Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 503: The master of Wuliang Cicada Palace left a passage to the fairy world!

 At this moment, the outside world.

 Cangzhou domain.

The master of Tianxian Palace was walking out of the ruins of the Immortal Formation with a group of elders and disciples of Tianxian Palace and Taoist Xuanhuang. Suddenly, strange phenomena occurred in the whole world, and the terrifying power of heaven descended, suppressing the master of Tianxian Palace and others.

But sensing this powerful force of heaven, the master of Tianxian Palace and others were all a little intoxicated and full of surprises.

An elder who was a half-immortal at the peak of the Tribulation Realm was extremely surprised and said: "No wonder the Zhenwu Emperor is so arrogant, and his Dao Foundation is so amazing. With such a way of heaven to comprehend, how can the Dao Foundation not be powerful?"

 A Taoist who was in the early stage of the Tribulation Realm flashed his eyes and said with some excitement: "I can feel that here, maybe my strength and Taoism will be improved!"

“The middle stage of the Tribulation Realm may be before our eyes.”

 After a long time of adapting, the Palace Master of Tianxian Palace looked at Taoist Xuanhuang.

Taoist Xuanhuang nodded and said, "Let's go back to the ancient Xuanhuang land where the Immortal Gate used to be."

Although he already knew from Emperor Zhenwu that the Xuanhuang Ancient Land no longer exists, the Immortal Sect's spiritual veins cannot be absent.

 Since he is back, and he is supported by powerful forces such as the Celestial Palace, there is no reason why he cannot even take back the Immortal Sect in the past.

 Swish, swish, swish!

Taoist Xuanhuang, the Palace Master of Tianxian Palace and others left one after another, escaping into the void towards the Xuanhuang Ancient Land Immortal Gate.

Not long after they left, Immortal Lord Bingjiu, Dongchu Shanze and other immortal forces from the Dongchu clan arrived one after another. They looked at the direction in which Taoist Xuanhuang and others left, and their expressions became more solemn.

Then he looked in the direction of the Immortal Formation ruins, his eyes flashing.

Bingjiu looked at Dongchu Shanze and others, and whispered: "Are these people from that extraterrestrial place, the natives of the White Jade Immortal World?"

The Immortal from the Purple Crane Immortal Sect looks like a kind-hearted young Taoist named Green Wine Taoist Immortal. However, he speaks more arrogantly and aloof, as if he is looking down on a group of ants.

He sneered and snorted: "It's just a bunch of ants that dare to claim to come from the fairy world. It's ridiculous."

Bingjiu ignored him, but looked at Dongchu Shanze and others, his eyes flashed and he whispered: "That is a place outside the realm of immortality, and there is no interference from the heavenly way of the immortality world!"

“Do you think it’s possible to set up an altar there again to connect with the fairy world?”

“If it’s possible, then it’s probably not impossible to send resources and treasures through the White Jade Immortal Realm outside the realm, or even send them down directly?”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Dongchu Shanze, Qingjiu Daoxian and others suddenly condensed, and their eyes sparkled.

indeed so!

 There is no interference or suppression from the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm in the outside world!

If we can really set up an altar, contact the fairy world, and then let the fairy world transmit resources and treasures, or even directly pass them down to people, it will be a very promising thing.

And without the interference of the heavenly realm of cultivating immortals, the possibility of making mistakes will be greatly reduced.

Maybe even if their forces in the fairy world want to send something down, they won't have to pay such a huge price.

 There may still be a cost, but at least it will be bearable.

Qingjiu Taoist Immortal said: "Then let's go over and have a look?"

Bingjiu shook his head slightly, looked in the direction of Xuanhuang Ancient Land and said: "During this period, I asked about this so-called White Jade Immortal Realm. This is just a so-called ancient monk in this world who came unexpectedly to deal with an evil immortal and an immortal. A place outside the boundaries.”

“Today, there are several so-called immortals in that place, but obviously, they have never been baptized by the immortal calamity, so they can only be called fake immortals at best.”

"As for the forces in this place, I think we should no longer respond with hostility, but rather, win them over and use them for our own purposes."

“When the time comes, with the help of the forces from the so-called White Jade Immortal World, it will be easier for us to deal with the natives of the Immortal World.”

 Dongchu Shanze thought for a moment, nodded and said, "It makes sense."

“Then let’s find a way to see if we can get in touch with the group of people just now!”

The news that Taoist Xuanhuang returned to the world of immortality and re-established the Xuanhuang Ancient Land soon swept the entire world of immortality, causing an uproar among countless forces. Zhenwu Xianting Tianwudi and others were also surprised.

 After all, they knew very well that Taoist Xuanhuang had joined the forces in the White Jade Immortal Realm.

 Why did you return to the world of cultivating immortals to rebuild the Xuanhuang Ancient Land?


Tian Wudi investigated the situation and found out that Taoist Xuanhuang had come back to rebuild the Xuanhuang Ancient Land Immortal Sect with the people from the Heavenly Immortal Palace in the White Jade Immortal Realm.

