Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 390: Buddhism inheritance relationship binding

The abbot of the Great Buddha Temple couldn't help but be curious after hearing the words. He looked at Buddhist Master Kuya. Kuya was the chief of the Discipline Hall of the Great Buddha Temple. He had extraordinary strength and could be called an invincible existence with the cultivation of the Fusion Realm.

 How come you don’t know about someone who can make Kuya say he is a monster?

 Other Buddhist masters also looked at Kuya and asked curiously: "Brother Kuya, which disciple are you talking about?"

Kuya smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said in detail: "He is not a disciple of my Great Buddha Temple, and I don't know what his true identity is."

He told the story about how he went to the Changtian Territory under Xuanhuang Ancient Land and met a Buddhist puppet, and this puppet possessed the inheritance of three ancient top Buddhist dharma.

 All the Buddhist masters in the Great Buddha Temple were in an uproar. They only found out about this now.

“Three ancient top Buddhist dharma inheritances? Where did he get the inheritance?”

“Senior Brother Kuya, do you know which three inheritances they are? Do you have those inheritances now?”

"A puppet, relying on the power of a little incense, can continue to transform and improve. Even in just a few decades, it can transform from a fifth-level high-grade to a sixth-level low-grade? What is this that allows the puppet to absorb the power of incense and wish to transform? Heaven-defying magic!"

“The secret of heaven is unfathomable, and it can even be protected by heaven. Is there really such a gifted person? How terrible must his real talent be?”

The faces of many eminent monks in the Great Buddha Temple changed, and they looked at Kuya in horror.

The abbot of the Great Buddha Temple frowned lightly. He possesses three ancient top Buddhist dharma, but he is just a puppet. He also has a method that can transform a puppet with the power of incense and wishes, but he does not know who his true identity is.

He thought for a moment and said slowly: "It is rumored that there was a legendary fairy named Yuexian in ancient times."

“The most prestigious Taoist inheritance is called the Puppet Heavenly Book. It is said that this Puppet Heavenly Book contains a method that goes against the heavens, which can enlighten living beings and act against the heavens.”

“And what is needed to enlighten living beings is the power of incense and vows from all living beings.”

Ku Ya looked at the abbot and sighed softly: "It should be the Puppet Book of Heaven."

Because of this, he felt that the real person behind the Ksitigarbha Buddha's puppet was probably not a Buddhist.

Some other eminent monks had never heard of the reputation of the Puppet Book. After learning about it in detail, they couldn't help but feel moved, and said: "Abbott, I feel that the Puppet Book is the most suitable for my Buddhist sect. If I can get this method, maybe my Buddhist temple The power will be transformed!"

 Many eminent monks nodded in agreement after hearing the words, enlightening the puppets, and using the power of incense and wishes to enhance the strength of the transformed puppets.

 If this can really happen, then Buddhism may not be short of fighting power and strong men!

By that time, who in the entire world of cultivating immortals can compete with Buddhism?

The abbot of the Great Buddha Temple opened his eyes wide and yelled angrily: "Evil intentions are at work! The foundation of our Buddhism is one after another of the supreme Dharma, how can it be just a puppet's Dharma!"


With this anger, the entire Lingshan Mountain seemed to be shaking, and the color of the sky and the earth changed.

Countless Buddhists within a radius of thousands of miles were shaken. Looking up at the sky, they could vaguely see the endless gathering of Buddha's light, condensing into a square holding the sky. The Buddha looked down at all living beings. The power of Buddha filled the sky, and the vision was shocking.

The eminent monk felt the Buddha's majesty on the abbot's body, his face suddenly changed, and he clasped his hands together and bowed: "Abbott, please calm down. Disciple understands his mistake."

The abbot of the Great Buddha Temple withdrew his Buddha power, raised his eyes slightly and said, "Go back and copy the Sutra of the Supreme Great Luotian Buddha ten times."

The eminent monk's face changed again, he opened his mouth, but still bowed his head with a bitter look on his face to accept the punishment and said: "Disciple understands."

The Supreme Maha Luotian Buddhist Sutra is the first Buddhist sutra in the Great Buddha Temple, and it is also a general outline of Buddhism. The transcription here is based on the ancestral Buddhist scriptures. Not only does it need to withstand the suppression of the Buddha's power in the Buddhist scriptures, but it is also extremely laborious and laborious to copy every word. .

 With his cultivation level, it might take more than ten years to copy it once.

 This ten times is one or two hundred years.

This punishment is not light.

After suppressing the greed of the eminent monks, the abbot of the Great Buddha Temple thought for a while and said to Kuya: "Kuya, please let someone come over. I want to see him."

 For nothing else, the three ancient top Buddhist dharma are worth seeing for him.

Kuya clasped his hands and bowed his head and said, "Yes, abbot."

He gently waved his hand and released Su Yu's Taoist puppet Ksitigarbha from the magic weapon. When the Taoist puppet Ksitigarbha appeared, he was still sitting cross-legged, with his hands clasped together and fully immersed in the enlightenment of the Dharma.

It wasn't until a terrible energy woke him up that Jizo came back to his senses and opened his eyes suddenly.

