Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 421: The sky collapses at the hands of immortals?

After eating the spiritual fish, the one million contribution value resources that Su Yu exchanged again were retrieved by Nan Zhanxian and other guards. Before leaving with Ma Tianling, Gu Xianzi suddenly said: "I may have to retreat for a while, I hope everything goes well. "

 Before Su Yu could ask why, Gu Xianzi had already led the people away.

And Su Yu counted the resources on his body and found that they were more than the Qiankun Ring given by Gu Xianzi before.

 ‘I hope I can repair two more sword bones. ’ Su Yu took a breath and returned to her cave, preparing to continue her retreat.

 The place where demons are buried.

Su Yu led people to eliminate a group of strange monsters that attacked the Vajra Buddhist Temple, and personally beheaded two demonic corpses. As the two demonic corpses were burned and dispersed by the monstrous Buddha's light and flames, an invisible force of merit fell on them. On him.

So at this moment, a faint halo of light has formed on Su Yu's body.

That Buddha's majesty is far more terrifying than the ordinary Buddha in the combined state.

He looked at the big mountain in front of him and breathed out a breath, waving his hand for Wu Chengzhi to take Master Vajra and a group of black guards to search.

Ever since he led the Black Guards out of the Fairy City of Yuexian Mansion, he has stayed in the Demon Burial Land, starting from the outermost mountains, clearing out strange monsters and demonic remains one by one.

By the way, collect the remaining items and resources from those demonic corpses.

What surprised Su Yu was that the elimination of these strange monsters and demonic remains could actually allow him, Wu Chengzhi and others to obtain a stronger and purer power of will than the power of incense.

With the blessing of this aspiration, Su Yu, a puppet in the body of Ksitigarbha, seemed to receive great blessings when he realized the Dharma with the help of a god.

Thunder Sound Vase Seal and Vajra Demon-Subduing Sword Technique, as well as the practice of Buddhist magical power Vajra Dharma, can get twice the result with half the effort.

 After discovering this secret, Su Yuqing became more active in slaying the Demon Burial Land.

When Wu Chengzhi found a broken and top-grade magic treasure, a decayed top-grade Buddhist treasure and other resources from a demon cave, Su Yu waved his hand and put them into the Qiankun Ring.

Although these treasures have been buried with the demonic corpses for a long time, their power has long been reduced.

But the materials forged in ancient times are extraordinary after all, and they can be purified to a certain extent, whether it is used to enrich the army of Vajra Buddha Masters, or used to allow the main body to practice Gengjin Immortal Sword Body.

If we really want to clean up the entire Demon Burial Land, maybe we can complete more than half of the Gengjin Immortal Sword Body.


Su Yu was about to take Wu Chengzhi and the others to the next place. Suddenly, his expression moved slightly, he summoned a communication token from the Qiankun Ring, and penetrated it with his mind.

Wu Qingping's voice came: "Lord Buddha, a Buddhist disciple has come to the White Horse Temple in the Buddhist domain and wants to see you."

White Horse Temple?

Su Yu frowned slightly. So far, he had only come into contact with the Great Buddha Temple, one of the top Buddhist temples in the Buddhist realm, and the power of the Great Buddha Temple was probably ranked among the top three in the Buddhist realm.

 Among the Buddhist sects in the entire Buddhist realm, the forces that are actually famous among the entire human race are known as the top ten Buddhist temples.

This White Horse Temple is one of the top ten Buddhist temples in Buddhism.

It is not as powerful as the Great Buddhist Temple, but it cannot be underestimated. It is guarded by old monks with a background in the Mahayana realm.

This White Horse Temple sent a Buddhist disciple to see me? What does this mean?

After thinking for a while, Su Yu asked Wu Chengzhi to continue leading people to clean up the strange monsters and demonic remains, while he returned to the Vajra Buddhist Temple.

  Located in the center of the Demon Burial Land.


Surrounded by Buddhist temples, the dark gold glazed tiles and the walls of the Buddhist temples are not high-profile, but when you are inside, you can feel an indescribable majesty.

At this moment, in front of the square inside the Vajra Buddha Temple, a young Buddhist priest wearing a white embroidered gold Buddha robe slightly raised his head and looked at the golden body of the Buddha standing in the center of the square in front of him, as if he were holding up the sky.

Standing under the golden body of the Buddha statue, his mind seemed to be suppressed by a towering fairy mountain, and he actually felt a Buddha's power that put him under great pressure.

His expression became more solemn and his brows gradually furrowed.

  ‘How could a wild monk have such means? ’

Looking at the Buddha statue looking down at the entire place where demons were buried, he felt inexplicably disgusted and even had the idea of ​​destroying the Buddha statue.

He is one of the great disciples of Buddhism in White Horse Temple, but he is not qualified to erect a Buddha statue.

This group of minions in the Vajra Buddha Temple are quite bold.