 In other words, Xuanhuang Taoist did not rebuild the Xuanhuang Ancient Land’s Immortal Sect power by himself.

But to rebuild a stronghold of power in the world of immortality for the White Jade Immortal Realm Tianxian Palace!

Tian Wudi was secretly angry: "You betrayed Master and the others in the White Jade Immortal Realm before and chose to join the forces of the White Jade Immortal Realm. Now you are bringing the forces of the White Jade Immortal Realm to the Immortal Cultivation Realm to cause trouble?"

Taoist Xuanhuang, you are really looking for death!

Not long after, some forces from the world of immortality, including the Yao Clan and the Sea Clan, found Zhenwu Immortal Court and contacted Tian Wudi.

It's just that Emperor Zhenwu and others are still in the White Jade Immortal Realm. Tian Wudi is not sure how to deal with this matter, so he can only observe and observe for the time being.

However, Tian Wudi didn't know it. Soon after Taoist Xuanhuang led the Tianxian Palace Master and others to retake the Xianmen position and stabilized it, a group of uninvited guests suddenly arrived.

Bingjiu and others appeared in front of the Tianxian Palace Palace Master, Xuanhuang Taoist and others. Their exquisite faces and the terrifying power far beyond the ordinary Tribulation Realm half-immortals made the Tianxian Palace Palace Master and others' expressions change slightly.

Bingjiu looked at them and smiled softly: "Do you want to become an immortal?"

In a word, many people in Tianxian Palace, including the palace owner, were breathing heavily and were immediately manipulated.

The Palace Master of Tianxian Palace looked at Bingjiu and others with slightly focused eyes. Thinking of the information about the Immortal Cultivation World that Tianxian Palace had previously investigated, he said with a hint of surprise: "Are you the so-called Immortal World people from the Cultivation Immortal World?"

 Bingjiu, Dongchu Shanze, Qingjiu Daoxian and others all had their faces darkened, and there were terrifying auras about them that surpassed those of half-immortals in the Tribulation Realm.

Although most of their cultivation auras are only in the middle stage of the Tribulation Realm, the power and terror of that aura is no less powerful than that of a half-immortal at the peak of the Tribulation Realm!

The Green Wine Taoist Immortal scolded: "We are the true immortals in the immortal world, and my name is the Green Wine Immortal!"

Bingjiu also said in a deep voice: "My name is Bingjiu Immortal!"

 Dongchu Shanze said: "Shanze Immortal!"

As the names came in one by one, the head of the Tianxian Palace and others suddenly felt numb, and even their feet felt a little weak. Damn it, they are all immortals!

Moreover, this is not an immortal from their White Jade Immortal Realm.

But it comes from the real immortals in the immortal world!

Although Bing Jiu and others are not at the peak of cultivation now, and are not even as good as them, when they really face Bing Jiu and others, especially after Bing Jiu and others reported their names, the master of Tianxian Palace and others suddenly lost all their aura, and even It seems that the waist is not as straight as before.

The master of the Tianxian Palace took a deep breath, looked at Bingjiu and the others with a trembling voice, and asked cautiously: "I wonder if the senior immortals have arrived, but what are your orders?"

Bingjiu, Dongchu Shanze, Qingjiu Daoxian and others looked at each other vaguely, a little surprised.

This gesture—

 Very docile.

At the same time, Bingjiu and others couldn't help but feel resentment in their hearts. This resentment was towards Su Yu and the forces in the immortal world such as Zhenwu Xianting.

If that group of people were so respectful to them at the beginning, how could there be so many troubles now?

  I really have to wait until they win the opportunity to cultivate the world of immortality.

  It is not impossible to give them a chance to go to the fairy world and become immortals in the future!      In comparison.

 The group of people in front of me are very knowledgeable.

Just hearing their name, one already has a respectful attitude, as gentle and obedient as a little sheep.

Bingjiu stared at the Palace Master of Tianxian Palace and others, and said: "I heard that you are from a place outside the world? The White Jade Immortal World? Tell me in detail about this land outside the world!"

The people from the Immortal Realm and the White Jade Immortal Realm hang out together.

 Zhenwu Xianting doesn't know about this matter yet, and Su Yu doesn't know about it either.

 Nearly a hundred years have passed.

 In the world of Wuliang Cicada Palace Ruins.

The Taoist puppet moved slightly, and the dust covering its body suddenly rustled down. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the proficiency panel.

  【Array: Infinite Immortal Array (immortal level, incomplete (10% power), proficiency 79.73%). 】

 ‘It can be regarded as a complete enlightenment. ’

Su Yu had a smile on his face. Although it was only an incomplete Immortal Formation, he felt that his comprehension of the Infinite Immortal Formation had at least brought his understanding of the formation to the eighth level, or even barely to the ninth level.

 When he can understand other formations, it will be much easier.

 He moved his body.

 Perceive the status of one's body and the other's body.

