Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 502: The foundation of the Five Elements Immortal Body has reached the eighth level of beas

 Zhenwu Xianting.

When Su Yu came back, senior brother Tian Wudi and senior sister Nan Xiaogu came out to greet her. However, they were startled when they saw Fairy Xuan Ying and Fairy Bai Yao beside Su Yu.

Nan Xiaogu frowned slightly and said, "Junior brother, these two are"

Su Yu said: "The former elder of Xuanxian Mountain in the White Jade Immortal Realm, Fairy Xuanying, a half-immortal at the peak of the Tribulation Realm, has now decided to serve our Immortal Court and join the Immortal Court."

“This is her disciple, named Bai Yao, who used to be the Taoist girl of Xuanxian Mountain.”

Fairy Xuanying and Fairy Bai Yao both looked at Fairy Gu. In terms of looks alone, Fairy Gu and Fairy Bai Yao were equally matched. Fairy Gu looked colder and noble, while Fairy Bai Yao was gentle and sweet. Each has its own autumn colors.

The moment they saw Gu Xianzi, the two of them clearly felt a hint of 'hostility' in Gu Xianzi.

However, after hearing that the two of them originated from the White Jade Immortal Realm, and now joined the Immortal Court and worked hard for the Immortal Court, the hostility on Fairy Gu dissipated, a smile appeared on her face, and she continued: "Welcome to you two fellow Taoists. "

Tian Wudi looked at Fairy Xuanying in horror.

 Half-immortal at the peak of the Tribulation Realm!

Such a person actually chooses to surrender and serve the Immortal Court?

After settling Fairy Xuanying and Fairy Bai Yao, Tian Wudi, Fairy Gu and others quickly found Su Yu and learned about the White Jade Fairy World.

After learning that Emperor Zhenwu, Su Yu and the others had captured the territory of the Holy Immortal Sect, one of the six major immortal forces in the White Jade Immortal Realm, even an immortal bowed to them and was willing to surrender, Tian Wudi and Gu Xianzi They were all extremely shocked and shocked.

That is an immortal!

“If you don’t withstand the tribulation of the immortal world, you will never be a true immortal. Compared with a real immortal, your strength is completely different.” Su Yu shook his head slowly.

Furthermore, Immortal Yu Xi obviously cannot enter the world of immortality due to his realm.

  In comparison.

Su Yu feels that Fairy Xuanying may be of greater help to Zhenwu Xianting.

  After all, he is a half-immortal at the peak of the Tribulation Realm.

As long as she adapts to the environment of the world of immortality, Fairy Xuanying's strength in the world of immortality will be greatly improved, and she will definitely become one of the top powerful people in the world of immortality.

After staying in Zhenwu Immortal Court for a period of time, Su Yu let the Taoist puppet return to the Buddhist realm.

 Continue to refine the incense, vows, practice, and transform your body.

 And the other side.

 The world of Wuliang Cicada Palace Ruins.

Su Yu’s true body and Fenshen Tao body are practicing in the area outside the Taoist temple.

Under the pressure of the terrifying power and immortal power of the fairy mountain in the distance, the speed of Su Yu's body and Fenshen Tao body cultivation reached an unprecedented level.

 Wisps of immortal energy were refined into Su Yu's body and Fenshen Tao body, and transformed into the physical body and Tao fruit.

 Time flies.

 Another hundred years have passed.


 Divide the spirit plant body transformed into the divine body. At this moment, the spirit plant body is already ten feet tall, the branches have become luxuriant, and the manifested canopy can cover the surrounding area for dozens of meters.

Faint golden fairy light is dense, and a terrifying fairy power diffuses from the body of the spirit plant.

In the past hundred years, with the help of the terrifying immortal power of the Immortal Mountain, the divine Taoist body has refined all the Yin Spirit power obtained from the Yinhai Immortal Sect, and the divine soul has undergone a qualitative transformation and improvement.

Even under the nourishment of the immortal energy, the distraction has a hint of golden light, and it seems that it is transforming towards the immortal soul.

this moment.

Su Yu sensed the changes in Fenshendao's body. In terms of body, Fenshendao has been practicing the Cangmu Immortal Sutra these years. Now there are more growth rings in the body. A total of eight growth rings are imprinted deep inside Fenshendao's body. .

 A majestic breath of life and time pervades the whole body through the annual ring.

 Eight annual rings!

 That is to say, he has completed the eighth level of the Cangmu Immortal Sutra and has achieved the Mahayana realm.

As for the soul, with the help of the terrifying Yin spirit power, it has now directly broken through to the early stage of the Tribulation Realm.

  This is a change in cultivation.

 At a deeper level, after refining countless immortal energy over the years, the bloodline of the seed of Fenshen Dao body seems to have reached a new bottleneck.

The body is filled with immortal energy, and the body is as hard as a semi-immortal weapon.

 A single leaf is as heavy as a spiritual mountain, capable of crushing the heaven and earth!

Su Yu feels that even if he distracts his Taoist body and goes out to challenge the semi-immortal in the late stage of Tribulation Realm, he will not be at a disadvantage, and he can even outdo the opponent.

