.

There are also earth-yellow magic barriers blocking everyone.


The demonic palm and the several demon lords and demon lords were violently struck together. Although the demonic palm exploded the spiritual bodies of several demon lords and demon lords, nearly half of the demonic palm was also consumed.

When the two Taoist masters who were originally from the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty cast their thunder method, thousands of thunderbolts struck the magic palm, and the magic palm suddenly collapsed.


Jiu Ling Dao Master's mind was a little tingling. The destruction of several seal spirit bodies also had some impact on her. Even the Nine Spirit Immortal Seal was somewhat damaged, and she needed to re-gestate the seal spirit body.

 And this was just a casual palm from the devil!


The light of the Nine Spirits Immortal Seal dimmed a lot, and it buzzed and trembled when it returned to the side of the Nine Spirits Taoist Master, seeming to express its grievances. The demon's strength was really terrifying, and nearly half of its seal spirits were suppressed with one palm.

Upon seeing this, the expressions of Taoist Master Shijun and Taoist Xianyi changed slightly again, becoming extremely solemn.

With the Nine Spirits Dao Master using the Nine Spirit Immortal Seal, even the Ten Lord Dao Masters are not sure that they can escape unscathed.

But even so, the devil could inflict injuries on Jiuling Taoist Master with just one palm?


With just a hard shake of the palm, the space in the four directions exploded and opened cracks. Even the hills, ancient trees and boulders in the ground below were turned into crumbs and dented.

At the level of Dongxu Realm, the power is as powerful as destroying the heaven and the earth.

 With a single blow, you can destroy mountains and rivers, and shatter the sky and space!

Looking at the land below, which belonged to the Earthly Immortal Mansion, and the spiritual mountain turned into ruins, Su Yu frowned slightly, and aura of power condensed on his body. The Dao patterns of the Heavenly Immortal Body Refining Technique hidden deep in the body emerged, and the Heavenly Refining Divine Technique was refined. The power of each piece of magic weapon gathers in every part of the body.

 In an instant, Su Yu's body seemed to turn into an endless river of stars.

 The surface of the body is condensed with a silver-white robe.

Having practiced the Divine Art of Heavenly Refining so far, Su Yu's physical defense is no weaker than a top-notch middle-grade magic weapon, or even a high-grade defensive magic weapon of inferior quality.

Two body refining techniques that are comparable to those in the late stage of the Bi Shen Realm burst out with power.

Subsequently, close to the Dantian, the core of power condensed by the Blood Whale Swallowing Moon Skill also erupted with an unprecedented violent aura of power at this moment.

 In an instant, Su Yu's body burst out with a surge of blood energy, and even the space around him was shaken and rippled.

 Five times the physical power explodes, which is the moment when the magical power of physical refining is performed in ancient times.

Su Yu could feel that under the explosion of this powerful force, his body had broken into small cracks and countless capillaries exploded.

The monstrous blood energy that exploded was mixed with a little bit of his blood.


At this moment, Su Yu was no weaker than a Taoist in the early stage of Dongxu Realm with pure physical strength and aura.

 At the same time that the body refining technique broke out, the five elements of mana in his body also exploded with double the mana aura along with the Tao bones left by the ancient Yandan Half Immortal.


Su Yu stretched out his left hand, and the small cauldron in the void suddenly appeared on his palm, and the surging five elements of mana in his body poured into it.


Su Yu shook his hand casually, and in an instant, the heaven and earth in all directions collapsed.

 He shattered the space with his own power, and forcibly took Ma Shiqing, Jiuling Dao Master and others to escape into the void.

Su Yu calmly looked at Ma Shiqing, who was covered in overwhelming demonic aura, and said: "If you want to fight, then come to Void to fight. Don't damage the territory of my Earthly Immortal Mansion."

“Also, you are only at the fourth level of Dongxu Realm, so you dare to come to my Immortal Mansion to provoke you?”

 “Who gave you the confidence and courage?”

"Huh?" Ma Shiqing narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little surprised. Sensing the magic power and physical power of Su Yu, he said with some horror: "Fourth level of distraction state?"

 This mana aura is wrong!

Why do I feel that the cultivation aura of this little guy at the fourth level of the distraction realm is even comparable to that of the Taoist master in the early stage of the ordinary cave virtual realm! ?

There is also something wrong with the physical power. It seems to be only at the level of the Venerable Distractor.

 But that violent breath—

Even if a master at the peak of the distraction realm touches it, he will be torn to pieces in an instant!