"The five-element immortal body of the original body has been tempered to nearly two hundred bones. It is not far from perfection. The cultivation level is not bad and there is some progress. It has just broken through the early stage of the Mahayana realm." Su Yu was quite satisfied and returned to the White Jade Immortal Realm for two days of retreat. After a hundred years, the harvest is still quite big.

The Five Elements Immortal Body is completed, and the Immortal Bones are also tempered to perfection.

 So do the calculations.

When you reach the peak of the semi-immortal realm of transcending tribulations, it should be no problem to complete the three-layer foundation of the immortal body.

As for talismans, not long ago I drew some low-grade ninth-level talismans.

 Because of the use of materials from the Fairy Mountain, the power of these ninth-level low-grade talismans is stronger than the ordinary talismans outside.

 At present, I am still painting a lot and am accumulating proficiency bit by bit.

 The place outside the boundary.

The main body slowly opened his eyes at this time. Su Yu stood up from the ground and looked at the fairy mountain that was not far ahead. Although the fairy power of the fairy mountain was still terrifying, it seemed that it was not unbearable for him.

Looking at the fairy mountain that is like a mountain rising up into the sky, Su Yu hesitated for a moment, then took steps and walked towards the fairy mountain step by step.

 When he reached the foot of Fairy Mountain, a thatched house appeared in front of him.

The thatched house is not big, with a small fenced yard in front and a row of plowed fertile fields.

 It’s a pity that nothing was planted on this field.

Feeling the rich fairy atmosphere here, Su Yu felt a heartache in her heart. If she could plant some spiritual plants here, I'm afraid it wouldn't take long for her to harvest a bunch of precious elixirs.

Even ninth-level elixirs are probably easy to grow here.

 What a waste.

 He did not feel the breath of prohibition here.

 But he still took every step carefully, until he used the puppet to carefully open the 'door' of the thatched house in front.

 What surprised Su Yu was that nothing happened until now.

He walked into the thatched house with a trace of curiosity, and his eyes suddenly fell on a wooden table in front of him. On the wooden table, there was a jade slip.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Yu used his fateful magical power to deduce the bad luck.

 But after more than ten years of life, he did not feel any dangerous energy.

Then what is this?

Is it possible that it is the jade slip left by the owner of Wuliang Cicada Palace?

Su Yu hesitated for a moment, then carefully picked up the jade slip, and put out a trace of his mind into the jade slip.

After a while, a vague voice sounded in his mind: "Haha, did the little guy finally find the place where I left the palace master?"

“Yes, since this is fate, I will also leave you an opportunity.”

“On the top of the Immortal Mountain, I have left behind a heaven-reaching Immortal Formation. If you have a chance and can activate it, you can go to the Immortal Realm to find your destiny.”

“In addition, you can keep this jade slip. Maybe if you have a chance, you can also participate in the assessment of the disciples of the Immortal World’s Wuliang Tianshan and join them.”

 “See you again if we are destined.”

Hearing this, Su Yu's heart suddenly trembled and she was horrified.

 Tongtian Immortal Formation?

 Be able to go to the fairy world! ?

He suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the top of the fairy mountain outside. The fairy light in his eyes burst out, revealing a bit of surprise, excitement and a little solemnity.

It wasn't until a moment later that Su Yu used the Eighth Life Golden Cicada Reincarnation Technique to calm down his mind, and took a deep breath: "Huh."

 The passage to the fairy world is naturally very tempting.

 But he did not lose his mind.

 After all, his current cultivation level is only in the Mahayana realm.

Moreover, he has just broken through to the early stages of the Mahayana realm. Even in the world of immortality, he is not yet at the top, let alone in the more terrifying world of immortality.

"So, before you reach the peak of the Tribulation Realm and reach the limit of your cultivation and strength, you must not leave the world of cultivation and go to the fairy world." Su Yu thought secretly in his heart, "It would be best if you can directly break through the immortal world when you go to the fairy world. realm."

“In this way, even if you go to the fairy world, you won’t become a low-level minion.”

 From the memories of He Xiu and others, the fairyland is vast and boundless, with endless creatures.

 And not all of these creatures are immortals.

Most of them are just mortals or ordinary spirits below the immortals.

 Having broken through to the realm of immortals, one may not be at the top of the immortal world, but it is definitely not at the bottom either.

Especially among the immortal forces such as the Purple Crane Immortal Sect, Yinhai Immortal Sect, and Huangling Dongtian, the status of immortals is already very high. They are the middle and upper-level forces of these forces and can serve as elders.

 So Su Yu glanced at the top of the Immortal Mountain, suppressed his thoughts about the Heavenly Immortal Formation for the time being, and had no intention of going up to the Immortal Mountain to find out.

Hide the jade slip, Su Yu leaves the outside world and returns to the world of Wuliang Cicada Palace ruins.

He plans to refine some formation tokens that can be used to enter and exit the world of ruins, so that the Earthly Immortal Mansion and the Su family can return to the world of immortality and see the changes outside. (End of chapter)

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