Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 391: Incredible talent and price

 Chapter 391 The Heaven-defying Talent and Price

Wuma really wanted to see in person what kind of genius and evildoer Su Yu was.

 Perfect Taoji!

 Inheriting the inheritance of the ancient Yuexian, practicing the puppet method.

This Taoist puppet also practices Buddhism.

 This is too complicated!

 The most important thing is that he can cultivate the perfect Taoist foundation in his immortality and be valued by Emperor Zhenwu.

He cultivated Buddhism purely by relying on the puppet of the Taoist body. This puppet of the Taoist body was kidnapped by Kuya as a top-notch Buddhist genius and evildoer.

 This is a bit outrageous!

 There is really someone who can be so evil! ?

"Alas!" Wu Mo thought, but suddenly sighed deeply, why are these monsters disciples of the Zhenwu Immortal Court, not his disciples of the Great Buddha Temple!

This little guy can also practice Buddhism.

the other side.

Su Yu’s Taoist puppet followed Chief Kuya from the Buddha Realm and returned to the Changtian Realm.

Kuya said: "My little friend, won't you follow us to the Zhenwu Immortal Courtyard?"

Su Yu shook his head slightly, and joined the Zhenwu Immortal Court. After the ceremony, he should go into seclusion and silence, and would not show up again.

 There was no need for Dao Shen Puppet in the past.

Besides, it’s not like he doesn’t have other things to do.

For example, by accumulating the power of incense and aspiration, reviving all the guards of the ancient Yuexian Mansion Fairy City.

His heart moved slightly, he looked at Kuya and asked: "Senior Kuya, do you know anything about the power of the Buddha Sect?"

Ku Ya was startled, and then he frowned and thought for a long time. The Buddha Sect was too powerful and difficult to catch his eye. He only felt that he had vaguely heard of it.

After thinking about it for a moment, Ku Ya finally remembered which Buddhist force it was.

He considered it carefully and said: "Is it that evil little Buddhist force? I have heard about it. It seems that they have left the Buddhist realm a long time ago and are now established in the place where demons are buried."

Su Yu quickly asked for more detailed intelligence information.

Ku Ya said: "The name of the Demon Burial Place comes from ancient times. In ancient times, that place used to be the spiritual mountain of the Vajra Buddhist Sect."

“The Buddhists hate the devil the most and once built a devil burial pagoda on the mountain to suppress and bury the devil in the world.”

“It’s just that when the last battle came in ancient times, this Vajra Buddha Sect may have been the first to bear the brunt of the catastrophe due to excessive killing, and was wiped out in an instant.”

“Then the Buddha Sect may have been able to exist today because of some demonic inheritance left over there, or even the demonic Buddha inheritance.”

Kuya glanced at Su Yu's Taoist puppet and said: "If you want to deal with the Buddha Sect, then you have to be prepared that they may have trump cards that transcend the Cave Void Realm, such as treasures, or they may have a breakthrough themselves. A character who transcends the cave realm."

Su Yu was indeed preparing to deal with the Buddhist monks. This was something he wanted to do before Kuya kidnapped him.

It’s just that at that time, I didn’t expect that Kuya would directly kidnap him.

Then, due to various reasons, the main body left the Zhenwu Xianting area in the northern border of the human race, and this has been delayed until now.

 Pagoda Buddhism has a deep foundation and many strong people.

 The believers within the sphere of influence are all devout believers of the Buddha Sect.

It is not simple or easy to take down the Buddhist pagoda and turn it into the foundation of one's own incense and wish power.


If this thing can really be accomplished, it will also be of great help to his Taoist puppet to practice Buddhism, just like the real Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's great wish, vowing not to become a Buddha until **** is empty.

This actually does not mean that he wants to kill the ghosts and various monsters in hell.

Rather, it is to liberate or surrender them, allowing them to become Buddhist believers, put down their butcher’s knife and become a Buddha immediately.

 This process is the realization and practice of one’s own Buddhist practice.

If you can really achieve your great aspirations, then your own understanding of the Dharma will be perfect, and becoming a Buddha can only be achieved in a single thought.

Su Yu’s Taoist puppet wants to seize the foundation and followers of Buddha Sect. Although this idea is incomparable with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s ambition, if he can really achieve it, it will be of great benefit to him.

 He did not ask Kuya for help, and Kuya also had no intention of asking for help.

It’s not that Kuya doesn’t want to help, but since Su Yu doesn’t mention it, it means there is no need for help.

 It would be rude if you mentioned that.

With the help of several major forces and the help of the ancient cross-region teleportation formation, Kuya quickly sent Su Yu back to the Changtian Territory.

"Di Chan is now in the Cangzhou Region. I will also go to the Cangzhou Region next. If Su Xiaoyou needs anything, you can go to the Cangzhou Region to find me." Kuya said.

Watching Kuya leave, Su Yu frowned slightly and murmured: "Cangzhou Territory"

 Swish swish!

