Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 365: Migration Fairy Gate, Goodbye Fengling Fairy

Chapter 365: Migrating to the Immortal Sect and seeing the Wind Spirit Fairy again

The moment he faced the First Golden Armored Commander, Ma Shiqing realized that the gap between himself and the First Golden Armored Commander, the phantom of the decree, was not on the same level at all.

Even if this is just a shadow of Taoism, its strength is probably beyond that of ordinary Taoists.

 He had absolutely no room to resist under the sword of the golden-armored commander who shattered the void.

Moreover, Ma Shiqing recognized the identity of the first golden-armored commander, so he did not hesitate at all. The moment he slashed the first commander with a sword, he turned into the source of the ancient evil energy.

Escape into the magic tower.


The swords of the Demonic Tower and the First Golden Armor Commander struck hard, and the void space in all directions was suddenly shattered inch by inch. It was like a scene of annihilation. Even Su Yu couldn't help but feel his scalp numb with the aura of destruction.

The magic tower, a Taoist weapon, made bursts of whining sounds.

Following the void destroyed by the First Golden Armor Commander, he escaped into the depths of the void and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The first golden-armored commander's shadow did not stop him, let alone follow him. He just frowned and watched the magic tower escape into the depths of the void until the void around him was restored.

He turned to look at Su Yu and said: "This guy's origin is not simple. He is probably related to the ancient demonic power Wuliang Cicada Palace."

“But this time he forced the Taoist weapon and was hit by my knife again. The injury will not be serious in a short period of time, and it will prevent him from being violent again for at least thirty to fifty years.”

 “Be careful with the rest.”

“If you still want to make up for the Taoist edict, come to me.”


 Speaking, the shadow of the First Golden Armored Commander disappeared.

The Taoist decree, which was originally glowing with the light of supreme immortal power, fell from the mid-air and landed on Su Yu's hand. The aura of the Taoist decree disappeared, as if it had turned into an ordinary object again.

Su Yu took the decree and took it back, frowning as he watched the magic tower escape.

 He was a little surprised that Ma Shiqing actually had a Taoist weapon in his hand!

 Thinking about it, suddenly.

Su Yu remembered what Ma Tianling had said before when she came back from the Kunlingchao ruins: "After the real Kunlingchao Cave Heaven was born in the Kunlingchao ruins, it seemed that the Taoist artifact left by the powerful sea tribe in ancient times was The Sea King Halberd was taken away by a demon lord?"

 His expression was a little subtle.

 Could it be this guy who took away the Demon Lord of the Sea King's Halberd?

If it is really him, then in addition to a four-story magic tower Taoist weapon, it is very likely that the guy also has a top-notch Taoist weapon, the Sea King Halberd!

Su Yu suddenly felt a little more fearful.

"The ancient demonic power Wuliang Cicada Palace. Huh." Su Yu took a deep breath and his eyes became extremely deep and solemn. He had heard of this power.

There is even a half-tao body statue on him, which is probably from a demon king from the ancient Infinite Cicada Palace.

Now that he heard the news about this force again, Su Yu felt a little uneasy.

 First is the Xuanhuang Ancient Land, and then is the Buddhist Buddhist Temple in the Buddhist Realm.

 Now there is another demonic realm and demonic path.

Cangzhou Territory is about to explode!

 Can I still stay in this place? ?

 “Go back first!”

Su Yu frowned deeply, with a strong sense of uneasiness, waving his hands and returning to the Immortal Gate of the Earthly Immortal Mansion with the three of them: Jiuling Taoist Master, Ten Lord Taoist Master, and Xianyi Taoist Master.

 Di Xian Mansion Immortal Gate.

The Immortal Spirit Taoist Master, Palace Master Fan Xiao and others who stayed behind at the Immortal Sect welcomed them. Everyone entered the Immortal Palace and started the Immortal Palace Formation to discuss matters.

