Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 420: What's the end of the dog's day?

 Inside the Zhenwu Immortal Hall.

Second Elder Ji Qianyu frowned slightly. Seeing that Su Yu had easily defeated Huang Long, his expression suddenly became gloomy. However, what concerned him the most was the name Huang Long and others addressed Su Yu.

When Yu Xiaohe and others entered the Immortal Palace under Su Yu's name, Ji Qianyu asked in a deep voice: "What did you just call Yu Zhenzhuan? Why rest? Senior Brother He?"

Yu Xiaohe's eyes moved slightly and said: "He Xiu is one of the top geniuses among the disciples of the Purple Crane Immortal Sect in the lower realm. The method he is good at practicing is called Geng Jin Immortal Sword Jue. Judging from the signs just now, Su Yu has practiced Geng Jin Immortal Sword Jue." Golden Immortal Sword Art, and has definitely begun to build the foundation of the Immortal Body."

Ji Qianyu's face suddenly changed slightly when he heard this, and he had already begun to build the foundation of his immortal body! ?

He quickly looked at Emperor Zhenwu and said, "Emperor, could it be that Yu Zhenzhuan has been taken away?"

"in this way."

Ji Qianyu's remaining words stopped as Emperor Zhenwu's calm and indifferent eyes fell on him. Emperor Zhenwu calmly said: "Stop talking nonsense, this is not something you should think about or know."

He then looked at Yu Xiaohe and others and said calmly: "Since Xiao Yu has chosen you and the other five people, from now on, you and the other five people will be the true successors of the Immortal Court."

“Remember, this is not the Immortal World, but the Zhenwu Immortal Court.”

"If anyone dares to violate the laws of the Immortal Court, then don't blame me for being ruthless."

Although Yu Xiaohe and others wanted to look directly at Emperor Zhenwu, and even angrily scolded Emperor Zhenwu for being a mere mortal who dared to proclaim himself emperor, they had been severely beaten by the cultivating world before.

 I deeply understand that what Emperor Zhenwu said is true.

 They are no longer people in the fairy world, but the people in the lower world who have taken away their homes and start all over again.

Without strength, if you still maintain the appearance and so-called status in the fairy world, you are asking for humiliation and death.

 So when faced with Emperor Zhenwu’s beating, Yu Xiaohe and others simply bowed their heads and responded: “I’ll understand.”

Emperor Zhenwu nodded slightly, and his incarnation disappeared.

Then the Great Elder Xiao Changlin chuckled, waved his hand, and passed down the five True Inheritance Tokens, and said casually: "The status of the Immortal Court True Inheritance is the same as that of the Immortal Palace Elders, and the Cave Mansion is also extraordinary."

"But the specific treatment and rules will be introduced to you by the second elder. He is more professional."

Xiao Changlin also abandoned this group of people and handed them all over to the second elder Ji Qianyu.

Ji Qianyu was eager for this, so he rescued Huanglong, gave him a healing treasure pill to barely recover his body, and then took a few people to summon the remaining disciples of the immortal world to discuss matters.

 The most important thing is to let them come in a month. By then, ‘Little Immortal Lord’ Jun Wuyi will rush back to meet them, and he will be able to join the Immortal Lord Palace and receive additional resource support.

 This is Ji Qianyu’s goal in contacting them.

 Watch all the geniuses in the immortal world to join the Immortal Lord Palace.

 However, including Huang Long, Yu Xiaohe and others, all the geniuses in the immortal world did not agree to Ji Qianyu joining the Immortal Lord Palace.

 I even look down on Ji Qianyu from the bottom of my heart, and that little fairy Junjun Wuwu.

 A mere mortal dares to call himself Little Immortal Lord? In their opinion, this is not a living Aboriginal idiot!

How dare he make himself and others bow down?

 Inside the cave.

Yu Xiaohe struggled for a long time, but finally came to Su Yu's cave with three other disciples of the Purple Crane Immortal Sect. He wanted to know whether Su Yu, the Zhenwu Emperor's personal successor, had any rest.

 Why Xiu Qishi succeeded or failed?

When they met, Yu Xiaohe snorted and said with a smile: "Why don't you, I am not a disciple of your Zihe Immortal Sect. Just you, you are not qualified to order me as a disciple of the Jiehe Sect."

The name of the Jiehe Sect is a bit special, but it is actually the influence left by a river god. Its founder of the Immortal Sect was once a river **** in the heaven of the immortal world, with a high status and strength.

Of course, the Jiehe Sect is no longer what it used to be, and its strength is much worse than that of the Purple Crane Immortal Sect.

The number of disciples in the lower realm this time is less than one-fifth of the Zihe Immortal Sect.

Su Yu looked at him, but smiled calmly and said: "Yu Wanli, your master He Xian should not dare to speak to my Zihe Immortal Sect like this. If you dare to provoke me even more, believe it or not, I will destroy you?"

Yu Xiaohe’s pupils shrank suddenly when he heard this, which was a bit incredible.

 “You, what are you really doing!?”