Because now Fenshen Dao body has refined countless immortal energy, and even the Dao foundation of Cangmu Immortal Body has reached an extremely strong level. The physical body is comparable to a defensive semi-immortal weapon. How can an ordinary Tribulation Realm half-immortal without a semi-immortal weapon be able to defeat him? Move him.

Perhaps only a person at the level of Emperor Zhenwu can threaten the body of the gods and shake the body's defense.

Looking up at the fairy mountain that was not far away, Su Yu had no intention of forcing her way up.

 His eyes fell on a few spiritual plants here, as well as some soil and stones on the ground.

Su Yu's eyes flashed, and he transformed into a human form. He walked up to these spiritual plants, waved his hands, picked some leaves from these spiritual plants, and then took some soil and some stones.

He looked at these spiritual plants, soil, and stones, felt the quality of these things, and nodded with satisfaction: "They are all high-quality materials for talismans and puppets."

These things have been nourished by the immortal energy of the fairy mountain for many years, and have long since transformed, and are no longer extraordinary objects.

If you use these things to make talisman paper, talisman clay, talisman ink, and talisman pens, the talismans drawn may have miraculous effects!

 He did not leave this outside world.

 Instead, he retreated to a place in the back where Xianwei was a little less scary.

Then a stone table was made. On the stone table, materials that could be used to draw talismans were sorted out. The talisman ink and talisman mud were made from the blood of ninth-level monsters from outside and the soil from the fairy mountain.

The talisman paper is planned to be made from the branches and leaves of the spiritual plant here.

 It took Su Yu more than a month to produce more than 60 pieces of talisman materials.

 He closed his eyes and thought, and the inheritance of talismans came to his mind.

Whether it is in the inheritance left by Zhenwu Immortal Court or Yuexian, there are some inheritance of talismans, including eighth-level talismans and even ninth-level talismans.

In terms of eighth-level talismans, Su Yu can now draw the eighth-level mid-level talisman, which is not too strong.

 “The distraction body has completely refined the power of the Yin spirit.”

“Next, you can refine the immortal energy here and practice while comprehending the charm of talismans, puppets, formations, etc.”

It's just that it's not easy to draw and make talismans at the eighth level.

 Generally, if an eighth-level talisman master wants to draw an eighth-level talisman, it will take at least a month.

  It does not include the loss of preparation materials and failure to draw symbols.

 So a Talisman Master of the eighth level or above is very rare in the world of immortality.

Of course, the same is true for alchemists, formation masters, weapon refiners, etc.

 More than half a month later.

I was distracted and looked at the finished eighth-grade middle-grade talisman on the stone table in front of me. The aura permeating it was even more terrifying than the ordinary eighth-grade high-grade talisman.

He was secretly shocked. The materials in this extraterrestrial place were indeed extraordinary. They were moistened with immortal energy and greatly enhanced the power of the talisman.

It’s like a qualitative transformation. ‘This thing is enough to withstand even a ninth-level painted talisman. ’

Su Yu glanced at the proficiency panel. The proficiency of this talisman has increased by about 0.1%, which is not bad. Compared with the lifespan of the Mahayana Heavenly Lord, and compared with the improvement of ordinary talisman masters, this improvement speed is absolutely It's the level of a monster.

 He nodded with satisfaction, and after cleaning the stone table, he began to draw the talisman again.

“With the current strength of my Dao Shen, I might be able to try to draw a ninth-level low-grade talisman.”

 He has to keep up with the pace of improvement in his skills in alchemy, talismans, formations, puppets, etc.

the other side.

 The body.

At this moment, the body is filled with an invisible and colorless purple flame aura, like fairy fire glass. The terrifying aura ripples in all directions, making the surrounding heaven and earth seem to have some ripples.

 This is the power of the Zitian Heart Flame Immortal Technique.

 The flames of spiritual practice are not ordinary flames, but the flames of the heart.

 Born from the heart.

 Favors the fire-like flames along the path of the soul.

Su Yu tried to practice for many years, and finally completed it more than forty years ago. During these forty years, he has been practicing the Five Elements Immortal Technique, including the Purple Sky Heart Flame Immortal Technique, to perfect the foundation of the Five Elements Immortal Body in his body.

 And he is comprehending the mystery of the foundation of the Five Elements Immortal Body in his body.

From the foundation of the Five Elements Immortal Body, we can infer the Five Elements Immortal Dharma method of cultivating the foundation of the Five Elements Immortal Body.

 To this day—


As Su Yu operated the new Five Elements Art, the power belonging to the Five Elements Immortal Technique spread out from the body. The immortal bones of the Immortal Body filled out the Five Elements Immortal Light, and the power of the Five Elements spread throughout Su Yu's body.

 For a time, Su Yu felt her strength surge.

 Not only his own magic power, but also the power of his own body has also skyrocketed.

 His cultivation aura is only in the late stage of the Body Realm, and is still a little short of the Mahayana Realm.

But as the power of the Five Elements Immortal Body burst out, Su Yu felt that her mana had increased more than ten times, and was even comparable to the Heavenly Lord in the late Mahayana realm.