Fan Xiao looked at Su Yu, Jiuling Taoist Master and others who had returned safely, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and even asked: "Uncle, how is it? Has the Demon Lord retreated?"

Su Yu looked solemn, nodded slightly and said: "Escaped, but that person's strength and background are not simple. I'm afraid he has more than one Taoist weapon in his hand."

The faces of Fan Xiao, Taoist Master Xianling and others suddenly changed, and they exclaimed in shock: "Taoist weapon!"


 Huang Zhu and other distracted venerables felt even more flustered and confused.

That is the legendary Taoist weapon!

They have never seen it before, let alone hold a Taoist weapon. Maybe even the ancient immortal city may not have the background of Taoist weapons.

Who would have thought that the demon lord who attacked before actually held a Taoist weapon in his hand!

Fan Xiao looked at Su Yu in surprise and said, "Uncle Master, that demon lord holds a Taoist weapon, so how did you repel him? Or even let him run away?"

Jiuling Taoist Master whispered: "Palace Master, Elder Su has a Taoist edict in his hand."

She whispered what she had just experienced, which made Fan Xiao, Taoist Master Xianling and others look at Su Yu differently, and their hearts were shaken.

Little Master Uncle took out a Taoist edict that only Taojun can leave?

Even the shadow of Daojun who walked out of the Taoist decree seemed to know the young master uncle?

Su Yu shook his head slightly and said, "That's just an external force after all."

He looked at Fan Xiao solemnly and said in a deep voice: "I feel that there may be big changes in Cangzhou Territory in the future, and it is better for the Palace Master to make preparations in advance."

Fan Xiao's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he asked: "Uncle Master, what do you mean?"

Su Yu thought about it for a while, and then expressed his thoughts to Fan Xiao and others for discussion.

He planned to separate the core forces of the Dixian Mansion, and move some of them to the Xingxian Island in the Feiling Sea to temporarily hide there.

 Part of it is transferred to the Changtian Territory and can be temporarily placed and hidden in the Infinite Immortal Alliance area.

 The remaining part will accompany him to move out of the Cangzhou Territory, go to the Southern Immortal Territory, and establish a new Immortal Gate!

Fan Xiao frowned slightly and said: "Relocating to the Southern Immortal Territory to establish a new Immortal Gate. Why did my junior uncle choose the Southern Immortal Territory as the new Immortal Gate's place?"

From a geographical point of view, the Nanxian Territory is the southern edge of the Xuanhuang Ancient Land, and is closer to the edge of the human race territory than the Cangzhou Territory.

If something terrible is really going to happen, shouldn't it be closer to the ancient place of Xuanhuang? Seek the blessing of Xuanhuang Ancient Land?

 Why do you still let the edges of human territory go?

Su Yu couldn't explain. The reason why he wanted the Earthly Immortal Mansion to go to the Southern Immortal Territory to establish another Immortal Gate was because of his intuition. He always felt that if any terrible turmoil really happened, the three top immortals of the human race would be the first to bear the brunt. Gate ancient land.

By then, the dangers there will probably be more terrifying than in other places, and the combat power at that level is far beyond what he or the Earthly Immortal Palace can intervene now.

Secondly, in the face of forces like Xuanhuang Ancient Land, even if the Dixian Mansion gets closer, it will be just a cannon fodder and a chess piece.

 Even with such a disparity in strength, they had no choice if they really wanted to die.

 Finally, compared to other unfamiliar regions and the principle of the Cunning Rabbit's Three Caves, the Feiling Sea Region and the Changtian Region have some forces from the Earthly Immortal Palace hiding there.

For the remaining part, it is better to choose a relatively familiar Southern Immortal Territory.

 At least in the Southern Immortal Territory, he also has an "acquaintance" from the Fire Phoenix Heavenly Palace force.

 And in the Fire Phoenix Heavenly Palace, he also has an old friend’s chess piece!