Behind him in Ksitigarbha City, Taoist Master Zijun, Wu Chengzhi, Wu Qingping and others rushed out one after another. When they saw Su Yu's return, they all had expressions of surprise on their faces.


 “Master Ksitigarbha!”

 “The master is back!”

Su Yu turned around and looked at everyone, but a figure showed surprise.

 That is the youngest of the five members of the Wu family, Wu Zhi.

 In the past, Wu Zhicai was less than fifty years old, and his cultivation level was still in the Dan Formation realm, but at that time, his soul had already surpassed Wu Qingping in the Nascent Soul realm.

 Even the formation talent is extremely evil, and he can actually set up a fifth-level mid-level formation.

Now many years have passed, Wu Zhi's cultivation has reached the fifth level of the Nascent Soul Realm. His soul aura fluctuates, but he has condensed the soul, which is comparable to that of a Venerable God Realm.

 Having the formation inheritance left behind by myself——

 I don’t know, has he realized the inheritance of the sixth-level low-level formation?

Su Yu nodded one by one and said, "Let's go back first."

 Leading everyone back to the Buddhist temple in Ksitigarbha City, Su Yu began to learn from everyone about the changes in Ksitigarbha City, Changtian Territory, Cangzhou Territory and other places during this period.

Wu Qingping has always been responsible for this aspect of the power of Dizang City.

Although Su Yu was suddenly kidnapped by Kuya, the great master of the Great Buddha Temple, with the protection of the Changtian Immortal Sect, nothing happened in Ksitigarbha City.

 The Changtian Territory also became quiet, without any changes.

But when they talked about the Cangzhou Territory next to them, Wu Qingping, Zijun Taoist Master, Wu Chengzhi and others all looked particularly solemn.

Wu Qingping lowered her voice and said: "Master, the three forces of Xuanhuang Ancient Land, Demonic Way, and Buddhism are fighting in various immortal cultivation circles in Cangzhou Region. All the forces in Cangzhou Region have changed!"

“The Demonic Way controls four of the original eighteen areas in Cangzhou. Buddhism is worse, only controlling two areas, while the Xuanhuang Ancient Land still controls eight areas.”

Su Yu frowned slightly: "What about the other four realms?"

Wu Qingping said: "In the hands of the Yao Clan and the Sea Clan, the Yao Clan and the Sea Clan have also taken action to compete for the top cave heaven opportunity born in the Cangzhou Territory!"

Su Yu was horrified that the Monster Clan and the Sea Clan were finally involved in the war!

This is really a big fight! He quickly asked about the status of some forces in the original Cangzhou region, such as the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty, Langu Immortal Realm, Jianyuan Immortal Realm, Tianshen Sword Sect, Wuwei Valley, etc.

Wu Qingping said: "One is gone, and the other is that Xuanhuang Ancient Land, Demonic Way, and Buddhism have taken control of it and become a **** fighting for opportunities. The power has long been changed beyond recognition."

Hearing this, Su Yu couldn't help but feel happy.


At the beginning, he decisively gave up the Immortal Sect territory of the Dixian Mansion, took the Dixian Mansion from the Daqian Immortal Realm into darkness, and then took the Dixian Mansion far away from the northern border of the human race, away from the source of the great catastrophe.

As long as you run fast enough, disaster cannot catch up with you.

Just as he was thinking about it, Wu Qingping looked at him with worry and whispered: "Master, the turmoil in Cangzhou Territory is so turbulent. I feel that sooner or later it will spread to Changtian Territory."

“Master, do we need to prepare in advance?”

When Wu Qingping said this, Taoist Master Zijun, Wu Chengzhi and others all looked at him. Apparently, they had already discussed this matter, but Su Yu was not here, so no one could make a decision.

Su Yu thought about it, then looked at Taoist Master Zijun, and said in a low voice: "I still propose that we join forces to attack the Buddha Sect."

“Perhaps, if one day comes, the Buddha Gate will be our retreat.”

When Taoist Master Zijun heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

 Pagoda Buddhism—

That place is indeed good. It is not far from the Buddha Realm and far away from the Cangzhou Realm.

 If you can really move your forces to that place, you can really sit back and relax, and you don't have to worry about the turmoil in the Cangzhou region affecting you.


There is a premise here, that is, can they really take down the Buddhist temple?

That is the home of the Buddha Sect!

Unless a Taoist king takes action, no one can shake the foundation of the Buddhist temple.

Su Yu said: "Take your time, there is no rush now, the situation in the Cangzhou region should not affect the outside world for the time being, there is still time!"

  He appeased Wu Chengzhi, Wu Qingping, Zijun Taoist and others, and then he left Wu Chengzhi, Wu Qingping and Wu Zhi behind.

Su Yu looked at Wu Zhi and asked, "Has Xiaozhi understood the sixth-level formation?"

Wu Qingping looked a little flustered, and quickly knelt down towards Su Yu, bowed her head and said: "Lord Buddha, I, I didn't let Xiaozhi come into contact with the inheritance of the sixth-level formation master. I was worried that he would not be able to bear it. I beg the Lord Buddha to punish me."