However, thinking of the purpose of his trip, he took a deep breath and silently recited the Pure Heart Mantra and endured it.


 Half a day passed.

A breath came from the Vajra Buddha Hall ahead, and soon, Su Yu's figure wearing a crimson embroidered gold Buddha robe appeared, along with Wu Qingping and Black Guard Fifty-Seven, following behind Su Yu.

The Buddha of Baima Temple slowly opened his eyes and watched Su Yu walking step by step until he came to a stop in front of the Buddha statue.

 “Are you the Ksitigarbha of the Vajra Temple?” the Buddhist disciple of the White Horse Temple said with an indifferent expression.

Su Yu couldn't help but frown slightly when he heard this tone. He had long heard that White Horse Temple was one of the most difficult Buddhist temples in the Buddhist realm. Now that he has just come into contact with it, it seems that it is really well-deserved.

“I wonder why the senior fellow from White Horse Temple came to the place where demons are buried?” Su Yu spoke calmly, clasped his hands together and saluted.

 “Senior brother?”

The Buddhist disciple of the White Horse Temple snorted, seeming to have a little contempt, and said: "I know your origin, and you have some connections with the Great Buddha Temple, but you just picked up a few Buddhist practices from nowhere, but you have never set foot in it. A wild monk with only half a step in Buddhism is not qualified to call me senior brother!"

Su Yu smiled when he heard this, so direct? That's pretty good.

He retracted his smile, stared straight at the Buddhist disciple of White Horse Temple and said, "Then when you come to my Diamond Temple, you must not have gotten lost, right?"

The Buddha at White Horse Temple looked cold when he heard this, and a majestic Buddha power condensed on his body. He turned out to be a Buddha at the fourth level of the body realm.

 As the dazzling magic power condenses, the boundless Buddha's light shines on the heaven and earth.

 The terrifying vision overwhelmed the entire Vajra Temple, so much so that the heaven and earth trembled.

The faces of all the Buddhist masters in the Vajra Temple changed, and they looked in the direction of the Buddha at the White Horse Temple in great fear.

The Buddhist disciple of White Horse Temple faced Su Yu with overwhelming Buddha power and said: "You are very brave, you dare to talk to this Buddha like this."

 “But you are indeed lucky.”

“When all the Buddhist temples in Buddhism are eyeing the place where demons are buried, you are very smart to take action against the Buddhist pagoda first and then occupy this place in the name of re-establishing the Vajra Buddhist Temple.”

“But have you ever understood that there are some things in this world that cannot be contaminated or owned by an ant?”

 “Without strength, you are just a joke in the eyes of others.”

 “Including you, and also the so-called Vajra Temple.”

Su Yu looked at him with interest and said, "Oh? So, your White Horse Temple is interested in the place where demons are buried?"

The Bai Ma Temple Buddha shook his head indifferently and said coldly: "This is not something you are eligible to know. Now listen, the Buddha will give you an opportunity to play with everyone." "Then, give me me Find out the true location of the ancient Vajra Temple. As long as you can do it, I can promise you that I will personally introduce you to Buddhism and become a member of my White Horse Temple."



As he stepped forward, the entire Vajra Buddha Temple trembled, and the earth instantly cracked like a spider web. The terrifying power of the Buddha seemed to crush the heaven and earth in an instant, as if the Buddha descended from the sky in anger.

"I can easily crush you and all other ants, do you understand?" He stared at Su Yu with dark eyes and said coldly.

However, Su Yu on the opposite side just shook his head slightly. Before the Buddha of White Horse Temple could react, the situation that he originally thought was staring at Su Yu and others with gloomy eyes began to change.

An extremely huge monster snake head with a strange aura appeared, and he was staring at the snake head ferociously.

next moment.


The terrifying demon snake came towards him and swallowed him in one bite. When the Buddha of White Horse Temple was a little confused, he swallowed him directly into his belly.

With the stench coming, the Buddha from White Horse Temple finally came to his senses: "Am I in an illusion!?"


The body of the strange demonic snake exploded, and the Buddha from the White Horse Temple came out with a ferocious face. The world was filled with extremely dense black mist. He wanted to find the location of the Vajra Temple, but the black mist filled the surroundings, and he no longer knew where he was.

It was not until he tore the demonic snake into pieces that the Buddha from White Horse Temple finally regained his composure, his face changed again, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes.

  I actually fell into the trap without even realizing it!

He thought he was still facing Ksitigarbha and the others in the Vajra Temple, but in the end he walked out of the Vajra Temple unknowingly, went deep into the black mist, and spoke cruelly to a demonic snake!

 This result is more frightening and unacceptable to him than killing him!

 This means that if Ksitigarbha wants to kill him, he may not even have room to resist!

 In the eyes of that Jizo, I was just a clown from beginning to end!