Fan Xiao hesitated for a long time. Although she trusted Su Yu and could even blindly follow Su Yu's suggestions, migrating to the Immortal Sect was a big deal after all.

This is a major event related to the fate of the entire Immortal Sect!

How dare she make a decision easily? Fan Xiao's expression changed for a long time, and he hesitated: "But, Jin Ling Ancestor and the others are still in the Wan Sheng Demon Realm, and we are gone. What if Xuanhuang Ancient Land starts to dig deeper?"

Su Yu said: "Don't worry, even if you really want to move to the Immortal Sect, it won't be something you can do overnight."

“Besides, we don’t want to abandon Daqian Immortal Realm directly.”

“Cangzhou Territory is relatively calm now, we can proceed step by step.”

“I will go and bring Patriarch Jin Ling and others back to discuss this matter.”

 The stakes are high.

Su Yu made a special trip to the Wan Sheng Demon Realm and brought back the Jinling Demon Master, Tianhuo Dao Master and others to discuss it together. It was not until everyone agreed that they really made up their minds.


 Divide the core of Xianmen into four.

In addition to the real core hidden in the Southern Immortal Territory, Daqian Xiu Xianjie still has to leave some people here to maintain it, so as not to abandon its own foundation without anything happening.

 The remaining two parts are heading to the Feiling Sea Region and the Changtian Region respectively.

 And these four forces have not severed all ties.

Before migrating, several secret space transmission channels must be laid out.

 With the existence of the space transmission channel, the forces of the Earthly Immortal Palace will not be really broken into pieces, and they will still be a whole.

 It will obviously take quite some time to make all the prerequisite preparations.

After making the decision, the forces of the Earthly Immortal Palace began to move secretly. On the surface, they still guarded the Daqian Xiuxian Realm and the Wan Sheng Demon Realm, but secretly they began to make plans to leave the Cangzhou Territory.

 The Immortal City of Ten Lords.

There is a dedicated person responsible for other preparations for the Dixian Mansion. Su Yu originally planned to go to the Nanxian Territory first to prepare for the Dixian Mansion's arrival in the Nanxian Territory and hide there.

Without thinking that when he came to the Ten Lords Immortal City, the master of the Tianxu Palace successfully broke through the Dongxu Realm and returned.

Yuexian Tower is located in a small stronghold in Shijunxian City.

When the master of Tianxu Palace came, he saw the figure of a young man making tea in the small courtyard. He was dressed in a green robe, with a majestic appearance and a slight smile on his face. If the fairies outside saw him, he would look like an immortal. I'm afraid everyone will be moved.

When he came to the young man, the master of Tianxu Palace bowed and said respectfully: "Master."

Su Yu poured him a cup of spiritual tea, and then looked at the Master of Tianxu Hall, feeling the changes after the Master of Tianxu Hall broke through.

 Compared with before, the appearance of the Master of Tianxu Hall after breaking through the Dongxu Realm has not changed much. He still looks like an old man in his fifties or sixties.

However, the aura on his body seemed more ethereal. Even if Su Yu sensed it with all his energy, he could not clearly detect the cultivation aura of the Master of Tianxu Palace.

Su Yu thought for a while, then waved his hand to summon a spiritual magic weapon, which was a palm-sized spiritual jade magic weapon that was shaped like a black tortoise shell.

It is one of the treasures he found in the ruins of the Golden Jade Fairy City.

  It is a semi-finished product.

 Spiritual objects are of extraordinary quality and have the potential to become exquisite magic weapons.

 But for now, it is just an embryo of a magic weapon, and its aura is barely comparable to that of a high-grade magic weapon.

 He waved his hand and sent this thing to the master of Tianxu Hall, saying: "Since you have successfully achieved a breakthrough in cultivation, I will give you this thing as a congratulatory gift."

The master of Tianxu Hall looked at the embryo of the spiritual object and magic weapon, and felt the breath of this thing. His eyes couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy, and he was also frightened.