Su Yu looked at the three disciples from the Purple Crane Immortal Sect and pointed out their real names: "Junior Brother He Ting, Junior Brother Haoyuan, and Junior Sister Bai Zhi, do you still remember the order in front of the lower realm of the Immortal Sect?"

The faces of the three people changed slightly, but when faced with their senior brother He Xiu, who was already extremely talented and had now re-cultivated the foundation of his immortal body, they did not dare to explode their thorns. They could only bow their heads unwillingly and gritted their teeth and said: "Brother, please, Remember."

Su Yu was not polite at all, and gave each of the three people a list, saying: "Find a way to collect all these materials for me, as well as the other Immortal Sect disciples who joined the Immortal Court this time. The three of you will collect them." Call them all together.”

 “I want to see these resources in the shortest possible time, understand?”

When the three of them left Su Yu's cave, one of them looked at the list in his hand, his eyes flashed, and he said through a message: "Do you really believe that he is Senior Brother He Xiu?"

 Another person asked: “What if it happens?”

The remaining person said: "Do you care? He asked us to gather the disciples of the Immortal Sect in the Immortal Courtyard. There are eleven of them including us, and asked them to collect materials and resources."

"After they collect it, we will use it first and give the rest to him."

“Now he has cultivated the foundation of the immortal body first, but without the resources of the immortal world, how difficult is it to cultivate the foundation of the immortal body?”

"In the future, it is not certain who is better or worse, who wins or loses!"

The three of them followed the plan to gather the remaining disciples of the Purple Crane Immortal Sect, preparing to form a group and quickly collect the resources needed for their own practice with the help of their status as the true successor of Immortal Court.

the other side.

Su Yu left Yu Xiaohe behind and said calmly: "I will look for the remaining Jiehe Sect disciples for you, and even help you quickly recover your cultivation strength, and protect the safety of your Jiehe Sect disciples in the lower world."

Yu Xiaohe frowned and resisted: "No need."

Su Yu grinned and said: "Then you should be careful outside. There are many natives in the world of immortality who are hostile to us. If you don't pay attention, you will be gone."

                     eaten! How dare you threaten me!

Yu Xiaohe looked stiff and sneered, saying: "Then, why bother Senior Brother He!"

Su Yu patted his shoulder and said: "It's better to follow me than to be accidentally swallowed up by other forces. You also know that our Purple Crane Immortal Sect is relatively harmonious and kind, and doesn't like to do anything. It has a pretty good reputation. .”

Yu Xiaohe: "."

Earlier I heard that He Xiu was shameless and full of nonsense, but now it turned out to be true.

 Who the **** doesn’t know why the Zihe Immortal Sect is so angry? Those who offend him never have good fruits to eat!

And He Xiu's master was even more vicious. Even after he became an immortal, he liked to use his **** to kill people all over his family. He was extremely cruel.

This meow is harmonious and kind?

Su Yu took out another list and handed it to Yu Xiaohe, saying: "Go on, remember to deliver things to me on time, otherwise you will know that my temper does fluctuate sometimes." When Yu Xiaohe walked out of Su Yu with the list. When he opened the door of Yudong Mansion, he took a deep breath, his heart full of grief, indignation, unwillingness, and anger.


He no longer inquires whether Su Yu is resting, he just feels aggrieved.

 The Purple Crane Immortal Sect is amazing! ?

‘When I become the Realm Lord, the first one to be destroyed will be your Zihe Immortal Sect! ’ Yu Xiaohe roared with grief and anger in his heart.

But he took another look at Su Yu's list. He had to pay tribute to Su Yu almost every year. His face suddenly darkened, and he gritted his teeth and left.

Jiehe Religion

  She is quite good at finding resources in the sea and rivers.

 In the world of cultivating immortals, there are no forces or orthodox traditions that are good at this.

 After that, Su Yu summoned all the disciples of the Purple Crane Immortal Sect for a meeting, and forced them to surrender and collect resources and materials for themselves, otherwise the Immortal Sect's decrees would be served.

Although Su Yu knew that these people might not necessarily obey, it didn't matter.

 If anyone disobeys or dares to fish after a period of time, go find someone to talk to.

 If you fail once, you will succeed twice. If you fail twice, you will stay by your side and teach you slowly.

He didn’t believe that they all came to the immortal world. Are their bones still that hard?

the other side.

Ji Qianyu knew a lot of information about He Xiu from Huang Long, including the Purple Crane Immortal Sect, Geng Jin Immortal Sword Art, and the foundation of the Immortal Body. Huang Long glanced at Ji Qianyu and said: "If he is really He Xiu, what will happen to you and that person?" The so-called Little Immortal Lord is definitely a formidable enemy, and with a perfect foundation of Immortal Body, he is absolutely invincible."

“Only for me, as long as I have the same resources as him, it’s nothing, it’s not worth mentioning!”

“Even if you can help me restore my cultivation base, I will become an immortal in just a moment. I will personally take you to the immortal world!”