  ‘What method is this? ’

The scalp of the Buddha at White Horse Temple was numb, and he immediately shattered the space and escaped into the deep void. He summoned a Buddhist treasure from White Horse Temple to find the direction, and fled back to the Buddhist realm in fear and panic.

Vajra Buddhist Temple.

Su Yu watched the Buddhist disciples of Baima Temple fleeing in the black mist, and frowned slightly, but in her mind she thought of the changes in the place where demons were buried.

Although this change is not obvious yet, it is already a sign.

That is the thick black fog that permeates the Demon Burial Land. It is no longer just within the scope of the Demon Burial Land, but has begun to spread towards the outside world.

 Especially towards the Buddhist realm.

in short,

 The area of ​​‘Demon Burial Land’ is expanding!

The Buddhist territory closest to the Demon Burial Place is actually the White Horse Temple territory.

If the black fog in the Demon Buried Land continues to expand until it begins to engulf the territory of White Horse Temple and the Buddhist City.

 Looking at the visit of the Buddha from White Horse Temple this time, you will understand why.

Su Yu breathed out lightly, her brows already furrowed tightly: "If this continues, let alone White Horse Temple, other Buddhist sects, even the Great Buddhist Temple, will be unable to sit still and come to visit."

This time only a Buddhist disciple from Baima Temple came, and he could still handle it.

 What about next time?

He has absolutely no control over the changes in the Demon Burial Land. If one day the black mist of the Demon Burial Land really swallows the entire Buddha Realm, where will the Vajra Temple go?

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly the shadow of the Sky-Qingling Mountain behind the Vajra Buddha Temple trembled, and the boundless Buddha light reflected the heavens. A terrible vision seemed to sweep the entire world of immortality at this moment.

Su Yu's expression suddenly changed. He raised his head to look at the sky. When he saw the vision, he couldn't help but be stunned.


It was a black hand holding up the sky. It seemed to have penetrated the entire world of immortality from the sky and descended. The aura of boundless darkness surrounded the entire giant hand. The space around the giant hand continued to collapse, so that the whole world seemed to have turned into chaos. .

The world of immortality produced a terrible thunder and struck the giant hand, but the giant hand was unscathed.

 Until a terrifying ten-story tower rises across the sky.

Together with several other terrifying Taoist artifacts, they fought to the death with that giant hand, and the heaven and earth as well as the power of the Tao were destroyed by them.

 But when the giant hand fell completely, Su Yu and many cultivators in the world of immortality saw clearly that the giant hand was surrounded by the aura of boundless darkness—

 It was just a severed hand!


The visionary scene stopped abruptly. Along with the tremors of the Demon Burial Ground, something terrible seemed to be awakening. Su Yu also felt the emergence of Qi that made his scalp numb.

 He quickly ordered: "Let's go, let's all get out of the Demon Burial Ground for the time being!"

 It was not until three months later, when Su Yu returned with his people away from the Demon Burial Place, that the movement here had returned to calm.

However, there have been many changes in the Demon Burial Land.

A small fairy city that was originally thousands of miles away from the Demon Burial Place has been completely engulfed by black mist at this moment. Some of the young monks in the original fairy city have fled in panic.

However, some people are afraid, and some are interested in the changes and opportunities in the Demon Burial Land.

 The edge of the black fog.

Su Yu took the Master of the Tianxu Palace to look at the black mist that seemed to lift up the sky from a distance. The Master of the Tianxu Palace looked at the mysterious black mist with some fear and said: "Master, there are rumors from the outside that the burial place of the ancient Vajra Temple in the past was The giant hand suppressed by the Demonic Buddha Tower is the hand of an ancient immortal."

Su Yu frowned slightly and said, "Do you think it is true or false?"

The master of Tianxu Hall slowly exhaled and said: "The group of people who came from the immortal world all said that it was the hand of an immortal. They should not be wrong."

The previous changes in the Demon Burial Land caused terrible phenomena.

The giant hand holding up the sky opened a big hole in the sky and came down, but only a severed hand. Only the Vajra Buddha and other terrifying Taoist weapons could join forces to barely resist the suppression.

The aura escaping from the severed hand caused the heaven and earth in the world of immortality to collapse, and even the great road could not be annihilated.

It's really terrible.

It is now rumored that the severed hand is suppressed in the Demon Burial Ground. This is indeed very possible, and even Su Yu is so suspicious in his heart.

But now he is still wondering, where did the severed hand come from?

If it is really the hand of an immortal, which immortal's hand is it?

Does he have anything to do with the ancient immortal who planned to hunt the immortal with the ancient Yuexian and others?

Looking at many immortal cultivators and cultivating forces in the world of immortality breaking into the Demon Burial Ground, Su Yu took a deep breath. Thinking of the great ambition he had made before, he couldn't help but feel an even bigger headache.

 Damn it, why is there still a severed hand of an immortal? Where is that hand now? (End of chapter)

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