  It is indeed worthy of being the original poster.

 The action was so generous!

 This spiritual object is not simple!

He quickly put the things away, bowed again and said respectfully: "Thank you so much, Master, for the gift."

But then, when the master of Tianxu Palace straightened up, his expression became a little more solemn. He lowered his voice and said: "Master, I have a hunch that there will be disaster in Cangzhou Territory as early as decades or as late as a hundred years." Disaster is coming!"

Su Yu's expression remained unchanged, and he extended his hand to ask the Master of Tianxu Palace to sit down and talk.

 After the Master of Tianxu Palace sat down, Su Yu asked calmly: "Why?"

The master of Tianxu Hall hesitated for a while and said: "Ze Tiancheng, Dui Shangganxia, ​​I can't calculate the fate of the original poster, but I can calculate the fate of myself and fellow Taoist Xiuyu."

"After the breakthrough, I once calculated a hexagram, and the result...if the poster hadn't still been here, I might have taken people out of Cangzhou Territory at this moment."

The master of Tianxu Palace said it sincerely, and it was so natural.

Su Yu was startled, and then looked at the Master of Tianxu Palace with some deep meaning.

This guy actually wants to run away?

After thinking about it, Su Yu informed the Master of Tianxu Hall about the Earth Immortal Palace’s intention to move to the Southern Immortal Territory, and said, “Take someone to follow me to the Southern Immortal Territory.”

When the master of Tianxu Hall summoned the elites of Yuexian Pavilion, Su Yu told the people who had come from the Great Buddhist Temple in the Changtian Domain, as well as a demonic domain like 'Ma Shiqing', which might also be related to the ancient demonic power Wuliang Cicada Palace. Inform the Master of Tianxu Hall about the person's appearance.

On a whim, the master of Tianxu Hall immediately took out the spiritual magic weapon and did some calculations.

As a mysterious aura from the Master of the Tianxu Palace merged into the world around him, suddenly, the Master of the Tianxu Palace spat out blood one after another. The situation above the Ten Lords Immortal City suddenly changed, and endless darkness fell. Thousands of thunders and thunderbolts were heard, just like the roar of heaven. .

The Master of Tianxu Hall's body plummeted, and he seemed to have suffered a serious injury. He opened his eyes suddenly, and blood was flowing out of both eyes.

 But he didn't care, but said with a trace of fear: "This, this hexagram!"

Su Yu's figure flashed to the side of the Tianxu Palace Master. He put one hand on the Tianxu Palace Master and used the Cangmu Year Wheel Gong to heal his injuries. He frowned and said, "Are you okay?"

 He looked at the changing sky outside again, and his heart sank.

Even if the Master of Tianxu Hall didn't say anything, he knew that this hexagram would not have any good results.

The Master of Tianxu Palace really didn’t dare to say anything. After recovering from his injuries, he quickly said: “Master, let’s leave quickly!”

With a rare trace of panic, the master of Tianxu Palace urged Su Yu to lead people to the Southern Immortal Territory and leave this land.

The Southern Immortal Territory is located to the south of the Cangzhou Territory. Su Yu came to the territory of the Fire Phoenix Heavenly Palace in the Southern Immortal Territory for a period of time many years ago due to some grievances. He has some understanding of the situation in the Southern Immortal Territory.

half year later.

 Southern Immortal Territory, Fire Phoenix Heavenly Palace area.

 Qingluan Fairy City is one of the large fairy cities under the command of Huofeng Tiangong.

The scale of Qingluan Immortal City is no less than that of Shijun Immortal City. At this moment, in a fourth-level cave in the core area of ​​the Immortal City, Fengling Fairy, the well-known First Daoist of the Fire Phoenix Heavenly Palace, is kneeling down anxiously. On the ground.

Looking at the young figure in front of her, Fairy Fengling had a complex expression of fear, awe, and a trace of struggle in her eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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