Ji Qianyu naturally wanted to become an immortal, and even went to the immortal world, as long as he could become an immortal.

But he is not a fool who will be fooled by just a few words.

Ji Qianyu smiled and said: "It's best for you to talk to the Immortal Lord when he comes back. I believe that if you are willing to join the Immortal Lord Palace, the Little Immortal Lord will definitely give you a lot of resources."

"Even if you can pull Na Hexiu or Su Yu from the position of true successor, you will have all the resources you want."

 Huanglong wanted to arouse Ji Qianyu or the locals' fear of "He Xiu", or even suppress and persecute him.

However, Ji Qianyu also thought that if Huang Long dealt with Su Yu, it would be best to kill Su Yu and end it all once and for all.

 With such a result, naturally neither party is satisfied.

After Huang Long returned to his cave in the Immortal Palace, he immediately cursed: "A bunch of poor ghosts, natives, and inferior mortals! They are not willing to give me any resources!?"

Thinking of 'He Xiu', Huang Long's face suddenly darkened.

He also started the basic cultivation of the immortal body, but the cultivation has just begun, and not a single skeleton of the immortal body has been completed.

 And if what he expected was true, why should that guy have at least built a few pieces!

 Thinking of the terrifying Gengjin edge he faced before, Huang Long still has lingering fears. If not for that, why would he not be afraid and not kill him directly.

Then maybe he would have died at the hands of He Xiu before!

 Huanglong thought for a moment and quickly summoned Huang Ling Dongtian’s disciples who had previously participated in the Zhenwu Immortal Court entrance trial. Huang Ling Dongtian also had six disciples here.

If we can stay together and look for disciples from Huang Lingdongtian elsewhere, we may not be unable to compete with Na Hexiu in the future.

But in a short period of time, Huang Long had no intention of looking for a way out of trouble.

 One step first, step by step.

 He must catch up with the progress of He Xiu's immortal body foundation!

 Otherwise he would never be able to stop fighting with He.

Not long after, Huang Long and the other disciples of Huang Lingdongtian decided to deepen their relationship with the second elder Ji Qianyu and others, and even join the Immortal Lord Palace to integrate into the local forces.

 Let’s use local power and resources to strengthen ourselves little by little.

As long as they gain momentum, there may not be a chance to swallow them up in the future and use these lower realm natives for their own use!

 After completing the previous task, Su Yu received 500,000 contribution points.

Just after he asked Nan Zhanxian and others to get back the resources they had exchanged and prepare to continue practicing in seclusion, Emperor Zhenwu's personal maid Fairy Ruojun arrived and took Su Yu to meet Emperor Zhenwu.

 In the depths of that huge secret realm, Su Yu once again saw Emperor Zhenwu's terrifying large riding beast, feeling a little envious in his heart.

 Think back to the three guys in my family, Black Dragon, Taixu, and Fuhai Xuangui.

The black dragon is tearing down the house all day long and has a very bad temper.

Taixu eats non-stop all day long and likes to show off.

The sea turtle is quite quiet, but it sleeps in the water all day long.

The black dragon's cultivation level is about to break through the Dongxu Realm, and its combat power is extremely strong. It is probably no worse than this group of immortal geniuses from the lower realm.

And Taixu is quite different from Fuhaixuangui. It may take one or two hundred years to break through the Dongxu realm.

Arriving at the small courtyard of the thatched house deep in the secret realm, Su Yu saw the young Emperor Zhenwu wearing simple animal skin clothing. Su Yu bowed respectfully and said, "Master."

Emperor Zhenwu was roasting some meat. He glanced at him and nodded gently: "Here we come."

"Have you cultivated the immortal method and achieved the foundation?"

Su Yu had already expected it in his heart. He even moved the power of the sword bone between his fingertips and still said respectfully: "I don't know if this is true. In the immortal method, this seems to be called the sword bone."

“This is the power of the sword bone.”

Emperor Zhenwu immediately stared at the power of the sword bone between Su Yu's fingertips. After a long time, he gently exhaled and said: "It is indeed quite mysterious. He can transform the Tao with his body and merge the Tao with his body."

He thought for a long time before throwing the fish he was leaning on to Su Yu and said: "This is a seventh-level high-grade immortal demon sea spirit fish. Seeing that your practice progress during this period is good, I will reward you."

“Go back and ask Xiao Changlin to get another one million contribution points, and exchange them for whatever training resources you need. Don’t waste your talents.”

Su Yu respectfully stepped back, and when he walked out of the secret realm, he exhaled.

Although Emperor Zhenwu is his master, the feeling of facing Emperor Zhenwu is not as close and comfortable as before when facing Taoist Tianyu.

 He also felt quite stressed.

 ‘You can continue to practice in seclusion with peace of mind. ’ Su Yu thought for a while, and when she returned to the cave, she called Gu Xianzi and Ma Tianling over.

Let’s share the spiritual fish given by Emperor Zhenwu together.

This seventh-level high-grade spiritual fish is indeed extraordinary. One bite made his body feel hot. (End of chapter)

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