 The next moment, Ksitigarbha's scalp felt numb.

A pair of terrifying eyes around his body were staring at him unblinkingly, like a tiger or a wolf.

 Those auras and qi movements are all the existence of Taoist masters who transcend the cave virtual realm.

The moment the abbot of the Great Buddha Temple saw Ksitigarbha, the Buddha's light flashed in his eyes, and then he exclaimed in surprise: "He is really a puppet of the Taoist body. My little friend, this is a great opportunity."

Ji Zang raised his head and met the gaze of the abbot of the Great Buddha Temple. He suppressed the throbbing in his heart and soul as he looked at him.

Wearing a dazzling golden cassock, Su Yu sat cross-legged on a lotus throne on a high platform. After comparing the positions and respectful expressions of the monks around him, Su Yu understood clearly.

Ksitigarbha put his hands together and saluted respectfully and said, "The poor monk Ksitigarbha has met the senior abbot of the Great Buddha Temple."

The abbot of the Great Buddha Temple wanted to deduce Ksitigarbha's secrets to see if it was really as unfathomable as Kuya said.

As soon as this thought came to his mind, he actually felt a sense of horror coming over him.

 It seems that at this moment, the Dao of Heaven has turned into an existence that hates him.

In an instant, the abbot of the Great Buddha Temple was startled and broke into a cold sweat. He stared blankly at Ksitigarbha and did not speak for a long time.

 How many years has it been since he felt like this?

 ‘Is this the case for all those who use their own cultivation of magical powers? ’ The expression of the abbot of the Great Buddha Temple couldn’t help but change a little, and the change in his expression caused Kuya and other eminent monks to change their eyes slightly.

Abbot—It seems that you can’t see through this person either?

The abbot of the Great Buddha Temple sighed again. This time, he looked at Ksitigarbha with a more solemn gaze. He did not have the attitude or thoughts of being aloof and overlooking Ksitigarbha, but seemed to be an equal existence.

The abbot said softly: "My little friend is really extraordinary. The poor monk Wumo, the abbot of the Great Buddha Temple, met me for the first time. I apologized to the little friend on Kuya's behalf and forcibly brought him to the Great Buddha Temple. This is Kuya's fault, and it is also my fault." It’s the Buddhist temple’s fault, so please be magnanimous, little friends.”

Ksitigarbha did not dare to raise his tail, but he still put his hands together and saluted respectfully: "Senior, you are polite, poor monk."

Wuma suddenly interrupted: "The poor monk is more curious about my little friend's true identity."

Ji Zang was silent for a while. If it was before going to Zhenwu Immortal Court, he would rather give up this puppet than expose his true body.

 Because it is just a body that came out of the Earthly Immortal Mansion. When faced with a behemoth like the Great Buddhist Temple, it is an existence smaller than an ant.

 If the true body is exposed, the results will be unpredictable.

but now-

The original body has become the true inheritance of Zhenwu Xianting, the personal inheritance of Zhenwu Emperor!

With such an identity and the support of Zhenwu Immortal Court, his true identity has become his support, even when facing the Great Buddha Temple.

 Compared to Zhenwu Xianting, the Great Buddha Temple is not worth seeing, and the entire Buddhist sect is still worth seeing.

 This is the thought.

Su Yu's Taoist puppet suddenly straightened up, and the aura on his body changed at this moment. A calm and calm smile appeared on his face, and he met the abbot of the Great Buddha Temple.

Su Yu made a dao seal with his hands and saluted: "Su Yu, a junior disciple of Zhenwu Xianting, has met senior Wumo." Su Yu, a disciple of Zhenwu Xianting!

As soon as these eight words came out, the expressions of everyone in the Great Buddha Hall changed, including the abbot of the Great Buddha Temple, Wu Mo, and the Chief of the Discipline Hall, Ku Ya. The Buddha Hall was completely silent: "."

 Wuma, Kuya and other eminent monks were stunned.

Not long ago, they had just received an invitation from the Zhenwu Immortal Palace, saying that they were going to hold an entrance ceremony for their emperor's new direct descendant and the Immortal Palace's true descendant.

It is naturally impossible for them not to remember the names of the new direct descendant and the real descendant of Immortal Court.

In the blink of an eye, the demon of Zhenwu Xianting’s Perfect Daoji, who shocked their hearts, appeared in front of them! ?

Behind this Taoist puppet is the new direct disciple of Emperor Zhenwu from Zhenwu Immortal Court! ? Perfect Taoist evildoer Su Yu! ?

This is so **** dramatic!

  After a while.

The abbot of the Great Buddha Temple glanced at Kuya, the chief monk of the Discipline Hall, and cursed in his heart, you are not good at arresting anyone, but you actually captured the puppet of the disciple of Emperor Zhenwu back to the Buddhist temple!

Isn’t this causing trouble for him and the Buddhist temple!

Kuya's eyelids twitched. Facing the abbot's gaze, he could only lower his head and endure it silently, scolding his mother in his heart.

 He doesn’t know the real identity behind this guy either.


Who could have expected that the real person behind this guy would actually become a disciple of Emperor Zhenwu.

 What should we do now?