And inside his body, there are fairy bones of the Five Elements Immortal Body all over the place. There are already more than 150 bones in his body, and he is not far away from the completion of the foundation of the Immortal Body.

When Su Yu exploded with the basic power of the Five Elements Immortal Body, the area around him that was filled with the Five Elements Immortal Light seemed to be trapped in a static field. Feeling this power, Su Yu was horrified: "What if he was in this Five Elements Immortal Body?" In the light realm, even half-immortals in the early stages of the Tribulation Realm may not be able to move!"

Half-immortals in the middle stage of the Tribulation Realm, and even half-immortals in the late stage, will be affected by the realm of the Five Elements Immortal Light, and will be imprisoned and suppressed by this Five Elements Immortal Light.

Su Yu’s eyes flashed.

The foundation of the Five Elements Immortal Body actually has such terrifying magical powers?

His current Five Elements Immortal Body Immortal Bone Foundation has not yet been fully completed. If it were fully completed, or even perfected, how terrifying would the power of this realm be?

in addition.

 The foundation of the immortal body is not only the immortal bones, but also the second level of immortal blood and the third level of immortal soul!

 The foundation of the triple immortal body is complete, which is the perfect foundation of the immortal body!

 At that time, how powerful this Five Elements Immortal Light Realm will be!

By then, most of the half-immortals who are not at the peak of the Tribulation Realm will fall into the realm of his Five Elements Immortal Light and will be unable to move even a little bit and will be suppressed by him.

 “Hahaha, not bad.”

 “Continue to practice.”

Su Yu used the Five Elements Immortal Body method to continue practicing the Five Elements Immortal Body, tempering the bones in the body and turning them into Five Elements Immortal Bones.

At the same time, he is still practicing the two body refining techniques of Celestial Immortal Body Refining Technique and Celestial Refining Divine Technique.

With the auxiliary practice of immortal energy, the power of these two body refining techniques seems to have changed.

Su Yu's body became more and more terrifying.

 More than thirty years have passed.

this day.

There was a roar of a dragon coming from behind. The distracted Taoist body who was drawing a talisman looked back, but it was the black dragon that had made a breakthrough in its cultivation, breaking through from the seventh level to the eighth level.

And under the nourishment of the immortal energy, the bloodline of the black dragon seems to have improved and transformed.

The terrifying power of the dragon filled the world, and the dark and destructive aura of the black dragon became more and more terrifying.

Looking at the black dragon that had broken through the transformation, Su Yu was a little surprised: "This guy's bloodline has probably become the purest in the world of immortality, and the dragon closest to a real dragon."

I wonder if it can transform into a real dragon when it continues to practice here in the Immortal Mountain and becomes an immortal beast in the future?

And in the fairy world, are there any dragons?

This really wants to transform into a real dragon, can't the black dragon directly join the dragon clan?

Su Yu thought about this possibility. Don't tell me, there is a great chance.

If the black dragon can really join the dragon clan, it can be said that it will soar into the sky as soon as it enters the fairy world.

Maybe there will be a chance to support his master.

Thinking of this, Su Yu chuckled, that's good, it's not in vain to support such a big guy.

Then his eyes fell on a bird's nest on the top of a big tree behind. Inside the bird's nest, Taixu was sleeping soundly. Not only did his fat body not become thinner due to seclusion and practice, on the contrary, while it was sleeping, From time to time, a trace of the immortal energy that permeates the world will be swallowed up by it.

 After refining these immortal energies, the immortal power of Taixu, a strange beast with the bloodline of a heavenly phoenix, also became more and more terrifying, and he became more and more like a heavenly phoenix.


This guy is still too fat, like a ball.

The aura on Taixu's body has now reached the peak of the seventh level, not far from the eighth level.

 Under Taixu, the sea-covering black turtle is also sleeping. Compared with the embarrassment when he came in and needed to use his bloodline magical power to resist the power of the immortal mountain.

Now the Black Turtle has adapted to the environment here, and his aura has become much stronger.

In terms of pure blood and aura, Su Yu felt that the Black Sea Turtle was not weaker than the Black Dragon, and was much stronger than Taixu Ke.

Now the cultivation aura on his body has also reached the top of the seventh level.

If it breaks through to the eighth level, perhaps the Heavenly Lord at the peak of the Mahayana Realm will be unable to do anything to it, or even be killed by it, and he will be able to fight against the early half-immortals in the Tribulation Realm.

"If you practice for another hundred and eighty years, you may have a chance to break through to the eighth level." Su Yu thought to himself as he sensed the progress of the two beast masters.

By then, all three of his beasts will be eighth-level beasts!


 The world of Wuliang Cicada Palace Ruins.

Su Yu's Taoist puppet came here and sat cross-legged in the terrifying fairy formation barrier that enveloped the Taoist temple. His spiritual thoughts were integrated into this incomplete fairy formation, and he understood the mystery of this fairy formation.

This is an incomplete immortal formation set up by the owner of the ancient Infinite Cicada Palace, called the Infinite Immortal Formation.

Su Yu had some insights before and was able to initially control this incomplete immortal formation.

Now he plans to understand how to improve the formation, and this incomplete immortal formation is a good choice. (End of chapter)

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