Su Yu rolled him up with a force of magic and let him stand up again: "What crime is there?"

 He looked at Wu Zhi in surprise and said, "So, Xiaozhi has fully understood the fifth-level formation?"

Seeing that Su Yu was not angry, Wu Qingping breathed a sigh of relief and became more respectful to Su Yu.

Wu Qingping said: "It should be that in the fifth-level formation master inheritance left by Lord Buddha, Xiaozhi said that he has learned how to arrange all the fifth-level high-grade formations."

If Wu Zhi gets the inheritance of the sixth-order formation master and understands the sixth-order low-grade formation and becomes a sixth-order formation master, it may be a sure thing!

 This is so outrageous!

Su Yu's expression changed. Wu Zhi was the youngest among the Wu family, but he was born with a mentally retarded mind. Even if he cultivated to the Nascent Soul realm, he could not recover.

 The IQ may only be equivalent to that of a child of a few years old.

 But this may be the price for his incredible formation talent.

Compared to Wu Zhi’s talent, Jiang Baiyu, the so-called formation monster in Zhenwu Immortal Court, is simply not worth mentioning!

‘If this little guy really grows up, he may have the opportunity to become a ninth-level half-immortal array mage in the future! ’ Su Yu was horrified.


 The only thing limiting Wu Zhi's growth now is his cultivation and soul level.

Although Su Yu does not have no means to quickly improve Wu Zhi's cultivation, doing so may be "reinforcing the growth" and the gain outweighs the loss.

Su Yu thought about it and said, "That's it for now. If Xiaozhi needs anything, you can tell me."

“Qingping, you are responsible for watching over his formation practice.”

“Also, don’t spread Xiaozhi’s array talent, otherwise, he will be in danger.”

Wu Qingping said continuously: "Lord Buddha, don't worry, I will take care of Xiaozhi, thank you Lord Buddha."

  Another half month later.

After dealing with the affairs of Ksitigarbha City, Su Yu walked into his retreat cave, sat down cross-legged, and took out the seventh-grade high-grade relic that had been traded by Wumo, the abbot of the Great Buddha Temple.

According to his idea, if he had enough strength, it would be best to forge this relic into a seventh-level puppet core.

Perhaps at that time, the strength of his Dao body puppet will rival the powerful ones such as the Tao Lord and the Demon Lord in the combined realm!

 But unfortunately, his current Dao Body Puppet is only at the lower level of the sixth level.

You can try to forge a sixth-level low-grade puppet, but it is far from possible for a seventh-level puppet.

The thought of refining it directly and improving it into a Taoist puppet came to his mind. This was not impossible, but it would be too wasteful.

After struggling for a moment, Su Yu suppressed this thought, frowned slightly and thought: "How about searching in Zhenwu Immortal Court to see if there is a seventh-level puppet master who can forge this core for himself?"

The best thing is to be able to transform and improve your own Dao body puppet.

If he can become a sixth-level top puppet, or even a seventh-level puppet, then seizing the Buddha Sect will be a matter of course, and it will no longer be a difficult task.

 But this is actually not easy to handle.

Because his puppet technique was passed down from Wanshulou of Yuexian Mansion in ancient times, it is hard to tell the inheritance of other puppet masters, but they have this kind of puppet forging technique.

There are various factors involved. Even if you find a seventh-level puppet master, you may not be able to forge the puppet you want.

 It is even more difficult to transform and improve this Tao body puppet.

"Sure enough, it is too difficult to achieve perfection." Su Yu sighed softly, then swallowed the seventh-grade high-grade relic, sat down cross-legged, and circulated the Maharaja Sutra and the Ksitigarbha Immortal Sutra. , using the core of the Taoist puppet to refine the power of this relic bit by bit.


As a powerful and terrifying Buddha power filled the cave, the bright Buddha light on Su Yu seemed to condense into a Buddha figure.

Muttered Buddha's voice lingered in his ears, and the terrifying Taoist rhyme filled Su Yu's body.

 In an instant.

The aura on Su Yu's Taoist puppet began to surge.

At the time when Su Yu was refining the seventh-grade high-grade relics like a puppet in the Taoist body, he was far away in the northern border of the human race, in the Zhenwu Immortal Palace of the Zhenwu Immortal Palace.

A grand viewing ceremony has officially begun. In addition to the other two ancient lands of the human race, there are also Buddhist sect, demonic sect holy land, and even the demon clan, sea clan and other forces coming.

In Gu Xianzi Cave Mansion, Su Yu asked for advice on the process of observing the ceremony.

Nan Xiaogu drank wine, with a slightly drunken blush on his cheeks, and said lazily: "There is no process. During the ceremony, the talented disciples of the same age group from the Immortal Court and other forces can challenge you."

“Only if you defeat them all and go to the emperor to successfully become a disciple, then you can truly get started.”

 (End of this chapter)

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