Level 1 of Dongxu Realm—

  No, maybe even the Taoist masters on the second level of Dongxu Realm may not be able to compare!

Ma Shiqing's eyes suddenly changed when he looked at Su Yu, with a bit of surprise, a bit of surprise and a bit of greed. With such a talent, if he could swallow this guy's soul and take his body.

Then his next journey may be better!

This talent, I have to say, is really scary.

Far beyond his expectation.

Ma Shiqing exclaimed in amazement: "You surprised me a little. Although I knew before that you, fellow Daoist Su, have good talents and are a fellow practitioner of the Five Elements, I didn't expect that your talents are so evil."

"This mana and the foundation of body refining, even in ancient times, would definitely be the most evil genius level."

 “Okay, okay, hahaha!”

One moment he was laughing ecstatically, and the next moment Ma Shiqing's expression changed again, and his figure instantly turned into a demonic aura, like a sky-high demonic shadow, swallowing Su Yu with an extremely ferocious face and a monstrous aura.

 “Come on, become one with me!”

"This is your supreme honor. Only I can save the Earthly Immortal Mansion. Only I can let you see what the top of the world of cultivation is like!"

“In my last life, I was able to control the ancient times. In this life, I can still control the devil and become the master of this world!”


With just one glance, a terrifying divine soul power impacted Su Yu's divine sea. At the moment when the overwhelming demonic energy swept in, this divine soul power already wanted to invade Su Yu's divine sea and suppress Su Yu's divine soul.

With Ma Shiqing's demonic voice lingering, even the three people behind him who were not Ma Shiqing's main targets, namely Jiuling Taoist, Shijun Taoist, and Xianyi Taoist, couldn't help but look a little dazed under the spell of this demonic sound.

 There was a desire in my heart, a desire to merge with that terrible demonic energy!

But at the moment when the overwhelming demonic energy was about to engulf Su Yu, Su Yu sat down cross-legged, and her body suddenly bloomed with a golden Buddha light that dazzled the heaven and earth. “Amitabha!”

He suddenly opened his eyes, and at the moment when the terrifying soul power was about to invade his divine sea, his soul turned into a four-winged golden cicada.

 Eighth Golden Cicada Reincarnation Method!

 Supernatural power - the calamity of reincarnation!


 The powerful power of the soul instantly turned into a whirlpool of reincarnation, and before the power of the soul could react, it swallowed part of its power.

at the same time.

Su Yu's body bloomed with overwhelming Buddha light, and her whole person seemed to have transformed from an immortal cultivator into a real Buddhist Buddha in an instant.

Buddha's light all over the sky condensed and turned into a sky-holding Vajra Buddha on Su Yu's body.

The phantom of the Vajra Buddha has its eyes wide open in anger, and it is covered in the most yang and strong Buddha light. It stares at the overwhelming demonic energy and angrily yells: "Obstacle!"

Morāma Vajra Sutra!


Vajra Buddha struck out with a palm, and the extremely strong palm instantly turned into a Buddhist sword, slashing towards the ancient demonic energy with overwhelming power.


As soon as Ma Shiqing's monstrous demonic energy touched Su Yu, he instantly let out a hoarse scream. That monstrous demonic energy, illuminated by the boundless Buddha's light, started like winter snow under the scorching sun. Dissolve.

The next moment, the monstrous mass of blood-sea demonic energy was like a mouse that encountered a cat, escaping at a faster speed.

By the time he got away from Su Yu's Buddha's Light Dharma, the originally surging sea of ​​blood had melted away by nearly ten percent.

 The powerful demonic aura is also much weaker.

It's like shaving off ten percent of the opponent's cultivation base and feet!

 The remaining ancient demonic energy transformed into Ma Shiqing's figure again.

He looked in horror at Su Yu, who was sitting cross-legged in the void, with the dazzling Buddha's light blooming on his body, like a Vajra Buddha holding the Buddhist precepts. He was a little unbelievable.

 “Buddhist Kung Fu!?”

 "The Maharaja Sutra of Mara!? Also, the Ksitigarbha Immortal Sutra! The Eighth Life Golden Cicada Reincarnation Dharma!"

“You actually have three top-notch Buddhist traditions!?”

Ma Shiqing screamed, this is the Dharma of ancient Buddhism.

Judging from some of the intelligence information he knows, even the current Buddhist realm does not necessarily have these top Buddhist Dharma inheritances!

How could this guy have as many as three gates? ?

 I was careless this time!

From Ma Shiqing’s understanding of Su Yu, he has never been involved in Buddhism. He is completely an orthodox cultivator of immortality.