Abbot Wumo of the Great Buddha Temple pondered for a moment, then immediately stood up from the lotus throne, with a smile on his face, and walked towards the Su Yu Taoist puppet below, laughing and saying: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

“I never expected that my little friend is the beloved disciple of Emperor Zhenwu. Alas, this is my fault. I apologize to my little friend.”

He actually came to Su Yu's Taoist puppet, put his hands together and saluted to apologize.

Su Yu was frightened and quickly ran away. He did not dare to be arrogant.

This person in front of me—

 He felt that the aura of his master was more terrifying than the sitting beast of his master and Uncle Peng that day.

Such a strong man, how dare he ask the other party to apologize?

“Senior Wumo doesn’t need to do this. This junior can’t afford it.” After Su Yu excused himself, Wumo took him and Kuya out of the Buddhist temple and went to the backyard of the Buddhist temple under a bodhi tree that towered into the sky.

Wuma said: "This time, my little friend and my Great Buddha Temple have formed a fate. If there is an opportunity in the future, my little friend is welcome to come to the Great Buddha Temple."

Immediately, Wumo looked confused, and finally sighed and looked at Su Yu and said: "Little friend, I wonder if I can ask you to make a deal with me as a Buddhist?"

Su Yu was not surprised at all, and looked at him and said, "Senior Wumo, do you want my Buddhist inheritance?"

Wuma nodded and said: "As long as my friend offers conditions, our Buddhist sect is willing to do our best to treat you."

Su Yu thought for a moment and said: "Actually, to be honest with my seniors, except for the Eighth Generation Golden Cicada Reincarnation Dharma, which is complete in my inheritance, the other two Buddhist traditions are incomplete, only the first six levels."

Wuma and Kuya’s expressions changed slightly.

Su Yu continued: "If you want a complete inheritance, I may need to be stronger in cultivation to be able to pass it on bit by bit."

Moreover, although he has a complete inheritance of the Eighth Generation Golden Cicada Reincarnation Method, most of the inheritance information is still sealed, and he has not yet been able to completely digest it.

 So even if he really wants to give Buddhism the inheritance of these three Buddhist sects, he can only trade the inheritance he currently has.

 Others can only come later.

 Not a complete inheritance—

For the time being, its help and attraction to Buddhism will be limited.

 It’s not that it’s useless, but the inheritance of the first six levels can only be cultivated into the Cave Void Realm at best, which is a bit useless.

Wuma was thinking, and as soon as his mind moved, a bright golden bead appeared in his hand. The moment the bead appeared, Su Yu seemed to vaguely hear bursts of Buddha's voice coming from the bead.

Su Yu was surprised: "This is."

Mumo first saluted the beads: "Amitabha."

Then he looked at Su Yu and said: "This is the relic passed down by the ancestor of my Great Buddha Temple. Although this great uncle was only in the Fusion Realm during his lifetime, this relic contains the incomparable power of incense and wish, and That patriarch’s life-long insights into Buddhism.”

“If you don’t mind me, I, the Great Buddha Temple, would like to use this relic to temporarily trade the three Buddhist traditions with you.”

“If you have any needs for the follow-up inheritance, I, the Great Buddha Temple, can discuss it with you at that time.”

 This is the seventh-order relic!

And feeling the power of the Buddha, it should not be a seventh-level relic left by an ordinary monk in the Fusion Realm, it can be called a precious spiritual object.

 It is also of great use to Su Yu!

If you can use this relic to forge the core and reshape this Tao body puppet.

 “Thank you, senior, for your generous gift.” Su Yu sighed inwardly.

This abbot of the Great Buddhist Temple is definitely a good person.

To be able to control the power of the Great Buddhist Temple, which ranks among the top in the Buddhist realm, this person is obviously not an ordinary person.

 This relic is indeed of great use to him.

Su Yu Tao Shen Puppet spent about half a month to leave three top Buddhist inheritances for the Great Buddha Temple. Then the Great Buddha Temple arranged for Chief Kuya to **** Su Yu Tao Shen Puppet back to Changtian Domain again.

Looking at Su Yu's figure leaving, Wu Mo's eyes flashed brightly, and he murmured: "This person's mind is not simple."

Three top Buddhist dharma inheritances are all left to the Great Buddha Temple!

 However, all of them only have the first six levels of inheritance.

 If he wants to inherit the inheritance in the future, he has to wait until his cultivation level improves.

That indicates that if the Great Buddha Temple wants to obtain the follow-up inheritance of these three top Buddhist dharma, it can only rely on Su Yu, the personal disciple of Emperor Zhenwu.

 Even if nothing happens to him, otherwise these three top lineages may have to be cut off from now on.

Wuma could see all of this clearly in his heart, and Ku Ya should also be aware of it. That kid was simply a monkey spirit.


 They all agreed to the deal.

A consummate Taoist evildoer, the direct descendant of Emperor Zhenwu, and the true descendant of Zhenwu Immortal Court. It may not be a bad thing for the Great Buddha Temple to have a relationship with him.

After thinking for a moment, Wumo thought about the ceremony at Zhenwu Xianting, and he had to prepare another gift. (End of chapter)

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