 Because of this, he will reveal his demonic origins without any scruples.

 I plan to swallow up Su Yu just like I swallowed Ma Shiqing!

But who would have thought that when he was most relaxed, Su Yu would transform into a Buddhist bald donkey in an instant and play three top Buddhist Dharma in an instant.

 Eighth Golden Cicada Reincarnation Dharma swallowed part of his soul, causing him to fall into darkness and reincarnation!

The Buddhist sword of the most yang and strong Buddha of the Maharaja Sutra cut off the origin of his demonic path!

The Ksitigarbha Immortal Scripture burned his soul and burned part of his demonic origin!

This is the unprecedented trauma he has suffered since he was born in the Magic Tower.

Ma Shiqing's eyes were scarlet, and the trauma in his heart made him unable to suppress the anger in his heart. The murderous intent swept the sky along with the sea of ​​demonic blood.

Ma Shiqing roared angrily: "Death! I'm going to kill you guys!"


As he waved his hand, a four-story magic tower emerged from his palm, and the terrifying aura of magic spread in all directions from the magic tower.

The moment this magic tower appeared, even this layer of void space couldn't help but ripples.

It seems that it cannot withstand the fierce power of this magic tower.


The expressions of Jiuling Taoist, Ten Lords Taoist, and Xianyi Taoist, who were still shocked at how Su Yu could display such pure and infinitely powerful Dharma, changed again when they saw the tower filled with monstrous light that appeared on Ma Shiqing's palm. The magic tower of **** demonic energy.

 In an instant, all three of them felt their scalps numb and their bodies trembling instinctively.

Taoist Master Shijun exclaimed: "Taoist weapon! This is a Taoist tool!"

The moment Taoist Master Xianyi saw the magic tower, he felt that the magic tower looked familiar. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly remembered that in the past, there was a magic tower in a ruins deep in the wilderness.

Among the forces that went to the wilderness ruins to compete for opportunities, there was the Venerable Fengshen from Xianfan Pavilion.

 Taoist Master Xianyi saw a photo talisman about this magic tower from the hands of the Venerable Venerable Master.

At that time, he was still upset as to why he did not go there in person.

 Otherwise, we would have missed a Taoist artifact.

 But I never thought about it.

Years later.

That seemingly demonic Taoist tower actually appeared in front of his eyes again.

Taoist Master Xianyi's face changed slightly, and he whispered: "It's him!"

 “The devil who took away that Taoist tower!”

The Taoist Master of the Ten Lords was about to call Su Yu to escape together. After all, the opponent had Tao weapons in their hands. Even if they had high-grade magic weapons to protect themselves, they could not be their opponents.

However, before he could say anything, Ma Shiqing's demon tower had already flown out of his hand, and turned into a sky-holding demon tower while it was still in the void, suppressing Su Yu and the others.

The moment Su Yu saw the magic tower appearing, he had the urge to activate the nine-story Taoist Tower again to swallow this thing.

But thinking of his previous experience of forcibly activating the nine-story Taoist tower, but almost being sucked dry by the nine-story Taoist tower, he still endured it.


Even if you activate the nine-story Taoist tower, you may not be able to destroy the opponent's Taoist weapon and suppress this guy at the same time.

 If the existence of the nine-story Tao Tower is exposed by then, the consequences will be unpredictable.

As Su Yu's thoughts changed, the movements of his hands were not slow. With the help of the power of Time Avenue, his reaction speed was no slower than Ma Shiqing's.

 Flipping his hands, the Taoist edict that he had previously snatched from Zhang Ting, a disciple of Xuanhuang Ancient Land, appeared in his hand.

As he poured in a ray of mana to activate it, the decree flew out across the sky in an instant.

While still in mid-air, a figure wearing golden armor and holding a giant sword appeared on the road. The terrifying immortal power filled the air, making the void seem to solidify instantly.

The moment this golden-armored figure appeared, the face of Ma Shiqing, who looked like crazy, suddenly froze, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart was shocked.

Ma Shiqing said in shock: "You"

The golden-armored figure who stepped out of Daozhi frowned slightly, as if he was a little surprised to be summoned so quickly. However, when he saw the magic tower holding up the sky and sensed the aura of ancient magic on Ma Shiqing, he The leader was suddenly stunned.

 The next moment, he drew the giant sword in his hand and slashed.


A bright sword flashed across the sky, cutting the entire void in half, and slashed towards the Demon Tower and Ma Shiqing! (End of chapter)

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